NeurAL neTworK v2.5 fiNaL vErsioN
cOpyright by sMokiN bRainZ aRt deziGn sTudio , Florida
Production mAnAgMent : 3rd rAiL mAtrix
MaiN Producer : rAMonA mUshRooM
cybErsPAce and Matrix 3D aNim : cybeR-siLLicOn La.
virtual iNteLLigence Initiating / w8
877 SeSsionS rUnning , 3212 gRoups fOund , chEcking sTatus ...
sTatUs oK , uPdaTinG MatriX...0 % (in ProceSs)
100%...MatRiX sCaNneD , 8740 ObjEctS , fOuNd 12 New eNtries
AddiNg eNtries tO NeW-aDdS . dOne. cHecKin Msg^s . dOne
fOunD 16 NeW mEssAgeS...aDdiNG tO mSgaCt. dOne
cOnnEctiNg tO cyBerDecK , oNo sEndai 7.0 , initiating...reAdy
We're troublesmokaz, that means, ive youve got complains, send them to
If you think my style is too lookalike yours, please tell me and we'll
do a driveby. If you agree with the following rulez, please enter
[ JUNKIE ] at the system prompt.
iCH bIn eIn:> ******
eNteR sEcurity cHecK 1 : LoW pROfiLe
eNteR sEcurity cHecK 2 : ***************
WeLcoMe tO thE Low ProfiLe maTriX unDergRounD , gRid 110,12x,nut.988
rEaL Location iN aMstErdaM cofFeesTraaT 12-28
gETTiNg lOW pROfiLe rEALtIMe uSERsTATiSTiCs... dONe
aUTo-RecoN mEMBER VIA sATELLiTe 291m04.Stc44!6.LP!.... dONe
WeLcoMe tRiviALiNko , bEk on TraCk aFtEr 12h and 13m...
cOmmaNd mAtrix sPLiT sEcurity dEPluG lS tYPe
dECK1.MTXU.GR4.lP!-9.> tRiViALiNKo/
dECK1.MTXU.GR4.lP!-9.> tYPe lP!-hSOC.tXT
.:........................................................:... . . .
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: l O W p R O f i L e · d A s M O K A z c H O I C e :
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. .:....................................................... :... .
· :
...:. tRiViALinKO · rAMONa mUShROOm · rEd dEMONsKIo : ·
: : gRANdPAh aXeBlAdINsKi : :
: .:................:. . .:..................:.. .:
: · :.......:............:
: : :
............................. ................ . . .
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:\____| \__|__/:\____|__\___|\__) |__\___|_/:\____|\____|____/:
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·____________________ _________________
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.\: \\\|/// /.
:If you met an ascii artist, wouldn't you want to know what got him high or |
| what sounds did he dance to, or what was his style and what was in his :
| stash box?. .. We speak ascii!. With the ascii we were on the threshold |
|of something but now the secret is out!. It has happened. The mothership |
|has landed. We have entered the realm of scienced ascii's. Hyperdimensional |
!ised, computers with feelings, molecular holograms floating in realtime... :
: Exploding kaleidoscopic aural asciiscapes. this ascii is from outaspace .
|that you tune into through your innaspace. Wobbly, wriggly wiggly, chrunchy |
|rubbery and unreadeble ascii's that are probing psychotropical frontiers |
|and tuning us into our shamanistic resonances once again. So let your self |
| be hypnotised and get hip to the asciitrip coz [L]owpro is kickin it !
: free[S]tyle and wil[D]. ............................. Outtahere - Trivi :
:___ :.:.......... ___:
_ / __________________________________:_________:_______________________ \ _
///_( :.........: )_\\\
:_ ______________________ _
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: aLtERN dIZ |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAL /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_______ ___________ ______ ___________
.\ _ /./ /\ /_/ _ /:/ _ / _ \.
| _ / | /. / /__/ | / /. / |
| \\\___|_____|______\_______| \___|__/___|
| :
| |
| |
|_ _ _ _|
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: aLTERn dIz |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAl /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
-- -_________ ___________________-- -----(.
/ _ /./ /\ /_ Altern :
t^/ _ / |_ /. / :
/ \\\_____:/_________|_________\Presents|
/________\------------------------------ --·
: |
| !
| :
|_ _ _ _|
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: aLTERn |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAl /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ __ __ _ _
.)\\\\(----( A l T E R n )----)////(. _________
| ___________ : ./ _ \. _ __ _
_______|__ __________/ _ / .|_________|_ / |/
/ _ /. _______\_ /_ /______/ :/ _ /____/ |
/ _ / |/ / /____________| / /. /_________ __ _
./ \\\_____| /.________\ / \______|
l_________\| /__________| /________|
: |
t^| : |lp!
