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Released: 31st August 1996 - World First: 13th Hour BBS - Collection No: #39
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_ _| :
_ _ __///\_\ .
\/_/ |
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| .__/)(¬)(\__. |
¦ `-._ _ _ _.-' | image is nothing
: __( /.\ )__ |
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____\-^--' /___\ `--^-/____
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_________ /\ .______.
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_| |-rLF/-----/_______\--(/ //________\ /____/ |_______\-----|
/__________| /_________\ _\\_____________\-T!
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::][:: \ |\ |\___|\___\___| / \ |\ || /|___/ \ |\___|\___| ::][::
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_ _|___ ___|_ _
: /________ _________\ :
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_ _:__\ .\\// /__:_ _
| \\/ |
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inside the soul of the world!
| |
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_ _|___ ___|_ _
: /________ _________\ :
. _________\ /__________ .
_ _:__\ .\\// /__:_ _
| \\/ |
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: _________ ________.
¦___________ _.______ . __ .__\ .:::\\:. .::|
|::. // .::/_. . _\/_ |:. · · ·|
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.__)¬ l_ ._) |¬ |¬ \l¬ ¬ l___)¬___/_ __)¬ l_ _____)__`-'¬/ ____|_ |
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_ _|___ . ___ ___ ___|_ _
: /__________:__________\%/______\%/____________________\ :
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| :_
| |/
| lets do logos /
| ·|
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_ | | _
\_( | : (_/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___ .
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: o1
logo says: inside information / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
__ _____ ____ __ ____ ____
{__}| _ / _/__ {__}__\_ \ __|_
| | / \___ | / _| |
tGø|____|_/ | /____|_________________|
__ _____ _________ ______ __ _ ___________ __ ___ _____
{__}| _ | ___/ \ ____ /| \/ \ __\__ __ /{__} / \| _ |
| | / | _// \\ _/ | \/ \ __/ \_/| / \\ / |
|____|_/ |__| \_____/__\___| \__/__________\ |____\_____/_/ |
/____| |____\ /____|-T!
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: o2
logo says: older generation / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
______ ____. ____ ______ _______
._\\ _ \_\\ |_\\_ \_\\ _ /_\\_ \
| / . / \_/ / __/
| / : / \ \_
tGø|_________. |_______________ \_____/
:_____| |_____|
_____ ______ ___ ______ _______ ____ _____ __ ______ ___
._\\ __/_\\ _ /_\\_ \_\\ _ /_\\_ \ _\\__ \_\\ /_ _\/_\\ _ \_\\_ \
| \_ \_/ / \_/ / __/ __/ __/__ \ / / \
| / / \ \ / / \
|_______________ / _______ \___________________________________ / /
/_____/ |_____|-T! /_____/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: o3
logo says: roadkill / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
_________ ________ _______ _____ ___ ______ __ ____. ____.
._\\__ \ _\\ _ \__\\___ \__\\_ \__\\ \/ /__\/__\\ |_\\ |
| / __/ / _/ / _/ _/ \ | |
| \ / \ / \ \ . |
| \________________________\___________________\ \____. : |
|______| tGø\______\-T!:______|______|
(Handling Stress Part 1)
Jam tiny marshmellows up your nose and try to sneeze them out
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: o4
logo says: amiga x-perience / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
______ ___ ___ __ _______ ______
._\\___ \_\\ \/ \_\/_\\ ____/_\\___ \
| _/ \/ \ \___ _/ \
| \ __\ / \ \
|_____\______ /_______________________\____/
___ ____ ______ ______ ______ __ ______ ___ _______ ______
__\\ \/ /_\\___ \ _\\ _ /_\\__ \ _\/_\\ _ /_\\ \ _\\__ / _\\ _ /_
\ _/ / _/ \ \_/ / _/ \ \_/ / \ _/__/_ \_/ \
/ \ \____/ \ / \ \ \
/_____/\__________| _________ \______________ / /___________________/
|_____| /______/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: o5
logo says: quote of the day / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
__ __. _ __. __ _ .__ __. .
_/ || \__/ |_/_ _( _/ |_\ _/_ _|_|_( | \__/ _| (__|
tGø\_\ ||___/\___|\___\___ \___|\ \___\ |\___ |___/\ |\___|-T!
