-[start of colly]--[50line or not 50line that's the question]-------------
. .
. . . . . . . . . .
......: :.. ..: :......
.:..:::.:.. ..:.:::..:.
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::::: :::::::::::
::::::::''' '''::::::::
:::::::::. .:::::::::
:::::::::::. .:::::::::::
: :
________ |:::: | _______ ______
__ _________) (__|::: |_) /_______ ) /____________ __
\_\ \ |:: | ) ) / /_/
_ |: | / /_ ________
)\ \) |. | /________/ \) )/
_ _ _______________| |___________ ___________________ _ _
| |
| | · d i P S W i T C H
_____._____ | | _____ _________ ______.
_) | (_ | .|_) /___ _ _) /_ _) |------. __ _
/ | \ | | /) \ | / /_/ //
__/ | \| :| _________ /______\__ |
\ : | ::| \ \_ /_ : __ _ _
\________:________| .:::|____)________/_____________/____: \_
: |_____| :______/ d!dKB
. .
. .
. . . . . . .. . . . .
......: :..:.....: :......
____ ____
--- (____) (--- ---
: :
_________________ | |
_________________|| || |
| || || |
| _ ___ _ . _ ___ || |
| ___\ /_ __\|_ _\_ /___ |
| \\ / // // _/ _/ |
| /_______\_____\_______\ | |
___ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ ___
/ /____ _\_ /___ __\_ /_ ___ .\ / / /____ _\_ /___ ___ .\ /
\\ _/ // | // / // \| \.\ _/ // _/ _// \| \.
_ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ___ _ ___ _
_\ /___ ______ ___ __ ____ _\ /___ _\_ /___ _\_ /___ _\ _/___
\\ \ // // \/ // \ // _/ _// | // \_ _/
/_______\______\_____/_____\________\_______\____|____\____/__\ kn
| || ||_________________|
| ||_________________|
|_________________| · diE kRANKEN bOMBER aSCii !
. .
. . . . . . .. . . . .
......: :..:.....: :......
____ ____ ____,
--- (____( ( ) (____) ---
: :
\ ___|____ _ _ _ · c i R C E a R G E N T i N A
|\ | |
| \ |___|
|__\ ____ (.d!dKB.)
: __________ (____) _________ __________ ___________
__ __) / ______ ___) _ /_____) /____) ____/_
\_\ \__ __/----\ / \) __/ ____/_____
(_/ / __
_ _ ________________________) )________________________________/ /_/
. .
. . . . . . .. . . . .
......: :..:.....: :......
____ ____ ____,
--- (____( ( ) (____) ---
: :
_ .---------------------- - __
___ / | /\_\
________ _____ / /__________ :___________________ \/_/
_ __ _____\ _/__/ //_/_ _ _ /__\_____ \_______ /____ __ _
\\\__\_ /\ \ \___\ /__/ \ \__\ _____/ _/ _____/ ___//_///
______ _ __ . / __:___ _ ______
_/ _/__________\// /________________/ _/____________________/ _/____
-/ _____/____ \/ / _ / _ / _____/____ ___/__________ |
\_____ / /\ \ \__/ / / \_____ /____ /__ ` ___|
`----/___//\\ -\---\ \___\ . `----/__________/ \_____|k
/__\ \ :
' |
__ /\_____|__ _ · wRiTAZ eXpREss
/_/\ - ------------------------/-------'
\_\/ `
. .
. . . . . . .. . . . .
......: :..:.....: :......
____ .____ ____ ,____ ____ ____ ,__ ,____
(____) |____)_ (--- ____) (--- ( ) (____ ____)
: :
_______ ____/ \ _________ ______ _________ _________
___) (_______) / \ _) /__) __/ __) . (_ _) (___ _
__\__________ / \ ----. | ________
\ \_) \_______/ _____ | | \ /
\________________________________) \_______________| _______)____/ _
/______\ |_____|
____.____ ____.____ ____.____ _____ ____ _________
__) | (____) / \ (____) | (____\ / |__) __ /__
\ | /\ /\ | /\ / | /_) / (.d!dKB.)
__\ | /__\ : /__\ | /__\ / _/ /________
_______| ____| ____| _____ /--- __ / /
|_______/ |_______/ |____/ \_______/ \______________/
: : .
