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[ 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ] | | | | | | | | | [ 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 ]
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- ------ \ ,l__l__l__l__l__l__l, / ------- -
km! | _ -=- _ | .k0
_ _ _ _
---^\ /^--- ricky martin - animal porno star ---^\ /^---
_ _ _ _
---^\ /^--- also known as ---^\ /^---
_______ _________.æw_ aæ,_________ ___
/ ___/__/__ ____ /w µØØØ ___ / /_____
\ \_____ / \______/Þ ¬#Ñ_ _ÆØ"\ ØL \_____/ \___ \
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__ __ ___ __ __
[__] __ [ | | | \_/ __ [ \
l \ [__ | l [ / \ [__ |__/ ø ø ø
_ _ _ _
---^\ /^--- leo di'caprio - all girlzines' chartbreaker ---^\ /^---
_ _ _ _
---^\ /^--- also known as ---^\ /^---
- [¡¡] - . , - [¡¡] -
_____ :%:% ____________ ,¼, ,¼ _____________%:%:______
____\ %:%: / ¼¼¼, .¼¼; \ :%:% /_____
[ /\ :%:% /\ _¯ ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼ ¯_ /\ %:%: /\ ]
_/ \ /\/ \/\ / | ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼ | \ /\/ \/\ / \_
zit0 l \/\/ \/ l ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼ l \/ \/\/ l zit0
.------.___. _.------. ~`¼ ¼'.----------. _.--------._
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\/\\_ ______//_\\_ `------' _//_\\___ ___//_\\_ |||| _//\/
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`--------' `--------' ,¼ ¼,_`--------' `--------'
zit0 T_/\ /\ /\ T ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼ T /\ /\ /\_T zit0
\ /\/ \ /\/ \_| ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼ |_/ \/\ / \/\ /
[_____ \/... \/ _ ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼ _ \/ ...\/ _____]
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__ __ __ __
[ [ | | | __ | \
] | | |__ l¯¯] [__ [__ [__ [__/ | | [
\ /
\ / /
\ \ / /
\ \ \ \ / / / boga
\ \ \\ \ \ \ / / / wiatru
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\\\\ -? ?- ///
_______________________________________\\\ `-'_ //______________________
| ____________ __________ ________ ____\\ \) /_________ ___ _____ |
| // _____ / _______/_____ / /_|_ |_ ______/ \/ // |
| \\ \_____/ ______/ \______/ ___/ \ / \ \ \ \\ |
| \\______/_______/z!o\_______/\___________/_____|________/___/\______\\ |
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
[ | /] __ [__| |__] [ /| [ \ [ | [ __ [ \ |__] [__|
] | | l__ [/_| l [ \ |/_] |__/ l__] |__ [__ l__/ |__] ] | | [
: . : :, :
,½ ½ , ,½ `¼, : ,½
km! ,½¼ : ;½, : .½¼¼· . ,¼ ,¼. ½¼'
k0 , `¼' ¼, , ,¼¼~ : .½, ,: `¼¼¼'. `¼,, ¼; ·¼¼. `¼½
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|__ | ¼ | ||| _| ¼ |______| | ½ |_ _| ½ | | ½ |_ _|
`------' ¼ `-------' ½ `-----' ½ `------' ½ `--------' ¼ `------'
[ -l ] : [ -a ] : [ -y ] : [ -o ] : [ -u ] : [ -t ]
: : : : :
: : : : :
· · ·· aztec · dissident · juen · muck · nemecheck · punisher · zito ·· · ·
·¼' `¼·
`¼, ¼'
.¼'`¼, ,¼
,¼; `¼,,¼'
`¼¼¼¼¼¼¼;~ ,
km! ~~~~ `¼¼¼'
[ a(id · km! · ftz · jØ" ¬#K · psr · tG! · you?!? ]
_______ ØF __]Ø__________ ___________
/ ___/_JØ__ \ ØK ___ / ____ /
\ \_____ / \_0#____| \ \______/_
\____| \ Ø# |_______\_______/ (_)
z!o|______\ ØF
0Q áØ
[ k 0 r e . ] ¬#K µØ"
\ /
\ /
\ /
_ _ ] _
((_) /_______| (_))
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\ /
\ /
_ [_ . _
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\ /
\ /
\ _ ]
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\ /
:__ :__
____| \___ __________ _____________.---. ___ ________| \____ __
\ |___/ .\-\__ ____ )--./ \_____\_ | |/__/-\__ __ |___/ \_/ .\--.