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: o6
logo says: real time recording / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
______ ____ ________ _______ __ __ _ ____
____ /| __|___\__ /_ | __ /{__}| \/ \| __|_
| _/ _| __/ / | | \_/| | \/ \ _| |
tGø|__\_____________________| |____\ |____| \__/______|
______ ____ ____ ___ ______ ____ __ _____ ____
____ /| __|_ / _|_ / \ ____ /__\_ \ {__}| _ | __/__
| _/ _| / | / \\ _/ / \ | / | \__ |
|__\__________\_______\_____/__\__________/____|_/ |______|
(Handling Stress Part 2)
Use your Mastercard to pay for your Visa bill
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: o7
logo says: insanity imparted / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
__ _____ _______ ______ _____ __ ______ ____.__
.__\/__\\_ \__/ ____//__\\___ \__\\_ \__\/__\\ /_ _\\ | \_
| \ / \_______ _/ / \ __/__ \___ \
| / / \ / \ | \
tGø|_____ / ________________\____ / ___________________________/
/_______/ /_______/
__ ___ __ _______ ______ _______ _____ _______ ____
.__\/__\\ \/ \__\\___ \ _\\___ \__\\__ \ _\\ /_ _\\ __ /__\\_ \
| \ \/ _/ \ _/ / _/ __/__ \__/ / \
| __\ \_____/ \ \ \_ \ / \
|________ /___________| _____\____ \____/____________________________/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: o8
logo says: bijou / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
.____. _ .____. ...... .____
| | .___//__. | | ..::::::::::.. .____| |
| _|____| // | | |::::· ·::::| | |
| \\\_ | |____| :::· ·::: | |
|: | |: |: | ::: :::: | |
|:: |:: |:: | :::. .::::: | |
tGø|:::. |:::. |:::. |::::. .::::|:::. |
`---------`-------`---------' ··::::::::::·· `---------'
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: o9
logo says: playboy / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
._________.____. ._________. .____.____. ...... .____.
|. ____ |. | |. __ | ___| | | ..::::::::::.. ___| |
| \\\_____| | | \\\_ |/ | | _|____.::::· ·:::: / | |
| | | |____| | / | | \\\_ :::· ·::/ | |
|: | |: | |: | \_____ |: | ::: ::\_____ |
|:: | |:: | |:: | |:: |:: :::. .::::: |
|:::.| |:::. |:::.| |:::. |:::. |::::. .::::|:::. |
`----' `---------`----| |---------`---------' ··::::::::::·· `---------'
tGø`----' ······-T!
(Handling Stress Part 3)
Pop some popcorn without putting the lid on the pan
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 1o
logo says: new uploads / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
_____ ____ ____ ____ _______ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____
| _ | __|_| /__ / / __ \ /_ / \ __\__ |__\_ \/ _/__
| / | _| | /\ | / /| \__/ / / \\ __/ / \___ \
tGø|_/ |______|__/\__| \___________| |_____\_____/_____________/ /____/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 11
logo says: graphics / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
____ ______ __________ __. __ ____ ____
| __/_______ /.__\__ __ \/ _| |_\/_ / _|_/ _/__
| \__ _/ | __/ \__/ \_ | / | \___ \
tGø|_________\___|__________| \___| |____\_______| /____/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 12
logo says: pc files / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
________ _________ __________ __ ____. _______ _______
._\\___ \ _\\__ / ._\\ ______/__\/__\\ |_\\ __ /__/ ____//_
| _/ \ _/____/_ | ___/ | \ | \__/ \_______ \
| \______/ \ \_ | | | . / \
|_____| ____________/ |_______| |_____. :______________________/
(Handling Stress Part 4)
When someone says "have a nice day!" tell them you have other plans
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 13
logo says: x-files / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
_ _______ ______ _ __________ __ ____. _______ _______
\\\\ \/ //// ._\\ ______/__\/__\\ |_\\ __ /__/ ____//_
\ _/ / _ | ___/ | \ | \__/ \_______ \
/ \ \ (_) | | | . / \
/_____/\______\ |_______| |_____. :______________________/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 14
logo says: pc scene / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
________ _________ _______ ________ ______ _____ ______
._\\ \ _\\__ / ._/ ___//_\\__ / _\\ _ /_\\_ \_\\ _ /_
| \ \ _/____/_ | \_______ _/___/_ \_/ / \_/ \
| \______/ \ \_ | / \ / \
|_____| ____________/ |_______/_____________________ / _________/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 15
logo says: losing my religion / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
____. ________ _______ __ _____ _______
._\\ |_\\ _ \__/ //____\/________\\_ \__\\ ____/__
| | / \_____/_ \ / \___ \
| . / / / / \
| :___________________/_______________ / ____________/
|______| ___ ___ ____.__ /_______/
._\\ \/ \__\\ | \_
| \ \___ \
tGø|_______\ | \
_________ _______ ____. __ _______ __ ________ _____
._\\ \ _\\ __ /__._\\ |__\/__\\ ____/__\/__\\ _ \__\\_ \
| \ __/ \__/ | | \ \___ \ / / \
| \ \_ . / / / \
|_____\______/___________. :_______________________________ / /
|______|-T! /_______/
(Handling Stress Part 5)