___________ _____ ___________ __________
__ __) . (____) __(____) . (____) __ (__
\_\ \ | __ | (_/ /____
| | \____/ /
_ _ ____| ___ _________| _________ /
|_____| |___| |_____| |________/
. .
. . . . . . .. . . . .
......: :..:.....: :......
. ____ ,__ ____ ____
(____, ( ) (____ ( ' (____)
. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: .
: .......::::::::::::::::::::::::::....... :
| __ ___________: :___________ __ |
| | / d i P S W i T C H 1 9 9 8 \ | |
| |/ \| |
|/| ' s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ' |\|
| |
| |
| well, i'm in dkb!ascii now... and started makin' oldschool |
| ascii... nomore $ shit... its my first oldschool colly so dont |
| blame me for doin' shit..! okee... my writin' pal sane2 |
| put his board public so dont hesitate, just call ! |
| |
| ok... lets start... |
| |
. .
. . . . . . .. . . . .
......: :..:.....: :......
. ____ ____, ____ _ _
(____, ( ) (____) (----' _)(_
. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: .
: .......::::::::::::::::::::::::::....... :
| __ ___________: :___________ __ |
| | / \ | |
| |/ \| |
|/| |\|
| ·sAYS: ·fOR: |
| |
| the yard sane2 |
: uphold the law ramses :
. bomb hard apu .
kwik-e-mart apu
freeside fastjack
aerosouls hash
wx diz wx posse
sure diz zippy
soia diz soia posse
dkb diz sane2
occ diz pigpen
trsi diz trsi posse
hjb diz haujobb posse
who sane2
morales soing
tops everyone
last everyone
tools everyone
ascii everyone
| __ ___________: :___________ __
| | / \ |
| |/ \|
|/| d i e t h e l m . hier ist ein zwanzigpfennigstck ! |\
| r e i n h o l d . was soll's damit ? |
| d i e t h e l m . ich lege es auf den boden. ihr stellt euch |
: drum herum. wer es trifft, der hat's. :
. r u p r e c h t . machst du nicht mit, melchior ? .
m e l c h i o r . nein, danke.
g a s t o n . er kann nicht. er ist zur rekreation hier.
- frank wedekind 'frhlings erwachen'
d i e t h e l m . here is a 20-pence coin.
r e i n h o l d . what should we do with it ?
d i e t h e l m . i put it on the floor. the one who jizzes on
it first, gets it.
r u p r e c h t . don't you take part, melchior ?
m e l c h i o r . no, thanks.
g a s t o n . he can't. he is on recreation here.
- frank wedekind 'spring awakening'
n o w l e t ' s f u c k i n ' s t a r t !
......: :..:.....: :......
. . . . . . .. . . . .
. .
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | o1 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'the yard' ) (for sane2 )_____/
::::. .:::
______ _____._____ ______ ':::. .:::'._____ _____ (d!dKB) _____
__) /_____) | (__) /_ ':::..:::' : (__) /__________) /__
\ ______ | __/___ '::::' . _ /
\ \ | ____/ .:::' | _____ (/
_ ___) )_____| __________ :::'_______| ______) )________ _
/_____/ |_____| .:::' |______| /____/
+op sane2
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | o2 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'uphold the law') (for ramses )____/
___. _______ | | ____.____ _____ _____
_) |---. ____) /--| |_) (__\ ( ___) (_
__/ | \_ / /_____/ | | : _____ __ \__
\______|______|______| |___| |____________________/________/
| |
| |
____ | | _____
) /__ ____| |__) __/_
__ _/ ____| | | _/___ __
\_\ \____)___)___| |__________/ /_/
| |
____ ____| | ___.___ (.d!dKB.)
) /__ ) | ( _) : (_
_ __ _/ _____/ : \__ _/ \__ __ _
\ \\ \_\ \____)____)____| /_______|______/ /_/ // /
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | o3 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'bomb hard' ) (for apu )_____/
| |
_____ | b | ____.____ _____
_) /___ | e |_) | (_ _) /___
/ __\__| l | : \__/ __\__
__ __\ | t | / \__
\_\ \______________| o |_____|______/________________/
| n |
|_______| ·bOMB hARD niGGAH!