|_ !_ _ _:
:/_______ _: |///------\:
\\: :
. ·
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: tAXi |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: wEEd /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
| __________ _________ _:
________|_ / _ /. _____\__ /__\/___·
_\ /_/ _ / |/ _ _/ / /:
\ / \\\_____| \\\_ \ |
/__________\________\ /_________| \_______|
t^| /_________\ |lp!
| :
:_ _ _ _|
://(-( t A X i / a L T E R n )-)\\:
erheahre.... sux major.. hate X's
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: sHAdOWlANdS |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: lSD /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
.)\\-------------------( s h a d o w l a n d s )----------- -----//(·
: : ________ __________ :
__|__ |\____. _______/ _ /. __________/ ·\ /|____ :
./ /_______| _|/ / / |/ ._ /. \\/ /__.____
|_ /. \ /. \_____|_ |/ |____________\ /\ /.
:/____________| /________|_____\ :/__________| /______/\_______|
: l______\ |
| |
| ________ ________ _____ |
| ./ /_________/ _ \. _________/ /_______ |
: | /. _ /. / |/ ._ /._ /. |_ _
_. : _______| / |___/_____|_ |/ :/__________ |t^ .//
\\. |/ / \_____| :/_________| \| |
| : /________\ : :
| . :
:_ _ _ _:
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: tOP tEn |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAL /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _________ __________ _____________ _________ ___________ _________ __
.)_\ /_/ _ \./ _ /_\ /_/ _ /./ _ \.(.
| \ / / |_ / _____/ \ / /_____/ : / | |
: /_________\____________:/______\t^ /_________\____________:_____/_____| |
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: tOP 1o wEEk |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASH /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
________ _____
_______ __________\__ \./ ._ \. _____ _________ .____. _____
_\ /_____/__ _ /| | |/ |/ /__/_. _ /.______|_ |/ /
\ / ·\ / ___/ | _| / | /\ | /___/ : _ / / /.
/_______\ \\___\ t^|_____\:_______|____/\____|_______: /___/ :__\_____|
/_____________\ \_________:
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: oNElInEr |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASh /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ ________ _ __________
.)\\-- -_________- - -------./ /_\/. ________---- - ----/ _ /
:______/ _ \. ________|_ /. |/ _ \. _______/__ / / :
/ ·\ / |/ _ /.______| | / |/ _ /. \_____|
/ \\___/_____| /____/ :/_________|____/_____| /____/ |___|
/___________\ \____________: t^\____________: :
`-------------------------------[ OneLiner!]------------------------'
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: aCHLYs |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: LsD /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
.)\\-------------( a c h l y s )-------------//(.
| :
: |
: .______. _______ ________ ·
__________ _|___ | _ _|/ /_______/ /_____. _____:
/ _ /./ _/_____:_ \\\_ / / /| |/ /______
/ _/ | \ /. / /. /.______ |_ \.
/ \______|____/________| /_______|_______| /________:/____________|
/________\ : l______| :
| . |
| · . |
|_ _ : _ _ : _ _|
://(------------------:-\ t^ /-·------------- ----)\\:
: :
. :
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: aEROsOULs |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: LsD /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
.)\\-----( a e r o s o u l s )-----//(.
. :
______ _______ ____________ :__ _____ _____ __________ .
/ _ /./ _ /./ _ / _ \./ /___ ./ _ \./ /___./ / /____
/ _/ |_ /___/ : / /. / |_ \| / | /| | /._ \.
/ \____:/_______: \____|______:/_______|_______|_________|______:/________|
/______\ /_____| t^: :
| .
| |
| |
: |
._ _ _ _:
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: fILE aREAs |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: LsD /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
.________ _ .____________________
| /_______\/___ | / ._ \...............:........ .
| \/ \| / |/ |_ _ ____ _ fiLE aREAs :
_: _______\ t^/lP! |_ /. /_________|////_____(·····.........:
: /______________|(_______|_____\\ :
: :
_ _: [1] dEAD fAMILY mEMBERs :
\\\. [2] sUiCiDEs :_ _
· [3] mAFFiA mASSmURDERs .///
: ___ .___________________ ___ ._____ :
___:____\ \| _ /._ \. _______\ \| /_:____
./ _ | / / |/ |/ _ |__ \.
| / | / /. /________| / | / |_ _
|_____________|__\______|____\\ |___________ :/___________|///
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: bOONdOCKs |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: gRAss /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
: ___________t^/lp! |
|_____ __________ / ._ /. __ ___ _ _______ __ _:_
._\__ /______/ ·\ ________/_ |/ |/ //
|_ / /. \\/ ·\____/ | b O O N d O C K S
:/__\_________|____________\ \\ /___________ __ _ _ _______ _ :
: /______________\ |
| |
| |
| _____ |
: __________ _____ ._____. ./ /_______ |
: ./ ._ /. _________/ _/______| | ___|___ /. |
. |_ |/ |/ ·\ \ /. |/ //__________| |
| :/__________| \\__/_______| / /. _|
| /_____________\ | \______| \:
: l_____| :
._ _ _ _!