Find out what a frog in a blender really looks like
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 16
logo says: evil empire / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
_______ _____ __ ____.
._\\ __ /___\\ /___\/___\\ |
·Evil Empire· | \__/ / \ |
| / . |
|________________________: |
_______ ___ ___ ________ __ _________ _______ |______|
._\\ __ /__\\ \/ \__\\___ \ __\/__\\__ \ _\\ __ /__
| \__/ \/ _/ \ \ / __/ \__/ \
| __\ \______/ \ \_ \
|_____________ /____________| _____ \______/____________/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 17
logo says: kissing the sun / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
___ ______ __ _______ _______ __ _____ _______
._\\ \/ /__\/___/ //___/ //__\/__\\_ \__\\ ____/__
| _/ _/ \ \_____/_ \_____/_ \ / \___ \
| \ \ / / / / \
|_____\ \_____________/___________/_______ / ____________/-T!
\______\ ______ ____. _______ /_______/
_____________.._\\ /_ _\\ |___\\ __ /__
|| __/__ _ \__/ \ ·Kissing The Sun·
|| \ / \
_____________||_______________/ _________/ _______ _____ _____
/_______/ ._/ //___\\ ./___\\_ \
| \_____/_ : / \
By "U-Man / Arclite" | / /| / \
tGø|_______/_____________ / /
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 18
logo says: evil empire / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
____ ______ __ ____ ____ __ _ _____ __ ______ ____
| __|_\ /{__}| /_ | __|_| \/ \| __ \{__} ____ /| __|_
| _| |\ //| | / | | _| | \/ \ \__/ _/ _| |
tGø|______| \/ |____|_____| |______| \__/___| |_______\__________|
(Handling Stress Part 6)
Get a box of condoms, wait in line at the checkout counter
and ask the cashier where the fitting rooms are
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 19
logo says: sidewinder / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
____ __ ____ ____ ____ __ _____ ____ ____ ______
/ _/__{__}__\_ \| __|_| /__{__}| _ |__\_ \| __|_ ____ /.
tGø\___ / \ _| | /\ | / | / \ _| | _/ |
/_______________/______|__/\______|_/ |_______/______|__\___|
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 2o
logo says: trick or treat 2 / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
.____. .__________ _ ________.____.____
|. |__ |. __ ___/___//__._\ |. | / t r i c k
| __// | \\\_ | // | _ | _|__/_.
| |____| | | | /__| \\\_ | o r
|: | |: | |: |: / |: | |
|:: |:: | |:: |:: |:: | | t r e a t
tGø|:::. |:::.| |:::. |:::. |:::.| | .....................
`---------`----`----`-------`---------`----`----' ::::::::::: :::::::::::
_________________ ...... ::::::::::: :::::::::::
_( )_ ..::::::::::.. .__________ ::::::::::: :::::::::::
| | ::::· ·::::|. __ ___/ ::::::::::: :::::::::::
: ZipZippy & Crash! | :::· ·::: \\\_ | ...........:::::::::::
. ¦ ::: ::: | | ::::::::::: ...........
| Nerve Axis World HQ | :::. .:::: | | ::::::::::: :::::::::::
|_ _| ::::. .::::|:: | | ::::::::::: :::::::::::
/___________________\ ··::::::::::·· |:::.| | ::::::::::: :::::::::::
······ `----`----' ::::::::::: :::::::::::
.____. .________________ ._________.____. ::::::::::: :::::::::::
|. |__ |. __ ___/. __ \_ |. __ |. |__ ::::::::::: :::::::::::
| __// | \\\_ | \\\___/_| \\\_ | __// ::::::::::: :::::::::::
| |____| | | | | | |____.:::::::::::.:::::::::::
|: | |: | |: |: | |: | |
|:: |:: | |:: |:: | |:: |
|:::. |:::.| |:::. |:::.| |:::. |
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 21
logo says: distinct / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
_____ __ _______ ______ __ _____ _________ ______
.____\\_ \__\/__/ //__\\ /_ __\/__\\_ \__\\__ / _\\ /_
| / \ \_____/_ __/__ \ / _/____/_ __/__
| / / \ / \ \ \
|_______________________/___________________ / ________________________\
(Handling Stress Part 7)
Dance naked in front of the teacher
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 22
logo says: distinct / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
____ __ ____ _______ __ _____ ____ _______ __________
_________..__\_ \ {__}/ _/__| __ /{__}| _ |/ _|_| __ //
|| / \ \___ | \_/| | / / | | \_//___________
_________||_______/____| /____|____\ |____|_/ \_______|____\
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 23
logo says: f4cg / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
......... .......
