the capo di tutti capi phreak klass presents his latest pack
entitled .. Goodfella's
you are bound by the blood in which you were born
that you will serve the la cosa nostra for eternity
_ _ _
\_________ \____________ \____________ __________
__-\ ___/______________-\____ //_ ____-\____ //___-\___ \\_
/________\_ /________ / /________ / /______/ /
| /---------/pk /----------/ /----------/ /--------/
| _/ ,___ _/ |
`--. ///-+-\\\ |_ )____ | _| ______ , _ _ ///-+-\\\ |
`---------------\l (___/_l___)l___)(___l ___) /---------------------'
no more shines billy.,..
i said no more shining . you have been away along
time maybe they didn't go up there and tell you
i dont shine shoes any more
relax would ... for crying out loaud whats got into
you im just breaking your balls a little bit..
im only kidding with ya
some times you dont sound like your kiddin
you know there are alot of people her
tommy you know were only kiddin with you were havin
a party
were havin a party here and i just came home and i
haven't seen you in a long time and im braeking your
balls and right away your betting fuckin fresh
im sorry i didn't mean to offend you
im sorry to
its ok its no problem
<salute: takes a drink> go home and get your
fuckin shoe shining box
-- Goodfella's
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ )\_____ /(___ _ /(___
p_-\ _/_____\--/_ _/__/----// /
k\____ _____ / ______ / _
-|-- /______/ --- /_____/ --- /____/ -|-
s¦ Sky High Present For You Today ¦s
k: _ :k
y. ___/__ _ /_ . __ /_ .y
-|-sky-/__) / )(_/ / //_(_// / /-high-|-
~ / / ~
_ __ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: The Rave System X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: this is for the unique type _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
______ / ___
/\ / _/ /-----/ _ _||__ __ \__) ____ ____
\\\//___ \ / || )(_/_ | \ (__l)__((_/_
___________\____ / tHE rAVE sYSTEM
\ /____/ sYS aDMIN iS uNiQUE-oNE (hCD/cORe/wGZ/sH/lCN)
/\\ / sITES fOR hCD/wGZ/sH/lCN/cORe
____ / /_______ nO nUP rEQUIRED fOR aCCESS
\ // /_ \ oNLY tHE hARDcORE wILL sURVIVE
\ \\//_______ \
/------------\- rEQUEST aLL yOUR hCD dOORS
_______________ aND aRT fROM thE wORLDS bESTS aSCII aRTISTS
/---\___ _ / aT tHE rAVE sYSTEM
_ /__ /____________/
/ //__\/______ \ dIAL hARD +61-09-lSD-uSER
_ __ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: unique-one X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: ROB-G! _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
\---------/__)__/____)-------/_ \------ / _________
\------- /-----\ / / _ _ /----\ //--\___ /
\----- \ /_______\_____/_______/_______/ (_/__________/__ \_______/
\___________/pk \----\ //________\
_________ \---------/ __________
____-\___ /_/-----\ //--\___ /
\ / /_______\_____/__ \________/
\-----------/pk //-----------\
_ __ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: rave system X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: damm ravah _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
)\_______ )\________)\_____ )\________
__\__ _/_________\___ / /_______\ __ /
/_____\ /_ /____/ / \___ /_____/
\_____/ /_______/pk /______/_______\ /________\
_ __ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: rave system X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: and again .... _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
)\_______ )\________)\_____ )\________
__\__ _/_________\___ /_______\ __ /
/_____\ __ /____ / ___ /_____/
\_____/ /_______/pk /______/_______\ /________\
_ __ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: need i say it agian? X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: bah! _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ _
-|-- - _|_________ _________
l_________)l )_(________/___ _
)\________ .
__\__ _/___ )\________
/_____\ /________\___ /
\_______ /____ \___. .
/___________/pk / |_____ )\__________
/ l \___\ __ /
/__________________ /_______/
_ __ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: shit not again X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
______ _______ ,____,_______
.___)_ /_,__\__ /,____) | __/_
| | _| _ | | | ___/_,
| |____\| | | | | | (_
| |pk | l | l | l |
|____| |_________l_________l_________|
_ __ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: fuck fuck X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_______________ ______.
