_____ ______ ____ ______ ____ _____ _____ ____
_| |_ ____.| //____)) //____)) _/____| // |_
\_ _// || / \_ _| _/
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__:_ _:__
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. p r e s e n t s a s u p e r b a s c i i c o l l e c t i o n .
. f r o m t h e g a n g s t e r o f l o v e .
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_:__\ : : /__:_
| S P E R M W H A L E |
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_______ _ _ ________. ______ _ _ _______ _ __ ____.
._\ ___///__\\\__ |_/ __ ///__\\\__ \ _\\\ \/ |
| \______ _/ | \__/ / _/ \/ |
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._\\\ _/_____\\\ |___._\\\__ |_\\\ /____/ __ ///_.
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___ _/__/_____/_)__ _ ____|__ _ _/ __ / | ________ sw.^tl
/_)/ )/_)/ \/_) · | |/_____/ ____|__ / /_____ _________
\ \ | | _______| · |/ __ _ \| |
| |/ _____:_________\|____|\ |
_ ______________ ______ __:___ _|____________\ | \________|
/_)/_)/_)/_ / ) )/_) | |
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___|_ _|___
_:_\ : : /_:_
| yoo hoo |
| there goes my gun |
| looka me |
| there goes my gun |
| frienda foe |
| there goes my gun |
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| black francis / pixies 1989 |
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: /__:_ _:__\ :
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. a f e w t e x t - l i n e s b e f o r e t h e l o g o s .
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two artists joined twilight afer i did. a warm welcome
to weapon-x and phobia. we'll try to produce more hi-quality
ascii for you. this collection only includes a couple quick requests.
and hey 2fast, your 'pc-collection' sucked like hell,
you're two-three years behind your time.
14.9.1997 - sperm whale aka sin fame aka ville
| sw.@cyber.fipnet.fi |
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________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| hash - hash / sick of it all
_____ _____
| |________ ___ | |________
| ___ / _/ /_______| ___ /
| | / / ___ |______ _ | / /
_______________|___|/ /______\_ \______ / /|___|/ _
| \____ ___ |/ _/ \____\
| \ \ | __________\ ____________\ _
| H A S H / S O I A \_ \| | \| \|
|_ /________| sw.^tl
/_______________________ /
________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| krishna diz - shank / krishna
____ ______ sw.^tl _/ /_____
| |/ /__________|___ /
|__|\ _ __ _ |/ _/
_______ \ _ |__|/ |________\ ____
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| K R I S H N A. |
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________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| liquid swords #1 - crane / sos
| |_____ ______ __
| |____________ _____| |________\_\_ sw.^tl
| _ ___ |____ / _ _ ___ / |
__ ____ | |____|\ \ | |/ /|____|\ \ | | ____ __
| \| |____| \_ \| _ | _/ \_ \| | |/ |
| /____| |________\ /________| |
| _ |___| |
___ ________\_____________ __________ ___ |
_/ /____________\ ___ |/ __ _/ __ _/ /_______
|______ /\ _/\ \ | _ |/ \_________\_\_ |_____ /
______ / /|____/\______\ \_ \| |___|\ ___ / |_____ / /
| |/ _/ /________| \______ \ | _ |/ _/
|_________\ \_ \| |_________\
l i q u i d . s w o r d s /________|
|_ _|
________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| liquid swords #2 - crane / sos
| | ____ sw.^tl
| | _/ /__________
| | |______ /
|_ |______ / / l i q u i d s w o r d s
_ /______ |/ _/
|/ |_____________\ ______________________________________________________
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| _|
________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| monotonik diz - distance / orange
_________sw.^tl _ ____ ______
| __ /___________ ___|___| |/ /
| |/___ __ _ \| | ___|\ _/
|__| \_ \| __|\ |___| \__\ _
________ /______| \___| \|
| |/ monotonik. |
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|_ more-me.distance.1997.345-bpm _|
________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| panzerknacker - hash / sick of it all
____________ ___ ___
_/ __ /_____\_ \______ ______________\ \_
| |/ ___ _ \| _ ______| _______
| |_____/\ \ | ____|\ |\ \ ______/ ___/ ___________
|____| \_ \| | \______| \_ \| _/ _____/ __ _/
/________| /__________ | / _ |/ \
| |/ _/|___|\ \
sw.^tl ___ ____ |_________\ \ \ _
_____ _____________ ______________\ \_/ _/ ______\ \|
| |/ _ _ \| _ ___ | | _________ _______/ ___/\
| _ /|___|\ |\ \ | | | / _ |/ _/ __\ _
|___|\ _/ \______| \_ \| |/ _/| _ _ | / \|
\___\ /_________________\ |___|\ _/| |/ _
\___\ |_________\
P A N Z E R K N A C K E R !
________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| shroom fortress - astarte
_/ /____________
|______ |____________________
______ / _ ___ _ __ _/ ____ _________
| |/ _/| | / /| |/ \ sw.^tl _____________/ \/ /
|_________\ |___|/ _/ |___|\ \___________\ ___ | \/ _/
\____\ \_______ ___ _ \ | __ \______\
\ \ | |\_ \| |/______|
\_ \| | /________|
.-- » s h r o o m f o r t r e s s /________| « ----------.