.________::::::::: ::::::: ________.________
|. ____/::::::: :::::::_\ |. ____/_.
| __/`::::::::.::::::: _ | \\\_ |
| | ::::::: /__| | |
|: | :::::::: / |: | |
|:: | ::::::::: |:: |
tGø|:::. | ::::::::::. |:::. |
`-----' :::::::---------`---------'
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 24
logo says: rhythm nation / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
_________ ____. ____.__ ______ ____. ___ ___
._\\__ .\ _\\ |____ ._\\ | \_ ._\\ /_ ._\\ |____ ._\\ \/ \
| / __/ _ .\| \___ .\| __/__| _ .\| \/ .\
| \ \_ / \\ | \\ \ \ / \\______\ \\
|_____\______/____/ /____________/____________\___/ / /_______/
/_______/ /_______/
_____ ________ ______ ________ _____
.____\\_ \ ._\\____ \ ._\\ /_ ._\\ ___ ._\\ _ \ .____\\_ \
| / .\| ____/ .\| __/__| \\ .\| / .\| / .\
|_____/ \\ \\ \ \ \\ / \\_____/ \\
tGø/_______/____________/____________\_______/____________/ /_______/-T!
(Handling Stress Part 8)
Put your toddler's clothers on backwards and send
him off to preschool as if nothing was wrong
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 25
logo says: red demon / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
.________________ .____.
|. __ ___/. __ \_ | |
| \\\_ | \\\___/_.____|_ |
| | | | _/// |
|: | |: |: | | ·red demon·
|:: | |:: |:: |
tGø|:::.| |:::. |:::. |
`----| |---------`---------'
`----'.____.______ .____ ____. ...... ._________.
| |. __ \_ |. _ Y _ | ..::::::::::.. |. _ |
.____|_ | \\\___/_| \\\ /// |::::· ·::::| | |
| _/// | | Y :::· ·::: | |
|: | |: |: | ::: :::: | |
|:: |:: |:: | :::. .::::: | |
|:::. |:::. |:::.| |::::. .::::|:::.| |
`---------`---------`----| | ··::::::::::·· `----| |
`----' ······ `----'-T!
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 26
logo says: house of style / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
.____: . ...... .____.____ ________________
|. _| | ..::::::::::.. |. | /. _____/. __ \_
| \\\_ |::::· ·::::| | \______ | \\\___/_.
| | :::· ·::: | | | | |
|: | ::: :::: | |: : |: |
|:: | :::. .::::: | |:: |:: |
tGø|:::.| |::::. .::::|:::. |:::. |:::. |
`----: | ··::::::::::·· `---------`---------`---------'
······-T! __ _
_/ |_/__
______________.\___|\ .____.____. .______
/. _____/. |__ ___| |. | |. __ \_
\______ | __/// / | | | | \\\___/_.
| | | |____/ | | |____| |
|: : |: | \_____ |: | |: |
|:: |:: |:: |:: | |:: |
|:::. |:::. |:::. |:::. |:::. |
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 27
logo says: delight / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
.____.______ .____. _ .________ .____: .____.
| |. __ \_ |. | .___//__|. ____/_|. _| |. |__
.____|_ | \\\___/_| | | // | \\\_ | \\\_ | __///
| _/// | | |____| | | | | | |____.
|: | |: |: | |: |: | |: | |: | |
|:: |:: |:: | |:: |:: |:: | |:: |
tGø|:::. |:::. |:::. |:::. |:::. |:::.| |:::. |
`---------`---------`---------`-------`---------`----: |---------'-T!