_______ / _____(___ |
| _/ /__\ __ | _________________
| \ l/ |____( \\__ /
(_____\____________________ | _ _/ /
pk/ l \ \\____/__ _ _
/_____________\____________)_ _
_ __ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: fuck fuck fuck fuck X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ _____________ ______.
___\___ / _____(___ |
| _/ /__\ __ | _________________
| \ l/ |____( \\__ /
(_____\____________________ | _ _/ /
pk/ l \ \\____/__ _ _
/_____________\____________)_ _
you're a man hu? here we go man put yer hands up .. put yer hands up
_ __ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: world trade X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: for a membah of fOOd _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ _
____)-/____)-/ ________ \_________ \_____________
_ / / /__\___ (____\ _ _/___\___ / _
ù -|---- / _ _/\ /____ / /____/ /____/ / --|- ù
| /------/\----/pk -/-------/ -/-------/ -/-------/ |
| _/ _/ _/ |
! !
¦ ¦
: :
. .
! !
`---. .---'
| _ _ _ _ |
+___)-/ __________ / _\________ \_____________ \__________
/ /_ __\ _ _/__/________\__ /__\___ /--\_ //
/ __\/____/ / _/___/_____ / /__ /_______/
/-----/pk -/--------/----------/- -/-------/ /------\
_/ _/ _/
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: cORe X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: aint nothin ta fuck with _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ _ _ _
________/ \___________ \__________ \__________
_ ____-\ ___/_________-\___ /_____-\ _ _/_____/--\___ /
_ (_ \______\ /\ / /________\ /__ \_______/ _ _
\pk\\------//\\-------------/// / \ \\--------/ /----------\ _) _
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: trinity X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: ma bbs software _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
,_)_/_ __ _____ ___ _______ ___ _______ ___
| _/__)|___)_ /_,_)_/___)__ /,_)_/__) ___/_,_) /_
| | | | | | | | | | (| |
---- -- | | | |____| | | | | | l | -- ----
| l | | | | | | | |______ |
|_________|____l |____l____l____l____l____lpk/______|
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: who X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: who the fuck are you _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
_______/ ___________/ \_____________
/ /--------\ _ /___________\ _ /___
/________\ \ ____\_ /_______ / /
pk\--------\ /---------/ /---------/
\_ _ /_ _ /_ _
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: lCN! dIZ X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: do you pledge your life to the LCN _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ _
__\ lA cOSA nOSTRA cODING dIV Presents /__
| _______ _________ ____\-------/|
\_-\¦ /____-\¦ _____/__\¦ \ / ¦
.\_____ ¯___\¦ ¯____\ / .
| \p/k/-------\¬ \\-------/¬ / \¯/¬ |
_\--: :--/_
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: Sky High .. X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: cause we rock _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
)\_____ /(___ _ /(___
p_-\ _/_____\--/_ _/__/----// /
k\____ _____ / ______ / _
-|-- /______/ --- /_____/ --- /____/ -|-
s¦ Sky High Present For You Today ¦s
k: _ :k
y. ___/__ _ /_ . __ /_ .y
-|-sky-/__) / )(_/ / //_(_// / /-high-|-
~ / / ~
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: xROADs X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: dAMM fine coders _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ / _ _ _ _
\_____ /-----/ \__________ \__________ \_________ \___________
\_ /_ _/__ __\ _ _/__ __\ _ /_ _____\___ /___\__ /
/_____ / \ _____/ \ ___ / / /___/______/ /
/-------- \ /-------- \ /------ / --------/ /------/
_/ .__/ __. ____ ____ ____, ____| __ _ _/
----------\ ___)(____l '(____)(____l(____l____) /-----------
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: dESiRE X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: too many fuckin bugs _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
________|__________ _ _ o ,_______ _________
(________| (_______/_______) l______l '(________/_____
_ _ _ _ _
\__________ \_______________/ ___ \__________ \_________
_\__\_ /--\_ / _/_____ __(__(__._\ _ _/_/--\_ //
\__/ /__ /_______/___ / |____/ /__ /______/
-/------/ /------\ _/______/ ---------' -/------/ /-----\
_/ _/ _/
|____ |____ _ _ _ _____ ,---|-- - __ ______..____________
|____)|____)____) _ _____) (____)|- |_____)(____\____)(____ll (_____/_
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: Main menu X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: cause it rox! _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ _ _
\________ \_______ __ \_________
___/\_\_ /____\__ /_(_(___\ _ /
\_____\/ / /__/ /____/ / -----¦ dESiRE bBS mAIN mENU ¦-----.
