[ the madness begins now · line ooo2 ] [ ibm: use afs.com 80x50 ]
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Trent stood at the edge of the rip, staring into the unlimitable gulf of
the unknown, the stygian world yawning blackly beyond. Trents eyes refused
to close, he did not shriek, but the hideous unholy abominations shrieked
for him, as in the same second he saw them spill and tumble upwards out of
an enormous carrion black pit, choked with the gleaming white bones of
countless unhallowed centuries. Trent turned back from the rip as the army
of unspeakable figures, toiled by the glow of the bottomless
pit, came pouring at him - towards our world.
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The original intro I had planned for this colly was a combination
history of the ibm ascii scene and a response to all the negative crap
people have been slinging against the wU and Remorse in the past while.
But in light of an apparant new peace between Mark Ryder and the ibm
ascii scene, I've had to reconsider the nature of this introduction.
And so I reconsidered it but I kept coming back to that fact that
alot of y'all have no understanding of the history of the ibm ascii
scene. This has allowed a perception that we're somehow new to ascii
to prevade in the amiga scene.. something I wish to dispell. I do have
much love and respect for the people in the amiga ascii scene I've had
the oppertunity to get to know and talk to. When I first bounded across
a telnet somewhere and discovered what seemed to be a positive scene,
I was impressed with the quality and quantity of a great number of
artists. For a time I was quite influenced by particular artists work,
their own styles and innovations pushing me to invent more of my own.
This is the nature of art in a community, an artist is influenced by
those around him.
My greater influences have come from my own platform however. You
see, we have our masters too. You'll see their names here or there, but
the ibm ascii scene is one of explosive growth and rebirth. Artists
shine on and fade in a matter of months, growing tired of ascii and
moving back to ansi or whatever else it was they were doing before.
The ibm ascii scene began in 1993, with an ansi group named Tribe.
Tribe was the first ansi group to release ascii, their ascii man was
Piromaniak. The first all-ascii group was Katharsis!Ascii (an offshoot
of the original Katharsis clan). Tinyz was the original member of
Kts!Asc and still heads the group today. Katharsis!Ascii membership
included artists across the globe, and was the only ascii group in the
ibm scene until in late 1994 when Necromancer and Necronite (both of
whom were previously in Shiver) founded a group called Remorse. Remorse
was the basis for what I have come to term the 'ibm ascii explosion'.
It was here that everything is centered for me.
It is here that we see a split in the ibm ascii scene, what we call
the old school and the new school. The new school came about as certain
artists in Remorse developed a new block style of ascii, more closely
related to ansi than anything else. The old school remains based on
_\|/- characters while the new school employs .s$" as it's primary
character table (as a side note: alot of new school does not translate
properly to an amiga due to certain highbit ascii characters which are
frequently used in the style do not have exact counter-parts under the
amiga ascii table, or their locations differ).
Until Katharsis!Ascii released it's first ascii colly, the standard
form for distribution of artwork in the ibm scene was single files in a
zip archive. The reasons for this are simple: viewers could be easily
coded to handle the relatively small individual works; the works could
be colored or left uncolored on an individual basis at the artist's
discression; and the tradition of ibm ascii was that each individual
logo was a work of art unto itself, style and alignment changed to suit
the needs of the logo rather than rewording the logo so it fits some sort
of cookie-cutter ascii font set. And our scene's approach to art was
entirely different than your's. When a group released the entire group
released. Everyone who had something for the month's pack (usually
released within the first week of a month) got their submissions to the
senior staff or founder(s) who would then assemble everything into a
single archive, write the newsletter and memberlist, and release the damn
thing. In three weeks the whole process would start up again as artists
reacted to last month's pack and came back with more individual styles
and responses.
As I said, the first 'colly' to debut in the ibm ascii scene was
released by Katharsis!Ascii. It was called THENME.TXT and was a rather
childish response to Remorse's founding (Kts!Asc was used to being the
only ascii group), but it was 350k of amazing artwork and set us all
spinning in different directions. The trend was not immediately picked
up but Katharsis!Ascii continued to release it's 'Group Collys' and try
to come to grips with a North American ascii boom in Remorse. Necromancer
and Necronite dropped out of the scene by the 3rd Remorse pack and
Whodini and Omicron were left to manage it their place. By the 5th pack
Whodini had had enough and quit to found a new group, Trank. Invitations
to join Trank were extended to most of Remorse (the people Whodini liked
at any rate), and so we continued on under a new banner.
I became active with Trank around the 3rd pack, and shortly after got
into the ascii colly mode of releasing my work. I was one of the first to
release a full fledged colly, although Whodini had been doing mini
file_id collys since the dawn of Remorse, and other artists had done
small (100 lines or less) works I like to term 'logo clusters'. As Trank
continued it's path of manifest destiny we picked up european artists and
were exposed to the amiga ascii scene. Trank progressed as it did, the
Wu-Trank inner clique (which Fahrenheit will discuss in WU-ORIGN.TXT if
it ever goes out.. heh) forming and the name being expanded to represent
the Trank colly division. The amiga font became popular with some of us,
and so we did art which was accessable across platforms. The inherent
nature of the / and \ under the amiga font bringing new shame to our old
80x25 ibm ascii styles which now looked like hell under it. Our
productivity grew in leaps and bounds, instead of 4 or 5 logos a month
artists began doing 70k ascii collys every three months. From there it
all just kept on going..
The truth is there's simply too much for me to properly doccument.
Too many artists who will remain forgotten or lost in the past. The
present is a simple reality however. Katharsis!Ascii hasn't released a
major group colly in over a year, but individual artist collections are
popping up from time to time (the last being Tinyz's KTS-OBHB.TXT - get
it yah schmucks!). Remorse recently reformed by a merger between Trank
and the ACiD ascii division (ACiD, if you've been living under a rock,
is the longest running art group in the world). The Wu-Trank label is
being kept alive at some level, going back to represent the inner clique
it originally had for some. Remorse1981 has evolved out of the Wu, at
some level, but seems more progressive to me somehow. Meanwhile the main
body of Remorse is releasing in the ACiD pack as well as the old familiar
RMRS-xx.ZIP archives. Other ibm ascii groups (NoName, etc) are keeping
the new school alive and prospering with their own innovations.
Having concluded my 'state of the ascii address' there's nothing but
loose ends left to wrap up. To those of you who've had nothing but
negative words for me and my group, yet wouldn't know me if I was
standing beside them, I offer you this reply..
If you hate us because we use ibmpc platforms:
Time to wake up. Many of your best loved and so-called 'amiga
artists' are running ibmpcs. This type of machine bigotry is what
keeps us referring to you as 'mindless eurotrash' and devaluates
the artistic importance of your work. Grow up.
If you hate us because we use sun platforms:
You're dreaming, nobody does ascii on a sunstation. It's a high
power unix machine used to operate sites and do high res graphics
work on. And unless you're using XWindows you can't even change
the default system font.
If you hate us because we ripped your style:
I can't speak for anyone else, but I feel I've maintained a
sense of originality and creativity in my ascii for quite a
long time. If you feel otherwise, my email address is at the
end of the colly..
If you hate us because we're what you call newschool:
I've been doing ascii art since 1989. Most of Remorse has been
doing ascii since atleast 1994. Where have you been?
If you hate us because you have no idea what a Wu-Trank is:
You're white. Don't worry, there's alot of you out there. You've
oppressed Fahrenheit's and my people for 500 years. You probably
can't dance either.
If you hate me because I'm black:
You're a racist. If you put a 'Nazi Raus' logo on your colly
you're a hypocrite too.
If you hate me because I won't go away:
Deal with it. I've been doing ascii for 8 years and have no
intentions of stopping. I also won't stop using the amiga font
since I prefer it's character emulation. And no, I have no
plans to buy an amiga either. I like my ibmpc and am proud of it.
If you hate me because I have fun doing what I do:
Once again, deal with it. I approach life with a vision that every
day is to be lived to it's fullest, and so I do. If the radiation
from your monitor is giving you brain tumors perhaps it's time
you discovered the outside world again.
- Hiro Protagonist of Remorse 1981/ACiD/Razor 1911/Wu-Trank/Quad-P
..aka Devin
Much love to Kimberley, her daughter Averie Holly, Mark, Ryan, Joe, and Ben.
Without you none of this would have been possible.
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`----' `----'------' ©hP! `----' `-----' `----' `----'
: :
: :
·:··· · · ···:·
This is a rotten way to end it!
This isn't the ending. You haven't read it yet.
· g r o u p r e s p e c t s · ________
_______ _______ _______ ____________ ____\_ / -sg/jA!
_ _\ / / __/___\ _ / / /_ _
)\\ \/ /_ _/ / / /. / //(
- ----------/------/_______/----\_____\----/______|------------\------------- -
001.. A c i d . A r c l i t e ..002
003.. A z k i n e s s : C o n t r a ..004
005.. D e z i g n : D i g i t a l G r a f f i t i ..006
007.. D i v i n e S t y l e r s : E p s i l o n D e s i g n ..008
009.. G - S t y l e : H o n e y ..010
011.. J e d i A r t s : K a t h a r s i s ! A s c i i ..012
013.. M o ` S o u l : R e m o r s e ..014
015.. S 0 a p : S a v e O u r S o u l s ..016
017.. S t y l e : T r a n k ..018
019.. T w i s t e d : U p p e r c l a s s ..020
021.. W h a l e : W u - T r a n k ..020
- -----------------------------------:--------------------------------------- -
Came in this afternoon?
Yes. How did you get here so fast?
We've been monitoring all admissions through police and
paramedic channels, this one fit the symptoms.
You think hes one of ... them?
Well Mr. Sabastein, I promise you, thats what I'm here to find out.
Things must be getting pretty bad to bring you fellas in ...
Is this it?
Did he make any requests?
Just ... one. A, uhh, single black crayon.
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .......................... A c i d
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 0 1 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\_____ __/\____ _/\_ __/\____
.\ _\_ /.\ _____/_.\ ._\_____ /.
| _ | |/ | · | \| | ©hP!
________ _ ____ | | | | | | | | ____ _ ________
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[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
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_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .................... A r c l i t e
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 0 2 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ ___. _/\_ __/\_ __/\____
.\ _\_ /.\ ___ /.\ _____/_.\ _|_____ \ .\ _/___ .\ ____/
| _ | _ _/_| |/ | \_ /. · | ____/_| ___)___. ©hP!
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| | | | | | | | | | | |
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[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .................. A z k i n e s s
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 0 3 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\_____ ____/\__ ____. _/\_ ____/\__ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____
.\ _\_ /._\____ /.\ |/\__ \ ._\___ /.\ ____/ \ ____/_.\ ____/_.
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| | | | | _ | | | | |/ | \| | \| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|____| |___. |____| | |____| |___. |____. |____. |
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__ _/\____ _/\___ _/\. __________________ - o¹
_\ .\ _\_ /._\___ /.\ |__ /_ .
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. `---' `----' `---' | .
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| | |
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[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ...................... C o n t r a
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 0 4 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\____ __/\_____ ____/\__ __/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____
.\ _____/_.\ _ /._\___ /.\ _/___ .\ ___ /.\ _\_ /.
| |/ | | | \| | ____/_| _ _/_| _ | ©hP!
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`------' `----' `----' `-----' `-----' `----'
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[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
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_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ...................... D e z i g n
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 0 5 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\____ __/\____ ____/\__ _/\_ __/\____ ____/\__
._\_____ /.\ ____/ ._\____ /.\ .\ _____/_._\___ /.
| \| | ___)___| ____/_| · | \_ | \| |
_\___ | | | |/ | | | | | | | | ___/_
\ | | | | | | | | | | | | /
/_ | | | | | | | | | | | | _\
\ | | | | | | | | | | | | /
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP!
_ | | | | | | | | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ | .__|___. |___. | |___. |____| | _/
`------' `-----' `-----'----' `-----' `----'
_/\___ _/\___ _/\___ _/\ _/\___ ___/\_ - o¹
._\___ /.\ ___/ ._\___ /.\ .\ ___/_._\_ /. .
| | | ___)__| ___/_| · | \_ | | | |
| . | | | | | | | | | | . |
| . .__|__. |__. | |___. |__| . | - o5
`-:--'©hP! `----' `----'---' `---' `--:-' .
| | |
| ·· d e z i g n ·· | |
| |
`---------------------------------------' - ¹o
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .. D i g i t a l G r a f f i t i
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 0 6 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\____ _/\_ __/\____ _/\_ __/\_ __/\_____ ___.
._\_____ /.\ .\ _____/_.\ .\ _/___ .\ _\_ /.\ _|_____
| \| | · | \_ | · | ____/_| _ | \_ /. ©hP!
_ | | | | | | | |/ | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ | .__| |___. | |___. |____| |___. | _/
`------' `----' `-----'----' `-----' `----' `-----'
____________________. ___ ___. ___ ___ · __._ ·
(____________________l ( ' (---l (-- (-- l ( l
_ _ ________________________)
_ _ dIGITAL gRAFFITI! - o¹
__///\_ _/\\\__ __ __ .
.______\\____ /.\ ____//______. \/__\/ |
| | | \_ | _ \/ .
| | | | | _\\\_______/| - o5
| .__|___. | | .
`--//-------' ©hP! `------\\--' | |
| | |
| |
`-------------------------------------------' - ¹o
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ...... D i v i n e S t y l e r s
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 0 7 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
.___ · . · ___ .______________________
l___) l l__/ l l ) l_____________________/______________________ _ _
__/\____ __/\_ .___ ___. __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____
\ ____/_.\ _/___ __/\_| /.\ _|_____ \ ____/ .\ ___ / \ ____/_.
._\___ | ____/_.\ | | \_ /. ___)___| _ _/_._\___ | ©hP!
_ | \| | |/ |_\____ | | | |/ | | | \| | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |____. |___. | .___|___. |___. |___| |____. | _/
`----' `-----'-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `----'
_ _____ __ _____/\_.:::::··· · · . - o¹
\_ ._\_______ /............... _|_ __ .
dIVINE | | | :::::::::::::: _/__// |
sTYLERS | | | :::::::::::::: |
_ ___ | .__| :::::::::::::: |©hP! - o5
______) `--------':::.:::::::::::::' |_ __ .
(______________________________________/__// |
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ...... E p s i l o n D e s i g n
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 0 8 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\____ __/\____ __/\____ _/\_ ___. __/\_____ ____/\__
.\ ____/ .\ ___ \_\ ____/_.\ .\ _|_____ \ _ /._\___ /.
| ___)___| _____/_\___ | · | \_ /. · | | \| |
_ | |/ | | __ __ \| | | | | | | | | _
_\ | | | | \/__\/ | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |___. | |___\/____. | |___. |____. |____| | _/
`-----'----' `----'----' `-----' `----' `----'
__/\____ __/\____ __/\____ _/\_ __/\____ ____/\__
._\_____ /.\ ____/ \ ____/_.\ .\ _____/_._\___ /.
| \| | ___)___._\___ | · | \_ | \| | ©hP!
_ | | | |/ | \| | | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ | .__|___. |____. | |___. |____| | _/
`------' `-----' `----'----' `-----' `----'
_/\___ _/\____/\_ __ ___. __/\____ ___/\_ - o¹
.\ ___/_\ __ /__/_.\ .\ _|___ _ /._\_ /. .
| ___)__. __/__ | | \_ /. | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
|__. | |___. | |___. |_. |__| | - o5
. `----'--' `---'---' `---' `---' `----' .
| | |
| |
| _/\___ _/\___ _/\___ ___ _/\___ ___/\_| - ¹o
._\___ /.\ ___/ .\ ___/_.\ .\ ___/_._\_ /. .
| | | ___)_/|_\__ | | \_ | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| .__|__. |___. | |___. |__| |
`----' ©hP!`----' `---'---' `---' `----' - ¹5
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .................... G - S t y l e
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 0 9 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\____ __/\____ __/\_ .___ ___. __/\____
.\ _____/_.\ ____/_.\ _/___ __/\_| /.\ _|_____ \ ____/
| \_ |_\___ | ____/_.\ | | \_ /. ___)___. ©hP!
_ ____ | | | \| | |/ |_\____ | | | |/ | ____ _
\_\___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___/_/
_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |___. |____. |___. | .___|___. |___. | _/
`-----' `----' `-----'-----' `-----' `-----'
.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. G-sTyLE! - o¹
::::::::::' ............................ .
::::::::' .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |
:::::::............. ::::::::::::::::::::
:::: :::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::: ::: - o5
:: _/\___ _/\_ :::: .__ ___. _/\___ .
:: \ ___/_.\ _/__ : _/\| /.\ _|___.\ ___/ |
: ._\__ | ___/_._\___ | \_ /. ___)__. |
: | | | | | | | | | | |
: |___. |__. | .__|___. |__. | - ¹o
:. `---' `----'----' ©hP! `---' `----' .
::::::.....::...........::::::.....::.... |
`:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' |
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ........................ H o n e y
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 0 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
____. __/\_____ ____/\__ __/\____ .___
.\ |/\__ \ _ /._\___ /.\ ____/ __/\_| /.
| | /. · | | \| | ___)___.\ | |
| _ | | | | | |/ |_\____ | ©hP!
_ | | | | | | | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |____| |____. |____| |___. | .___| _/
`----' `----' `----' `-----'-----'
.-. - o¹
.:: ::. __ .
___. :: : ___/\_ _/\___ \/ .__ |
.\ |/\_ ._\__ /.\ ___/ _/\| /.
| | /. | | | ___)__._\___ | - o5
| _ | | | | | | | | .
|___| | |___| |__. | .__| |
©hP!`---' ... `---' `----'----' |
_ __ `:: ::'
/___ `-' _______________________ - ¹o
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ................ J e d i A r t s
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 1 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__ __
__/\__ __/\____ __/\____ _/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_ \/ __/\____
___\___ /.\ ____/ ._\_____ /.\ .\ _\_ /.\ ___ /.\ _/___ \ ____/_.
.\ _/ | ___)___| \| | · | _ | _ _/_. ____/_._\___ |
| | | |/ | | | | | | | | |/ | \| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| .___|___. | .__| |____| |___| |___. |____. |
`-----'©hP! _ `-----'------' `----' `----' `-----' `-----' _ `----'
/__ _^ j e d i a r t s ^_ __\
_/\__ _/\___ _/\___ _/\. - o¹
__ __\__ /.\ ___/ ._\___ /.\ | .
____ __\/__ __ .\ _/ | ___)__| | | · | |
_\ \/ \/ | | | | | | | |
| | .___|__. | .__| | - o5
| jEDI-aRTS! `---' `----'----' `---' .
| | |
| | |
| |
| _/\____ _/\____ _/\_ _/\___ | - ¹o
| .\ _\_ /.\ __ /.\ _/__ \ ___/_. .
| | _ | _ /_| ___/_._\__ | |
|_ | | | | | | | | | |
/ ©hP! |___| |___| |__. |___. |
/____________ _ `---' `---' `----' `---' - ¹5
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .... K a t h a r s i s ! A s c i i
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 2 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\. __/\_ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ _/\_ _/\_.
.\ |___ .\ _/___ \ ____/_. .\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ _____/_.\ .\ |
| | _/_| ____/_._\___ _| |_ _ |_\___ | |/ | · | · |
| _ | |/ | \| \/__\/ | | \| | | | | |
| | | | | | |\/| | | | | | | | |
|____| |___. |____. | |____| |____. |__. | | |
`----' `-----' `----' `----'©hP!`----' `------'----'----'
k t s ___!__ a - o¹
_/\. _/\_ _/\___ _) /\____ ©hP! .
.\ |__ .\ _/__ \ ___/_\ // _\_ /. |
· | | /_| ___/_._\__ |\ / _ | ·
_| | _ | | | | |_\/_ | | |_ - o5
_\ |___| |__. |___. |\ /___| | /_ .
|___ _ `---' `----'__ `---'\\/ __ `---'___| |
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .................... M o ` S o u l
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 3 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\_____ __/\_____ (_ __/\____ __/\_____ ____. ___.