(Handling Stress Part 9)
Thumb through National Geographic and draw underwear on the natives
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 28
logo says: flying garfields from ... / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
.__________ ___ __ _________
| ____ /_/ / _\/_| _ __/__
· flying garfields from outer space · | _/ | / \___ / \__ \
|__| |_____|/__________/ _____/
____ __________ ______ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ /____/
| __/____\__ ____ /| ___/_\/_| __|_| /___\_ \/ _/__
| \__ __/ _/ | _/ | _| / / \___ \
|______________\___|__| |________________________/ /____/
____________ ___ __ _ ___ ____ ____________ ______
| ________ / / \| \/ \ / \/ / __ / __|_____ /.
| _/ | _/ / \\ \/ \ / \\ /| \_/| _| _/ |
tGø|__| |__\___\_____/ \__/ \_____/__________\ |________\___|
|____\ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____
/ _/___ __ \__\__ |/ _|_| __|_
\___ \__/ __/ / | | _| \
/_______| |______\_______|______/-T!
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 29
logo says: mailscan / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
__ _ ____ __ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____
| \/ \ __\__ |_\/_| /_/ _/__ / _/ __\__ | _ |
| \/ \ __/ | | / \___ / \_| __/ | / |
tGø| \__/______|____|_____| /____\______|______|_/ |
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 3o
logo says: hack attempt / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
__. ____ _____ ___ ______________________ __ ______ _______
/ _| |__\__ |/ _/| |___ __\__ __ / __ / __|_| \/ __ \ __ /
/ \_ | __/ / \_| _/ / | __/ \_/| \_/| _| | \/ \__/ \_/
\___|___|______\______|__\ \_ |__________\ |____\ |______| \____| |____\
(Handling Stress Part 1o)
Go shopping. Buy everything. Sweat in them. Return them the next day
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 31
logo says: taxi / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
.____. ._________ ____ ___ _
_________________.|. |__ |. __ / \/ \___//__..___________________
|| __// | \\\_ \ _ _/ ___/ // ||
|| |____| | | \\\_ | ||
||: | |: | |: | |: ||
||:: |:: | |:: | |:: ||
||:::. |:::.| |:::.| |:::. ||
-----------------'`---------`----| |----| |-------'`-------------------
tGø`----' `----'-T!
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 32
logo says: khan di man / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
___ ______ ____. ________ _____
._\\ \/ /_\\ |______\\___ \_____\\_ \
| _/ _/ _ _/ / \
| \ / \ / \
tGø|_____\ ____/ _____\_________ / /
\______\ /_______/ /_______/
_____ __ ___ ___ ________ _____
.____\\_ \___\/___. ._\\ \/ \__\\___ \_____\\_ \
| / \ | | \ _/ / \
| / | |_______\ \ / \
|___________________| /____________\_________ / /
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 33
logo says: candy store / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
_________ ________ _____ _____ ____.__
._\\__ /._\\____ \ .____\\_ \ .____\\_ \ ._\\ | \_
| _/____/_| ____/ .\| / .\| / .\| \___ .\
| \ \_ \\_____/ \\ / \\ | \\
tGø|____________/___________/ /_______/____________/____________/
_______ ______ ________ _________ _______
._/ ____//_ ._\\ /_ ._\\ _ \ ._\\__ \._\\ __ /__
| \_______ .\| __/__| / .\| / __/| \__/ .\
| / \\ \ \ / \\ \ \_ \\
(Handling Stress Part 11)
Drive to work in reverse
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 34
logo says: toon town / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
______ ________ ________ _____
._\\ /_ _\\ _ \__\\ _ \_____\\_ \
| __/__ / / / \
| \ / / / \
|______________________________________ / /
______ ________ _____ _____ /_______/
._\\ /_ _\\ _ \__\\ _/_________\\_ \
| __/__ / \ / \
| \ / /\ / \
tGø|____________________________/\________ / /
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 35
logo says: sapphire / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
______ _______ ______ ______ ____. __ ________ _______
._/ //__\\___ \__\\ \ _\\ \ _\\ |__\/__\\__ \ _\\ __ /_
| \____/_ _/ \ \ \ \ _ \ / _/ \__/ \
| / \ \____/ \____/ / \ \_ \
|______/________\_____ | | | ____/ __ \_____/___________/
tGø|_____| |_____| /______/ |_____|-T!