| /----/-------/ /-----/ /----/ _ _ _ |
| _/ _/ _/ \________ \________\_________ \_____|_
| ___/\_\_ /--\_ /_\ _ /___\ /
¦ (U) Upload Files \_____\/ /__ /_____/____/ /__ _\ /
: (N) New Files /----/ /-----\ /----/ /------/|
. (G) Goodbye _/ _/ _/ |
(V) View a Text File |
. (D) Download Files (R) Read Messages (X) Expert Mode ¦
(M) Ansi/Ascii Mode (O) Page Sysop (I) Information :
. (F) File Areas (C) Comment To Sysop (S) Your Status .
| (FR) Revrse File Listing (Z) Zippy Search (L) List Users .
| (RL) Re-Login (A) Alter File Flags |
| (OLM) On-Line Message (W) Write Your Info __/\__ |
| (OPEN) Open Doors (B) Bulletins .---- \ oO / ----'
| (CHAT) Online Chat (T) Current Time and Date |~~~~ /_\/_\ ~~~~
`---------------------------------------------------------'~~~~ \/ ~~~~
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: Newuser X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: check dis out man _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ _ _
\____________ \_____________/
_\ _ /--\_ / /-------\ --------------------------------------.
\____/ /__ /______/_____\ \ ¦
¦ /-----/ /------\ \-------\ tIME tO aNSWER sOME qUESTIONS :
: _/ _/ _\ _ _ _ .
. _ _______ \______/ \________ \_________ |
| wELCOME nEW uSER ! / /----\___\ _/___/--\_ /__\ _ _/__
`----. /______ \___ /__ /_____/______/ /
`--------------------------- /-------\ /______/ /------\ ---- /------/
_/ _/ _/
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: Dusk till dawn X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: we pray at tarantino's feet _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
_ _ _ /
\__________ _______/ ______/ _____ /------/ __/\__
_\____ \_ /-----\__\ _/_____\ /_ _/__ \ Oo /
/_____/ /____` \___ /______ / \ /_o__\
_/------/ /---------\ /______/ __/----------\ \\/
__/\__ _/______ _/ __, \________ _______
\ oO / _\ /_ ,__(__(___,_\ /-------_\ /-------_
/__o_\ / ___/------)/ |______ / /______/ /
\// /______ / ---------' /-------/ /-------/
_ /---------/ _ _/ _ _/
\____________ _______________/ \_______________ __/\__
_\____ \_________\___ / /--------\_\ _ / \ Oo /
/_____/ / /___/_______\ \_____/ / /_o__\
/--------/-----------/ \--------\ /_______/ \\/
_/ _/ _\
-(+)- dUSK tILL dAWN -(+)-
-(+)- aND yOU tHOUGHT tARENtEENO's vERSION wAS gOOD.. -(+)-
-(+)- rUN bY rAPIDO tHE eL vIOLENT oNE -(+)-
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: water world X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: what a shit film _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
________ ________________ __________ ________
/ /---------\________\___ / /_ ____\__ _ /__\ _ _/__
/_________\ \ /____/____ _/-----\__ /_______/______/ \
\---------\--------/ /---------/ /---------\pk /--------\
________ _________ _________ ______ ___________
/ /--------\______\ _ /___\ _ /_____\ /---/____\ _ /
/_________\ \___ / /______/ \______/ \____/ /
\--------\ /----------/pk /--------\ /--------\ /------/
_\__ __ _
___ \-------------------------------------------------------/ ___
lCN)--------X Title: Utopia X-------(SKY
~~~ _ __/---_ Comment: for uq1's pack check it out! _---\__ _ ~~~
_ __/ \__ _
________ .________. _________ _________ ,___ _______,
____ / /________| |__\ _ /___\_ _ /__)__/_____\___ |
\ // / ____ / _______ _/ |
\ \\//_______ ________| /______________\ |______________\____|
`-¯----. .-'
`--¯----. .-------'
`----»> hOW tO cONTACT tHE sKY hIGH tEAM! <«----'
Listen up.. If you would like to apply to sky high, then *EMAIL* Phreak Klass
at VAMPYRE@PSiNET.NET.AU there have been afew people on irc msging me
(pk^) about joining, please *DONOT* do this, insted *EMAIL* me. thanks!