.\__ __/.\ _ /. / \ ____/_.\ _ /.\ |/\__.\ _|_____
| \ / | | |· ._\___ | | | | /| \_ /. ©hP!
_ | Y | | | | \| | | | | · | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |____| |____. | |____. |____. |____. |___. | _/
`----' `----' `----' `----' `----' `-----'
______ .-. _____ .-. _____________ _ - o¹
\ .:: ::. .:: ::. .
_/\____ :: _/\___ : ___. ____. ©hP! |
.\_ _/. :: \ ___/_. .\ |/\_\ _|___
| \ / | : ._\__ | | | /. \_ /. - o5
| Y | : | | | | | | | | .
|___| | : |___. | |___. |___. | |
.___`---' :.. `---' ... `---' `---' |
| \`:: ::' `:: ::'
| \ `-' `-' - ¹o
| \ \ .
| \ \ |
|________\ \__________________________ _ |
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .................... R e m o r s e
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 4 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\_____ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____
.\ ___ /.\ ____/ .\__ __/.\ _ /.\ ___ / \ ____/_.\ ____/
| _ _/_| ___)___| \ / | | | _ _/_._\___ | ___)___.
| | | |/ | Y | | | | | \| | |/ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP!
_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |___| |___. |____| |____. |___| |____. |___. | _/
`-----' `-----' `----' `----' `-----' `----' `-----'
_____ .-. ______ .-. ___________ .-. - o¹
\ .:: ::. .:: :: .:: ::. .
_/\____ .::' _/\____ _/\____ _/\___ :.::' |
.\ __ / .. .\_ _/. .\ __ / \ ___/_. ...
| _ /_. :: | \ / | | _ /_._\__ | :::: - o5
| | | :: | Y | | | | | | :::: .
|___| | :: |___| | |___| |___. | :::: |
`---' ::. `---' ... `---' `---' :::' |
©hP! `:: ::' `:: ::' `:: ::'.
. `-' `-' 1 9 8 1 `-' _| - ¹o
|_ _ __\ .
/__ _ |
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .......................... S 0 a p
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 5 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____
\ ____/_.\ _ /.\ _\_ /.\ ___ \_
©hP! ._\___ | |/ | _ | _____/
_ | \| | / | | | | _
_\ | | | /| | | | | /_
\_ |____. |____. |____| | | _/
`----' `----' `----'----'
.s$$$$$$$$" .-. "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s. - o¹
$$" "$$" .:: ::. " "$$$$" "$$$$$$$ .
$"_/\___ \:: ::/ _/\____ _/\___ "$$$ |
$ \ ___/_. \: :/ .\ _\_ /.\ __ \_"$$
"._\__ | \ / | _ | ____/ "$ - o5
| | ( (( )) ) | | | " .
|___. | / \ |___| | | " |
`---' /: :\ `---'---' " |
©hP! /:: ::\ s0ap! - RIP '96
`:: ::' - ¹o
`-' .
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ...... S a v e O u r S o u l s
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 6 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\____ __/\_____ .____ __/\____
\ ____/_.\ _\_ /.__/\| /.\ ____/
._\___ | _ |\ | | ___)___.
_ | \| | | | | | |/ | _
_\ | | | | | | _| | | /_
\_ |____. |____| |____. \.___. | _/
`----' `----' `----' `-----'
__ __ ___________ ___________ __ __
\/__\/ (___________)(___________)( ' \/__\/
\/ \/
__/\____ __/\_____ ____. ___. __/\____
\ ____/_.\ _ /.\ |/\__.\ _|_____ \ ____/_.
._\___ | | | | /| \_ /._\___ | ©hP!
_ | \| | | | | · | | | \| | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |____. |____. |____. |___. |____. | _/
`----' `----' `----' `-----' `----'
.-. , , - o¹
.:: ::. [ )AVE °UR )OULS ] .
_/\___ .::: ::: _/\___ |
\ ___/_. :: ::: \ ___/_.
._\__ | :: :: ._\__ | - o5
| | | :: :: | | | .
|___. | :: :: |___. | · |
. `---' :: ::. `---' | · |
|_ `:: ::' ©hP! _|/
/----- - `-' - ----------------------\_) - ¹o
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ........................ S t y l e
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 7 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\____ __/\_ .___ ___. __/\____
\ ____/_.\ _/___ __/\_| /.\ _|_____ \ ____/
._\___ | ____/_.\ | | \_ /. ___)___. ©hP!
_ | \| | |/ |_\____ | | | |/ | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |____. |___. | .___|___. |___. | _/
`----' `-----'-----' `-----' `-----'
_/\___ _/\_ .__ ___. _/\___ - o¹
\ ___/_.\ _/__ _/\| /.\ _|___.\ ___/ .
._\__ | ___/_._\___ | \_ /. ___)__. |
_ | | | | | | | | | | | _
\ |___. |__. | .__|___. |__. | / - o5
| ©hP!`---' `----'----' `---' `----' | .
| | |
| s t y l e | |
| |
`-------------------------------------------' - ¹o
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ........................ T r a n k
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 8 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
_/\_ _/\________ _____/\________ _/\_______ _/\.
.\ _/______ _\ __ /_\ _\_ /__\__ /_\ |______ ©hP!
| _______/ _ _/ _ | | /_.
_ ___ _| | | | | _ |_ ___ _
\_\___\_ | | __ | | | _/___/_/
| | | \/ | | | |
· | | | | | | | ·
· | | | | | | | | | ·
_ __\| |__. _ ___| _ ________| _ ____| _ ____| | |/__ _
`--------' `--------' `-------' `-------' `-------'
t r a n k : s t y l e 2 d e a t h
_/\_ _/\____ _/\____ ___/\_ _/\. _ ____ - o¹
.\ _/__ .\ __ /.\ _\_ /._\__ /.\ |__ / .
| ___/_| _ /_| _ | | | | /_. // |
| | | | | | | | | _ | / :
|__. |___| |___| |___| |___| |©hP! - o5
. `----' `---' `---' `---' `---' | .
| | |
| t r a n k ! a s c i i - r i p ' 9 6 | |
| |
`-------------------------------------------' - ¹o
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .................... T w i s t e d
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 1 9 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
__/\_ .____ _/\_ __/\____ __/\_ __/\____ __/\____
.\ _/___ __/\| /.\ \ ____/_.\ _/___ .\ ____/ ._\_____ /.
| ____/_.\ | | · ._\___ | ____/_| ___)___| \| | ©hP!
_ | |/ | | | | \| | |/ | |/ | | | _
_\ | | | /¯\ | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |___. |____. | |____. |___. |___. | .__| _/
`-----' `----'----' `----' `-----' `-----'------'
_/\_ .___ _/\ _/\___ _/\_ _/\___ - o¹
.\ _/__ _/\| /.\ \ ___/_.\ _/__ .\ ___/ .
| ___/_.\ | | · ._\__ | ___/_| ___)__. |
| | | /¯\ | | | | | | | |
|__. |___. | |___. |__. |_ | - o5
. `----' `---'---' `---' `----' _/\___' .
| ._\___ /. |
| | | | |
| | | |
|_ | .__| - ¹o
/______ _ ©hP! `----' .
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .............. U p p e r c l a s s
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 2 0 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
____. __/\____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____
.\ |/\__ \ ___ \_\ ___ \_\ ____/ .\ ___ /
| | /. · _____/ · _____/ ___)___| _ _/_.
_ | | | | | | | |/ | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |____. | |_ _| | |___. |___| | _/
`----'----\/__\/----' `-----' `-----'
__/\____ ___. \/ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____
.\ _____/_.\ _|_____ \ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ ____/_.
| |/ | \_ /. · _ |_\___ |_\___ | ©hP!
_ | | | | | | | \| | \| | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |__. |___. |____| |____. |____. | _/
`------' `-----' `----' `----' `----'
___. _/\___ /\___ /\___ _/\____ - o¹
.\ |/\_ \ __ \_ __ \_ __/ .\ __ / _ ___ .
| _/ /. ____/ ___/__)__| _ /_. /_ |
| \ | | | | | | | | | |
|___. | | | | |__. |___| | ©hP! | - o5
. `---'---' `---' `----' `---' | .
| | |
| | |
| |
_/\___ ___. _/\____ _/\___ _/\___ | - ¹o
.\ ___/_.\ _|___ \ _\_ /.\ ___/_.\ ___/_. | .
| | | \_ /. _ |_\__ |_\__ | | |
| | | | | | | | - | | --+--' |
|__. |___. |___| |___. |___. |
`----' `---' `---' `---' `---' - ¹5
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ ........................ W h a l e
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 2 1 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
.____ ____. __/\_____ ___. __/\____
__/\| /.\ |/\__ \ _\_ /.\ | .\ ____/ ©hP!
.\ | | | /. _ | _|_____| ___)___.
_ ___ | | | _ · | | | \_ /. |/ | ___ _
| | | | | | | | · | | |
¯ ¯¯¯ | | | | | | | | | | | ¯¯¯ ¯
_ | | | | | | | | | | | _
_\ | /¯\ | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |____. |____| |____| |___. |___. | _/
`----' `----' `----' `-----' `-----'
.___ ___. _/\____ ___. _/\___ - o¹
_/\| /.\ |/\_ \ _\_ /.\ _|___ \ ___/ ©hP! .
.\ | | | /. _ | \_ /. ___)__. . |
| /¯\ | _ | | | | | | | |
|___. |___| |___| |___. |__. | | - o5
`---' `---' `---' `---' `----'_|_ .
_ __\ ( |
\\_\__\/ |
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
_____________ · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ·
_____\ /___ ))________________
\\ ___ \_______ - /_ _ \_ .................. W u - T r a n k
- -----/________/ _ ____/ \______/____
/________/nM/81/___// ( l o g o # 0 2 2 )_
· group respects · _ _______________________________________________//
.____ ____. __/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____ ____/\__ __/\.
__/\| /.\ |/\__ .\ _/___ .\ ___ / \ _\_ /._\___ /.\ |___
.\ | | | /. | ____/_| _ _/_. _ | \| | | _/_.
| | | | _| |_ |/ | | | | | | | _ |
| /¯\ | | \/__\/ | | | | | | | | | |
|____. |____. |\/|___. |___| |____| |____| |____| |
`----' `----' `-----' `-----' `----' `----'©hP!`----'
.___ :::::: ....... - o¹
_/\| /.:::::: :::::::: _ ______ .
.\ | |:::::: :::::::: /_ |
| /¯\ |:::::: :::::::: ......... |
|___. |: ::: :: :::: : :::::: | - o5
. `---'_/\_ :. _/\____ : :: ___/\_ _/\. | .
| .\ _/__ .\ __ /:: :._\__ /.\ |__ |
| | ___/_| _ /_.:.:| | | | /_. |
_|___ _| | | | |: :| | | _ |
\\_\___\___. |___| |: :|___| |___| | - ¹o
| `----' . `---': :... `---' `---' .
| ::.....: :::::... . |
| :::::::: ©hP! | |
`----------«·» wU-tRANK! |
«·»----------' - ¹5
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
mHz & hP! ___,-----,,____ ___,,-----, ,,____
_,,---,____\ // //__,,-\ /___\ //______
\ \\_____/____ ____/ __// _ / _// /
. .../ \ // \ _ \_/ \ | \\ \_/ \\... .
.. .: // \/ \\\ | \\ | \\ | \ :. ..
/ \\ \\ | \ | \ | \\
\___ /___ /_____| //____ /____|_ /
//______\ `---,,__\ `--,,_/ /__,,----'' //__,--'' '
`` i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s ''
The thing I can't remember is what came first - us, or the book.
We are not living in a Sutter Cane story! This is not reality!
Reality is not what it used to be.
· a r t i s t r e s p e c t s · ________
_______ _______ _______ ____________ ____\_ / -sg/jA!
_ _\ / / __/___\ _ / / /_ _
)\\ \/ /_ _/ / / /. / //(
- ----------/------/_______/----\_____\----/______|------------\------------- -
023.. 2 f a s t . A c i d K i d ..024
025.. A c k : A s p h i x i a ..026
027.. B o h e m e : C h r o m b a c h e r ..028
029.. C r u s a d e r : C y b e r K i d ..030
031.. C y p h e r H e x : D a n z i g ..032
033.. D a t a : D e e p ..034
035.. D e s o t o : D o n C r o c e ..036
037.. D r a k a r : E e r i e ..038
039.. E n i g m a t i c : E r u p t ..040
041.. E v i l i v e : E w h e a t ..042
043.. E x o c e t : F a h r e n h e i t ..044
045.. F a t a l : F l i t e ..046
047.. G e m : G o z z ..048
049.. H 2 o : H a j i ..050
051.. K a l e i d a s : K a r m a ..052
053.. K i l l a H e r t z : K - S p i f f ..054
055.. L o r d N i t r o g e n : M a e s t r o ..056
057.. M a n t a : M e g g a H e r t z ..058
059.. M e n t a l : M i s f i t ..060
061.. M o g u e :M r . S e l f D e s t r u c t ..062
063.. N e c r o m a n c e r : N e c r o n i t e ..064
065.. N e m e s ! s : N u p ! ..066
067.. O g r e : O m i c r o n ..068
069.. P a r a d o x : P a r i a h ..070
071.. P i r o m a n i a k : P l u s h ..072
073.. P o s k : R a n x ..074
075.. R a p i d : R a s t a ..076
077.. R e d d : S c a r f a c e ..078
079.. S e v e n M : S h a p e c h a n g e r ..080
081.. S h o c k G : S k i n ..082
083.. S l i v e r : S p a r r ..084
085.. S q u a r e p u s h e r ! : S t e z o t e h i c ..086
087.. S t r a t o s : S t y l e w a r s ..088
089.. S t y l e z : T a n g o ..090
091.. T i n y z T h:e M a s k e d M a r a u d e r ..092
093.. T r e a c h : T r i p ..094
095.. U - M a n : V i e t c o n g ..096
097.. V i n z i : W h o d i n i ..098
099.. W i s e - k : X c l u z i w e ..100
- -----------------------------------:--------------------------------------- -
It's spreading out there, isn't it?
Just because you know the symptoms doesn't mean to say your storys true.
Its Cane's story, and it'll spread with each new reader,
thats how it gets it's power.
What about the people who don't read?
There's a movie..
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 2 3
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( 2 f a s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\__ __/\______ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\_
._\___ \_ .\ ______/_\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ _/___
| ____/_. ____ | ___) _ |_\___ | ____/_.
| | | \__/ | | __ __ | | \| | |/ |
| | | | | \/__\/ | | | | | |
|___. | ©hP! | |____\/____| |____. |___. |
`-----' `----' `----' `----' `-----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 2 4
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( A c i d K i d . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_\/_ ©hP!
__/\_____ __/\____ _/\_ __/\____ __/\. \/\ _/\_ __/\____
.\ _\_ /.\ _____/_.\ ._\_____ /. .\ |___ .\ ._\_____ /.
| _ | |/ | · | \| | | | _/_| · | \| |
| | | | | | | | | _ | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|____| |__. | | .__| |____| | | .__|
`----' `------'----'------' `----'----'------'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 2 5
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( A c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_____/\________ ____/\________ ____/\.
.\ _\_ /.\ _________/_.\ |_______
| _ | |/ | | __/_.
| | | | | _ |
| | | | | | | ©hP!
_ | | | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | /_
\_ |_______| |____. |______| | _/
`-------' `----------' `--------'
( · a C k ! · )
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 2 6
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( A s p h i x i a . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ ____. _/\_ ____. _/\_ __/\_____
.\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ ___ \__\ |/\__ \ .\ |_/\_.\ .\ _\_ /.
| _ |_\___ | _____/ | /. · |_ | _| · | _ |
| | | \| | | _ | ./ _ \. | | |
| | | | | | _©hP!_ | | | | | | | |
_ | | | | | \/__\/ | | | | | | | | _
_\ |____| |____. | |____\/____| | |____| | |____| | /_
\______ `----' __ `----'----' ________ `----'----' __ `----'----' __ `----'__/
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 2 7
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( B o h e m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.::::: :::::.
__/\_____:::::: ::::::___. __/\_____ __/\______ __/\_____
.\ ___ /::::: :::::\ |/\___ \ _____/ .\__ ___/.\ _____/
| _ __/:::::: ::::| | /. ___)____| \ / | ___)____.
| | |:::: ::::| _ | |/ | Y | |/ |
| | |:::: ::::| | | | | | | | |
| | |:::: ::::| | | | | | | | |
|___. |:::: ::::|____| |___. |____| |___. |
`------::::: :::::: `-----' `------' `-----' `------'
`:::::_:::::' ©hP!
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 2 8
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( C h r o m b a c h e r . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ ____. __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_____
.\ _____/_.\ |/\__ \ ___ /.\ _ /.\__ __/.
| |/ | | /. _ _/_| | | \ / | ._______________ _
| | | _ | | | | | Y | |_______________ _
| | | | | | | | | | |
|__. |____| |___| |____. |____| | ©hP!
`------' `----' `-----' `----' `----'
__/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ ____. __/\____ __/\_____
.\ ___ /.\ _\_ /.\ _____/_.\ |/\__ \ ____/ .\ ___ /
_ _____. | _ _/_| _ | |/ | | /. ___)___| _ _/_.
_ _____| | | | | | | | _ | |/ | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
|___. |____| |__. |____| |___. |___| |
`-----' `----' `------' `----' `-----' `-----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 2 9
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( C r u s a d e r . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ __/\_____ ____. __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ _____________
.\ _____/_.\ ___ /.\ |/\__ \ ____/_.\ _\_ /._\_____ /. /_
| |/ | _ _/_| | /._\___ | _ | \| |_/\____ |
| | | | | | | \| | | | | .\ ____/ ©hP! |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | ___)___. |
|__. |___| |____. |____. |____| | ._| |/ | |
. `------' `-----' `----' `----' `----'------' | | |_/\_____
| |___. .\ ___ /
| [· c r u s a d e r ·] `----| _ _/_.
|_ | | |
/________________________________________________________________ | | |
|___| |
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 0
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( C y b e r K i d . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ .___ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\_____
.\ _____/_.__/\_| /.\ ___ /.\ ____/ .\ ___ /
| |/ |\ | | _ _/_| ___)___| _ _/_. ©hP!
| | |_\____ | | | |/ | | | __/\____
| | | | | | | | | | | ._\_____ /.
__ |__. | .___|___. |___. |___| _/\_| \| |
\ `------'-----' `-----' `-----' `----.\ | | |
\________________________________________ __/\. | · | | |
.\ |___ | | .__| __
| | _/_| |------' /
· c y b e r k i d · | _ | | __________/
| | |----'
|____| |
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 1
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( C y p h e r H e x . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
______. ____/\______ ______.
.\ |/\____ \ ______/ .\ |_/\___.
| | /. ___)_____|_ | _|
| _ | |/ ./ _ \.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | |
__/\____ .___ __/\____ ____. __/\____ __/\_____
.\ _____/_.__/\_| /.\ ___ \__\ |/\__ \ ____/ .\ ___ /
| |/ |\ | | _____/ | /. ___)___| _ _/_.
| | |_\____ | | __ __ _ | |/ | | |
| | | | | | \/__\/ | | | | | |
|__. | .___| |____\/____| |___. |___| |
`------'-----' `----' . `----' `-----' `-----'
| | | | | | | ©hP!
| | | | | | |
|______| |_____. |______| |
`------' `-------' `------'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 2
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( D a n z i g . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ __/\_____ ____/\__ ____/\__ _/\_ __/\____
._\_____ /.\ _\_ /._\___ /._\____ / \ .\ _____/_.
| \| | _ | \| | ____/_. · | \_ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP!