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 36
logo says: bios / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
.____. _ ...... __________
| | .___//__. ..::::::::::.. /. _____/
| _|____| // |::::· ·::::\______ |
| \\\_ | :::· ·::: | |
|: | |: ::: :::: : |
|:: |:: :::. .::::: |
tGø|:::. |:::. |::::. .::::|:::. |
`---------`-------' ··::::::::::·· `---------'
(Handling Stress Part 12)
Read the dictionary backwards and look for subliminal messages
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 37
logo says: beer / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
___. _______ _______ _________
._\\ _|____\\ __ /____\\ __ /____\\__ \
| \ \__/ \__/ / __/
| \ \ \_
tGø|_________________________________ \______/
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 38
logo says: leecher / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
____. _______ _______ _________ ____. _______ _________
._\\ |_\\ __ /__\\ __ /__\\__ / _\\ |______\\ __ /___\\ \
| | \__/ \__/ _/____/_ / \__/ \ __/
| \ / \ \_
| :____________________________________/ ___________ \______/
|______. tGø/_______/ |______|-T!
____ sTw _ __ _____________ ____ ___
/ _______ _ ____ / __)__/__\ (_
/--\ /__(_)__) _/_ /--\ _) \.\ \ ::]%[:: t w i s t e d ::]%[::
__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\ .
/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ · /-------- -- -
- - --\____\----\________\------------------/ / number: 39
logo says: end of mailscan / /------------------ -- - -
- - -- ---------------------------/ / __
/ __\/__
:::]%[::: inside the soul of the world :::]%[::: \/
____ _____ ____ __ _ ____ __ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____
| __|_| _ |__\_ \ | \/ \ __\__ |_\/_| /_/ _/__ / _/ __\__ | _ |
| _| | / | / \ OF | \/ \ __/ | | / \___ / \_| __/ | / |
|______|_/ |_______/ | \__/______|____|_____| /____\______|______|_/ |
tGø/____| |____\-T! /____|
(Handling Stress Part 13)
Bill your doctor for the time you spent in his waiting room
my last collection for a few months due to university looming
| .
| (hurrah) |
| |
| |
| |
_| |
\|_ |
|/ |
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| |_
| :/
| /
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| · Twisted Releases · |
| |
.file name. .date. | .auth. .title.
-t-satc.txt 11-Nov-95 rELiEf Shadow At Voodoo Creek
-t-hisp.txt 16-Nov-95 pR!De High Spirit
-t-motg.txt 18-Nov-95 HoTWire Method Of The Groove
-t-satc2.txt 19-Nov-95 rELiEf Shadow At Voodoo Creek 2
-t-exp.txt 24-Nov-95 rELiEf Experimental
-t-quara.txt 25-Nov-95 Devistator Quarantine
-t-exp2.txt 30-Nov-95 rELiEf Experimental 2
-t-rap.txt 02-Dec-95 rELiEf & TANGo Real Artistic Personality
-t-satc3.txt 09-Dec-95 rELiEf Shadow At Voodoo Creek 3
-t-lfsq.txt 10-Dec-95 Scarface Live From San Quentin
-t-gangs.txt 17-Dec-95 TANGo Gangsta Story
-t-iris.txt 19-Dec-95 dIZY & pR!De The Need 4 Ascii
-t-acdmk.txt 22-Dec-95 rELiEf Acid Monkey
-t-mini.txt 25-Dec-95 rELiEf Mini
-t-civm.txt 25-Dec-95 HoTWire Civilised Man
-t-dream.txt 07-Jan-96 TANGo Dream Of A Crime
-t-t^.txt 09-Jan-96 rELiEf Trivial
-t-mftb.txt 14-Jan-95 pR!De Manga For The Buddah
-t-dop6.txt 19-Jan-96 rELiEf Dope On Plastic 6
-t-hertc.txt 20-Jan-96 TANGo Heretic
-t-civm2.txt 21-Jan-96 HoTWire Civilised Man 2
-t-bldn.txt 23-Jan-96 rELiEf & Webster He's Bold...I'm Not
-t-order.txt 30-Jan-96 TANGo & Devistator Law & Order
-t-toxic.txt 03-Feb-95 TANGo Intoxication
-t-tatfd.txt 21-Feb-96 rELiEf These Are The Final Days
-t-tatf2.txt 03-Mar-96 rELiEf These Are The Final Days 1.0
-t-plsag.txt 07-Mar-96 rELiEf The Plastic Age
-t-chgr.txt 15-Mar-96 rELiEf Chemical Groove
-t-ting!.txt 21-Mar-96 Devistator Rythmic Ting
-t-nomad.txt 07-Apr-96 TANGo Project N.O.M.A.D
-t-snk2d.txt 13-Apr-96 rELiEf From Skunk To Drunk
-t-sowh.lha 22-Apr-96 rELiEf So What?