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: bOONdOCKs |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: pROPAvAN /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
__· b O O N d O C k S b B s ·__
____ / /____________________________\ \ ____
·) // // \\ \\ (.
· _____:___ / __________ \ :
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\ __/ |/ ._ ·\ _____ | |/ /_____
\ \| |/ \\/ _/_______| / / /________
\__________________________ \ /| \_______ /.
| /_____/_______________| !/______________|
: :
| |
| !
: _ _ :
:_ //_ _\\ _|
:/// /_ _______________________________ _\ \\\:
/_/ // \\ \_\
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: ciTY oF jOy |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: cANt REMEMbEr /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
-:---------[· c I T Y O F j O Y ·]-------:-
: :
____: _ .__________ :
.\ _/:_____ ____\/_______| /_______ .:_____.
| \ \./ \_ / \| |
|_ | t^/lP! | /.___________ |
/__________|______________l________| ./ |/ _|
: |___________\
: .__________ :_
: ____________ | /_ _ ./
_ _: ./ _ \| \/// :
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)_\\\__________| ./ |/ _|
: |______________\
: :
: :
: :
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: dAT & pSt |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASh /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
____________ _______ _\\_:
__________ t^: d A T A d I V I s I O n
_________/ _ /._________ ___:______
./ ._ /. _ _/ |\ /_/ _ /. a N D
|_ |/ | \\\______| / _ _/ |
:/_________|_____\ /_________\ \\\______| p R O s P E c T
: p R E S E N T s
_ _ . _
_\_ _/_ . _\_
_________/ \ ______ / \ ___!_ / \ ________ _______
./ ._ /. \/ /_____/ \/ /_____/ \/ _ \./ _ \.
|_ |/ | \ /| | \_ \. \ / |_ / |
:/_________| \__________| /__________| \________:/___/____|
/___________\ /___________\ : /___________\
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: fLAMe sTRiKe |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: LsD /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_.___ ______ _ _: :_ ______ _____._
· \\: |// :
_ _ ___ ___:__ ______________ ___ ____ _____!___ _ _ _ _
// \../ /_/ / _ /./ _\/ /./ _ /./ //
_ ||_ / /. _/ |_ \ _ |_ /____/.| _
_ \\_______|:/______\_______|__\____:/___\/____:/________||_____ _\\
! ·t^
· :
: _ :
__ __ ___ :________ ____________\/_.____. ____:________ _ _ _
// // \../ /_____\ /_/ _ / | |/ / _ /./ //
_ ||_ \. / / /. _| / /. /___/.| _
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! · !
|___________:_ _ _ _|_________|
(|/// \\\:)
. :
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: hOUSe OF pAin |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASh /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
.)\\---( mOTHERfUCKIn hOUSE oF pAIn! )---//(.
_________. _______ : _______ ______ |
_|/ /_______|_/ /______./ /_______ ___________: _______
\_ /.._ ·\ /| |_ /./ _ /./
/_______||/ \\____________:/_____________|_ /_______|
__________\ /______________\ t^/lp! :/______________ ______
| _ :
_________ __________: ______________________ ___\/_. _______|____
/ ·\/ /_ / _ / _ /./ |/ _ /
/ \\ / ./ / ___/ _ / | |_ / /.
/_____________\_________\ |_________\ / \\\_____|_______:/___/_______|
: /_________\ |
| :
| |
: |
| |
: |
|_ _|
_ _____ ______ _
_______ ///__ / \ __\\\ _______
___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: tOPuLERs |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
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: d O P E tHAT spELLs: lSD DIZ |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASH /_·]:__ _
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: Smacks yar bitch up with: :
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· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: lSD dIZ |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: dAY aFTAh tRIp /_·]:__ _
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: lSD dIZ |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: dAY aFTAh tRip /_·]:__ _
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· _( )_ _( )_ |
| (__O__) Heroin Kings! (__O__) |
|_ ·-|-· (Trainer +41) ·-|-· _|
_ _____ ______ _
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: lSD dIZ |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAL /_·]:__ _
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· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: nEPtUNe |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASh /_·]:__ _
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· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: sTYLe sUPERwANKAz |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: fOLAR |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAl /_·]:__ _
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· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: kIRKONUMMi |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: sK··L ·f HARdKn·cKs |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASH+gRASs /_·]:__ _
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· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: mANiAcS |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd /_·]:__ _
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: bUMbLE bEE lANd |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sLOW tHINKINg /_·]:__ _
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· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: wiZkId |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: zYMoSiS bOOZiNg sOc.|
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
.)\\--------( Zymosis Boozing Society World Hq! )--- _-----//(.