\ /
\\ · d a n z i g · //
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| .__|____| |____| |___. | |___. |
`------' `----' `----' `-----'----' `-----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 3
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( D a t a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.\ _\_ /.
| _ |
| | |
__//\_____ | __//\_ ©hP! __//\______
._\______ /. | .\ _/____ .\ _\_ /.
| \| | | | _____/_| _ |
| | | | | |/ | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| .___| | |____. |_____| |
_ __ `-------'. | . `------' `-----' __ _
/_________ | | | _____________________\
|________| |
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 4
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( D e e p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____
._\_____ /.\ ____/ .\ ____/ .\ ___ \_
| \| | ___)___| ___)___| _____/ ©hP!
| | | |/ | |/ | |
.--- | | | | | | | | --------.
|::: | | | | | | | | ::::::::|
`--- | | | | | | | | --------'
| | | | | | | |
| .__|___. |___. | |
`------' `-----' `-----'----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 5
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( D e s o t o . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_ _
.::::: :::::. .::::: :::::.
__/\____ __/\____ __/\____:::::: ::::::_/\_ :::::: ::::::
_____ _ ._\_____ /.\ ____/ \ ____/_.:::: ::::.\ _/___:::::: ::::::
_) | \| | ___)___._\___ |:::: ::::| ____/_.:::: ::::::
\ | | | |/ | \| |:::: ::::| |/ |:::: ::::::
\\ ©hP! | | | | | | |:::: ::::| | |:::: ::::::
\ | | | | | | |:::: ::::| | |:::: ::::::
\__ _ | .__|___. |____. |:::: ::::|___. |:::: ::::::
`------' `-----' `----':::: :::::: `-----':::: ::::::
`:::::_:::::' `:::::_:::::'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 6
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( D o n C r o c e . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ __/\_____ ____/\__
._\_____ /.\ _ /._\___ /.
| \| | | | \| |
______________ | .__|____. |____| | ______________
_ __\ `------' `----' `----' /__ _
__/\______ __/\_______ __/\_______ __/\______ __/\______
.\ _______/_.\ ___ /.\ _ /.\ _______/_.\ ______/ ©hP!
| |/ | _ _/_| | | |/ | _____)___.
| | | | | | | | | |/ |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|__. |___| |_____. |__. |___. |
`--------' `-------' `-----' `--------' `-------'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 7
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( D r a k a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.\ |__________
| | ________/_.
| _ |
__/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____· | ·__/\_____ __/\_____
._\_____ /.\ ___ /.\ _\_ /. | .\ _\_ /.\ ___ /
| \| | _ _/_| _ | | | _ | _ _/_.
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
· | .__|___| |____| | | |____| |___| | ·
\ `------' `-----' `----' | | `----' `-----' /
\_ ©hP! | | | _/
/_____________________________ |____| | ___________________\
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 8
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( E e r i e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
___/\__ ___/\__ __/\_____ _/\_ __/\___
<_____ /. <_____ /.\ ___ / \ .\ ____>
___<___ |___<___ | _ _/_. · | ___>___
< \| < \| | | | | |/ >
: : :::: | | | | | | | | | | :::: : :
: : :::: | | | | | | | | | | :::: : :
: : :::: | | | | | | | | | | :::: : :
| | | | | | | | | |
| .___| .___|___| | |___. |
`-----' `-----' `-----'----' `-----'
· eerie/kts aka 33 ·
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 3 9
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( E n i g m a t i c . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ ____/\__ _/\_ __/\____
.\ ____/ ._\___ /.\ .\ _____/_.
| ___)___| \| | · | \_ | ©hP!
| |/ | | | | | | ________________________/\\_.
|___. |____| | |___. | |_ _
. `-----' `----'----' `-----' .. he's the white guy .. _/_//
_ _| |
\\_\_ e n i g m a t i c __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_ _/\_ __/\____ |
| .\__ __/.\ _\_ /.\ _/___ .\ .\ _____/_.
|__________________ | \ / | _ | ____/_| · | |/ |
| Y | | | |/ | | | |
|____| |____| |___. | |__. |
`----' `----' `-----'----' `------'
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. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 0
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( E r u p t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
___/\_____ ___/\______ _____. ___/\_____ ___/\_
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| ____)___| _ _/_| | /. ______/ _____/_. ©hP!
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| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 1
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( E v i l i v e . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ .____ _/\_ ___. _/\__ _ .____ __/\____ __/_ _
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| |/ | | | | | | | | | |/ | ©hP!
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | _| | | | | | _| | |
|___. 7____. \ |___. | 7____. \____. |
`-----' `----\----' `-----'----' `----\ `-----'
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 2
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( E w h e a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\_______ ._______ ____. __/\_______ __/\________ __/\_
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| |/ | | | _ | |/ | | | |/ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | /¯\ | | | | | | | | |
|___. |____. |____| |___. |____| |___. ©hP!|
`--------' `-------' `-------' `--------' `-------' `--------'
.. everybody's favorite breakfast cereal ..
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 3
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( E x o c e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ \ |_/\_______ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_
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| | | __ | | | | | | | | | |
|___. | \\\/// | |____. |__. |___. |___. |
`-----' | \ `----' `------' `-----' `-----'
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 4
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( F a h r e n h e i t . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\______ __/\_____ ____. __/\_____ __/\____ ____.
.\ ______/_\ _\_ /.\ |/\__ \ ___ /.\ ____/ .\ |/\__ _ ___ :
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| | __ __ | | _ | | | |/ | _ | |
| | \/__\/ | | | | | | | | | __/\____ |
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_ _ ______ ____ __ _ _______ | |/ | |
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`-| · | ©hP! |
| _/\__ |
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 5
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( F a t a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\______ __/\_____ __/\_ _ __ ________________________________ __ _
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| | | | |/ | _ | _|_____ \ \ \ ©hP!
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`----' `----' `------/___| |___. | \\ /\ /\/
/ `----' `-----' \\/ \/
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 6
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( F l i t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\______ ___. _/\_ __/\_ __/\____
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\ _ | ___) _|_____| · | ____/_| ___)___. _ /
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`----' `-----'----' `-----' `-----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 7
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( G e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__ .\ _____/ _ ______/_
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| \_ | | | \ / |
| | | | | Y |
| | | | | | |
|_____. | | |______| |
`-------|--- | - | `------'
_ _ ____/_ | | | ©hP!
_/ |____. |
\______ _ `------'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 8
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( G o z z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_ _____________ ...-... ____ _
:::: ::::
__/\______:::: ::::______/\__ ______/\__
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| | |:: ::| | | | |
| | |:: ::| | | | |
|___. |:: ::|_____. |_____. |
`-------':: :::: `-----'©hP! `-----'
_ ____ :::: :::: _____________ _
still living in a world without tags?
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 4 9
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( H 2 o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
______. __/\_ ____/\_______
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_| | _| | |_ | |_
((__ | ((__ | __)) | __))
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
|______| _|_____. _|______. _|
`-----\ ©hP!`------\ `-----\
· · ·
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 0
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( H a j i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_______. _____/\________ _ __/\____ _/\____.
.\ |/\_____ \ _\_ / _____\_\___ /.\ |
| | /. _ .\ _/ | · | ©hP!
_ ____| _ | | | | | |____ _
\\_\____ | _ | _ | _ ____/_//
|_______| |_______| | ._____| |
`-------' `-------'---------' `-------'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 1
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( K a l e i d a s . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\. __/\_____ ___. __/\____ _/\__ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____
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| _ | | | \_ /. |/ | | | | | | \| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
_| | _| | _| | _| | _| _| | _| | _| | |
\\_ | \\_ | \\_ | \\_ | \\_ \\_ | \\_ | \\_ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|____| |____| |___. |___. | | .___|____| |____. |
`----' `----' `-----' `-----'----'-----' ©hP! `----' `----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 2
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( K a r m a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\. __/\_______ __/\_______ __/\_______ __/\_______
.\ |_____ .\ _\_ /.\ ___ /.\__ ____/.\ _\_ /.
__ _| | __/_| _ | _ __/_| \ / | _ | ©hP!
\/__\/ _ | | | | | Y | | | __
\/ | | |_ | |_ | |_ | |_ | |__ \/ __ _
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`------' `------' `-------' `------' `------' \/
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 3
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( K i l l a H e r t z . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\. _/\ ___. ___. _/\____
.\ |__ .\ .\ | .\ | .\ _\_ /.
| | /_| · | _|___| _|___| _ |
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| _ | | | | | | | | |
| | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
|____| |___. |___| |___. |___. |
`----'. `-----' .`-----'. `-----' .`-----'
| | | | | | | | | | ©hP!
|___| | |___. |___. |___| |
`---'---' `---' `---' `---'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 4
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( K - S p i f f . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\__ _
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``:::.. . .... .... . ..:::''
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 5
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( L o r d N i t r o g e n . . . . . . ) ----- -
___. _/\____ _/\____ _/\___ ___________________ _
.\ _|____.\ _ /.\ __ /._\___ /. __ _ __\
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| | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | |
|____| | |___. |___| |: :|___. |___. |____| |
`----'----' `-----' `-----': :::' `-----' `-----'©hP!`----'
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 6
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( M a e s t r o . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.\ _ /.
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| \ / | _ | ___)___._\___ | ____/_| _ _/_. | |
| Y | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|____| |____| |___. |____. |___. |___| | | |
`----' `----' `-----' `----' `-----' `-----' | |
_ ___ |______. |
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 7
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( M a n t a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\_____ __/\_____
.\ _\_ /. __.\ _\_ /.
__/\_____| _ | ____/\__ __/\_ \\__ _ |
.\__ __/. | ._\___ /.\ _/___ | | |
_ __ ___ _| \ / | | _| \| | ____/_. | |
\_\__\___\_ Y | | \\_ | | |/ |_ | |
| | |_ | | | | | _// | |
|____| _// | |____| |___. | | | ©hP!
`----' | |_ `----' `-----' | |_ ___ __ _
|____| _// |____| _/___/__/_/
`----' `----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 8
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( M e g g a H e r t z . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\____ _/\___ _/\___ _/\___ _/\____
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| \ / | ___)__| \_ | \_ | _ |
| Y | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
__| | | | · | | | | | | ©hP!
_\______. \\ __/\________ __/\_________ __/\___ | | ________/\__/_
.\ |/\____ \ _______/ .\ ___ /.\ _/_____ ._\________ /
| | /. ______)___| _ ___/_| ______/_| ______/_.
| _ | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|______| |____. |_____| |_____. |_____. |
`------'. `--------' . `-------'. .`-------' `-------'
_| | | | | | | | | | |_
( (((__ | | | | | | | | | __))) )
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|___| |__. |___. |___. |___| |
`---' `----' `---' `---' `---'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 5 9
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( M e n t a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\_____ __/\____ ____/\__ __/\_ __/\_____ ___.
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\_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | _/
|____| |___. |____| |___. |____| |___. |
`----' `-----'©hP!`----' `-----' `----' `-----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 0
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( M i s f i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\_____ _/\_ __/\____ __/\______ _/\_ __/\_
_ __ _\__ __/.\ \ ____/_.\ ______/_\ .\ _/___ ©hP!
((_(__(_ \ / | · ._\___ | ___) · | ____/__ __ _
| Y | | \| | | | |/ _)__)_))
| | | | | | | __ __ | | |
|____| | |____. | | \/__\/ |___. |
`----'----' `----'----'----\/----' `-----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 1
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( M o g u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.:: ::.
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| Y | :: :: | | | | | |/ | ©hP!
__ __ | | | :: :: | | | | | | | __ __
\\__\\_ | | | :: :: | | | | | | | _//__//
| | | :: :: | | | | | | |
| | | :: :: | | | | | | |
|____| | :: :: |___. |____. |___. |
`----' :: ::.. `-----' `----' `-----'
`:: ::'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 2
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( M r . S e l f D e s t r u c t . . ) ----- -
_/\____ __/\___ _/\___ _/\___ __. _/\_____
.\_ _/.\ __ / \ __/_.\ ___/ .\ | .\ _____/
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......... | Y | | | . | | | | | \_ /. | . .........
: | | | · | · | | | | | | · :
: _/\____ __/\___ __/\___ _/\__ | __/\____ ___. __/\___ _/\__ :
_ _._\____ /.\ ___/ \ ___/_.\ _/__ .\ ___ /.\ |/\__.\ ____/_.\ _/__ :
\_\_ | | ___)__._\__ | ___/_| _ _/_| | /. | | ___/_._ _
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _/_/
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| .__|___. |___. |___. |___| |___. |__. |___. |
`-----' . `----' .`----' .`----' . `----'. `----' `-----' `----'
| | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP!
|___| |__| | |___. |__. |__. | |
`---' `----' `---' `----' `----'---'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 3
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( N e c r o m a n c e r . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
___/\_ _/\___ _/\___ _/\____ _/\____
__\__ /.\ ___/ .\ ___/_.\ __ /.\ _ /_
((_ | | ___)__| | | _ _/_| | _))
| | | | | | | | | | | ____ ___ __ _ __.
| | | | | | | | | | | NeCRoMaNCeR \____\___\__\_\_|__ _
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | _/\____ _/\____ ·___/\_ _/\___ _/\___ _/\____ |
| | | | | | _\_ _/.\ _\_ /._\__ /.\ ___/_.\ ___/ .\ __ / |
| | | | | | ((_ \ / | _ | | | | | ___)__| _ _/__
| | | | | | | Y | | | | | | | | | | _))
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |___| |___| |___| |__. |__. |__| | ©hP!
| | | | | | . `---'. `---'. `---' `----' `----' `----'
| | | | | | | | | | |_ ____ .
| | | | | | | | | | _(( | | some text in |
| | | | | | | | | | | x _|__|_ .· here! _ __|_/_
| | | | | | | | | | | | (..)______ /
|___| |__. |__. |__| |___. | _|__/(__)__/-' /
`---' `----' `----' `----' `---' `B\_/ \ ·
NOTE: The little wizard was done by | /______\hp
Haliphax [VINYL].. `'`'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 4
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( N e c r o n i t e . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
___/\__ _/\____ _/\____ _/\_____:: ::.___/\__ _/\ _/\_ _/\____
._\__ /.\ ____/ .\ ____/_.\ __ /:: :._\__ /.\ .\ _/___ .\ ____/ ©hP!
| | | ___)___| | | _ _/_.: :| | | · | ____/_| ___)___.
_| | | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | | |_
_\ | | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | | /_
\\_____| |__. |__. |__| |: :|___| | |__. |__. __//
`----' `-----' `-----' `-----': :.. `----'---' `-----' `-----'
_ _____ `:: ::' _____ _
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 5
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( N e m e s ! s . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
____/\__ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\__\_ __/\____ ©hP!
._\___ /.\ ____/ .\__ __/.\ ____/ \ ____/_. \ ____/_.
_ __| | | ___)___| \ / | ___)___._\___ | /\___ |__ _
\\_\__ | | | | Y | | | | | // | __/_//
| | | | | | | | | | _\ /_ | |
| | | | | | | | | | \ \_/ / | |
|____| |___. |____| |___. |____. |\ /|____. |
`----' `-----' `----' `-----' `----' \_/ `----'
( n e m e s ! s / s O s )
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 6
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( N u p ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__________//\_ _______. _/\\__________
._\______ /.\ |/\_____.\ ___ \_ _ _
_ ____| \| | | /. ________/_//_ /_
_\_\____ \\ | | | | | | |
| | \ | | | | | n U p ! | |
|_ ©hP!|_______| |_______. | | _| _|
/_________ _ `-------' `-------'-------' _ ______\ _\
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 7
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( O g r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
___/\______ __/\______ __/\_______ __/\______
__ .\ _ /.\ _______/_.\ ___ /.\ ______/ __
__) | | : \_ : _ _/_| _____)___. (__
\ | | . | . | : |/ | /
/_ | | | | . | | _\
\/ | | | | | | \/
/ | | | | | | \ ©hP!
_ _/ | | | | | | \_ _
\\_\___ |_____. .___. .___| .___. | ___/_//
`-----' `-------' `-------' `-------'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 8
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( O m i c r o n . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\__ _
__/\_____ __/\_____ \ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____ ____/\__
.\ _ /.\__ __/. · .\ _____/_.\ ___ /.\ _ /._\___ /.
| | | \ / | | |/ | _ _/_| | | \| | ©hP!
| | | Y | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .
_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_
_ _\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /_ _
\_\__ |____. |____| |----|__. |___| |____. |____| | __/_/
`----' `----' `------' `-----' `----' `----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 6 9
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( P a r a d o x . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\______/_ .-.
.\___ / .:: ::.
| _/ /\_____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ : :_____. _________
| \____/ _\_ /.\ ___ /.\ _\_ /._\_____ /.: \ |_/\__ /_
| | _ | _ _/_| _ | \| |: :\_ | _/ |
| | | | | | | | | |: ::/ _ \ ©hP! |
| | | | | | | | | |: :/ | \ ______|
| |____| |___| |____| | .__|: /_____| \_ __ _
`-----' `----' `-----' `----'------' ..: :.. |______/__/_//
:: ::
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 0
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( P a r i a h . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\___ _/\____ _/\____ _/\ _/\____ ___.
.\ ___ \__\ _\_ /.\ __ /.\ .\ _\_ /.\ |/\_
| ____/ _ | _ _/_| · | _ | | /.
| | | | | | | | | _ |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | __ __ | | | | | | | | |
| | \/__\/ | | | | | | | | |
_\_______| | \/ | | | | | | | | |_______/_
\ : | | | | | | | | | : /
\\ _____ | ©hP! | | | | | | | | _____ //
\/ | |________| |__| | |___| |___| | \/
`---' `---' `----'---' `---' `---'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 1
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( P i r o m a n i a k . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\___ _/\ _/\____ _/\____ _/\____ _/\____ ___/\_ _/\ _/\____ _/\.
.\__ \_\ .\ __ /.\ _ /.\_ _/.\ _\_ /._\__ /.\ .\ _\_ /.\ |__
| /____/ · | _ _/_| | | \ / | _ | | | · | _ | | /_.
| | | | | | | | Y | | | | | | | | _ |
.- | | - | |__| |___. |___| |___| |___| | |___| |___| | -.
: `---' `---' `----' `---' `---' `---' `---'---' `---' `---' :
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 2
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( P l u s h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ .:.:::.:.. . . ...... .
.\ ___ \_`:::::::::::::::::' ____.
| _____/ ' ____. ::::::: .\ |/\__
| |___. . .\ |/\__ '' ` | | /.
| .\ | : | | /.__/\__|_ _ |
| | _|___|_ | |\ ____/_. | |
`----' \_ /. | |_\___ |_| |
.. | | |__. | \| | `----'
` |___. | `----' | | ...
`-----' :.... |____. | '' ©hP!
```` `----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 3
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( P o s k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__________ __/\__
_ __\___ / \ oo / ©hP! ______
/ / /_\/_\ _____ _\ /___
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//\ \ \_\_____/_\__ /_\__ / \ /
_/ \ / / / / / / /
(_)) \ / _ ___/ ×/_ __/ ×/_ __/ ×/XXX X X
/___ _ ____\ _\_\______/_\_\_____/_\_\______\
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 4
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( R a n x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
\ |______/_
__/\_____ __/\_____ ____/\__ | /
____ _\ __ /.\ _\_ /._\___ /_ | /
_\ ((_ _ _/_| _ | | _) | //
| | | | | | | | _ /_
| | | | | | | | | \ ©hP!
|____ |___| |____| |____| | | \__ ___ __ _
_/____ `-----' __ `----' __ `----' | /___/__/_//
/ _ __ ___ _/ | \
\\_\__\___\________| \_
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 5
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( R a p i d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_ __ /\ __\/__ _/\_ __/\____
_ __//// \ \/ \/.\ ._\_____ /.