-t-pitn.txt 27-Apr-96 rELiEf Pitbulls Are Nice
-t-toomp.txt 16-May-96 Devistator Too Much Pressure
-t-ras!.txt 03-Jun-96 HoTWire Rise & Shine
-t-visi2.txt 09-Jun-96 TANGo Visiphobic Two - The Sequel
-t-power.txt 19-Jun-96 TANGo Maximum Power - Minimum Marbles
-t-ap3b.txt 11-Jul-96 rELiEf Anticipation..3rd Eye BBS Colly
-t-ap3e.txt 11-Jul-96 rELiEf Anticipation Of The 3rd Eye
-t-50and.txt 14-Jul-96 TANGo 50 And The Monkey
-t-ffj.txt 17-Jul-96 Devistator Flying Fist Of Judah
-t-hated.txt 26-Jul-96 TANGo h·A·T·E·d
-t-ascii.txt 28-Jul-96 TANGo Twisted Ministry Of Ascii
-t-ap3e2.txt 28-Jul-96 rELiEf Anticipation of the 3rd eye pt2
-t-asci2.txt 17-Aug-96 TANGo Twisted Ministry Of Ascii pt2
-t-loved.txt ??-Aug-96 rELiEf & Webster l·O·V·E·d
-t-plsa2.txt ??-Aug-96 rELiEf The Plastic Age Volume 2
-t-isoul.txt 31-Aug-96 TANGo Inside The Soul Of The World
| :
· Total = 48 collections [so far] ·
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when i was in junior high school, all I|wanted was
| a girl with big tits |
| |
in high school, i finally dated a girl with big tits
| |
but there was no emotion, i wanted all that romance
| stuff like in the movies |
: |
in college, i went with a real romantic girl but she
was way too emotional, cried over everything, got
kinda scary. i decided i wanted someone stable
| |
my girlfriend after college was very stable, that got
boring awfully fast, i wanted someone with ambitions
| |
then i lived with an ambitious woman. neurotic like
you wouldn't believe! i finally realized what I wanted
was a woman with self-confidence!
| |
so i found a woman who was self-confident,|and i married
her. when we got divorced, she was so self-confident,
she cleaned me out and left me with|nothing
| |
now all i want is a girl with big|tits
| :_
| |/
| /
| ·|
_ _|___ ___|_ _
: /________ _________\ :
_________\ /__________ .
_ _:__\ \\// /__:_ _
| \/ |
| |
| |
| if only we could go ... |
| |
____ _____ ____ ___ ____ ____ !__ __
.-\__ \_.-\__ \.-\ _/__.-\ |/ / .-\ \_.-\ \ _ _____\//\
_/ _/ _/ _ \_ \ \_ / _/. _/ _/ \_ \/ |\
\____) \____\____/_______/___\____| \_______|________/ \\ | ·
\_____/ [sTZ!/sE ©'96] \ |
. ____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ______
| .-\ \_.-\ _|__.-\__ \_ .-\ \.-\ /__.-\___ \_ __
|. _/ _/ \ \_ /___/ _/ \_ / \_ / / /_/
|| \_______|_____/____/_____\ \________/________/______/
| .
____· ___ ____ ___ ___ _____ BACK TO THE OLD-SKOOL! |
_/ /__.-\ |/ /.-\ \.-\ \.-\ /__ ___|
\___ \_ / _/. \_ \_ / \_ _______\\____________\ _
/_______/___\____|_______/_____/________/ .\ \
| |
when being part of any ascii group meant a lot more than it does now
¯¯¯ |
so many new shitty groups are formed with low class artists in an attempt
to gain recognition on the ascii scene or simply to|give themselves a label
| under which to release :_
| |/
| we dont need this /
| ·|
only a few groups currently alive have members that deserve kudos for work
| |
arclite - mo'soul -|sos - style - mindless - epsilon design - contra
looker house - da head - twisted - jedi arts|- house of style
| |
and the talented independant artists who carry on their work
| |
i sympathise with the|newcomers who strive to improve and compete in the
increasingly bitching ascii scene because we all started somewhere but some
should dump their style, stop ripping their style or just quit drawing
| |
| there ... i said it |
| |
am i an opinionated bigheaded bastard or what? =)
¦ .
: |
. |
| |
_ _|___ ___|_ _
: /________ _________\ :
. _________\ /__________ .