_____._____ ____.____ _____ _____
) | ( _) (_ _) /___ _\ (___ ·d!dKB·
_/ | \_/ | \__/ \ / \
\ | / / _____ / (\ \___ __
\_____|_____/\______|______/______| \_ _____________/ /_/
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | o4 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'kwik-e-mart' ) (for apu )_____/
. |______|
. ________
: ___ _______ ____.____ |:: | ___ _______
:: _) / ) (__) | ( |: | _) / ) (__
:: / / _/)___/ ` \| |/ / _/)___/
:: _/ _/ /__ _/ : | :| _/ /__
:: \____\ \_\______|_____| .::|___\ \__
:: \_______/ |______| \_______/
::::::::::::::::::: : . · E! · . . .: : :::::::::::::::::::
_____._____ _____. _______. _____ ::::::
\ | / ) |_____) ______) /____ _ _ :::
/ : \ / : / / \_ _______ :::::::
__/ \_/ \_ \_______/ \ \ ::
\______\_/______/ |_____/______| _____)______) :
/_________| .
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | o5 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'freeside' ) (for fastjack)____/
______ ______ ______ Ö::::'
_ __ __) /___ __) /_____) /____ .:::::.
\\ \_\ \ _____/__ _ _____/_ :::::::::::.
______/ (/ _____/__ Ö:::::::' .
_______ ::::::' :::.
_ _ _ _______________) )_____________/ '::::::....::::
/_____/ Ó::::::::::'
_______ ______ _____ ______
__) /________) __/ _______) /_) /____ (.d!dKB.)
_ _ __\___________ ______ __ / /_
\__) / (_/ _____/ / ______
_____/___/ /
_ _ ___________________________________________________________/
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | o6 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'aerosouls' ) (for hash )____/
_______._______ ___________ ____________ _______._______
__ ___) | (___) ______/_ __) /___) | (___ __
\_\ \ | _______/ | / /_/
\ | : (_/ ________ | /
|)\\ \_______| |_______________|______\ \ _______:_______/ //(
| |_______| ) ) :
|____ /_______/ . [.d!dKB.] .
__|__ _ _ _ .aEROSOULS! .
|__| ___ :
| | |
[write your inphos] |___|___|
| ____
|__| |
_______ _____._____ _____._____ _____. _______ .|
__) /_______ _) | (__) | (__) | __) /_______
__\___________ | | |________\___________ /_
\ \_) | : | \_) /
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | o7 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'wx diz' ) (wx posse )____/
....: __________.
::: \_ |_______
:::......... \_ | _/
______ ______\ ; /
wx#xx _\ /,\ /_ _/
_/ | \_ _ \
\________:________/ ; \_
. _/ |______\ d!
xx.xx.xx :...... /________: .........
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | o8 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'sure diz' ) (for zippy )____/
___ _____. ___ ___
_) /______) |_____) /---\__) /___
___\_____ | (\ \ --
\) : (/ __|d!
xx/xx/98 ________________________________
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | o9 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'soia diz' ) (for soia posse)__/
____ ____.____ ____ ____
__) /_____\ /__) _| __) /_____
__\______ . ____ _\______
\) | / _ \)
sOiA! (/ d!
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 1o | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'dkb diz ' ) (for dkb posse )__/
___.___ _____ .___
________) | (_ / (_| (________
_) _ | / ____/| _ (_
\ (/ | / /_) \_ \) /
-- \__________:___\ \________/ --
. .
. . . . . . .. . . . .
......: :..:.....: :......
| __ ___________: :___________ __
| | / \ |
| |/ \|
|/| r u p r e c h t . ich hab's ! |\
| h e l m u t h . ich komme noch ! |
| g a s t o n . bermorgen vielleicht ! |
: h e l m u t h . gleich ! - jetzt ! - oh gott, o gott... :
. a l l e . summa - summa cum laude !! .
- frank wedekind 'spring awakening'
r u p r e c h t . i've got it !
h e l m u t h . i cum !
g a s t o n . in two days perhaps !
h e l m u t h . just ! - now ! - oh god, oh god...
a l l . summa - summa cum laude !!
- frank wedekind 'spring awakening'
n o w l e t ' s f u c k i n ' c o n t i n u e !
......: :..:.....: :......
. . . . . . .. . . . .
. .