__/\_____ / \ __/\__|_ | \| | _.
.\ ___ // .\ ___ \_ | | | |
._ | _ _/_. | _____/ | | | |
_| | | | | | | | .__| |
_\ | | |------| | `----'------' _|
\___ |___| | ____ | | ____________©hP!_\
`-----' `----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 6
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( R a s t a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
___/\______ ___/\______ ___/\_____ ___/\_ ___/\______
.\ ___ /.\ _\_ /.\ _____/__\ _/____ .\ _\_ /.
| _ __/_|_ _ _|_\____ _/ _____/_|_ _ |
| | _/ | \_ \| | |/ _/ | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
_| | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | |_
: :::)_ | ))_(( | ))_(( | ))_(( | ))_(( | _(::: :
| | | | | | | | | | |
|____| |_____| |_____. |____. |_____| |
`------' `-----' `-----' `------' ©hP!`-----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 7
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( R e d d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____
_\________\ ___ /.\ ____/ ._\_____ /._\_____ /________/_
\_____ _ _/_| ___)___| | | | _____/
\___ | | | | | | | ___/
__ \__ | | | | | | | __/ __
\/ | | | | | | | | | \/
|___| |___. | .__| .__| ©hP!
`-----' `-----'------' `------'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 8
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S c a r f a c e . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____
\ ____/_.\ _____/_.\ _\_ /.\ ___ /
._\___ | |/ | _ | _ _/_.
| \| | | | | | | |
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_ _ _ _ | | | | | | | |/ | _ _ _ _
¯ _¯_¯_¯_ | | | | | | | | | _¯_¯_¯_ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ | | | | | | | | | ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
| | | | | | | | | ©hP!
| | | | | | | | |
| | |____| |__. |___. |
`----' `----' `------' `-----'
| | | | | | | | |
|____. |__. |____| |___| |
`----' `------' `----' `-----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 7 9
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S e v e n M . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_\_____ _____/_
| \ / |
__/\____ __/\____ _____ __/\____ ____/\__ Y |
\ ____/__\ ____/ __/\| /_\ ____/ __\___ /_ | |
__\___ | ___)____\ | | ___)___| \| | | |
| \| | |/ | | | |/ | | | | |
| | | | | | _| | | | | | |
_ |____. |___. 7____. \____. |____| | | / |
_ __\ `----' `-----' `----\ `-----'©hP!`----' | // |
)________ _ · |_______| |
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 0
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S h a p e c h a n g e r . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\___ ___. _/\____ _/\___ _/\___ .
\ ___/_.\ |/\_ \ _\_ /.\___ \_\ ___/ .
._\__ | | /. _ | _/ / ___)__:_ ____ ___ __ _
| | | _ | | | \___/| | _/____/___/__/_// / / /
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | __/\____ ____. __/\_____ ____/\__ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____
| | .\ _____/_.\ |/\__ \ _\_ /._\___ /.\ _____/_.\ ____/ .\ ___ /
| | | | | | /. _ | | | \_ | ___)___| _ _/_.
| | | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | |
| | |__. |____| |____| |____| |___. |___. |___| |
| | . `------' . `----' .`----' . `----' `-----' `-----' `-----'
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|_ | | | | | | | |_ | | ©hP!
/__. |___| |___| | |..../_. |.... . .
`---' `---' `---'---' `----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 1
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S h o c k G . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_ _
_ __\ .-. /__ _
.:: ::.
__/\____ ____. .::: : __/\____ __/\. __/\____
\ ____/_.\ |/\__ : :.\ _____/_.\ |___ .\ _____/_______. _.
._ .______\___ | | /.: :| |/ | | _/_. | \_ | |
| | \| | _ |: :| | | _ |___|_ | | |
| | | | | |: :| | | | ___/_// | | |
| | | | | |: :| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |: :| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |: :| | | | | | | | |
|_ |_________. |____| |: :|__. |____| | |___. | |
`----' `----': :...`------' `----' ©hP! `-----------' -'
_ __ `:: ::' __ _
/_ `-' _\
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 2
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S k i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ __/\. _/\_ ____/\__
\ ____/_.\ |________ \ ._\___ /._
_._\___ | | __/__. · | \| _//
\\_ \| | _ | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|____. | | / | |____| |
`----' | // |----'©hP!`----'
|____| |
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 3
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S l i v e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.::::::::' ___. _/\_. .____ __/\____ __/\_____
`:.........\ _|_____ \ |__/\| /.\ ____/ .\ ___ /
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::::::::: :| | | | | | |/ | | |
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. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 4
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S p a r r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_____
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 5
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S q u a r e p u s h e r ! . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ __/\_____ ____. __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____
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|____. 7___/ \_____. |____| |___| |___. |
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| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 6
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S t e z o t e h i c . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.:: ::.
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| | | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |: :| | | | | | | | | |
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©hP!`---' `----' `----' `----': :.. `----' `----' `---'---' `----'
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 7
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S t r a t o s . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\____ __/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_ __/\_____ __/\____
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( ((_ | (_ | _) | _) | (_ | _) | (_ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
©hP!| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|____. |___. |___| |____| |___. |____. |____. |
`----' `-----' `-----' `----' `-----' `----' `----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 8
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S t y l e w a r s . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
: :
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: | | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | | ·
: | | | | | | | | | | | /¯\ | | | | | | |
: |___. |__. | .__|__. |__. |___. |___| |__| |___. |
: ©hP!`---' :`----'----' `----' `----' `---' `---' `----' `---'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 8 9
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( S t y l e z . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.___ ___.
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. |____. |___. |-----' ©hP! `-----'___. | | |
: `----------' `-----' `-----'___. |
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. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
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| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 0
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( T a n g o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\__ __/\_______ ______/\__ __/\______ __/\_______
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| | . | . | . | . | |
| | : | : | : | : | | ©hP!
|___. |____| |____| |___. |____. |
`-------' `------' `------' `-------' `------'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 1
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( T i n y z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
: :
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| | | | | | | | | |
... | | | | | | | | | | ©hP!
: |_ | |_ |_ | |_ | |_ | |_
: /___. / /____| / ._____/___. /
: / `------/-----/ `-----/------' / `------/
: · · : · · · ·
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 2
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( T h e M a s k e d M a r a u d e r ) ----- -
_/\_ ___. _/\___ _/\____ _/\____ _/\___ _/\. _/\___ _/\___
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| ___/_| | /. ___)__. | \ / | _ |_\__ | | _/_ ___)__| | |
| | | _ | | | | Y | | | | | _ | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | __/\_____ | __/\_____ | | | | | | | | | |
| .\ _\_ /. | .\ _\_ /. | | | | | | | |
__/\_____ _ __/\_____ _ ____. __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____
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| Y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|____| | | |___| | | |____. | .__|___. |___| |
. .`----' | . `-----' | . . `----'------' . .`-----'. `-----'
| | |____| |©hP! | |____| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | . .`----'. | . .`----' | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|__. |___| |__. | |___| |___| |___. |___| |__. | .__|
`----' `---' `----' `---' `---' `---' `---' `----'----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 3
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( T r e a c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
__/\_ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ ____.
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`-----' `-----' `-----' `----' `------' `----'©hP!
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 4
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( T r i p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_ _______ _ _/\______. _ ________ _
___________________ .\ | _________.
_\ | · |
| __/\_ __/\_____ _/\_____ |
| .\ _/___ .\ ___ / .\ ___ \_ |_ __ ______
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\ \\\______\__\_ | |/ | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| |___. |___| | | | ©hP! |
| `-----' `-----' `----' _|
_ ___ |___________________ | | ________\
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_ ________ _
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 5
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( U - M a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
________. __/\_____________ ______/\_________ ____________/\__
.\ |/\______.\______ ______/.\ _\_ /._\_______ /.
| | /. \ / | _ | | |
| | | Y | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | __| | __| | __| | __|
_ |________. \ ________| \ ________| \ ________| \
/____ _ `--------\ ©hP! `--------\ `--------\ `--------\
· · · ·
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 6
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( V i e t c o n g . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.____ _/\_ __/\____ __/\_
__/\| /.\ .\ ____/ .\ _/___ _ ___________________________________
.\ | | · | ___)___| ____/_. /_
| | | | | | | | ©hP! |
| | _| | | | ·__/\_:____ ___/\______ ______/\__ __/\______
7____. \ |___. |___.\ _______/_.\ _ /._\___ /.\ _______/_.
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/ | | | | | | | | |
\ | | | | | | | | |
\ | | | | | | | | |
/_ __________ _ |__. |_____. |____| |___. |
\ / `--------' `-----' `------' `-------'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 7
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( V i n z i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
_/\_. _/\_.___ _
.\ | .\ ___/_//
.____| · | ____/\__ ____/\__| · |
__/\| /. ._\___ /._\____ /| | ©hP!
_ ___.\ | | | \| | ____/_. | ____
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| | _| | | | | _| | |
____ 7____. \ |____| |___. \ | |
_\ `----\----' `----' `-----\----' / |
| · · // |
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 8
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( W h o d i n i . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.:: ::.
.____ ____. .::: :: __/\____ _/\__ ____/\__ _/\_.
__/\| /.\ |/\__ : :._\_____ /.\ ._\___ /.\ |
.\ | | | /.: :| \| | · | \| | · |
| | | _ |: :| | | | | | |
/ | | | | |: :| | | | | | | \
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| /¯\ | | |: :| | | | | | |
|____. |____| |: :| .__| |____| | | ©hP!
`----' `----': :`------' `----' `----'----'
`::: :::'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 0 9 9
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( W i s e - k . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
.____ _/\_ __/\____ __/\____ __/\.
__/\| /.\ \ ____/_.\ ____/ .\ |___
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| | | | \| | |/ | | _ |
| | | | | | | _|__|_ | |
| | | | | | | _ ______ _ | |
: :: | | | | | | | | | | | :: :
| | | | | | | | | | |
_| | | | | | | | | | |_
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\______. | |____. |___. | |____| __/
©hP! `----'----' `----' `-----' `----'
. · i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s · ·_
. | _ __________ _ __________ _ ___________ _ ______ ///
| _ __|____)))________/._\\\_ /_\\\_._ / _ \___________/
| \\\_ / | _ _/_ |/ / _///
|_____/_______/_________|_____\ \__________/ _) · artist respect ·
_ ______________________________\_______\ _wH0/rMRs\\ l o g o # 1 0 0
\\\ \
-\\\----- ( X c l u z i w e . . . . . . . . . . . ) ----- -
\ |_/\__ __/\____ ___. ____. ____/\__ _/\__ _ .____ __/\____
\__ | __/.\ _____/_.\ |©hP! .\ |/\__ _\____ / \ __/\| /.\ ____/
/ _ \ | | | _|_____| | /. ____/_. · .\ | | ___)___.
/ | \| | | \_ /. | | | | | | | | |
_/ | \ | | | | | | | | | /¯\ | | |
\______| \_. |___. |____. |___. | |____. |___. |
_ __ |_______/`------' `-----' `----' `-----'----' `----' `-----'
/____________( x c l u z i w e )__________ _
.:::::::::::::::::::::. .:::::::::::::::::::::::::.
_\ ::::::::::: ::: i n ::: :: t h e :: :::::::::::::: /_
| ::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: |
__________| ::::::::::: :::::: ____________________ ___________|
\ . | ::::: __________ _____\ /_____| . /|
\ \ | _______ / _ // | |\_ |____// ____ / / |
\_____\ |/ //_________//____________| |__ | |/__ .________/ |_
\_/_____/ ....... ............ ..... \_____/ \___| _ __//
|_ ...:::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::.......:::....::: _|
_ __// ::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: \\__ _
| ::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::::'''''''''' |
_______| ______ :: :::: ______ :: __________ |
/ . |_____/ /_ ________\ \ ____\ /______ ____________|_
/ / ,____\ \\ / ___________\\ __ -__/___ _/__ _/__
/________\_/ /________________/ ..... .. \______/ \_______/_ /_ /
| ........... ......:::::: :::........:: \___/ \___/
| ::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: |
| ::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: nM/rMRS |
|_ ::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: _|
::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::::
`:::::::::::::::::::::' `:::::::::'
Every species can smell it's own extinction.
The last ones left won't have a pretty time of it.
In ten years, maybe less, the human race will just
be a bedtime story for their children.
A myth, nothing more..
· r e q u e s t e d a s c i i s · ________
_______ _______ _______ ____________ ____\_ / -sg/jA!
_ _\ / / __/___\ _ / / /_ _
)\\ \/ /_ _/ / / /. / //(
- ----------/------/_______/----\_____\----/______|------------\------------- -
101.. S t o a n C o l d K i l l.a s req: omicron
102.. S t o a n C o l d K i l l:a s ( H e a d e r ) req: omicron
103.. O m i : req: omicron
104.. G r e e t s : req: omicron
105.. I n d e x : req: omicron
106.. I n t r o : req: omicron
107.. I n t r o d u c t i o n : req: omicron
108.. R e m o r s e ( F i l e _ i:d ) req: omicron
109.. S t o a n C o l d K i l l:a s ( F i l e _ i d ) req: omicron
110.. R e m o r s e V i e w I n t:e r f a c e req: necromancer
111.. F i l e A r e a s : req: necromancer
112.. A b r a x a s : req: megga hertz
113.. H e l l a n d C h a o s : req: megga hertz
114.. V O S : req: megga hertz
115.. H i t a c h i B i o t e c h: req: enigmatic
116.. H i t a c h i B i o t e c h: ( M e n u ) req: enigmatic
117.. M i a s m a : req: miasma
118.. A c i d ( F i l e _ i d ) : req: radman
119.. T h e V o i d : req: phaser-x
120.. T h e V o i d ( M e n u ): req: phaser-x
121.. L a d d e r . o r g : req: hack
122.. K r y l o n S t a s h : req: erupt
123.. U p l o a d : req: erupt
124.. T h e I d e s o f M a r:c h req: nuremberg
125.. I O M : req: nuremberg
126.. B l u e : req: discyple
127.. I S u c k A t O l d S:c h o o l req: cain
128.. C a i n : req: cain
129.. S c u m : req: cain
130.. T h e T h i r t e e n t h :H a l o req: cain
131.. I n d e x : req: cain
132.. N o N a m e : req: cain
133.. T h e D e e p : req: cain
134.. E D K : req: sargon
135.. P l a n e t L o v e : req: cyber kid
136.. C r e d i t s : req: fahrenheit
137.. G r e e t s : req: fahrenheit
138.. M u t a n t L e a d e r : req: mutant leader
139.. G a n j a : req: evilive
140.. G a n j a ( F i l e _ i d ): req: evilive
141.. C o n s t i p a t i o n o f: t h e M i n d req: haliphax
142.. C o t M ( L o g o f f:) req: haliphax
143.. M e m b e r l i s t : req: haliphax
144.. T o f u : req: haji
145.. A c k b a r + J e f f ' s: T o f u H u t req: haji
146.. T h e S h r o o m P a l a:c e req: john doe
147.. E M I : req: john doe
148.. F a d e d A m b i t i o n : req: john doe
149.. J e l l o m i t e : req: john doe
150.. J o h n D o e : req: john doe
151.. W h i p l a s h : req: guttersnipe
152.. A l t e r n a t i v e I n f:o r m a t i o n req: phantasm
153.. A s c i i O r g y : req: fungus
154.. B a c k i n t h e D a y: ( M e n u ) req: fungus
155.. A u g g i e s B a s e m e n:t req: hellfire
156.. I ' m t h e O n e : req: whodini
157.. A c r y l i c W e e k l y : req: spook
158.. G o d : req: spook
159.. E t e r n a l D a m n a t i:o n req: grey
160.. B l u e L i n e s : req: prodigy
161.. P l a s t i c H e r o s : req: pariah
162.. X e n o c i d e : req: xenocide
163.. S a d i s t i k a l : req: zerohour
164.. G l o o m : req: redrum
165.. M o s l e m : req: mjay
166.. S e a o f Q u i d d i t y: req: paine
167.. E x o t i c D e s i g n s : req: phanatik
168.. P l a s t i c : req: phanatik
169.. S c r i b e : req: cyndicide
170.. L e g o L a n d : req: disposable assasin
171.. O u t o f O r d e r : req: risu
172.. O u t o f O r d e r ( H:e a d e r ) req: risu
173.. F a l l e n E m p i r e s : req: mart
174.. N e v a r r e : req: nevarre
175.. W a V e s o f W a r e Z :( M e n u ) req: clorox
176.. D i v i n e I n t e r v e n:t i o n req: concisis
177.. M o d e m L a n d : req: windrider
178.. T e l e g a r d / X : req: windrider
179.. M o d e m L a n d : req: mithrandir
180.. C y a n i d e : req: tk
- -----------------------------------:--------------------------------------- -
Did he have anything to say?
No, it was useless. He thinks hes fiction,
and that Sutter Cane was causing the epidemic.
Do ... you ... read Sutter Cain?
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Omicron [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Stoan Cold Killas
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 0 1 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\____ __/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____ ____/\__
\ ____/_.\ _/___ .\ _ /.\ _\_ /._\___ /.
._\___ | ____/_| | | _ | \| |
| \| | |/ | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
___ |____. |___. |____. |____| |____| | ___
\· `----' `-----' `----' `----' `----' ·/
\\______ __/\____ __/\_____ ___. __/\____ ______//
· .\ _____/_.\ _ /.\ _|_____._\_____ /. ·
__ | |/ | | | \_ /. \| | __
\/ | | | | | | | | | \/
| | | | | | | | |
_________________ |__. |____. |___. | .__| _________________
\· `------' `----' `-----'------' ·/
\\__ ____. _/\_ ___. ___. ©hP! __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ ___//
· .\ |/\__ \ .\ _|_____ \ _|_____ \ ____/ .\ ___ / \ ____/_. ·
| | _/_. · | \_ /. \_ /. ___)___| _ _/_._\___ |
| _ | | | | | | |/ | | | \| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
: :: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | :: :
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
___ |____| | |___. |___. |___. |___| |____. | ___
_) `-----'----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `----' (_
: :
: " you are are about to experience the magic of a place called omizona " :
:_ _:
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Omicron [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Stoan Cold Killas header
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 0 2 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_ _____________ · stOan cOld killers ·
. ( logo #xx ) . /__ ___________________ _
___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________
.__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___.
| \_____________ | \| |__\ _ |
__ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_
\ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_)
\_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------'
/ · ...and the lOgo says xxxxxxxxxxxx ·
©hP! ·
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Omicron [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Omi
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 0 3 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__ ___/\______ ___/\______ _/\____. _______________________________
_\ .\ _ /.\___ ___/.\ | /_
| | | | \ / | · | omiCRON / remorse |
| | | | Y | | email: omi@acid.org |
| | | | | | | blah blah blah |
|__ |_____. |_____| | | _______________________________|
`-----'©hP! `-----'-------'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Omicron [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Greets
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 0 4 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_ __/\____
.\ _____/__\ ___ /.\ ____/ .\ ____/ .\ _/___ \ ____/_.
| \_ _ _/_| ___)___| ___)___| ____/___\___ | ©hP!
_ | | · | · |/ · |/ · |/ · \| | _
_\ | | . | . | . | . | . | | /_
\_ |___. :___| :___. :___. :___. :____. | _/
`-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Omicron [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Index
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 0 5 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\_. ____/\__ __/\____ __/\____ ____.
.\ |_\___ /._\_____ /.\ ____/ .\ |_/\_.
| · | \| | \| | ___)___|_ | _| ©hP!
_ | | | | | | |/ ./ _ \. _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ | |____| | .__|___. |____| | _/
`----' `----'------' `-----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Omicron [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Intro
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 0 6 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\_ ____/\__ __/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____
.\ ._\___ /.\ _/___ .\ ___ /.\ _ /.
| · | \| | ____/_| _ _/_| | | ©hP!