:___ ______ ___ ____ ______ _____ _\/_. _____:
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: tRELLi IKOjENiA |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: sYsTEM pW |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: lSD /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
.)\\-----( bla bla bla bla bla bbs! )----------------------------//(.
__:_ _______ ___________ t^/lp! :
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\. This is a private system for the exclusive use of our members |
| any attempt at illegal entry, hacking, or access other than :_ _
| by authorization is a violation of federal regulations and a _//
: violation of members rights such as free speech & privacy. :
:No person is to violate FCC or any other ________ copyright laws|
| If you agree Enter YES at the _____ / ·\ _________ |
| ____ system prompt / /___/__. \\/ _ /____:__
__:_______ / /_____ ____ / /\ |________\ / /. ._ \.
/ _ /____/_ \_/ /_/_____/\ : / \_____| |/ |
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: sOUtH cENTrAL |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
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_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: pENGUin /_·]:__ _
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: lA sHAWn |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: lSD /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
.)\\-------( gothenburg lsd meister )-------//(.
| :
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: jUjU |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: wEEd /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
.)\\--------( Da Jormas World Hq! )-------//(.
: :t^/lp!
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: hOUSe oF pAIn |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: scHtOWNEd /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _
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: _________ ______ t^/lp! :
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: : :
| · |
: Chill [·] Cja [.] Thaler [·] Wizdom! |
._ _|
:/---------( Stoned Is The Way Of Da Walk! )--------\:
_ _____ ______ _
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___\ (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \ \ _ _.) /___
\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: dEviLs pOiNt |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
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\ \\ ://// /:__________________________________:\ \\\\: // /
· /_| |_\ :
: d O P E tHAT spELLs: dA jORMAs |
| _ © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97 _ !
· //_ _\\ :
: _ _ !
_ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAL /_·]:__ _
\\ :_/ \_: //
_ _ _ _
.)\\----( d a j o r m a s )----------------------//(.
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| D E C E M B E R 3 1 ' S T · K A S H M I R / I N D I A !
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: D A L P ! P L A Z A 0 7 . 0 0 A M |
rAMON: make da jejo ready
rAMON: coka
t^: ah fukkie i wanna go to sleep. had 42 Hofmann jubilieums last night
t^: but i guess i could always take some coka
rAMON: hahahaa
rAMON: 42
rAMON: oh boye
t^: hey Rehd Diamon go get sum Coka for rAMON:a and me
t^ its to the left of the big boxes saying "KillerBud".. yes that 25kg bag will be fine
rAMON: and dont fuck on me
rAMON: thats what my man tony montana uses to say eh
t^: rAMON:ah eh really good coka heee?
rAMON: yeah chika chika chikas .. are u readdyyy
<suddenly a alarm bell in the Plazas Security Room Starts ringing>
rAMON: sweet dick willy will take a phat lick
rAMON: oh damn
rAMON: what da fuck
t^: whattafukk? hey call aXeiE on the fastphone and check whats wrong
Phone: beeep
Phone: beeep
rAMON: what da fuck
rAMON: i guess he is still trippin in da club
t^: ah fuck no answer? ill go get miSFIt i think he's over in the casino
<trivial Leaves>
Phone: beep
Phone: Beeeep
rAMON: heh
rAMON: stoopid fuckin shit
rAMON: hELL oh
Phone: beeep
rAMON: who da fuck callin
-M- : yoOOOOOo its mIsfIT.. u seen trivi?
rAMON: eh shit .. he search for u in da casino
rAMON: are u there ? if nut come here .. sumthin wrong and
much koka left and stuff
-M- : noNo im in da Jacuzi with sum chicks i invited
-M- : And you better get sumone to check why the mf enterence alarm is ringin
ill just finish up with da chicks and get over to there asap.
rAMON: with da chicks goddamn
-M- : Word
Phone: Click.
rAMON: is lisa there?
rAMON: a shit.. hope she cums .. coz i wanna cum too
rAMON: damn now i cant reach trivi
< Misfit enters da room with 5 phat naked chickz >
-M- : yo rAMON:a heres some girls for ya .. take lisa she's yours
rAMON: eh what da fuck
-M- : trivi not bekk yet?
rAMON: first enjoy da stuff we have here
rAMON: take what ya want
rAMON: champaign. el langustos longos delikatos
rAMON: and my dick
rAMON: hehe not
-M- : oh goodie ill have 2 bottles of that 1924 champagne and sum 48% weed
phone: beeeep
phone: beeeep
phone: beeeep
rAMON: hey misfit answer it.. im buzy
havent sniffed any shit yet....... only a bit
-M- : loW pRO eNTERpRIsEs!. tHiS iS mISfIT sPEAKiNG
tRiVi: yO mISfiT iTS tRiVI · tELL rAMON:A iLL bE gONe for an our or two..