Also, if you would like to apply as a HQ, then please *EMAIL* Phreak Klass
If you are applying as a site, please attach a bbs add and all details.
If you are applying as an artist make sure you attach some samples.
Phreak Klass, President. <pk^>
The Following are alternate applying locations, these are OFFICAL HQ's, and
should carry all SKY HIGH releases, check them out!
___/\ _: ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _|¬\_
.-\\\__ \¬|___\__ \___¬\\__ \__ ¬\\__ \___¬\\__ \___¬\\__ \_|__/------.
| / |_ ¬\/ | \/ __|_ \/ /_ \/ / \/_______ ¬\ |
| _/ || \_ | \_ \___ \_ ______//\ _/ \_ | \_ |
| / |_ ¬\ | ¬\ | ¬\ | \ \___ ¬\ | ¬\ |
|/ || \ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ |
|\ || / ¯ / | / | _/ / | / |
+-------------------¯ Sky High Member Boards/Sites ¯------------------------+
| Name SysOp status Modems Status |
|Ecstacy Overdose | Phreak Klass |+61(09)/ECSTACY! | NEC 33k6 | World HQ |
|Rave System | uNiQUE-oNE |+61(09)-NOFEDS | NCO 33k6 | Aust HQ |
|System Overload | Mutant Leader|+31-(0)51-407194 | USR 33k6 | Belgain HQ |
|Midnight | The best |+1/TELNET | USR 33k6 | S.AmericanHQ|
|Cyber Design | Storm |+46-320-611-11 | USR 33k6 | Sweden HQ |
|Elm Street | Javis |+49/TELNET | USR 28k8 | German HQ |
|Trance Form | Ramirez |24-HRS-TELNET | HST 33k6 | Italian HQ |
|Nuclear Inferno | Dark Troop |+47-2fAST-4YOU | USR 33k6 | Norwegin HQ |
| Or you can simply email Phreak Klass at |
`-¯----. .-'
`--¯----. .-------'
greets go out to ma' mates from the globe:
uNiQUE-oNE : your one hardcore anna wood fucker :)
Ripmax : warez you been mate!
Dark Trooper : Send me those fuckin1files
The Best : Greets man and thanks for sys/x
wISe-k : The Preecher of ascii :)
Mutant Leader: My belguim friend
Cyberkid : cause hes da man
overall greets goto ...
Ripmax/Unique-One/Mike Patton/Anubis/Frac/Malice/Slash/Xstatic!
Van Huaser/Data King/Acid Rain/Fatal Error/Wise Kid/Rasta/Mutant Leader
Rage/Thc/Amaze/Force/Art Core/Hijack/Immortal Riot/Prick/NASENBLUTEN!
Crime Syndicate/Deciples of Annihilation/Hardcore Dezine/=Maim=
RAGE/Phone loosers of America/Food/Day Dream/Xroads/Sos/Epsilon Design