_ | | | | |/ | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ | |____| |___. |___| |____. | _/
`----' `----' `-----' `-----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Omicron [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Introduction
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 0 7 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\_ ____/\__ __/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____
.\ ._\___ /.\ _/___ .\ ___ /.\ _ /.
| · | \| | ____/_| _ _/_| | |
| | | | |/ | | | | | _____________________________.
| | | | | | | | | | :
| |____| |___. |___| |____. | · i n t r o d u c t i o n · :
`----' `----' `-----' `-----' `----' :
: __ __ __/\____ ____. __/\____ __/\_ _/\_ __/\_____ ____/\__
: \/__\/ ._\_____ /.\ |/\__ \ _____/_.\ _/___ .\ .\ _ /._\___ /.
: \/ | \| | | /. |/ | ____/_| · | | | \| |
:__________ | | | | | | | |/ | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
©hP! | .__|____. |__. |___. | |____. |____| |
`------' `----' `------' `-----'----' `----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Omicron [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Remorse file_id
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 0 8 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
____/\ ___/\ ____/\ /\___ ©hP! - o¹
__ _\___ )_ _\ )__ _\___ )__( ___/__ __ .
\// _/ __// \\ / // _/ __/\______ \\/ |
_/ \ \ \/ \ \ \/ \( \_
\_____/ ·___/ ·___/ \ ______/ - o5
«----/_______\-/_______\-/_______·______\--» .
«-----------[ rEMORSE aSCII! ]-----------»
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
. ______ ___ ____ ______ ____ - o¹
)\ _\__ \_ \/ _/ _\__ \_ _/_____ . .
\// _/ __/ \_/ _/ __/____ //( |
_/ \ \ \/ \ \ \ / \\/
\____/ \__/ \__/ \___ \_ - o5
©hP!\ /\ /\ /\ / .
_ _\_ // _\_ // _\_ // _\_ // |
\_ \\_____/ \\_____/ \\_____/ \\_____/ |
[======] rEMORSE/aCID pRESENTS: [======]
- ¹o
[======================================] .
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
________ ____ ____ ________ ____ ©hP! - o¹
.___\__ /_\__ \/ __/_\__ /_/ _/______ .
\\ __/ _/_ \ / __/ _/_\_____ / |
| \ \/ \ / /
| \ _/ \ _/ / - o5
|____/\_________\________/\________\_____\\ .
÷------------[REMORSE PRESENTS]------------÷ |
÷-\\--------[RELEASED: 00-00-97]--------//-÷ - ¹o
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Omicron [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: S.C.K. file_id
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 0 9 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__ __/\____ _______ Remorse!Ascii presents - o¹
\/ \ ____/_. Omicron in the ascii .
._\___ |__/\____ colly called _ ___ |
_ | \| |\ _____/_. /
_\ | | | |/ |___. Stoan Cold / - 5
\_ |____. | | |\ |_/\_ Killers / .
/ ©hP!`----' | | · | _/_. // |
/___________ |__. | _ | ____/____ |
`------' | | / _/
[Released: 00-00-97] |___| | · \ - ¹o
`-----' · .
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Necromancer [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: RemorseView Interface
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 0 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
help · reso · color · font · lines · view · speed · mask · path · exit
__/\_________ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\________
.\ ___ /.\ ____/ .\__ __/.\ _ /.\ ___ / \ ____/_.\ ________/
| _ _____/_| ___)___| \ / | | | _ _/_._\___ | ___)_______.
| | | |/ | Y | | | | | \| | |/ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | |___. |____| |____. |___| |____. | | |
| | | `-----' `----' `----' `-----' `----| | |
| | | .______ _/\____ __/\______ _ .______| | |
| | |____/\| /.\ .\ ______/_// ____/\| /| | |
| | __ __ |\ | | · | ___)_______.\ | · | | |
| | \/__\/ | · | _| | |/ | /¯\ | | |
|___| \/ 7______. \ |___. |______. |___. v1.OO |
.---------------------------------[ C:\PATH ]-----------------------------.---.
| AL-GLOE .TXT 159,528 bytes 12-25-96 11:42a Arclite | |
| BDS-ART2.ASC Ascii Collection #2 Bad Spirit | : |
| C!-SPACE.TXT 87,552 bytes 12-23-96 3:04a Contra | ¦ |
| E^D-CITW.TXT 19,359 bytes 12-27-96 2:57p Epsilon Design | : |
| JA!-SLDS.TXT 142,019 bytes 12-08-96 7:24p Jedi Arts | : |
| MHZ-JAGO.ASC Jagoff II Preview Meggahertz | : |
| R-ITMOM .TXT 359,042 bytes 01-13-97 12:00a Remorse | : |
| SOS-VIRA.TXT 193,308 bytes 11-05-96 10:31p Save Our Souls | |
Mode: Text Color 50L Font: Amiga Text BPS: ·OFF· Mask: *.* ©RMRS
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Necromancer [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: File Areas
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 1 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\______/\ ___. _/\___ _/\____ _/\____ _/\___ _/\____ /\____ ©hP!
. .\ ____/\ .\ _|___ \ ___/ .\ _\_ /.\ __ /.\ ___/ .\ _\_ /. ___/_. .
: | ___) | · | \_ /. ___)__. | _ | _ _/_| ___)__| _ |\___ | :
|_ | | | | | | |/ | | | | | | |/ | | | \| | _|
/_| |___| | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | |_\
| | | |___. |__. | |___| |__| |__. |___| |___. |
`---' `---' `---' `----' `---' `----' `----' `---' `---'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Megga Hertz [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Abraxas
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 2 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_____ _) |__/\___ __/\_____ __/\____
.\ _\_ /.\ ___ /.\ ___ /.\ _\_ /.\ | /.\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.
| _ | _ _/_| _ _/_| _ |_\__ | __/_| _ |_\___ |
| | | | | | | | | _ | | | \| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|____| |___. |___| |____| · | | |____| |____. |
`----' `-----' `-----' `-/--' | \ `----' `----'
Remorse!Ascii United States HQ /___________| \\ ©hP!
Operator: Meggahertz <RMRS/ACID> |____________\
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Megga Hertz [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Hell & Chaos
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 3 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_____. ___/\_______ ____. ____.
.\ |/\_____ \ _______/ \ _|________ \ _|________
| | /. ___)______. \_ /. \_ /.
| _ | |/ | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | · Hell and Chaos ·
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | _. __/\__ ___. _/\____ _/\____ _/\___
| | | | | \|_ .\ ___/_.\ |/\_ \ _\_ /. _ /. ___/_.
| | | | | )/ | |/ | _ /. _ | | |\___ |
| | | | | . |__. | |___|___| |___. |___. |
| | | | | | `----'---' `---' `---' `---'
|_____| |____. |____. |____. |©hP!
`-------' `--------' `--------' `--------'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Megga Hertz [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: VOS
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 4 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_) |__________________
\ __ __ | (_
\ \/__\/ | /
\ \/ __/\_____ __/\____ /
.------\\ .\ _ /.\ ____/_. //--- -
: vOs! \ | | |_____ | /
`--------\\ | | | \| | //------.
\ | | | | | / ©hP! :
- ---\\ |____. |____. | //--------'
\ `----' `----' /
_\___________ /
\ /__________/_
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Enigmatic [REMORSE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Hitachi Biotech
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 5 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_____. _/\___ ___/\_ ___/\______ __/\______ _____. _/\___.
.\ |/\___ \ .\ _/____ .\ _\_ /.\ _______/_.\ |/\___ \ |
| | /. · | _____/_| _ | |/ | | /. · |
| _ | | |/ | | | | | _ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | _/\____ _/\_ _/\____ _/\_ _/\___ _/\___ ___.
| | | | .\ _ / \ .\ _ /.\ _/__ .\ ___/ .\ ___/_.\ |/\_
| | | | | _ _/_. · | | | ___/_| __)__| |/ | _ /.
| | | | |__. | |___. |__. |__. |__. |___| |
| | | | . `----'----' `---'. `----' .`----' `----' `---'
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
|_____| | |____. |_____| |__. |_____| | ©hP!|
`-----'------' `------' `-----' `--------' `-----'------'
[ Hitachi Biotech - Running Ami-Express ver X.XX - Operated by Neco ]
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Enigmatic [REMORSE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Hitachi Biotech menu
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 6 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_____ _/\_ __/\_____ __/\_ __/\____ __/\____ ____.
.\ ___ / \ .\ _ /.\ _/___ .\ ____/ .\ _____/_.\ |/\__
__ __ | _ _/_. · | | | ____/_| ___)___| |/ | | /.
\/__\/ | | | | | | |/ | |/ | | | _ |
\/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|___·_|__ ___..__ |___· | | | | | | | | | | |
l /l l___\\__ll___l /l | | | | | | | | | | |
. . . | | | | | | | | | | |
.--------| | | | | | | | | | | | | |-.
| [©hP!] |___. | |____. |___. |___. |__. |____| | |
| `-----'----' `----' `-----' `-----' `------' `----' |
| |
| A · Alter Flagged Files J · Join a Conference U · Upload Files |
| B · View Bulletins M · Color [On/Off] V · View a File |
| C · Comment To Staff N · New Files W · Write User Settings |
| D · Download Files O · Operator Page X · Expert [On/Off] |
| E · Enter a Message R · Read Messages Z · Zippy File Search |
| F · File Directories S · View Statistics WHO · Who is Online |
| G · Goodbye [Logoff] T · Local Time OPEN · External Doors |
| |
`----------------------[ Hitachi Biotech Main Menu ]----------------------'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Miasma [REMORSE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Miasma
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 7 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____
__/\_____ _/\_ __/\_____ \ ____/_.\__ __/.\ _\_ /.
.\__ __/.\ .\ _\_ /._\___ | \ / | _ |
| \ / | · | _ | \| | Y | | | ©hP!
| Y | | | | | | | | | | ____
____ | | | | | |____. |____| |____| | _ /__ _
_ __\ _ |____| | |____| | `----' `----' `----' /__ _
_ __\ `----'----' `----' [· miasma/remorse ·]
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Rad Man [ACID]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: ACiD file_id
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 8 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\______ __/\____ _/\_ __/\____ - o¹
.\ _\_ /.\ _____/__.\ .__\_____ /. .
| _ | |/ | · | \| | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | - 5
| | | | | | | | .
|____| |__. | | .__| |
©hP!`-----' `-------'----'-------' |
+----[ ACiD Productions Pack #54 ]----+
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Phaser-X [ACID!ANSI]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: The Void
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 1 9 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\_ ___. _/\___
.\ _/__ .\ |/\_ \ ___/
| ___/_| | /. ___)__.
_______ | |/ | _ | |/ | _______
_ __\ | | | | | | | /__ _
| | | | | | |
.______ __/\_________ _/\__ __/\________
__ __ ____/\| /.\ _ /.\ ._\_________ /. __ __
\/__\/ .\ | | | | · | \| | \/__\/
\/ | | | | | | | | \/
| | | | | | | |
| | _| | | | | |
_ __ 7______. \_______. | | .__| __ _
/_ `------\ .`------'-----'----------' _\
| ©hP! . · | . . . . |
|____________ | | | | | | | ____________|
| | | | | | |
|__. |___| |__. |
`----' `---' `----'
( Operator · Wonker )
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Phaser-X [ACID!ANSI]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: The Void menu
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 0 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__ tHE .____ __/\_____ _/\_ __/\____ __________________________ ____ __ _
_\ __/\| /.\ _ /.\ ._\_____ /.
| .\ | | | | · | \| | The Void - XXX-XXX-XXXX
| | | | | | | | | Operated by Wonker
| | | _| | | | | | Fast Fresh Warez! __ __
|__ 7____. \_____. | | .__| __________________________ \/__\/ ___
. `----\ `----'----'------' \/ /_
| · ©hP! |
| [ A ] Alter Flagged Files [ J ] Join a Conference [ U ] Upload Files |
| [ B ] View Bulletins [ M ] Color [On/Off] [ V ] View a File |
| [ C ] Comment To Staff [ N ] New Files [ W ] Write User Settings |
| [ D ] Download Files [ O ] Operator Page [ X ] Expert [On/Off] |
| [ E ] Enter a Message [ R ] Read Messages [ Z ] Zippy File Search |
| [ F ] File Directories [ S ] View Statistics [ WHO ] Who is Online |
| [ G ] Goodbye [Logoff] [ T ] Local Time [ OPEN ] External Doors |
|___ ___|
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Hack [ACID]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Ladder.org
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 1 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___. __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____ . .
.\ | _ __\ _\_ /._\_____ /._\_____ /.\ ____/ .\ ___ / ©hP! |---|
| _|_____ _ | \| | \| | ___)___| _ _/_. |---|
| \_ /. | | | | | | |/ | | | |---|
| | | | | | | | | | | | ___.__ __.
| | | | | | | | | | | | . (__/l '(__l_
| | | | | | | | | | | | . _ ___/
| | | | | | | | | | | | | . .
_ |___. |____| | .__| .__|___. |___| | _ |---|
_\ `-----' `----'------' `------' `-----' `-----' /_ |---|
(_________[ welcome to ladder.org - operated by hack/acid ]_________) |---|
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Erupt [REMORSE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Krylon Stash
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 2 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\. __/\_____ .___ ___. __/\_____ ____/\__
.\ |___ .\ ___ / __/\_| /.\ | .\ _ /._\___ /.
| | _/_| _ _/_.\ | | _|_____| | | \| |
| _ | | |_\____ | \_ /. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
_____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | _____
\ |____| |___| | .___|___. |____. |____| | /
\\__ `----' `-----'-----' `-----' `----' `----' __//
/ · krylon stash · operated by erupt · acid/razor memberboard · \
_ __\ · other affiliations go in here · /__ _
\\_\_________ __/\____ __/\_ ___ __/\_____ __/\____ ____. ____________/_//
\ ____/_.\ _/___ .\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ |/\__
._\___ | ____/_| _ |_\___ | | /. ©hP!
| \| | |/ | | | \| | _ |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|____. |___. |____| |____. |____| |
`----' `-----' `----' `----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Erupt [REMORSE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Krylon Stash Upload
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 3 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
.\ | · K r y l o n S t a s h ·
[ Upload! ] | | _ ____________________________________________.
______. __/\________| __ |
.\ |/\____ \ ___ \_ _\/_ · U p l o a d R u l e s · |
| | /. _______/ \/\/ |
| | | | _|_______ __/\_________ ____/\_______ __/\________
| | | | \_ /.\ _ /.\ _\_ /._\________ /.
|______. | | | | | | _ | \| |
. `------'------' | | | | | | | |
| ©hP! | | | | | | | | |
|_________________ |_____. |______. |______| | .___|
`-------' `------' `------'---------'
[ 1 ] - upload rules normally go here.
[ 2 ] - this ascii is for use on erupt's board krylon stash only.
[ 3 ] - if you need a upload logo wait for the bbs design section
[ 4 ] - in my next colly, or go use somebody else's..
[ 5 ] - just DON'T rip this for your config!
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Nuremberg [ACID]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: The Ides of March
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 4 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_ ____. __/\____ _/\_ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____
.\ _/___ .\ |/\__ \ ____/ .\ ._\_____ /.\ ____/ \ ____/_.
_______ | ____/_| | /. ___)___. _ | · | \| | ___)___._\___ |
_\ | |/ | _ | |/ | | | | | |/ | \| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| __/\__ |___. |____| |___. | | | .__|___. |____. |
| \ oo / `-----' `----' `-----' `----'------' `-----' `----'
| /_ -_\
| \/ [ operated by nuremberg · acid alberta outpost · +1-403-ASK-ELITE ]
| __/\_____ __/\______ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ ____.
| .\ _ /.\ ______/ .\__ __/.\ _\_ /.\ ___ /.\ _____/_.\ |/\__
| | | | ___) | \ / | _ | _ _/_| |/ | | /.
| | | | | | Y | | | | | | | _ |
| | | | | ©hP! | | | | | | | | | | |
|___ | | | | _____ | | | | | | | | | | |
|____. | | |____| |____| |___| |__. |____| |
`----'----' `----' `----' `-----' `------' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Nuremberg [ACID]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: I.O.M.
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 5 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\_____ __/\___________ __/\___________
___ .\ .\ _ /.\_____ _____/. ___
\ | · | | | \ / | /
_\ | | | | Y | /_ ©hP!
_ ___) _ | | | | | | _ (___ _
_\ | i |_______. o |_______| m | /_
__ __ \_ `--------' `-------' `-------' _/ __ __
\/__\/ / the ides of march - acid alberta outpost \ \/__\/
\/ · operated by nuremberg/acid · \/
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Discyple [REMORSE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Blue
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 6 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__ __
__/\_______ ___. \/__\/ ____. __/\_____
.\ ___ / \ | \/ \ |/\____ \ _____/
| _ _/_. _|_______ · | /. ___)_____.
| | | \_ /. | | |/ | ©hP!
_ | | | | | | | | | _
___\ |___. |___. |____. |___. | /___
_ __\ `-------' `-------' `------' `-------' /__ _
· blue · operated by discyple of noname ·
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Cain [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: I Suck at Old School
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 7 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\__. __/\____ ____. __/\____ __/\. __/\_____ __/\_
.\ | \ ____/_.\ |/\__ \ _____/_.\ |___ .\ _\_ /.\ _/___
| · | ._\___ | | /. |/ | | _/_. | _ | ____/_.
| | | \| | | | | | _ | | | | |/ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
_ | | |____. |____. |__. |____| | |____| |___. | _
\ `-----' `----' `----' `------' `----' `----' `-----' /
\_ ©hP! _/
/ _/\____ ___. _/\___ _/\___ __/\__ ___. _/\____ _/\____ ___. \
· .\ _ /.\ _|___ _\___ /.\ ___/_.\ ___/_.\ |/\_ \ _ /.\ _ /.\ _|___ ·
| | | \_ /. \| |_\___ | |/ | | /. | | | | \_ /.
| | | | | | | \| | | | _ | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|___. |___. | .__|____. |__. |___| |___. |___. |___. |
`---' `---'----' `--' `----' `---' `---' `---' `---'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Cain [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Cain
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 8 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_______ __/\________ _/\__. _______/\__
.\ ________/_.\ _\_ /.\ |_\___ /.
| |/ | _ | · | \| |
| | | | | | | | ©hP!
| | | | | | | |
: ::: | | | | | | | | ::: :
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|__. |____| | |____| |
`---------' `-------'-----' `-------'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Cain [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Scum
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 2 9 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\____________ __/\____________ ________. __/\_____________
\ ____________/_.\ _____________/_.\ |/\______ \______ ______/.