i got an inportanto call and now im making and groooooße lsd deal here
-M- : oki .. we keep the bitches hot for u
tRiVi: goodie and tell rAMON:a to give them as much coka as they want to from
my storage
< Red Demon comes out from the Snowboard Emulator in the Plaza >
-M- : oh there you are dee
rDm : yeee <pff<> hey look what i brought back with me from Nu'Yorka
rAMON: <sniffff> haeeehe nu pumpactions!!
rAMON: and a fuckin 45
-M- : goodie lets get really schtowned tonite and have sum trigger action
< trivi JUMPS into da room.. The look in he's eyes is.. >
rAMON: sure
rAMON: its new years day soon
rAMON: fire work eh
rAMON: with sum blood
lISA!: oh u are such a man
rAMON: haeuhauea
tRiVi: ejy · u know what year it is?
rAMON: yeah.. uh sumthin like 9x or sumthin
tRiVi: hey rAMONicka turn off that 95 inch television set and come and
sit here with me in the bed and smoke sum coka ^ hueah
tRiVi: hey boys u know. heahe <pff> i kidnapped sumone in town =)
rAMON: hope that bird comes over with sum shrooms
tRiVi: ye rAMONa did you invite anyone else to da plaza except for Bird?
rAMON: well dunno
rAMON: i meet hell of a lot friends at da club
rAMON: i guess i invited every one
tRiVi: Hey rAMona i See bird on the interactive.. he's outside the enterence
< The door slams upppppppp and pird enters the room >
tRiVi: welcum to da plaza great to hear that rAMONa invited you here to our
millenium party
rAMON: i think we got enuff coca
bIRDi: hi trvivi
tRiVi: listen up... i kidnapped this girlie for me at the airport while
i was makin that lsd deal.. wanna see her?
birdi: Smoooooth!!
tRiVi: biRdi... u wanna see that girl i kidnapped at the airport?
noones interested????
Birdi: Uhhh hu oke bring her in
Trivi: ok hold ill go get her
<trivi leaves the room>
> <and leaves bird alone with 5 naked chickz>
bird starts looking
and evil grining
bird is gettin on dat nice chick called Liza
rAMON: goddamn $%^&%$^%&*%^&((%^&(%^&*
rAMON: what da fuck
rAMON: get down u stoopid fuck
< rAMON breaks through the door >
rAMOn grabs da 45
points at bird
and starts laughin
> <trivi re-enters da room with a big plastic bag that screams HELP!>
rAMOn: ehehe u really thought i kill u coz of a bith hauhau
tRiVi: stop diz war shit · he didnt know its was yer girlie rAMONa!
tRiVi: look what i found in at the airport instead
rAMON: i want a big mac
rAMON: goddamn
rAMON: goddamn we are in india .. no fuckin mcd here and shit
tRiVi: rAMONa & Birdie lookie lookie here
rAMON: i have to kill sumoine
birdi: i want sumthing too
rAMON: hey whats it
rAMON: a cop ?
birdi: drobdidob
birdi: killthecop
<trivial opens the plastic bag and out comes A female narcopolice>
birdi: popop
rAMON: yeajjjj ....... fuckin kewl ./.
rAMON: hey gimme one of da pumpactions
rAMON: i stick it into her pussy
tRiVi: na lets have sum fun with her and then kill her on nuyears eve
< Trivial sticks da vacuum cleaner up the female polices ass >
Birdi: break on through the other side
rAMON: deeper deeper
tRiVi: okeiee
< trivi puts 12 rizlas together and starts rollin >
its been bothering me for hours now i cant even roll a decent
spliff when dat alarm is ringin
rAMON: yeah pussy ... cum here .. turn that fuckin noise out
rAMON: and bring me a remy martin
birdi: come on baby light ma fire
rAMON: 3
rAMON: 2
rAMON: 1
rAMON: 0
birdi: the right song now
TrIvI: puffffff
TrIvI:hey rAMONA whos idea was it to give axeblade the ONLY card
to the securitysystem? now when he's out clubbin we cant turn
the sheit off!
rAMON: well.. fuck that... lets try our nu guns
TrIvI: oke that glock is mine
birdi: the bongguns?
-M- : No you stupid
<rAMON passes a full automatic halfway shortcuted 45 to trivi >
aNd TrIvIaLo grabs it
rAMON: oh damn boy .. u look like a maniac
TrIvI: Where is red dee btw?