\__| | | \ | | | | ' | l | ' | |_| | | | |
| · _| | | _l__T | _| _| _l_ | _| · _| _| | |
| / l__|---l__/ l___l___/ l___/ l____/bHe\____l__/ l__/ l___/ l__|---'
| / ___ __ _
|/ /
· ø so called first shouts to public ears...
- -------------------------------------------[ by zito ]------------- -
After I had to change my tag because I read in an old tac-issue that
`the great Gozz` already used mine and I haven`t finished `L.E.Mot` as
planed since the beginning of july but released therefor `Leaving the
world behind` - which is pure shit in my opinion by the way - I started
to think about leaving... ascii-business. Why? If you have already
seen my collections you won`t ask because then you would know that I lack
of design and also that my styles are not very good. Maybe it would be
good to do so and put all my energy in my career as editor or staying a
good and fast swapper as I was until this summer. Maybe I should make a
little pause only. I don`t know what to do. So I decided to make at
first only co-productions with ascii-friends of mine. Therefore I wrote
to Kempy a letter about this and he had a great idea different to
co-operations of other ascii-crews.
It was one of those damned lonely autumn afternoons - you know when
depressions take control over your soul and you are loosing the
relationship to reality and you are starting to think about leaving this
world - when I opened a new sending which freshly arrived from my friend
Kempy. Another new eighty-disks-package that found its way throught the
jungle of poland`s post office. This time the disks were unbroken (what
I was very happy about), one time in a million when it comes to count the
destroyed packs I got from my polish friends. Anyway, I opened the
envelope and while I copied everything on harddisk I read Kempy`s letter
which contained a brilliant idea for an ascii-coproduction I asked him
for. And here is the result of it you can go through by scrolling
downwards. But I guess its on Kempy to tell you about what his brain
threw out in a cold night some days ago. Just let me thank him and
Angeldust, my best contacts in scene and friends anyway yet!!! With both
of you I would try to enter Takeshi`s Castle...
Kurwa, your Zito/Apathy+Layout `99
- -------------------------------------------[ by kempy ]------------ -
I was really surprised when Zito asked me 'bout little ascii cooperation
between us. Few minutes after i started to discover something fresh and
non-standard and... Kaboom! My head exploited, scraps of brain spreaded
around, gallons of blood on four walls. Geez, what have i done? After long
session with cleaning equipment, being hardly tired i placed myself on the
chair, initiated delitracker and started to think again. Listened to
Mortimer Tee's remixes i've found what i was looking for! Why can i do a
sort of remix Zito's logos, huh? Very nice idea, isn't it? So here it go -
fast, fresh and out_of_sense collection - just pure ascii phun. Enjoy it
and don't forget to send request - still making dots and lines in ced
machinery. Tired, confused and extremally blue mooded but ready to run.
Btw. I think it's badly english typed but who cares?
- Who?
- Ehh?
- You shut up too! This schizophrenic person kills me ever day. =(
And nothing more to say, i must get out of this place now.
Scheisse, your Kempy'Veezya+K0re. k+k-1
P.S. Hey Marc! It's really confusing, but german postservice always put
Your package in a special foil with papper note with information written on
it. They probably think that something (maybe a chocolate =) inside was
broken by their hands or sorting machines.
P.S.2 This collection was mainly [ 90% ] konstrukted at november/december
year of 1999, but due three months long Zito's break in swap/ascii you got
it just now. so...? I've made last touches few minutes ago and it seems that
is all i have to say. Ah! Last words: beware of hypocrisy of so called
"friends" you have all around. Also be quick or be dead. =)
\ /
\ /
\ /
_ __ ____..____ _ _____.. .____ _ _ ______
(( // || _)__..__\\_ ||____| //.