._\___ | |/ | | /. \ / |
| \| | | | | | Y |
| | | | | | | | |
._ |____. |__. |________. |________| | _.
|_ `------------' `--------------' `--------' `--------' _|
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Cain [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: The Thirteenth Halo
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 0 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
________. ______/\_________ _______. ______/\_________
.\ |/\______ \ _\_ /.\ | ©hP! .\ _ /.
| | /. _ | _|_________| | |
| _ | | | \_ /. | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
_/\_ ___. _/\ _/\____ _/\_ _/\___ _/\___ _/\____ _/\_| ___. |
.\ _/__ .\ |/\_ \ .\ __ /.\ _/__ .\ ___/ .\ ___/ .\___ /.\ _/__ .\ |/\_
| ___/_| _ /. · | _ _/_| ___/_| ___)__| ___)__| | | ___/_| _ /.
|__. |___| | |__| |__. |__. |__. |___| |__. |___| |
.`----' .`---'---' `----'. `----' .`----' .`----' `---' `----' `---'
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|________| |________| |_______. |________. |
`--------' `--------' `---------' `--------'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Cain [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Index
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 1 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___/\ ___/\ ___/\ ___/\ ©hP! /\_
__ __ _\ __)__ __\___ )_ __\___ )_ _\ ___)__ _( /__ __ __
\/__\/ / )/ / / )/ / / )/ / / ___) / _\ _/ _/_ \/__\/
\/ _/ · \/ ·/ \/ ·/ \/ \( \/ \ \_ \/
\______ \____/ \_____ \_____ ·\ \_____/
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Cain [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: NoName
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 2 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
.:::::: ::::::. ( nOname brand ascii )
::::::: :::::::
_____//\__:::::: :::::::_____//\__ __//\______ __//\______ __//\_____
._\____ /.::::: :::::._\____ /.\ _\_ /.\___ ___/.\ ______/
| \| |::::: :::::| \| | _ | \ / | ____)____.
| | |::::: :::::| | | | | Y | |/ |
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| | |::::: :::::| | | | | | | | |
_| | |::::: :::::| | | | | | | | |_
\_ | |::::: :::::| | | | | | | | _/
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| | |::::: :::::| | | | | | | | |
| | |::::: :::::| | | | | | | | |
| | |::::: :::::| | | | | | | | |
|_____| |::::: :::::|_____| |_____| |_____| |____. ©hP! |
`-----'::::: ::::::: `-----' `-----' `-----' `------'
::::::: :::::::
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Cain [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: The Deep
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 3 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_ ____. __/\____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____
.\ _/___ .\ |/\__ \ ____/ ._\_____ /.\ ____/ .\ ____/ .\ ___ \_
| ____/_| | /. ___)___. | \| | ___)___| ___)___| _____/ .
| |/ | _ | |/ | | | | |/ | |/ | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP! |
- --|___. |____| |___. |-| .__|___. |___. | |------'
`-----' `----' `-----' `------' `-----' `-----'----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Sargon [SERIAL]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: E.D.K.
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 4 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
·:: oo ::
____+( > )_____ ,___
.---- \ ___\__/ __ ((_;= __/\________ - __/\________ __/\. -----------.
| __\ \/ _\ \ \__/ ¯ .\ ________/ ._\_________ /.\ |_______ ©hP!|
| __\ / \· \ | ______)____| \| | | _____/_. |
| =(_\__/ \· \_ xXX | |/ | | | _ | |
| ¯ ` \-----º¹----/ XX | | | | | | | |
| XXx _\ \/ \ | | | | | | | |
`--- XX \ _/ __ \_ -- |___. | .__|____| | --'
_/ __\__.\/.__/ `-----//--'--\\------' `----//--'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Cyberkid [KTS]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Planet Love
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 5 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_ :::: :::::::::: __________________________________________________
_\ :::: :::::::::: /_
| :::: :::::::::___. __/\_____ ____/\__ __/\____ __/\_ ©hP! |
| :::: ::::::::.\ _|_____ \ _\_ /._\___ /.\ ____/ .\ _/___ |
| :::: ::::::::| \_ /. · _ | \| | ___)___| ____/_. |
| ::::.::::::::| | | | | | | |/ | |/ | |
| :::: ... | | | | | | | | | | | |
| :::: :::: |___. |____| |____| |___. |___. | |
| :::: :::: `-----' `----' `----' `-----' `-----' |
| :::: :::: __/\_____ .____ __/\____ |
| ·::: :::: .\ _ / __/\| /.\ ____/ |
| :::: .:::::::| | · .\ | | ___)___. |
| __ __ :::: ::::::::| | | | | |/ | planet lOve! |
| \/__\/ :::: ::::::::| | | | _| | | |
| \/ :::: ::::::::|____. 7____. \____. | |
|_ :::: :::::::::: `----' `----\ `-----' _|
/______ :::: :::::::::: _________________ · _______________________\
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Fahrenheit [WU-TRANK]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Credits
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 6 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___/\ ____/\ ___/\ ___/\::::::/\__ /\___
_\ ___)__ _\___ )_ _\ ___)__ __\___ )_::_( _/___ _( ___/__
/ |/ / / _/ __/ / ___) / / |/ /::\ _____/__\______ \
_ _/ / \_/ \ \_/ \| \_/ / \:_/ \| \_ |/ \_ _
\\_\______ \_____/ \_____\ \______ \\ \______/ /_____/_//
/ \ / \ / \ / \\ \ / \©hP!
| |
| ( expand as needed ) |
| |
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Fahrenheit [WU-TRANK]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Greets
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 7 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
/\_____ ____/\ ___/\ ___/\ /\__ /\___
( ____/__ _\___ )_ _\ ___)__ _\ ___)__ _( _/___ _( ___/__
/ \___ / / _/ __/ / ___) / / ___) / \ _____/__\______ \
_ _/ |/ \_/ \ \_/ \| \_/ \| \_/ \| \_ |/ \_ _
\\_\______/ \_____/ \_____\ \_____\ \ \______/ /_____/_//
/ \ / \ / \ / \ \ / \©hP!
| |
| ( expand as needed ) |
| |
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Mutant Leader [MOTIV-8]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Mutant Leader
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 8 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\____ ___. _/\_ _/\____ ____/\_ _/\_
.\_ _/.\ |/\_ \ _/__ .\ _\_ /.\___ /.\ _/__
· | \ / | | /. ___/_| _ | \| | ___/_. ·
· | | Y | | | |/ | | | | | |/ | | ·
___________\| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |/___________
_\ : : : : : : : : : : /_
| ____. ___/\_____ ___/\______ ___/\_____ ___/\_____ ___/\______ |
| .\ | ©hP! .\ _____/ .\ _\_ /._\______ /.\ _____/ .\ ___ / |
| | _|______| ____)___| _ | \| | ____)___| _ _/_. |
| | \_ /. |/ | | | | | |/ | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |____. |____. |_____| | .___|____. |____| | |
| `------' .`------' . `-----'-------' . .`------' `------' |
|_____________ : : : : : : : : : : : : : _____________|
|___| |___. |__. |___| |___| |__. |
`---' `---' `----' `---' `---' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Evilive [GANJA]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Ganja
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 3 9 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_ __ __/\__
__/\______ ___/\______ _____/\___ \\_\__\_ /___/\______
.\ _______/_.\ _\_ /._\____ /._______|_ .\ _\_ /.
| \_ | _ | \| |\ _/ | _ |
| | | | | | | | | | | ©hP!
_ | | | | | | | | | | | _
__ _\ | | | | | | | | | | | /_ __
\\__\_ |___. |_____| |_____| | .___|_____| | _/__//
`-------' `-----' `-----'-------' `-----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Evilive [GANJA]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Ganja file_id
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 0 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\___ _/\____ ___/\_ _/\__ _/\____ - o¹
.\ ___/_.\ _\_ /._\__ /.__\__ /.\ _\_ /. .
_ | \_ | _ | | |\ _/ | _ | _ |
\ | | | | | | | | | | | /
| |___. |___| |___| | .___|___| | | - 5
| `---' `---' `---'---' ©hP! `---' | .
| | |
| | |
| |
`-[ GANJA DIGEST #xxx ]---[ REL: mm/dd/yy ]-' - ¹o
[ o¹········¹o········²o········³o········4°········5° ]
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Haliphax [VINYL]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Constipation of the Mind
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 1 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
.\ |
__/\__ _/\____ ___/\_ _/\___ _/\_ | |_/\___
.\ ___/_.\ _ /._\__ /.\ ___/_.\ _/__ .\ ___ \_
| | | | | | |_\__ | ___/_. | ____/ ------ _/\. ---------.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | .\ | ©hP! :
| | | | | | | | | | |-' _/\____ _/\_ | · |_/\____ ___/\_
|__. |___. |___| |___. |__. | | .\ _\_ /.\ _/__ .\ _ /._\__ /.
`----' . `---' `---' `---' `----' `-| _ | ___/_. | | | | |
: _/\_ ___. _/\____ | | | | | | | | | |
: .\ _/__ .\ |/\_\ ____/ | | | | |-' | | | |
_/\____ _/\___|_ ___/_| _ /. __)__.|___| |__. | |___. |___| |
.\ _ /.\ _____/_. |___| |__. | `---' `----' `---' `---'
| | | ___) `----' `---' `----' _/\____ :
|___. | | _/\____ _/\. ___/\_ _\____ /. :
`---'---' .\_ _/.\ |_\__ /. | | __ __ :
: | \ / | · | | | | | \/__\/ :
`----------- | Y | | | | | | ------- \/ --------'
| | | | | | .__|
|___| | |___| |-----'
`---'---' `---'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Haliphax [VINYL]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: C.O.T.M. logoff
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 2 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
. .__
__ __ _| __.__ _. _|_ _ __ _.__
_) (_/ \ (_/| /(_|_ \ ( '(_/( | / ..
_//\________ _//\_________ _//\_ ©hP! _//\_________
.\ _________/_.\ _ /.\ _/_______ .\____ ____/.
| |/ | | | ________/_| \ / |
| | | | | |/ | Y |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
_ _ __ | | | | | | | | | __ _ _
_ _\ | | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ /_ _
. \ \_\__ |__. \\_/_____. \\_/__. \\_/_____| \\_/__/_/ / .
| `----------' `------' `---------' `------' |
| ·· Call back soon and in the meantime, call our friends! ·· |
| |
| ( place boardlist here - expand as needed ) |
| |
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Haliphax [VINYL]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Memberlist
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 3 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\____ _/\___ _/\____ _/\____ _/\___ _/\____ __. _/\._/\____ _/\_
.\_ _/.\ ___/ .\_ _/.\ __ /.\ ___/ .\ __ /.\ |©hP!.\ |\ ___/_.\ _/__
| \ / | __)__| \ / | _ _/_| __)__| _ _/_| _|____| · |_\__ | ___/_.
| Y | | | Y | | | | | | | \_ /. | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|___| |__. |___| |__. |__. |__| |__. | |___. |__. |
`---' `----' `---' `----' `----' `----' `----'---' `----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Haji [ECLIPSE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Tofu
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 4 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___/\_ ____/\_______ ____/\________ _____.
.\ _/______ .\ _ /.\ ________/_\ |/\____
| _______/_| | | _____) | /.
| |/ | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
_ _| | | | | | __ __ | |_ _
\\_\_ | | | | | \/__\/ | _/_//
| | | | | | \/ | |
|____. |______. | |_____________. |
`--------' `------'------' `------'
[· tOfu! ·]
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Haji [ECLIPSE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Ackbar + Jeff's Tofu Hut
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 5 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\____ __/\__ _/\. _/\____ _/\____ _/\____ _/\____ ___/\_ _/\___
.\ _\_ /.\ ___/_.\ |__ .\ __ /.\ _\_ /.\ __ / .\ _\_ /._\__ /._\___ /.
| _ | | | | /_| _ _/_| _ | _ _/_. | _ | | | | |
| | | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|___| |__. |___| |__. |___| |__| | |___| |___| | .__|
`---' `----' `---' `----' `---' `----' `---' `---'----'
__/\_ _/\___ _/\_____ _/\_____ _/\___
__\___ .\ ___/ .\ _____/_\ _____/,\ __/_. ©hP!
.\ _/ | __)__| ___) ___)____\__ |
__/\___ _ | | | | | | | | | _ ___/\__
\\ | .__|__. | | |________. | //
\__ _ `----' `----'---'--------' `---' _ __/
__/\_ __/\_____ __/\______ ____. ____. ____. __/\_
.\ _/___ .\ _ /.\ ______/_\ |/\__ .\ |/\__ \ |/\__ \ _/___
| ____/_| | | ___) | /. | | /. | /. ____/_.
| | | | | | | | | _ | | | | |
| | | | | | __ __ | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | \/__\/ | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | \/ | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|___. |____. | |__________. | |____| |____. |___. |
`-----' `----'----' `----' `----' `----' `-----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: John Doe [CIA]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Shroom Palace
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 6 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___/\_____ _____. ___/\______ ___/\______ ___/\______ ___/\______
\ _____/_.\ |/\___ \ ___ /.\ _ /.\ _ /.\___ ___/.
._\____ | | /. _ _/_| | | | | \ / |
| \| | _ | | | | | | | Y |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | _/\___/\____ ___. _/\____ __/\__ _/\___
| | | | | | .\ __ \_\_ /.\ _|___.\ _\_ /.\ ___/_.\ ___/
| | | | | | | ____/_ | \_ /. _ | |/ | ___)__.
| | | | | | | | _ _| |___. |___| |__. |__. |
| | | | | | `---'. `---' `---' `---' `----' `----'
|_____. |_____| |____| |_____. |_____. |_____| |
`-----' `-----' `------' `-----' `-----' ©hP!`-----'
[ Welcome to The Shroom Palace! ]
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: John Doe [CIA]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: E.M.I.
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 7 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___//\______ ___//\_______ _//\__._ __ ___ ____
____ ___ __ _.\ ______/ .\____ ____/.\ _/__/___/____/
\____\___\__\_ ___)_____| \ / | · |
| |/ | Y | | ©hP!
| | | | | |
_ | | | | | | _
._____________.\\ | | | | | | //._____________.
: |_____. |______| | | :
·___ _ `-------' `------'------' _ ___·
_) . e . m . i . (_
| |
|_____________________< System Op: Formaldehyde >______________________|
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: John Doe [CIA]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Faded Ambition
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 8 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\______ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____
.\ ______/_\ _\_ /._\_____ /.\ ____/ ._\_____ /.
| ___) _ | \| | ___)___| \| |
| | | | | | |/ | | |
| | ©hP! | | | | | | | |
__/\_____ __/\_____ __/\_____ _/\_ __/\_ _/\_ __/\_____ ____/\__
.\ _\_ /.\__ __/.\ ___ / \ .\ _/___ \ .\ _ /._\___ /.
| _ | \ / | _ _/_. · | ____/_. · | | | \| |
| | | Y | | | | |/ | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _
_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /_
_\ |____| |____| |___. | |___. | |____. |____| | |
| `----' .`----' `-----'----' . `-----'----' `----' `----' |
| | | __ __ | | | | | | | | |
|___________ | | \/__\/ | | | | | | | | ____________|
| |____\/____| | .__|___. | .__|
`----' `----'------' `-----'------'
.. operated by toth & john doe ..
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: John Doe [CIA]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Jellomite
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 4 9 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\__ __/\____ ___. ___. __/\_____
___\___ /.\ ____/ \ _|_____ \ _|_____ \ _ /. ·· jellomite ··
.\ _/ | ___)___. \_ /. \_ /. | | ________________________
| | | |/ | | | | | | | _/
| | | | | | | | | | | \
| | | | | | | ........... . · .......... ...........
| .___|___. |___. |__ ::::::::::: : : : ::::::::::: ::::::::::: :
`-----' ©hP! `-----' `-----' ::::::::::: : : : :::::::::::.. :::::::::::.:
\_ ::::::::::: : : : ::::::::::: . ::::::::::: .
/____________________________ `:::::::::: : : : `::::::::::.: `::::::::::.:
.. operated by btj & tweed ..
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: John Doe [CIA]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: John Doe
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 0 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\__ __/\_____ ____. ____/\__ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____
___\___ /.\ _ /.\ |/\__ _\___ /. ._\_____ /.\ _ /.\ ____/
- .\ _/ | | | | /. \| | - | \| | | | ___)___. -
| | | | | _ | | | | | | | | |/ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | | | - | | | | | | | -
| .___|____. |____| |____| | | .__|____. |___. |
`-----' ©hP! `----' `----' `----' `------' `----' `-----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Guttersnipe [MILLENNIUM]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Whiplash
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 1 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
.____ ____. _/\_ __/\____ [· whiplash ·]
__/\| /.\ |/\__ \ .\ ___ \_
.\ | | | /. · | _____/ __/\_____ __/\____ ____.
.-- | | | _ | | | | --- .\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ |/\__ ---.
: _| /¯\ | | | | | _|_____| _ |_\___ | | /. :
`-\\_____. |____| | | | \_ /. | | \| | _ | --'
`----' `----'----'----' | | | | | | | |_
©hP! |___. |____| |____. |____| _//
`-----' `----' `----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Phantasm [RIGOR]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Alternative Information
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 2 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\ ___/\_ _/\_______/\_ _/\____ _/\____ _/\____ _/\_ _/\ _/\____ ___/\_
.\ ._\__ /.\ _____/ _ /.\ __ /.\_ _/.\ _\_ /.\ _/__ .\ .\ _ /._\__ /.
| · | | | ___) | | _ _/_| \ / | _ | ___/_| · | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Y | | | |/ | | | | | |
| : | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | | |
| · : : | : : : : · : : : : : : : : : |
: _/\____ __. : _/\_· _/\___ ·___/\_ _/\____ _/\_ _/\_ .___ _/\___ :
·.\ _\_ /. _|____ \ _/__ .\ ___/ ._\__ /.\ _\_ /.\ _/__ .\ _/\| /.\ ___/ ·
| _ | \_ /. ___/_| ___)__| | | _ | ___/_| · .\ | | ___)__.
| | | | | |/ | |/ | | | | | |/ | | | | |/ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _| | |
|___| |__. |__. |__. |___| |___| |__. | |___. \___. |
. .`---' `----' `----'. `----'. `---'. `---'. `----'---'. `---\ `----'.
| : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : · : |
| | | | |©hP! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |___| | |_____. |__| |___| |___| |__. | |___. |___| |
`---' `---'---' `---' `----' `---' `---' `----'---' `---' `---'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Fungus [LSD]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Ascii Orgy
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 3 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__ _ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ _/\_ _/\_. _ __
______/\\/_// .\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ _____/_.\ .\ : \\_\//\______
__\___ \\__ _ : _ :_\___ : :/ : · : · : _ __// ___/__
\___ ____/_// : : : \: : : : : : \\_\____ ___/
_/ __( : : : : : : : : : )__ \_
\____\ ____/\_______ ____/\_______·____/\______ : · ._____ /____/
\ .\ _ /.\ ___ /.\ _______/_.____/\_| /. /
· | | | _ _/_| \_ |\ | | ·
| | | | | | |_\______ | ©hP!
_ __ __/(_ | | | | | | \| _)\__ __ _
\\_\__\___ _ | | | | | | | _ ___/__/_//
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|______. |_____| |_____. | ._____|
__ __ `------' `-------' `-------'-------' __ __
_ __\/__\/___ :____: :____. :__. : : : ___\/__\/__ _
\/ `----' `----' `------'----'----' \/
»» welcome to the ascii orgy ««
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Fungus [LSD]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Back in the Day menu
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 4 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
________//\_____ _____//\_________ .___
__ __ ._\____________ /.\ _\_ /._________//\_| /. __ __
\/__\/ _| \| | _ |\ | |_ \/__\/
\/ \_ | | | |_\____________ _/ \/
. | | | | | | | .
. | | | | | | | .
: | |____ ___. ___ |_/_ · ____ _|_ |____.____ | :
| | l___//___ll____l \ ll / l___\l /l___/_ | |
| | . . . . . | | ©hP!
_ ____| | | _| | |_ | | |____ _
________ | | \_ | _/ | | ________
_\ | .___|________| | .___| /_
| `-------------' `--------'-------------' |
| [ A ] Alter Userdata [ G ] Goodbye [ T ] Edit Batch List |
| [ B ] Bulletins [ J ] Join a Conf [ U ] Upload Files |
| [ C ] Comment to SysOp [ L ] Local Time [ X ] Menus [on/off] |
_| [ D ] Download Files [ M ] List Msg Bases |_
\|_ [ E ] Enter a Message [ R ] Read Messages [ NEW ] New File Scan _|/
|/ [ F ] File Directories [ S ] User Stats [ WHO ] Who is Online \|
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Hellfire [CIA]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Auggies Basement
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 5 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_____ ____. __/\____ __/\____ _/\_ __/\____ __/\____
.\ _\_ /.\ |/\__ \ _____/_.\ _____/_.\ .\ ____/ \ ____/_.
| _ | | /. \_ | \_ | · | ___)___._\___ |
· | | | | | | | | | | | | |
_/\_____ _/\_____·_/\____ ·_/\____ _/\_____ _/\____ ___/\__·_/\_·
.\ __ /.\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ ____/ .\_ __/.\ ____/ ._\__ /.\ _/___
| _ _/_| _ |_\__ | ___)___| \ / | ___)___| | | ____/_.
| | | | | | | | | Y | | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|__. |___| |___. |__. |___| |__. |___| |__. |
`-----' `----' `----' `-----'. `----' `-----' `----' `-----'
_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _
\ |____| |____. |___. |___. | |___. |____. | /
\ `----' `----' `-----' `-----'----' `-----'©hP!`----'/
_ __\___ _ _ ___/__ _
\ ·· auggies basement ·· /
· ·
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Whodini [RMRS.1981]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: I'm The One
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 6 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
..................... _.................... .....................