-M- : Uh he went into that Snowbordie emu again...
tRiVi: Hey piiirdi get away from da window..goddamn dont shot any civilians
birdi: poppoppop another motherfukka dropped
rAMON: bird ..dont sniff that much koka
rAMON: u gettin weird
rAMON: we just wanna shoot a goddamn alarm mashine
birdi: alwayz ultra - red is the colour of our eyez
rAMON: i guess we got no pupils 8)
TrIvI: ey LOW PRO & ALWAYS ULTRA havin a Nuyearseve partie
TrIvI: Hey rAMONa what time is it?
rAMON: its 7.10 am
rAMON: goddamn
rAMON: only 10 minutes past
TrIvI: hAHah lets go for sum more coka then
< trivi says nuttin.. Grabs some more guns>
< and dissapears outta the main enterence >
rAMON: hey u stoopid... stay here i want that goddamn magnum
rAMON: i need 2
< 50 mins passed · nuttin much happened rAMON:a & pird smoked sum more coka >
rAMON: uhh
rAMON: what fuckin time is it.. Oh itS 8 o clock
< RamonA turns on da rAdiO >
Radio: tHe 8 o cloKk Nu's FrOm india freedom radio
Radio: good morrning
birdi: nahh put a cd in rAMON:nn
rAMON: i luv hrundi
birdi: i luv brandy
rAMON: willy brandy ?
birdi: heheh naaah pamela his sister
rAMON: oh she has a pussy sista
rAMON:lets get her here
< bird gets out a full hoffman quarters it and puts>
<into each whiskyglass>
rAMON: i wanna sniff sum coke frrom her pussy
Radio: Today the Belton & AutoK Aerosol Industry got robbed by a
man that the policecheif of Kashmir describes as
"A MAN OF THE MOB" . the man.. dressed in black baggy clothes
forced some workers at the industry to fill the robbers black Van
With ALL autok colorz available · the police have no trace of the
robber yet..
rAMON: oh shit <turns da radio off>
rAMON: this sttoopid trivi analo eehehe
rAMON: goddamn .. i wanna party and dont bomb any wallz or trainz
rAMON: gmgmhmhm
rAMON: but when trivi bombz a train and a stoopid copz cumin
rAMON: i can shoot him..... haehaheaheae jajajajaja
> < trivial returns in black baggy clothes >
TrIvI: rE aLl
TrIvI: had some work to do
<bird throws sum cans to triv>
TrIvI: U heard it on da nu's?
rAMON: hell shit
rAMON: im not going out
rAMON: only when i can shoot sum cops
TrIvI: i sold all Cans to Delta and bought a new car for tonight
---- come outside and have a look
rAMON: uh oh kewl
< TrIvIaLo rAMON: & bIRd leaves the Plaza >
< Misfit stays to watch over da chickz >
Bird-In-Da-Elevator: a fat caddy i hope
· Outside the Plaza ·>
TrIvI: sO whaddaya think rAMONAaa?
rAMON: uh eh
rAMON: a jeep?
rAMON: full armored
rAMON: uhhh what a sound system
TrIvI: its the Pioneer XV83900R with a 350 Disk Hiphop cdchanger 8*650W
output and it shows holograms of da groups playin
birdi: hey the two mgs on the front rock trivi!!
birdi: lets take a testdrive you stoned fukks hheheh
rAMON: damn .. i thought u have 2 technics 12/10 turntables and a battle mixer
TrIvI: ah the battle mixer is in da back havent installed it yet
TrIvI: ok peeps · who'll drive?
birdi: i wont drive anymore so who will?
rAMON: damn ......... lets call a driver
rAMON: and order him for the whole day
rAMON: shit
TrIvI: Bird Here take my phone and dial sum driver 4 us
birdi: àhhh and a little coctailbar in the back ,,, niiice
birdi: nah rAMON should call heheh i will explore the bar a bjit
TrIvI: Ok rAMON make the fucking call
birdI: gin tonic rules
TrIvI: bird gimme a tequila
birdI: on the waay
rAMON: fuckin no
< RamoN goes inside da car >
< and shuts the door >
birdI: calll raamooon
birdI: caaallll
trIvI: calllll!!!!
birdi: hahah or drivee
rAMON: bam,mm
rAMON: zzzzzziiiiiiip
rAMON: < window pulluin down >
rAMON: gun pointed at bird
rAMON: heh
rAMON: how do i look so ?
birdi: gaeehn
rAMON: genius car for a drive by with stylee
TrIvI: no privacy there rAMON the jeep doesnt have a roof =)
rAMON: ehheha
trIvI: ok stoned fuckers i make the call
< TrIvIaLo picks up da phone >
rAMON: kewllio
TrIvI: ATDT 948-22839-22
bird: your tequila triv ...