\/ ___/ || /_ _ _/| . m . e . n . u . |
____\\ · ._ \' ._ _/// ._\\\ .
| /_______|/________|/__\_____|/_________ _ ______________________________
| \\/ //_
| [ name ------- code -------------------------------- destination ] |
|_ |
_/ [ decree ----- #287 --------------------------------- for roover ] |
| [ roover ----- #288 --------------------------------- for roover ] |
| [ absurd ----- #327 ------------------------------ for angeldust ] _.
| [ r.n.o. ----- #328 ------------------------------ for angeldust ] \_
| [ angeldust -- #332 ------------------------------ for angeldust ] |
| [ iris small - #334 ------------------------------- for darkhawk ] |
| [ iris big --- #333 ------------------------------- for darkhawk ] |
| [ iris.diz --- #336 ------------------------------- for darkhawk ] |
. [ iris.diz 2 - #335 ------------------------------- for darkhawk ] |
| [ punisher 2 - #329 ------------------------------- for punisher ] |
| [ apt.diz ---- #282 ------------------------------- for punisher ] |
| [ far -------- #373 ------------------------------- for far ] |
| [ ash -------- #374 ------------------------------- for ash ] |
| [ malmis ----- #375 ------------------------------- for malmis ] |
| [ case ------- #376 ------------------------------- for case ] |
| [ nah-kolor -- #377 ------------------------------- for case ] |
| [ curt cool -- #378 ------------------------------- for curt cool ] |
| [ depth ------ #379 ------------------------------- for curt cool ] |
| [ nemechek --- #380 ------------------------------- for nemechek ] |
| [ breathe ---- #382 ------------------------------- for san ] |
| |
| [ bonus! #666 _|
| [ mortality #666 _ __ ____..____ _ _____.. .__\·
| [ suxx #666 (( // || _)__..__\\_ ||____|
|_ . \/ ___/ || /_ _ _/|
·/___(·aV!·98·)__._ ______ _ __________\\ .._\´ ._ _/// ._\\\
|/ \// /_______||/_______|/__\_____|/_________
_ _ _ _
---^\ /^--- dad! mum! look! santa claus has brought me a gift! ---^\ /^---
æm aç
æm__¯ JØ´ æm
___¬"¶#æ _____ ____
_æ, Æ#° µ_
aØ#° ØL ¶Øm
¬" _¶#w_ ¬° ___________
_ _ _ _
---^\ /^--- you damned bastard, prepare for your last christmas! ---^\ /^---
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ decree .... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
__________ __________ _______ ____________ ____________ __________
___\_____ / ____ / ___ /__ ___ / ____ / ____ /
/ ____/ / \______/ \____/ \_____| \ \______/ \______/
\__________/\________/\____________/ |_______\________/ \________/z!o
__________ . __________
. | | | | | /|\ | | | | | .
_____· - ==] : [=======\\l//=======] : [== - :
____]_ |____________ _____________________·____________ __________
/ / | __ / __ /_ __ /| __ / __ /
/ /] ]/_____/ ]/____/ | ]/ \: ]/_____/ ]/_____/
]___________|________[ |___________|_____\_____\________[ |________[
. . . .
km! : _ - ==] | [========[l]========] | [== - _ : .k0
_ l /_______ | | _______\ l _
\ / /_: d e c r e e :_\ \ /
\/ \/
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ roover .... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
_æææw_ _æææw_
jØ" jØ#K ¬#K
__________ØF__ ØF]Ø_ ]Ø__________ __________ __________
\ ___ / JØ ØK ___ØK ___ / ____ / ___ /
\_______| \ áØ 0# \ 0#\___/ / \______/_______| \
|_______\¶# Ø# \_Ø#______/\________/ z!o|_______\
0Q 0Q áØ áØ
¬#K ¬µØ" µØ"
¬°°" ¬°°"
km!k0 .___ ___.
¡ ________ ________ ¡
: | _½½¼¼¼¼¼½L _½¼¼¼¼¼½½L | :
_|_ ______¼½½|_ ½½½|½½½| ½½½|______ _______________________ _|_
7 | 7 | __ / ¼¼¼|¼¼¼| _¼¼\ _ | __ / __ / 7 | 7
7 + 7 | ]/ \ ½½½|½½½| | \] | ]/_____/| ]/ \ 7 + 7
7_|_7 ]_____\_____\ ¼¼¼|¼¼¼| |___________[________[ ]_____\_____\ 7_|_7
| ½½½|___½½½|½½½|___½½½| |
: | ½½¼¼¼¼¼½| ½½¼¼¼¼½½| | ( r o o v e r ) :
!___ ___!