_ _:__\ \\// /__:_ _
| \/ |
| |
| |
| |
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| |
| |
: | | :
- -÷-_-______ _:_______ _________ ____|____ ______- -÷- -
___ |_\_ ____/___.__\__ ·/__\___ ·/__.__\___: ·/__\___ ·/__| _ ____
|cDr|| \ | _/ _/ _/____/ | / / .-----/ || e^d|
- -÷----------------:---------------------------.---------------÷- -
: | | :
_: Twisted - Relief |
\| Twisted - Webster |
\ Twisted - Fli7e |
|· Twisted - U-Man |_ _
| Twisted Diz - Stylewars /\_\\\\__ _ _
| Twisted Diz - Stezotehic \/_/
| Old Skool - Stezotehic |
| TANGo - Webster |
| TANGo - Stezotehic |
| Credz - Chrombacher |
| :
| .
______ .|....................................
_/\\ __|_____ _ :: :
| ___/ |l_| _:______ :
l______ | |__/\\ /_ _______ __ :
__ __(_________| _/\_ |__\______| \/ ____:_
(_((___ __ _ l______/\ | | ________ _/\\ __|_____ _ __
:\______| |_\ ___/_|__ ___/ |l_|l__|
Hotwire : l___________| \______ |___ | |_______
TANGo : __ l_______ | (_________|___ /__
Devistator : \/ \________| : | \____/ |
Relief : . : l___ |
Sal One : : :÷f!÷ \__________|
Pride :............................¦.......: _ ___|___ /__
| | . : ______/ |
| | . : : : \ ______|
| | . : : : : : _ _____)
| |
_ _|___ ___|_ _
: /________ _________\ :
. _________\ /__________ .
_ _:__\ \\// /__:_ _
| \/ |
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_______________\____:_____ |
:_) \\ . | |
| _____ ____| _______ _____| _____
|. .-\\ \_.-\\__ \.-\\ ._ \_.-/ __//__.-\\ \
|| | _/ _ \_ |/ / \ \_
|| |_______|______\____/____| /_._____ ._________/
| _| /______| \____| sTZ!/sE
|________\\______________(_: |
\ | |
sends a few messages to these great people
| |
- s t e z o t e h i c | |
you can't quit drawing,|i've only just learnt how to spell your name right =)
| |
- w e b s t e r | |
got the logos just fine this time hehe ... i'll talk to hotwire!
¦ |
- m a r k r y d e r : |
i disagree about sos, i|think there are -some- talented artists in there!
but thats just my opinion i guess =) |
| :_
- f a t a l | |/
110mb of ascii? damn you hehe ... /
| ·|
- w i s e - k | |
nothing but sheep with you is it? loved the logos for me ... thanks mate
| |
- d e v i s t a t o r | |
i'm afraid i changed my|mind about the name of the collection, sorry bud
| |
- x c l u z i w e | |
use the list in this colly of twisted releases for the future please
| |
- u - m a n | |
great talking again, and lets hope you release something one day, and i'm
still waiting to see this damned collection from you. go on just do it
| |
- m o r t i m e r t w|a n g |
'streetjazz' and 'streetbeat' were huge inspirations while i drew this crap
| |
- r e l i e f | :
i look forward to a return bomb in the post, glad mine made the journey
| | .
_ _| |
_ _ __///_/\ . | .......:
\_\/ | :...:.. . .
| | :
| | .
_ _|___ _ ___|_ _ .
: /_________(·)_________\ :
. _ _ ___ ____ __________________________________ ____ ___ _ _ .
| |
| "Groovy People Productions" |
| :
: . ______ ·uMn/aL· _____ .
. _______|___\__ \ _____ ________ _______ ___________|_ |
_| | / \_)_____\ /_|_ |___\_ / _/ |
\_ | /\ /\ / _/ /____/_ \ | .
|_______|____/\___________/_________/_______|__________(_________| :
. | ¦
: "Standing Tall & Erect" |
| _______________________________________________________________________|
= new email addy - please take note =
email me at tango@13thhour.warp.co.uk
this is the only way to contact me for the next few months
unless i can convince the unversity that IRC helps my grades :)
size: 78000 bytes
sTZ!/sE _____
______ _\ / _____ _____ _____ ______
\_ \_\ \ \/\\ /__\ \_\__ |\ _ \
| _/ /\ \ \___ \ _/ /__| / /.
.____|___/\__/__\_____/____|____________/ |
.| tango / twisted ^ nerve axis :|
:| inside the soul of the world |