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| _ _ |
________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| sick of it all - hash / sick of it all
____ _______ ____
_/ /______| |/ _/ _____ ________
|______ _ | ____| |/ / sw.^tl _______
______ / /|______ | / _ _ / _____________/ ___/
| |/ _/ | |/ _/|___|\ _/ \ ___ | _/
__|_________\ |________\ \___\ \ \ | | |
| | \_ \| _| |
| _____________ /_______\ ____| ___________
| | __ / ___ ______ \| |
| ______| |/____/ ________\_ \_____| | |
| | _ | \ ___ | |
| | |____| \ \ | _ _ | S I C K O F I T A L L |
| |_____| \_ \| | | | _|
|_ /________| |____|______________________________\|
/______________________ / |____|
________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| south africa - asphynx / society
_/ /_______ _____
|______ / ___________| |_________
______ / / sw.^tl _____| __ _ ___ /
| |/ /_______________ / |/____/| | / / ·SOUTH·AFRICA·
__|_________ ___ _ |/ _ | |___|/ _/___________________
| \ \ | |_________\ ____| \____\ | |
| \_ \| | \| \| |
| ___ /________| |
________\_ \_ _______ |
\ ___ |/ ___/ |
\ \ | _/ |
\_ \| | __________ ____ ___ |
/_________ |/ __ _/ _/ _/ ________\_ \_ |
| |_____ |/ \ _____| | __\ ___ | |
| |___|\ \| _ | / \ | | _|
|______________ | \______ | |/ _/\_ \| | ___________________\|
\| |____|________\ /________|
________. ______. ______. __________________________________________
__) ¬l_ ._\_ ¬|_\_ ¬| THERE GOES MY GUN © SPERM WHALE / TWILIGHT
\_ __/____ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|. l ¬\|. |_______|
|:. t0!|:. e^D|:. ¬| toiminnot - grindy / tropic ascii!
_ _______
_____________/__________ sw.^tl____ _______| |_____ _______
| __ ___ | _/ \/ _ _ \| |_____ ________
| |/____/\ \ | |_____| \/ _/|_____|___|\ _ \| |
| | \_ \| _ __ \_____\ \______|___|\ |
|____| /________| |/______| _____\ _|
|_____| t o i m i n n o t | ___ /
: | | / /
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| ____| _\
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|_______________________________________________________ _ \____\| |
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. c r e d i t s a n d g r e e t i n g s .
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_:_\ : : /_:_
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| the warlock in charge - sperm whale / twilight |
| additional art - crusader, tango, tommy and trivial |
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| greetings in form of friendship |
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| abhorrence/flo.apollo/bc!.blue nova/megahertz.byron/iso |
| crane/sos.d136/ruma.distance/oranage.folar/style |
| grindy/tropic.hash/soia.horizon/sos.humanoid/bc!. |
| nicko/twilight.orchid.orthex/tropic.phobia/twilight |
| poskgubbe/katharsis.radicator.ranx/ja.relfex/ja |
| shank/krishna.squarepusher/tehdas.stezotehic/style |
| strode/tropic.tarot.trooper/head.wave.weapon-x/twilight |
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| and in form of respect |
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| 911.adon.amblin.axeblade.behemoth.boheme.c-real |
| chrombacher.coco pops.cybergod.danzig.data.desert.desoto |
| drakar.elvis.exocet.folar.gdm.godhead.gozz.gravedancer |
| green eyed monster.grimlock.h2o.hausfrau.hijack |
| hiro protagonist.homicide.karma.manta.mark ryder.maz |
| metalbasher.mogue.mortimer twang.nicko.nike.nup.poskgubbe |
| phobia.punk.ramon.ranx.rapid.rasta.red demon.redskin |
| reflex.relief.shank.shapechanger.shock g.skin.sliver |
| speed devil.stetzo.stratos.stylez.tango.treach.trivial |
| u-man.vietcong.vinzi.wpx.wishbringer.xcluziwe.zeus.zorro |
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_|__ __|_
: /_______________:_ _:_______________\ :
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_________ _______ _ ._______/ \ ____ | .____. ________
_ _\ /_ /_____/ \| / \/ _/_____ | _|_____\ /_ _ _
\\ / /\ / \ /. \ \_ \| \_ / //
/_________\_____/\ / \_____| \__/______|____/ /________\
t^\_/ \ /_________\lp! /______|
purvyx.sealapex.sperm whale.sticky.sundown.the thick.weapon-x.zinko
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i've got no style · the 7th of march 1996 · tl!-igns.txt · nicko
marihuana · the 5th of april 1996 · tl!-mria.txt · nicko
northern sundown · the 17th of april 1996 · tl!-nosu.txt · nicko
is the search of the noclist · the 31st of october 1996 · tl!-nocl.txt · nicko
hostility · the 31st of august 1997 · tl!-puff.txt · weapon-x
wave of mutilation · the 31st of august 1997 · tl!-wom.txt · sperm whale
there goes my gun · the 14th of september 1997 · tl!-tgmg.txt · sperm whale
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whq the northern palace +45-4580-6081 zinko [3+net]
dkhq synergy denmark +45-3990-2992 genius [1+net]
swehq nile city +46-2712-0001 d-fekt [1]
norhq pitstop +47-3338-7955 sealapex [2+net]
finhq artificial insemination +358-9-2418602 sperm whale [1]
dist organized confusion +45-5631-1468 sticky [1+net]
dist primal rage +45-3996-1111 darkwing [4+net]
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: :
thank you for watching!
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __ ____ __ ____ __ ____ ____ __
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