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ absurd .... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
__________ _________ ___________ ______ _____________ ___________
__\ ____ \ _____/___\ ____/_/_ /__\__ ___ /__\_____ /
/ \_____/ \ \______ \\______ / \___ \____| \ ____/ /
\_____________/___________/___________/\__________/ |_______\_________/z!o
: : /\ : :
7 7 .------------------/----. 7 7
_ __ 7 7 ___: . a b s u r d . /____ : __ 7 7 __ _
% % 7 7 : : 7 7 % %
% _____ : : 7 7 % % _____
___________| _[____ __________ ______ ___________ ____]_ |
\ __ | \ \| ]/____| _|_____| __ / / / |
|¯\_____\[ | ]\ \_____ [ \[ | ]/ \/ /[ |
km! % % 7 7 : : 7 7 % % .k0
%_%__ 7 7 __ : _____ . a b s u r d . : __ 7 7 __%_%
7 7 : / : 7 7
7 7 `----/------------------' 7 7
: : \/ : :
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ angeldust . ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
__________ ______ _____ _________ _____________ __|_ |
__\ ____ \ \/ / _____/_/_ ____ / __/______ |
/ \_____/ \ \ \ \ \____ / \______/ \____ / |
\_____________/____/\______\__________/\________/\___________/ |
___________ ____ __________|_ |
___\_____ / /___\_ _____/___ |_
/ ____/ / \___ \____ / /
\___________/\___________/__________/ |
_____________ | /·
\ |______ ______________ ____________ _____ | ¯|
\ __ | \] [ _____[_| __ / _ /__|__ |
|¯\_____\[ | \ \ | [\ \ ]/_____/. ]/ | |
]___________|___[\______|___________[________[ |___________] |
_____ | |
____]_ |______ __________ |
/] n g e l d u s t / / | _|_____| ]/____ __l___
/ / /] \[ \_____ /
]___________|___________[___]/______ ____/
|_ |
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ r.n.o. .... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
______________ _____ _____ ____________
\ ___ / \/ / ______ /
\_______| \__ \ \ \__\ _/ /_
r /\ \/ e . n e t \X/ o r k . o \/ e r s c /\ n e
____________________ _____ _____________
T | ___ /: \] [ ___ [ --+- ]
: | ]/ _\|_ \ \ __|_ \] __|_ :
[ -+-- ]______\____\ /____[\____\ /_________\ / l
km!k0 \/ \/ \/
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ iris ...... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
______________ ____________ ____________ _________
\____________/ ___ /____________/ _____/___
/ \_______| \ \_____ /
\____________/z!o |________\___________/___________/
______ ____ ¼½ ½¼ ____ ______
¼¼ ¼¼¼ ._____\ ½¼ ¼½ /_____. ¼¼¼ ¼¼
¼¼ ¼¼¼ l \] ¼½ ½¼ [/ l ¼¼¼ ¼¼
__________ ____________ __________ ____________
]__________[| __ / ]__________[| [/____'
| | ]/ \| |______ [
__ ___ __ __ ___ __
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¼¼_¼¼¼ /___ ½¼ ¼½ ___\ ¼¼¼_¼¼
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ iris 2 .... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
/\ /\
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
\ /___________________________\ /__________________________
/\ /Y Y\ /Y /
/ \__/ \ _________ / \__/ \ _________________/_____
\ /___________| X /___________________ /
\ /___________ | \\ // /
\ // || \\ // /
| |
| IRIS - the old legend has survived! add `bla bla` - texts... |
| |
`¼, `¼,
;¼, ;¼,
,¼¼¼· ,¼¼¼·
,¼¼¼¼; ,¼¼¼¼;
,¼¼¼¼·~ ,¼¼¼¼·~
¼¼¼¼¼¼, ¼¼¼¼¼¼,
`¼¼¼¼¼¼· _________________________ `¼¼¼¼¼¼· _____________________________
)`¼¼¼¼:( )`¼¼¼¼:( | /___________[
/ ·¼¼' \ __________ / ·¼¼' \ [/____________
\ ~' /___________[ / \ ~' /______________ |
\xXxXxX/ ___________ / \xXxXxX/.___________ / :
\¯¯¯¯/ : \\ \¯¯¯¯/ | | / |
]__[ l____________\\_____________ ]__[ l__________[/________________[
__ __
\/ \/
| IRIS - the old legend has survived! add `bla bla` - texts... |
/\ /\
¯¯ ¯¯
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ iris.id ... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
__________ ____ . ____
\ / |____) | (____
/\______/\_| \_|______)z!o________
\ / ___)
\ / präsentiert... (_
\ / ____)
\ / `blabalinarium nº xx` (_________
______ ______ ___ _______
] [ |_____/__ ___ l____/__
_\ /_ | / | \|/ / |
.- ] \__/ [ l /___l l |__/____[ -.