< rAMON turns on da radio >
Bitch-In-Phone: Mad-Out-Vandal Drivers. This is Monica speaking
rAMON: goddamn how do i find sumthin beetwen 350 disks
rAMON: hmhm
tRiVI: rAmon.. use the Hologram Index.. To the left of the Turnables
< trIvI grabs he's tequila >
TrIvI: Yo bitch gimme a driver to da lp! plaza
birdi: hey bad newsss goddamn, the dope is out
TrIvI: oh bird we got more in the storage room in da plaza and
theres a 35kg bag of coka in the back
rAMON: whatda fuck
rAMON: cant be
Bitch-in-phone: ok ull have a driver there in 5 mins
TrivI: Okee than whore ... <click>
bird: hey triv remember the last two hours?
bird: we sniffed it all hueheh
TrIv: ah shit
rAMON: hehehe
birdi: we need that driver fast !!!!
rAMON: U sniffed it all
rAMON: goddamn
TrIvI: i still have the 750 hofmann trips i got this mornin
birdi: yeeaaa
<TrIvIaLo takes 10 400microg hofmann trips >
rAMON: bahh
rAMON: i take no lsd
TrIvI: gives 10 to rAMON and 10 to bird ENJOY
rAMON: nahh
rAMON: i take 20
rAMON: or no.. i dont want any
TrIvI: rAMON go get some shrooms in the storage then and we'll wait
for the driver
< bird takes two papers and puts one on each eye >
< ... yeeaa hhehe the true optics >
rAMON: hhmmh
< TrIvI spots a flying cameraman right above birds head >
rAMON: i better drive to that temple down tha street .. brb
< rAMON turns da keys and drives away >
TrIvI: Hey raMOn.... Have yOu forgot that U cANt drIvE?
TrIvI: ah fuck bird .. now well have a driver here in sum mins and no car
TrIvI: i hope rAMONa gets bekk here soon
birdi: lets roll one for waiting
TrIvI: ill just sit here and speak to the flying cameraman for a while
Phone: beeeeep
Phone: beeeeeeep
TrIvI: roll one for me bird
birdi: hope he brings sum burgers
TrIvI: ah whats ringin.... My Beeper.. No...
My Eriksson 688.. No
My Nokia 8110.. No
My Dope Beeper.... No
My Special Deal Phone..... AH Yes
who the fukk is callin
zorro: hey itS zOrRO
birdi: zoorro?? movee over here!
bird: say him triv
TrIvI: zORRO man where the fuck are you?
im outside da plaza rAMON just drove away with our nu driveby car
and bird is here get over here you fukk
zORRo: iM at that time 2 km away in the temple of gabla har vabla
TrIvI: ah rAMON is goin there right now
< iNsIdE tHE teMpLe oF gAbLA >
rAMON is sitting with bugi har haschmi in the middle of the temple
haschmi : here little young boy .. i did this bang cocktail ..
it will open your mind 4 you to enter into da nu yearthoussnsnsand
ramona: thanx haschmi .. gluck gluck gluck .. blurp
uh thats gr8 ah ehhh eheh haha huhuhuhuhu ooh daahhamn eheh hihihi heuheue
augaghah i cant stoooooop!!
TrIvI: but ey Zorro · gonna disconnect now ure fukkin up my trip
get over here with rAMONa when he's leavin
TrIvI: hey bird wouldnt it be cool with a firetruck tonight?
i could do a phat burner on it and we could fill the
watertank with Coka instead?
birdi: heheh shit my nose is a mess ... puhh my eye eeh you talked
sumhting about shrrooms
rAMON: whats the contrair of loud ?
birdi: antiloud
rAMON: heuhue
rAMON: fuckkk
rAMON: fuckin englaish
TrIvI: Lets speak Indochina
rAMON: grundu hu kalahaka
TrIvI: jakhabanipp nipp coka snifififif ?
birdi: sjen ak ta koejjfeue!
rAMON: koko kaka snif jahbka ehak kea
rAMON: hmhm wlel
TrIvI: choccco plaza geti habibi jakbar chalam red demoni?
TrIvI: gettit chocco mikar chalam plaza
<TrIvI retournen now even more stoned and he forgot how to speak indochina>
rAMON: yehehe
TrIvI: I brought us some more Dope
TrIvI: and look there is our mad out vandal driver
trIvI: ahh its sLIME!
rAMON: ehue shuddup
rAMON: im good
rAMON: uh eh
rAMON: slime 8)
sLiMe: Ok im yAr dRivER fOR tONite..... Where Ya wAannA gOOO??
tRiVi: dA pLAzA...
bIrDi: EhEA... wERE tHERe.. rEMEMbER tRIvi....?
tRIvi: ahea... ok
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Returning to MasterMoDe
dECK1.MTXU.GR4.lP!-9.> diSplAy sHit
:\ /.