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 11 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'occ diz ' ) (for pigpen )__/
___.___ ________ ________
_) | /__) /_ _) /_ (d!dKB)
/ | : /_ : /_ _____
__/ : |_____/ |_____/_/ /
|_ . _|
/ \
/_ _\
/ \
/_ _\
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 12 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'trsi diz' ) (for trsi guys )__/
_____ _____ _____ ______
_) /_ _ _) /____ _) /___ ______
\ \ ______ / / _______ \ / /
\ \ /___/ \)
_ _ __)_____)________________________ _
. ·tRiSTAR & rED sECTOR iNC. .
|_ _|
/ \
/_\ /_\
. .
| |
: :
.(d!dKB). .
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 13 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'hjb diz' ) (for haujobb )__/
____.____ .:::::. _____
_) | (_ .::::::: _) /_____
/ | .:::::::::. _ \
__/ | ':::::''::::. \) \__
\________| '' :::: _____________/
|_ .::. .::::'
xx.xx.98 :::::..:::::' ·hAUJOBB! .
. ':::::::::' |
| |
| |
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 14 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'who' ) (for sane2 )__/
· t H E y A R D Ö
________.________ ________.________ _________________
d!dKB _) | (_ _) : (_ _) . (_
_/ ; | | | \_
)\ \__________:_________|_________;_________|____________________/ /(
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 15 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'morales' ) (for soing )__/
-> fuckin' bad style...
___.___ : _______ _______ ___.___ ___. _______ ________
_) | (_ _) (_ _) (___) (_ _) | _) (_._)_____ (_
_/ | | | \_____| : | |___| | /__| \) \_
\____\_/___|_________|______| |____;____|________/________/|___________/
(.d!dKB.) : mORALES!
: : `
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 16 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'tops' ) (for everyone )__/
_________ _________________ ________ _______ (d!dKB)
__ __) /____) (__) (______ _) /________ __
\ \ \ ________ | ______ (__ _________ / /_/
____) / | \___ __/ \_)
\ /_ ; )______/
_ _ _ ______________/____:_____________________________________ _ _ _
: ·tOPS!
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 17 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'last' ) (for everyone )__/
:: ______ ____.____ _____ _____
: _) / _) | (_ _) /_____ ) /________ _ _
: \ /______\ | / ________ ) __________ _ _
: _) ) /_ : \ \) \__ (_
: \___________/____:_____\ _________________)_____/ d!dKB
:: :
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c A L L E R S !
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 18 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'tools' ) (for everyone )__/
(d!dKB) _______ ______._ | __ ___ | __ ______
_ __ __) /_____) : | (__) | / ___ __) /_________ __ _
\\ \_\ \ ___________ : | | _________ ________ / /_/ //
\ (_ | |_________| \ \ \)
_ _ ______)_________/___|_______________)________)_____________ _ _
________ _______
___ ____|________|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|____ |
\ \ \ | | | / |
\ \ \ | 19 | s p r i n g a w a k e n i n g ! | / |
\ \ \ |________| |_/_____|
\__\ \____________(logo says 'ascii' ) (for everyone )__/
_____._____ ______ ______ ___ ___
__) | (__ __) /________ __) /__ __) / __) /
__ ___) | (__) (__) (__ _) /__\ /__ __
\_\ \ | _______ : / / /_/
| \_) |_____/
_ _ ______:___________________________________________________ _ _
(.d!dKB.) . · a S C i i
. .
. . . . . . .. . . . .
......: :..:.....: :......
| __ ___________: :___________ __
| | / o u t r o ! \ |
| |/ \|
|/| |\
| shiit phuuk !.. aciddraw can't handle more than 1000 lines, |
| what a shit... i am in edit.com now and its quite horrible...! |
| |
| fuck... no greets logo, no respects logo...;( |
: :
. oh nooo... edit.com can't handle 1000 lines too... oh man what .
a shit for a pc artist... going to turbo pascal editor...
yeah it works !!!
btw: my email is at the moment dipswitch@caprico.dssd.sub.org
H2O/C! - Mo!Al - krash!tma - many many others i cant remember...
sane2 - rezine - krash - slapshot - ramses - apu - hash - 2stoned -
sperm whale - soing - warhawk - sci - zippy - bad peon - rik -
mool - renderwahn - ironoxide - iron_lung - arlequin - many others
sorry for the aprupting end... !
___.___ _____ .___
________) | (_ / (_| (________
_) _ | / ____/| _ (_
\ (/ | / /_) \_ \) /
-- \__________:___\ \________/ --
--(d!dKB)----(·dKB aSCii sQUAD 1998)------
-(end of colly)--(1023 lines are enuff)-(dkb ascii in 1998)----------------