| \_ _/ |
: ) ( präsentiert... :
· \ / ·
. \/ `blabalinarium nº xx` .
: :
| |
|_ |
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ iris.id 2 . ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
| |---------------------------
\ ___ / Iris - the old legend
\______| \
|___|______\ presents you today...
_\ ____/___
\ \_____ /
\__________/ `dingeldangeldung II`
| |
T T -------------------------
T __ / iris - the old legend
| ]/ \
|_____\____[ presents you today...
l [____'
.\_____ |
]____[/____[ `dingeldangeldung II`
: :
l________l -[km!k0]------[??/??/??]-
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ punisher .. ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
_____________ ___ ______ __|__ |
/ ___ / /___\_ \/ / z!o |
\ \_____/ \___ \ \ \ \ |
\_______/ \___________/__/\______\ |
| |
__________ ________ ______|______ _____|____
_\ ____/_/_ ____/___/_ ____ / ___ /
\ \_____ / \_____ / \______/_______| \
\__________/______|____/\________/ |_______\
| |
_____\ \:::| ¼¼
___________ ______ ______¼¼____ \::| ¼¼
| __ | _|_____| \] | \:| ¼¼
| ]/_____| \[ \ \ \ | \l ¼¼
]_______[ |___________[___[\______| ¼¼
_____ ¼¼ km!k0 ¼¼
__________ | ___|_____ ______¼¼___________¼¼__
| ]/____| \ | __ / __ /
\_____ | \__ | ]/_____/| ]/ \
[___]/______[____]/_____[________[ [_____\_____\
¼¼ ______¼¼
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ apathy.id . ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
_________ _________|__ |_
__\ ___ \/ ___ / /
/ \____/ \ \_____/ |
\____________/_______/ | apathy`999
| |
serves you...
`production`s name` | |
______________________| |
___________ _________|_ _l__
\ __ | __ ] [ /
|¯\_____\[ | ]/______| |__/
[___________|_______[ | |
| apathy'999
[ dd / mm / yy ] | |
serves you..
'production's name` | |
_____ _ _____________|_ |
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ far ....... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
____________________ ____________
_______ / _________/ ___ \ ___ /_______
_______\ \_____/¯¯\____/ \______| \ _____
\_____/ \___________/z!o|_______\
.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. `:. `:.
:: :: :: :::::::::: ___________ ___________
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: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ ash! ...... ] :
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: ¯ : :
_________ __________ ________z!o
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: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ malmis .... ] :
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: ¯ : :
_____ _____ _________ _______ _____ _____ __________ ________z!o
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: ¯ : :
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: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ nah-kolor . ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
| ||
_______ _____| _________ ___||___
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_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ curt cool . ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
_________ ______ _____________ _______
/ ___ /_/_ /__\__ ___ /| |_
/ \____/ \ \___ \____| \ /
\_____________/_________/ |_______\ /
· /
It`s Curt Cool / Depth... / ·
_________ ____________ ___________/ ·
/ ___ /___ ________ \ _________ \ __/______
/ \____/ \ ___/ / ___/ / \____ /
_________________ ___________ _______
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· · It's Curt Cool / Depth... : |