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: lP! |_
. eNTERpRIsEs |/
| ©tAXi /
| tRiViAl · |
| ©niKE/hOs |
| hIStORy :
: ©rEddEE |
| nEtwORk |
: ©rAMOn! |
. | · ·
|Ifeverybodyin| \ _ /
|thewholeworld| _ ·-- (_) --·
_|weretripping.|_ _ __ ( ) / \
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: · gREETz · :
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rAmOnA mUsHrOOm · oLdsKOOLa sAL uNO · wACKsKOe iNc. · jELLO`mISfIt`bIAfRA
lO pRO pLAzA sTAfF · mY lOcAL dRUgdEALaz · uRbAN nAtIvE · aXeBlAdE
rEd deMoN · zEuS · mEtAl aKA sTrAtOz · dA wHOLe mFG cREw pOSSe
rEpE · bK'S & miC mAnIaCs · dEViL mADE iT wHOLecAR inStiTutIOn
eX.giRLfRiENdS · wACk · dOSe · daNg · vAN · eLmE · sYt · hOK · dELtA
mY rAToSbONg · uMAn · dARtAgNAn & hOMiE 243 + sEXkITTEn
lUCKy sTriKE · cRuSAdER`bOOgEY ( & ) dOWn ÅRbY iNC`cANdYmAN
wIZKId · wIZdOM · sUGA' bUzZ · zOLTRIxO · sTRATOlINa · tRANcE
mIGHTyMUz · FFT · fUNGaLAMe · lORd cHAOs · tANGo · tAXi
lOW pRO mATRiX sTAFf · gANJa · fOLAR · bOHEMe · dMG · dOjjL
tOMMY · tEN! · bAFFLE · nuMEN · eVOl · mOGUE · sIEGEL · zOD
sLAPsHOt · hOLLYwOOD cAREEr mAN cELTIc · vOUcK · 243
bIO bRANDbIL · zINKOlINA · bB^kiNg · lUCAs n · oRLINgOnE
___________________________________________ _ _.
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___________________________________. | |
._\ | | |
.____ | lOW pRO hISTORY .____ | | aRTISTs |
| _ | | . _ _________ _| _ |_ | ·_________·
| /_|___ .___\/_\. _ \\. /__/ .________\. _ \ .____ ___
| _ /_| /_|_ /___/_| |____| _ /_| /___/_| / /_
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rDm . | | . /_______/
| lP!-dEDi.tXT 'bRING dA pAIN' | | rED dEE |
| lP!-sPiN.tXT 'lET dA rECORD sPIN' | | tRiViAL |
| lP!-fORU.tXT 'a tASTE OF pROFiLE' | | tRiViAL |
| lP!-hAtE.tXT 'H A T E' | | rAMoNe |_ .
| lP!-bOMb.tXT 'bOMb thE sYsTeM' | | Misfit |//
| lP!-LpdS.tXT 'La Pusta deL SoL' | | rAMoNe /
| lP!Plain.Lha 'Plain' | | ZorrO /|
| lP!-uZI.txt 'DriveBy' | | ALL! |
| lP!-lET.tXt 'Low end theory' | | rN!-aB! |
| lP!-iNDI.tXT 'iNDIVIDUaRT' | | rED dEE |
| lP!-hO!.tXT 'Unnamed Fukkup' | | tRIViAL |
| lP!-rESP.tXT 'Blunts, Pieces ..' | | rED dEE |
| lP!-fATS.tXT 'For all that Shit' | | Misfit |
| lP!-oOC!.tXT ' Out of Cans' | | tRiViAl |
| lP!-n4L!.tXT 'Niggaz 4 Life' | | rAMONe |
| lP!-iNSU.tXT 'Inner Sun' | | zEUS |
| lP!-fS.tXT 'First Strike' | | rED dEE |
| lP!-2xWP.tXT 'Devil Made It' | | tRiViAL |
: lP!-bROK.tXT 'bROOKLYNs fINESt' : | sTRATOs :
| lP!-sCT1.tXt 'sCAndInAviAn tOUr' ! : tRiViAL :
! lP!-sTR2.tXt 's T r I K e t W O ' : | rEd dEE :
! lP!-bBS.tXt 'bUcKEtBoNGsHAbANg!' : | tRiViAl |
! lP!-+358.tXT 'lp! aSM pARtyREpoRt' | : tRiVIAL :
| lP!-sOA1.lHA 'sTONed On aErOSoL#1' : | tRiViAl :
| lP!-hSOc.tXT'ahIGERsTATeOfcONcIo..': | tRiViAl |
| ! | |
_|____________________________________| :_________|
: .
. ·
lP!-sOA2.lHA · lP!-sKOL.tXt
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: A Higher State Of Conciousness :
: logos + kashmir party 1999 + free lsd! :
: totalfuckuprelease from trivialinko! :