::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
©hP! ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
__ ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
_/\\/ __/\_____::::::__/\_: : ____.:::::__/\____::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
.\ ).\__ __//__.:.\ _/___ .\ |/\__:\ ____/::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
| · .| \ / |:| ____/_| | /. ___)_______.: :::::::::::::::::::::
| || Y |:| | | _ | | |:................ .
| || | |:| | | | | | |: .....................
| || | |:| | | | | | |: :::::::::::::::::::::
| || | |:| | | | | | |_ __:___:::::::::::::::
| ||____| |:|___. |____| |___. _/__/___//::::::::::::::
`----' ::::| |:::::`-----': ::`----':::| |: :::::::::::::::::::::
· ::::`-------':::::::: : : :::::::::::`---------': :::::::::::::::::::::
/ ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
__//\ ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
\_/ · ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
_ _/\_ ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
/ ::::::::::::::::::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::
_ _/ `::::::::::::::::::::_: : ::::::::::::::::::::' :_::::::::::::::::::::'
\\_\________________________________________________________________ ___ _ _
( alternate )
.-------------------._. ._.-------------------. ._.-------------------.
| | | | | | | | |
©hP! | | | | | | | | |
__ | | | | | | | | |
_/\\/ __/\_____ __/\_| | ____. __/\____ | | | |
.\ ).\__ __//__. .\ _/___ .\ |/\__ \ ____/ | | | |
| · .| \ / | | ____/_| | /. ___)_______.| |___________________|
| || Y | | | | _ | | ||________________ _
| || | | | | | | | | · || .___________________.
| || | · | | | | | | | . || | |
| || | . | | | | | | | : |_ __ ___ |
| ||____| :. . | |___. |____| |___. . ..: _/__/___// |
`----' . | | `-----'. . `----' | |. | |
· | `-------' | | | | `---------'| | |
/ | | | | | | | | |
__//\ | | | | | | | | |
\_/ · | | | | | | | | |
_ _/\_ | | | | | | | | |
/ | | | | | | | | |
_ _/ |___________________|_| | |___________________| |_|___________________|
\\_\________________________________________________________________ ___ _ _
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Spook [ACRYLIC]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Acrylic Weekly
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 7 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_____ __/\____ __/\_____ .___ ___. _/\_ __/\____
.\ _\_ /.\ _____/_.\ ___ / __/\_| /.\ | .\ .\ _____/_.
| _ | | | _ _/_.\ | | _|_____| · | | |
| | | | | | |_\____ | \_ /. | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _
_) |____| |__. |___| | .___|___. | |__. | (_
\ `----' `------' `-----'-----' ©hP! `---__'-__-' `------' /
\\ .____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\. ___. \/__\/ .___ //
/___ __/\| /.\ ____/ .\ ____/ .\ |___ .\ | \/ __/\_| /. ___\
.\ | | ___)___| ___)___| | _/_| _|_____ \ | |
| | | | | | | _ | \_ /._\____ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| /¯\ | | | | | | | | | | |
|____. |___. |___. |____| |___. | .___|
`----' `-----' `-----' `----' `-----'-----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Spook [ACRYLIC]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: GOD
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 8 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___//\_____ ___//\_______ ___//\______
.\ ________/_.\ _ /._\________ /.
_| \_ _| | |_ \| |_
\_ | \_ | _/ | _/
__ | | | | | | | __
_ _____) | | | | | | | (_____ _
\_____ | | | | | | | _____/
/ | | | | | | | \
_ _/ | | | | | | | \_ _
\\_\___ | | | | | | | ___/_//
| | | | | | |
|___. |______. | .___| ©hP!
`--------' `------'---------'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Grey [SERIAL]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Eternal Damnation
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 5 9 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\___ _/\_ _/\___ _/\____ ___/\_ _/\____ __.
___________________ .\ ___/ .\ _/__ .\ ___/ .\ __ /._\__ /.\ _\_ /.\ |
._\ | ___)__| ___/_| ___)__| _ _/_| | | _ | _|____
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | \_ /.
| eternal damnation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| sysop: tossaire | | : | | : | | : | | : | | |
| : : · : : · | : · : : · | | |
: _/\___ _/\____ _/\____ ·___/\_ _/\____ _/\_ : _/\ _/\____ ___/\_ | | |
._\___ /.\ _\_ /.\_ _/._\__ /.\ _\_ /.\ _/__ .\ .\ _ /._\__ /. |__. |
| | | _ | \ / | | | _ | ___/_| | | | | |-' `----'
| | | | | Y | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP! |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _|
| .__|___| |___| |___| |___| |__. | |___. |___| | _______\
`----' `---' `---' `---' `---' `----'---' `---' `---'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Prodigy [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Blue Lines
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 0 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_____ ___. ____. __/\____
.\ ___ /.\ | .\ |/\__ \ ____/ _ ___________________________
| _ _/_| _|_____| _/ /. ___)___. /_
| | | \_ /. \\ | |/ | ©hP! |
| | | | | \ ___. | _/\_ ____/\__ __/\____ __/\____ ·
|___. |___. |____. .\ |_. .\ ._\___ /.\ ____/ \ ____/_.
`-----' `-----' `--| _|_`___| | \| | ___)___._\___ |
· | \_ /. | | | |/ | \| |
| b l u e l i n e s | | | | | | | | | |
| b l a h b l a h | | | | | | | | | |
|_ b l a h | | | | | | | | | |
/_____________________ _ | | | | | | | | | |
|___. | |____| |___. |____. |
`-----'----' `----' `-----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Pariah [ECLIPSE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Plastic Heroes
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 1 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\____ ___. __/\_____ __/\____ __/\_ _/\_ __/\____
.\ ___ \__\ | .\ _\_ /.\ ____/_.\ _/___ \ .\ _____/_.
_| _____/ _|_____| _ |_\___ | ____/_. · | |/ |_
\ \\\_ | \_ /. | | \| | |/ | | | _/// /
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
____. | __/\______ __/\_______ __/\________ __/\______ __/\______
.\ |/\_____ \ ______/ .\ ___ / .\ _ /.\ ______/ \ ______/__.
| | /. _____)____| _ _/__| | | _____)____._\___ |
| _ | | | | | | | | | | |
|____| |___. |___| |____. |___. |____. |
`-------' `--------'. `--------' . `-------' `--------' `-------'
| | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP!
| | __ | | | | | | | | | | |
| | \// | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
__ | | | | | | | | | | | | | __
_\_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | _/_
_/ | |_________. |____| |____. |___. | |__. | \_
| `----' `-----' `----' `----' `-----'----' `------' |
| |
| <[» p l a s t i c h e r o e s «]> |
| |
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Xenocide [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Xenocide
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 2 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
\ |____/___/\____ ____/\__ __/\_____ __/\____ _/\_ __/\____ __/\____
\ | / .\ ____/ ._\___ /.\ _ /.\ _____/_.\ ._\_____ /.\ ____/
_\ _ /_ | ___)___| \| | | | |/ | · | \| | ___)___.
/ | \| |/ | | | | | | | | | | |/ |
_/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
\______| |___. |____| |____. |__. | | .__|___. |
| \_`-----' `----' `----' `------'----'------' `-----'
©hP! |________/_ · x e n o c i d e ·
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Zerohour [RCA]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Zerohour
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 3 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\__ _ _/\__ _
.\ .\ ©hP!
_/\___ _/\____ _/\___| · _/\___ _/\_ | · _/\. _/\____ ___.
\ ___/_.\ _\_ /._\___ /. \ ___/_.\ _/__ | \ |__ .\ _\_ /.\ _|___
._\__ | _ | | | ___\__ | ___/_._ . | /_| _ | \_ /.
| | | | | | | \\_ | | | _// | _ | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |_ | | | | | _| | | | | | |
| | | | | | _// | | | | | \\_ | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
_/|_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _|\_
\\__ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __//
| | | | | | |---| | | | |---| | | | | | |
|___. |___| | .__| |___. |__. | |___| |___| |___. |
`---' `---'----' `---' `----' `---' `---' `---'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Redrum [ ODELAY ]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Gloom
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 4 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
_/\_________ ___. _/\\_________ _/\\_________ _/\__________
.\ _________/_.\ | ©hP! .\ _ /.\ _ /.\_ _______/._ _
| \_ | _|_________| | | | | \ / _/_/
| | | \_ /. | | | | Y |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | |
| | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
_ _| | | | | | | | | | | __
\_\____. |___. |______. |______. |___| | /
. `----//---' `----//---' `------' `------' `----//---' /.
| |
| ·· g l o o m ·· |
| |
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Mjay [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Moslem
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 5 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ ___. __/\____ __/\_____ ©hP!
_ __. .\__ __/.\ _ /.\ ____/_.\ _|_____ \ ____/ .\__ __/. .__ _
.\.\ | | \ / | | |_\___ | \_ /. ___)___| \ / | | /./.
.| | | | Y | | | \| | | | |/ | Y | | | |.
|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||
|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||
|| | | |____| |____. |____. |___. |___. |____| | | | ||
|| | | `----' `----' `----' `-----' `-----' `----' | | ||
_||_|__|_ _______________ _______________ _|__|_||_
_ ______))______________) M O S L E M (______________((______ _
|| | | | | ||
||_|__| |__|_||
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Paine [REVOLT]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Sea of Quiddity
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 6 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
____ _/\___ _/\___ _/\____ ___ _/\____ _/\_____ ___
_\ \ ___/_.\ ___/ .\ _\_ /. .\ _ /.\ _____/ /_
| ._\__ | ___)__| _ | | | | ___) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
__/\_____ ____. _/\_ __/\____ __/\____ _/\_ __/\_ | .___
.\ _ /.\ |/\__ \ ._\_____ /._\_____ /.\ .\ _/___ __/\_| /.
| | | | /. · | \| | \| | · | ____/_.\ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |/ |_\____ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | __| | | | | | | | | | | | |
7___. \_____. | | .__| .__| |___. | .___|
`-----\ `----'----'------' `------' `----' `-----'-----'
| · |___. |__. |___| | |___. | | |
|_ `---' `----' `---' `---'---' ©hP! _|
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Phanatik [EXOTIC]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Exotic Designs
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 7 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\____ ____. __/\_____ __/\_ _/\_ __/\____
.\ ____/ _) |_/\__\ _ /.\ _/___ .\ .\ _____/_.
| ___)___\_ | _/ | | ____/_| · | |/ |
| |/ / _ \ | | |/ | | | |
| | / | \ | | | | | | |
| | / | \ | | | | | | | ©hP!
___ | | / | \ | | | | | | | ___
_\ |___. /_______| \_. |___. | |__. | /_
_) `-----' |__/\____\`----' `-----'----' `------' (_
__/ __/\____ __/\____ __/\____ _/\_ __/\____ ____/\__ __/\____ \__
\\ ._\_____ /.\ ____/ \ ____/_.\ .\ _____/_._\___ /.\ ____/_. //
\_ | | | ___)___._\___ | · | \_ | | |_\___ | _/
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| .__|___. |____. | |___. |____| |____. |
`------' `-----' `----'----' `-----' `----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Phanatik [EXOTIC]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Plastic
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 8 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___. ._
.\ | |/ __/\____ _. _/\_.
__/\|___| _. __/\_____ \ ____/_ __/\_ \| .\ |__/\____
.\____ \_ \| .\ _\_ /._\___ .\ _/___ | · .\ _____/_.
| __/ /____| _ | \| | ____/_. _| |/ | ©hP!
__ | \ / /. | _| | | |/ | \_ | | __
\\ | \___/| | | \_ | | | | | | | //
/ | | | | | | | | | |_ | | | \
_ _/ | | | |_ | | | | | _/ | | | \_ _
\_\___ | | | _/ | | | | | | | | | ___/_/
| |___. |____| |____. |___. | |__. |
| | `-----' `----' `----' `-----'----' `------'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Cyndicide [NONAME]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Scribe
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 6 9 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\____ __/\____ __/\_____ _/\_ __/\_____ __/\____
\ ____/_.\ _____/_.\ ___ /.\ .\ ___ /.\ ____/
._\___ | |/ | _ _/_| · | _ _/_| ___)___.
| \| | | | | | | | | |/ |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
· | | | | | | | | | | | | ·
_| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_
\\_ |____. |__. |___| | |___. |___. | _//
/ `----' `------' `-----'----' `-----' `-----' \
/__/__/-/ s c r i b e \-\__\__\
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Disp. Assassin [SIMPLE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Lego Land
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 0 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
.\ |
| | + L e g o L a n d +
| | __
| _|_______\/______ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____
| \_ \/ /.\ ____/ .\ _____/_.\ _ /.
| | | ___)___| \_ | | |
| | | |/ | | | | | __________
| | ___. | | | | | | | /
|___. .\ | |___. |___. |____. | _____ //
_ `-- - | | - --' `-----' `-----' `----' \ //
\ | | __ \/
\\ ©hP! | _|_______\/______ __/\_____ ____/\__ __/\____
/_ _ | \_ \/ /.\ _\_ /._\___ /._\_____ /.
\ / | | | _ | \| | \| |
\\/ | | | | | | | | |
\/ | | | | | | | | |
|___. |____| |____| | .__|
`---------------' `----' `----'------'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Risu [BLADE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Out of Order
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 1 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_____ ____. __/\_ __/\_____ __/\______
.\ _ /.\ |/\__ \ _/___ .\ _ /.\ ______/
| | | / /. ____/_. | | | ___)
|____. |____. |___. | |____. | |
`----' `----' `-----' `----'----' ©hP!
__/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____
.\ _ /.\ ___ /._\_____ /.\ ____/ .\ ___ /
_\__| | | _ _/_| \| | ___)___| _ _/_.
\ : | | | | | | |/ | | |
\\_ | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |__/_
· | | | | | | | | | | : /
. | | | | | | | | | | _//
: | | | | | | | | | | | .
. ..:.::: |____. |___| | .__|___. |___| | :::.:.. .
`----' `-----'------' `-----' `-----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Risu [BLADE]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Out of Order header
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 2 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\_____ ____. __/\_ ©hP! __/\_____ __/\______
.\ _ /.\ |/\__ \ _/___ .\ _ /.\ ______/
| | | / /. ____/_. | | | ___) [· out of order ·]
|____. |____. |___. | |____. | | ___________________________.
. `----' `----' `-----' `----'----' |
| __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____
| .\ _ /.\ ___ /._\_____ /.\ ____/ .\ ___ /
| | | | _ _/_| | | ___)___| _ _/_.
|________________________ |____. |___| | .__|___. |___| |
`----' `-----'------' `-----' `-----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Mart [GRILL]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Fallen Empires
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 3 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\______ __/\_____ ___. ___. __/\____ ____/\__
.\ ______/_\ _\_ /.\ | .\ | .\ ____/ ._\___ /.
| ___) _ | _|_____| _|_____| ___)___| \| |
| | | | \_ /. \_ /. |/ | | |
| _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | | ©hP!
_ __ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | | __ _
__ / | | | | | | | | | | | | \ __
/ // | | __ __ | | | | | | | | | | \\ \
/__ | | \/__\/ | | | | | | | | | | __\
| | \/ | | | | | | | | | |
· | | · | · | | | | · |
__/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ _/\_ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____
__ .\ ____/ .\__ __/.\ ___ \__\ .\ ___ /.\ ____/ \ ____/_. __
((__ | ___)___| \ / | _____/ · | _ _/_| ___)___._\___ | __))
|___. |____Y | | |___| |___. |____. |
`-----' `----'----'----------' . `-----' . `-----' . `----'
_ | | | | | | | | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ | |__________| |___. |___. |___. |____| | _/
`----' `----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Nevarre [LND]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Nevarre
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 4 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
____/\__ __/\____ ___ .____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __ _[ Nevarre Demonian ]_.
._\___ /.\ ____/ __/\| /.\ _\_ /.\ ___ / __/\_____ |
| | | ___)___.\ \_ | _ | _ _/_.\ ___ / __/\____ __/\__
| | | | | / _| | | | | _ _/_.\ ____/ \[@@]/
|____| |___. 7____. \_____| |___| | | | ___)___. /_o._\
. `----'_ `-----' `----\ `----' `-----|___| | | | \/ .
| ©hP! _\/_ email: nevarre@legends.never.die.com `-----|___. | |
`------\/\/-------------------------------------------- - `-----' -----'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Clorox [HALO]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Waves of Warez menu
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 5 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
.___ _/\____ .___ _/\___ _/\____ [ WoW ] __ __ ·· waves of warez ··
_/\| /.\ _\_ /._/\| /.\ ___/ \ ____/________ \/__\/ ______________________.
.\ | | _ |\ | | ___)__._\__ \/ |
| | | | | | | | | | .___ · sysop: clorox |
| | | | | | | | | ___ | / / · ___ ____ ____ ____ |
| | | | | | | | | \__)|- /___\ \ (___\ \ ` (___/_ __/ _ |
| | | | | | | | | . | /_____\ /____\ |
| /¯\ | | | | _| | | | blah blah blah! |
|___. |___| 7___. \___. |___. ©hP! |
`---' `---' `---\ `----' `-----------------------------------------'
[¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾] · [¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾]
| |
| A Alter Flagged Files J Join a Conf U Upload Files |
| B Bulletins L List Users V View a Textfile |
| C Comment To Staff M Color [On/Off] W Write User Settings |
| D Download Files N New Files X Expert [On/Off] |
| E Enter a Message O Page SysOp Z Zippy File Search |
| F File Listings R Read Messages FR Reverse File List |
| G Goodbye [Logoff] S User Statistics WHO Who is Online |
| I Desire Info T Local Time OPEN External Doors |
| |
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Consisis [ ??? ]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Divine Intervention
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 6 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\____ _/\__ _ .____ _/\__ ____/\__ __/\____
._\_____ /.\ __/\| /.\ ._\___ /.\ ____/
| | | · .\ | | · | | | ___)___.
| | | | | | | | | | |
· | | | | | | | | | | | ·
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
· | | | | | | | | | | | | | ·
\ | | | _|_ | | _|_ _|_ | _|_ | | | /
________\| | .___ 7____. \ _____| ____. | |/________
_\ `------' `----' `----\----' `----' `-----' /_
| · |
_/\_ ___/\_ _/\_ _/\___ _/\____ .___ _/\___ ___/\_ _/\_ ©hP! |
.\ ._\__ /.\ _/__ .\ ___/ .\ __ / _/\| /.\ ___/ ._\__ /.\ _/__ |
| · | | | ___/_| ___)__| _ _/_.\ | | ___)__| | | ___/_. |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | | | _|_ | _|_ | _|_ | _|____ _
| ____| ___. ___. ___| 7___. \___. ____| ___. ____ _
`---' `---' `----' `----' `----' `---\ `----' `---' `----'
. · _/\ _/\____ ___/\_
| d i v i n e .\ .\ _ /._\__ /.
| i n t e r v e n t i o n | · | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| _ ____| _|_ | _|_ | |
|______________________________________________ _ ____ ____. ____| |
`---' `---' `---'
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Windrider [QUAD-P]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: ModemLand
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 7 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___//\_______ ___//\_______ ___//\______ ___//\______ ___//\_______
.\____ ____/.\ _ /._\_______ /.\ ______/ .\____ ____/.
| \ / | | | \| | ____)____| \ / |
_ _| Y | | | | | |/ | Y |_ _
\\_\_ | | | | | | | | | _/_//
| | | | | __. | _)\____ ___)\_ _/(___ |
| | | | | .\ |____.\ _\_ /._\__ /._\___ /. |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |__. |___| |___| | .__| |
| | | | | .`----' `---' `---'----' |
___ | | | | | | | | | | | ___
\ |______| |______. | .____|____. |______| | /
\\_ `------'__ __`------'--------'©hP! `--------' `------' _//
)___________ _ \/__\/ _ ______________________________________________(
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Windrider [QUAD-P]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Telegard/X
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 8 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__) | [ Telegard/X v3.02/mL ]
\ |_____ _________________________
\ __/\_ __/\____ ___. | __/\____ /
\ .\ _/___ .\ ____/ .\ _|_____ \ ____/ /
\ | ____/_| ___)___| \_ /. ___)_______________. /
\ | |/ | |/ | | | |/ __ __ | /
\ \ | | | | | | | | \/__\/ | /
\ \ |___. |___. |___. |___. \/ | / ©hP!
____\__ `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----------------'_/____
\ __/\____ __/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ /
/ .\ _____/_____________.\ _\_ /.\ ___ /._\_____ /. \
/ | \_ | _ | _ _/_| \| | \
/ | | __ __ | | | | | | | \ \
/ | | \/__\/ | | | | | | | \ \
/ |___. \/ |____| |___| | .__| \
/ `-----------------' .`----' `-----'------' \
/_____________________________________| \
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Mithrandir [QUAD-P]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: ModemLand
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 7 9 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
___. __/\_____ ____/\__ __/\____
.\ _|_____.\ _\_ /._\___ /._\_____ /.
| \_ /. _ | \| | \| |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
__/\_____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_____
.\__ __/.\ _ /._\_____ /.\ ____/ .\__ __/.
| \ / | | | \| | ___)___| \ / |
_ __ _| Y | | | | | |/ | Y |_ __ _
\ \\\_\__\_ | | | | | | | | | _/__/_/// /
| | | | | | | | | | |
|____| |____. | .__|___. |____| |
`----' `----'------' `-----' `----'
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | ©hP!
_ | | | | | | | | | _
_\ | | | | | | | | | /_
\_ |___. |____| |____| | .__| _/
`-----' `----' `----'------'
[ Welcome to ModemLand! ]
( in the mouth of madness ) _ _ _______ · r e q u e s t s ! ·
_ _ _________ _________ _______ __ /
__/// \_ ._ \_ _. // ._ \./ / requestor: Tk [SERIAL]
_) __ | _l/ _/_.\|___/|. |/ | // logo says: Cyanide
\ \/ |__\ | l_ |_ l_ |__/_
\\_______ _ \_______|\______| \_|\__|__\_\\ · l o g o # 1 8 0 ·
_ _____________________ .cRb|__\e^D. ______________________________________
__/\____ .___ __/\_____ ____/\__ _/\_ __/\____ __/\____ ____ _
.\ _____/_ __/\_| /.\ _\_ /._\___ /.\ ._\_____ /.\ ____/ \ \ / ///
| | \\ | | _ | | | · | | | ___)___ ___\/___ ___.
| | ._\____ | | | | | | | | | \ /\ / |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | \/ \/ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|__. | .___|____| |____| | | .__|___. |
`------'-----' `----' `----'----'------' `----------[©hP!]--'
________ _______________ __________ _______| /________ rX/jA!
/ _/______\ _ _ /_\ ___/____/ _ __/ \ _/_____
_/ _/ \/ _/ _/ / _/ / \ \ /
\______________\ \_____\_______________\_______________\_____________/
________________\_______\ ________________________________________________ __ _
\ _ \
\/ guest art.. . ( in order of appearance )
i n t r o p i c t u r e
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by asphixia/remorse [ asp ]
i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by wise-k/jedi arts [ wk! ]
h i r o p r o t a g o n i s t s i g n a t u r e
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by whodini/remorse [ wH0 ]
r e m o r s e l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by omicron/remorse [ omi ]
w u - t r a n k l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by wise-k/save our souls [ wk! ]
r a z o r 1 9 1 1 l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by mogue/arclite [ Mo! ]
m e n u h e a d e r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by shock g/jedi arts [ -sg ]
h i r o h e a d e r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by necromancer/remorse [ nM ]
i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by megga hertz/remorse [ mHz ]
h i r o h e a d e r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by whodini/remorse [ wH0 ]
i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by necromancer/remorse [ nM ]
r e q h e a d e r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . by chrombacher/epsilon^design [ cRb ]
c r e d i t s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by ranx/jedi arts [ rX ]
g r e e t s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by ranx/jedi arts [ rX ]
r e s p e c t s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by ranx/jedi arts [ rX ]
c o n t a c t s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by ranx/jedi arts [ rX ]
f i n a l w o r d s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by wise-k/jedi arts [ wk! ]
r m r s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by necromancer/remorse [ nM ]
a c i d . o r g l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by whodini/remorse [ wH0 ]
f i l e _ i d . d i z
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by tinyz/katharsis!ascii [ tZ! ]
i n t h e m o u t h o f m a d n e s s l o g o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by windrider/quad-p [ wr! ]
q u o t e s f r o m
. . . . . . . . . . in the mouth of madness ©1995 new line cinema
__________ rX/jA!
\ _ ___/____________________________ _________ ____________ _______
_/\/ \__ /\ _ _ /\ _ __/__\ _ __/___\__ /_\ _/____
\______ / _/ \/ _/ _/ \/ / \/ / / _/ \ /
/ \_______\____\_________________________/ \____________/
______/ /______________________________________/________/___________ __ _
\ _ .
\/ personal greets to..
tinyz - broken hearted bombah was cool nig, good to see you back in
action. if you get a card anytime soon you always know i'm
here for one of our record 5 hour trans-atlantic calls.
necromancer - how's this for my first remorse col? crackhead. ;) that
styling greets logo yah did me i've already got in use
in my next col, thanks bro.
omicron - looking forward to the conf, don't think we've ever actually
talked voice before.. be there, jag-o. ;) PS - sorry i could
not use that header you did for me..
whodini - your raised skill-level at pics is forcing me to up the ante
and work on my own, hehehe. those headers you did for me will
show up in my next col, thanks.
bitstream - you're back! still can't believe it! =]
lord nitrogen - you're back too! it's like a 1995 reunion going on or
something.. heh. hope to see a colly from you soon.
fahrenheit - we don't really talk like we used to, but you know i
always got your back nig. send warm fuzzies and gerbils
to r0y and all of the phone losers of america for me.
hope the legal stuff works out too.
evilive - i'll have that new infofile for ganja you asked for in a
week or so.. much love for all the years of positive vibes.
windrider - i used it! damn.. you're gonna be getting a big ego any
day now.. hehe.
megga hertz - thanks for the joint ascii.. i'll see if i can't bring
some more of that trippy echo with me to the conf. =P
ranx - hope you don't mind me using four of your logos like this, but
I wanted something with nice flow.. =]
xcluziwe - sorry i couldn't wait any longer for that itmom logo from
you, but i was about to be crucified if i didn't get this
thing out already.. heh
all artists - i'ld appreciate it if you could do any of these logos
for me: hiro protagonist, modemland, remorse, and a
remorse file_id.diz ..thanks in advance!
word-less personal greets to..
arrogance (ack) · asphixia (jhale) · cyberkid · enigmatic · eporue · erupt
fatal · fungus · kaleidas · lord nitrogren · necronite · plush
posk · rapido · sparr · uman · wise-k · zerohour
____________________ ________ ___________________ ________ _______
\ _ / __/____\ _/___\ _ / __/____\ _ _/___/ __/
_/\/ _/ _/ / _/ \ _/ \ \___/ / _/ \/ _/ \
\_____\____\___________\__________\________\ \___________\__________\ rX/jA! \
\ _
\/ respect goes to...
all the artists in the world - past, present, and future. your's is a
nobel life. without your creative spirit the human race would be little
more than grunting apes. never stop creating.
i would however especially like to thank all the guest artists who's work
appeared in this colly.
_______ ___________________________ _______________ _______ _______
/ _/__/ _ / _ / __/__\_ / _/___/ __/_\ _/___
_/ _/ / _/ / _/ \ _ _/ _/ \ \ /
\_________\_________\____/____\ \________\_________\ \_________/
___rX/jA!______________________\________\__________________\________\____ _ _
\ _
\/ you can contact me these ways...
i n t e r n e t e m a i l hiro@ambient.ops.best.com
or hiro@erupt.thenet.net
i n t e r n e t r e l a y c h a t nick: hIRO or hIRO_
channels: #ascii #acid #razor
b u l l e t i n b o a r d +1-306-652-4359 (ModemLand - no NUP)
v o i c e m a i l b o x still looking for a new one, stay tuned
_______ _____ _/_____ _/________/ /
._/ ____/__\____)____/__ \____/__ / /
| ____/ / / / / / /------------------------ -
|______| /________\___ /______\_____\_____\ /
\/ /_____/-wk!/ja
_______ _/________ ______ _____\_ ________
\ /______/ /___\ \____/__ \_____\_ _/__
- --------------/ /\ / | \ / /_ / \ /_ /
_/_____/\_____\_________/ \______/___________/_____________\
/ |_____|
I've never done a colly of this size before, but in doing ITMOM I
discovered I liked the feel of accomplishment that I have from a work of
this size. I did another 45 kilobytes worth of board design logos which
you can find as HP-BBSD.TXT in the 02-97 Quad-P pack.
All artwork produced by me for this colly was done during december
1996 and january 1997. I had alot of time to work on my ascii medium
during this time period due to some unexpected additional time off of
school (my school got torched), and my Christmas break was unexpectedly
laid-back. During the next two and a half months I'll only have one
afternoon class so expect my ascii output to remain at a high level.
My next colly is slated for release around the end of february, and
is designed as a requests and warez respects outing. If you'ld like to
make a request I'll be accepting them again after the 1st of february.
Email or IRC is the best way to do it, just remember I'll need your full
alias and group with the request (I like to know who the hell I'm doing
all this stuff for). Multiple requests are fine as well, just remember,
not until the 1st please..
Well that's really about it. Mad love to all my homeboys and fans,
y'all are the best and you don't need me to remind you. Keep your eyes
peeled for my next colly, To Serve Man. Peace.
- Hiro Protagonist
_ ___ ___ ______________ ___ ___ _
/ / / \ \ \
/ / /__ __\ \ \
| |
___________ _______ ____________ _________
_____\ /_____ / \______\ /_____/ / nM/rMRS
_ ____ ___/__ ___\/ \_ _ ____ ___/______ /_____/____
/_________\ /___________/ /__________\ \ \
_ __ ____________________\
___| |___
\ \ \ / / /
_ __\ __\ \______________/ /__ /__ _
·· call these remorse boards ··
.____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .__/_ .____/_ .__/_ .____/_
___| / ____| / ____| / ____|__ / __| / ____| / __| / ____| /
_\ | \_\ | \_\ __ \_\ ___/ \_\ \_\____ \_\ \_\ _____/_
/ | \ _ \ |/ \ \| \ \ \| \ \_______ \
_ _/ /¯\ \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ \_ | \_ \_ |/ \_
_ ____ ____ _
/_ ©hP! .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .__/_ .____/_ _\
| ___| / ___| / ____| / __| / ____| / |
|__ _ _\_ _/__\\____ \_\ _____/__\ \_\ | _/_ _ __|
/ \_/ \ \| \ \___ \ \ _ \
_/ | \_ | \_ |/ \_ \_ | \_ _
w h o d i n i ' s m a g i k - w o r l d h q
.____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .____/_
___| / ____| / ____|__ / ____| / ___| /
_\_ _/__\ __ \_\ ___/ \_\ ____/__\_ _/_ _ ____________
/ \_/ \ |/ \ \| \ ___)___ \_/ \ /_
_ _/ | \_ | \_ | \_ \| \_ | \_ |
\_\______|______/_________/_________/_________/_|______/ |
_ ____ |
/_ _\____. ©hP! .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ |
| \ | ___| / ____| / ____|__ / |
| __/ _|_____\\____ \_\____ \_\ ___/ \ _ __|
|________ _ \ \_ \ \| \ \| \ \| \
_/ | \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ _
m o d e m l a n d - c a n a d i a n h q
.____/_ __. .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .____/_
___| / |___ ____| / ___| / ____| / ___| / ____| /
©hP! _\\____ \_\ __ //_\ _ \_\\____ \_\_ | _/__\\____ \_\ _____/_
/ \| \ |/ \ |____\ \| \ _ \ \| \_______ \
_ _/ | \_ | \_ | _/ | \_ | \_ | \_ |/ \_
\_\__________.___/_________/__| \__________.___/__|______/_____.___/_________/
a b r a x a s - u s h q
_\____. .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .__/_ .____/_
\ |___ ___| / ____| / ____| / __| / ____| /
__/ __ //_\\____ \_\ _____/__\ | _/_ _____ _\ \_\____ \ _________
\ |/ \ \| \ \| \ _ \ // \ \| \ /_
_ _/ | \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ _/ \_ | \_ |
\_\_____________/_____.___/_________/__|______/ \__________/__|______/ ©hP! |
| _\____. .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ .____/_ |
| \ |___ ____| / ____| / ____|__ / ___| / ____| / |
|_ __/ ___/__\ | \_\ ____/ _\ ___/ \_\\____ \_\_ | /_ |
/_ \ | \ _ \ ___)___ ___ // \| \ \| \_______ \ __|
_/ | \_ | \_ \| \_ _/ | \_ | \_ |/ \_ _
\_____________/__|______/_________/ \______________/_____.___/_________/_/
b a c k i n t h e d a y - i n t e r n e t h q
___ _ ..and point your www browser to..
h t t p : / / w w w . _ __\ ________.
_ _________._________ _ _______ \ | _ _______ _ ______________ _
_\\\___ | _____///_ _____/___\__ _ |._\\\_._ \__\\\_ /_ ___///___
\ __ | \ / / _/// _||_ |/ / _ _/.\\\_ /
\__________|__________/_______/_________\ /_________/_____/ |_________/
\/ _ _ /______|
www.acid.org // wH0/rMRs\ /___ _
::. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. :. :. .
::: .:: ::. .:: ::. .:: ::. .:: ::. .:: ::. :::... ::: ::.
... ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::.::' ::: ... ::: :::
::: ::: :::.::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::.::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::.:::
::: ::: ::: ... ::: ::: :::.::' ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ... :::
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
`:: ::' `:: ::: `:: ::' ::: `:: ::' `:: ::: `:: ::' `:: ::'
`-' `-' `-' ::: ` ' ` ::: `-' `-'
`:: ::'
- ------------------------- - ` - --------- - ' - ----------------- -
[ Jeoparty: Postscript! ] .-.
o `. x×X×X×x <-- LOOK! I buzzed
' ·. | _ _ | the afro!
Sorry I couldn't make it to the ` | | |
Jeoparty Tournament of Champions ( · )
guys, but as you can see, ____/\___/\____
life is keeping me busy. / \__.__/ \__
_/ _ \|/ / Now where did I
\ | hP | |\ \ put those damn
/\\___________________ \ | | _|/ / condoms!?!
_/ / \_/ | ,_\_ / .
| _/ /_ ) |___/ \/ .o'
| While Mark Ryder \ \_____| ///'' `·._.·'
| \\ .________ | _ ¯ |
| and Whodini were |\ | \____ | | This ascii is
| |/ |______ \____ |
| playing Jeoparty / \____ \______. dedicated to the
| ·| || || \____ |
| Hiro was busy at | ||__|| | \________| idea of a new
| | / _ \___| |
· home.. | / ___ |_|___ || || peace between
| / \||____||
· / / /| platforms and
/ ... _ \ / |
Hi boys! / .¾¾¾¾¾. _\ \\ / | in our own time!
`o .¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. _ \ / /|
· `·. ¾¾¾¨¨¨¾¾¾. / \ / / | __
| / _ ¾¾ °|° ¾¾ \ \ _ / / | /\ / ---_
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| Who REALLY / / / ¸¨ ¯¸ ¨_,-' / / / / ./_ \
| / < ( . )( . ) ) / / // | -_ /|
| won? .________ -\ `- -' ( / / / // .-| |.|-_
| | \____ )_.__( \___/ · / / / /÷/|____|/ /|
| ;) | \____ \)_/ \ / / / /÷/_ /.|
|_ | \\ \______.)_ / / / /÷÷| ----___/ /···
/ |______ | \. / / `--'|_ | /
/________ _ | )) \____ \\ | /| / / / ---___|/
| )) \____ \ |/ |/ / /_ /
/ )) \________| / | ---___ /
// )) | / || ----____/
. . · | / ©hP! || ||
· .: | // || ||
If this depiction of a member : | // || ||
of the female sex seems demeaning . |/ | |
to you please try to find some humour
and remember nipples are beautiful things which can now be rightfully
shown in public in Canada by EITHER sex.. as it damn well should be.
m i n d l e s s e u r o t r a s h
_______ _ |\____ _______ _._____ _____._|
· _____._| | |_| | _____._| | | /_ _\ | | ·
· | |_ | | | | | | |_ | | | |_____| | | | | ·
______\| /____|_| |_|_|_____| /____|_| | |_____|_| |/______
_ _\ ©hP!/_ _
Early saturday morning, january 11, I had the following encounter on the
european side of efnet while I was busy trying to catch up on some recent
releases and basicly leeching the hell of Hosee since I hadn't looked at
anything new in almost a month.
·ø· [exile\rdz/~maartenp@odie.et.fnt.hvu.nl] has joined #ascii< #ascii >
(Hosee) [exile\rdz] I'm not deaf, i'm just ignoring you !!
( ..1 minute passes.. )
(hosee/dcc) -+- POOF! -+-
(hosee/dcc) You no longer have file area access.
·ø· DCC lost CHAT to hosee [Remote End Closed Connection]
(hIRO) wtf..
(exile\rdz) remorse sucks !
·ø· [signoff/exile\rdz] (Leaving)
(hIRO) Opinions are like assholes, everyone's entitled to one, however I
question if you've actually looked at any remorse releases or
even know who I am.
(hIRO) Dicksmack.
·ø· Connecting to port 1981 of server irc.remorse.net
The shear ignorance of this individual amazes me. Since no one else was
on the channel at the time I can only assume it was Exile who removed my
access on Hosee. Now had Exile waited 15 seconds for my reply he might
actually have had to pull his head out of his ass and use that thing he
calls a brain for once. Considering I had been added to the bot for
legitimate reasons, by a legitmate oper, and the pussy-ass nature of
Exile in not having the balls to wait for my reply I am proud to name him
as our first recipient of the official Mindless Eurotrash Award!
In a last minute update to this story, my flags on Hosee were reinstated
by Fatal in the early hours of January 28th and not ever 24 hours later
I returned to find them once again removed. What's the matter Exile?
Afraid your little roadhogz won't surive an intermingling of amiga and
ibm artists and all the courriers we bring with us? Have you glimpsed
into your own future and seen yourself, in the mouth of madness?
Am I the only one left who remembers the days when a Roadhogged colly was
a destroyed peice of trash? I realize time has passed, but to quote Mark
Ryder: "all I know is what has sucked, still sucks.. "
_ __ __ _
Human interaction was monitored by the Inter Planetary Psychiatric Association.
remorse·1981 ____ released o1.29.97
________ _____ \_ \_______ ______ ______
________)__ \ \/ / \______)__ ___)____ /
____| /__\ /_____\_| /_ //_
| .
_| In the Mouth of Madness |_
\: by Hiro Protagonist :/
\\_ . . _//
`----[ Respect & Reqs! ]----'
The body count was high, the casualties are heavy.
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[ the madness never stops · line 678o ]