___________ ___________ ___________·______ | .
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| ]/ | \] | \] | ]/ |-| :-| |-
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: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ depth ..... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
__________ __________ ________ ______ ________z!o
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| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ nemechek .. ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
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(o| nEMECHEK :(O)
_:____ . ·. ____ (\) ________________________________:_________________:_
| _ · _· (__|_) ¯ _ : |
: _\ (/) _ . . /_ [ e f e c t i n ! ] : [ breathe ... ] :
_|_\ \_ .¯ (/) .· _/ /______________________________:_________________|_
: ¯ : :
________ _____________ ____________________ _______ _______ _____________
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\ \_____ \_____| \ \_____/¯ \____/ \ / \_____ / \_____/
\__________/ |_______\_______/\____________/ |_____|____/______/z!o
| |
b.r.e.a.t.h.e. - we are the heros |_______| aren`t we?
____ : _ _ |____
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| ]\ \ ]/ \| ]/___/|¯\___\[ \_ (_¬ _)} _/ \__ | ]/___/
|_________[____\____\______[ ]_________| `^^'-' [___]/____[______[ km!
| pok@mon |
b.r.e.a.t.h.e. - we are the heros : : aren't we?
_ _ _ _
---^\ /^--- dad! mum! look! santa claus has brought me a gift! ---^\ /^---
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ÑÑÑ@P° z!o ¯"°¶¶@MÑÑÑÑÑÑ@@PP°"¯
_ _ _ _
---^\ /^--- oh, darling! we will have real goldfish for lunch!!! ---^\ /^---
[ da : credits ]
_____| _____|_ _____|_ | ____ _____|_
.\ ___|_____| ____|/_____\ __|/___ ._____|_\ /_\ ___|/____
| | \_/ | ___ _|___/_| ___ | | |
|_____| ______| \______| \_/_|___________|__ _|
/|_____| /|_____\ /|___________|\ /|____\
| | | az0!/sea | |
main work : kempy and zito
additional logos | acid, avenger, azzaro, chosen few2, boheme,
: fighter for future
software ¦ ced, iff2ascii [ bomb+fish clips and some
: characters ]
hardware : motorola's cpu based machines or simply
. our sweety, sweety, sweety amigas =]
________ _______ _________ _____ _____ _______ __________
_| / ____/_______\ ___ \ \/ / ____/__\__ ____/_____
\ \ \_____ / \____/ \ \ \ \ \_____ /___ /
| |\_____|____/\____________/___/\______\_____| \__________/
| | |______\z!o
| | handshakes and kisses...
| |
-]|[----------------------------------------[ from zito ]------------- -
| |
Well, at this place I want to thank a few persons who helped me through
several crisis of life especially connected to the azkee-bizz:
| |
.Angeldust...for saying only good words about my poor style when I was down
| | and counting the lonely days... Thanx pal!
.Kempy.......For this idea and his critics and of course for being a good
| | friend in pain. May life eat both of us but lets keep
| | breathing!
.Ed..........my longest real life friend who had a lot to survive with me
| | and who showed interests for my interests although he can`t
| | handle the art called ascii.
.Gone........for the friendly letters and always warm and gentle words.
| | Very special thanks for your support with articles. Great to
| | read!!
.Punisher....for building me up in every phone call we had with your
| | optimism. It`s a pleasure to have you as a friend.
| |
It`s sad but there are no more persons I can or want to say thankful words
to. Old friends have gone. Left scene or country. And it`s seems they don`t
need me anymore. Regards to my other contacts who are nice guys to swap
with too of course. Bye for now.
| |
| |
-]|[----------------------------------------[ from kempy ]------------ -
| |
Thanx? Most of my hot words should go to SOMEBOODY (or SOMETHING) who/which
discovered a function of SLEEP. It's very easy to left our world and take
myself at neverending (hmmm, read: until the sunny bitch appears on the
morning sky) astral trip. Yes - mighty SLEEP's discoverer! You're great!
Rest of so_hot_and_still_warm thanx are going to my friends and contacts in
the scene (and out of it) and i don't want to type names/nicks - they know
(or not) who they are. So, let's stop this masquarade. See you soon on the
other DREAM's side! Vi snakkes men!
|_ | _ _ _____________________________________________ _ ______ _ _
( ( ( × ) ) )
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\_ _[ _Y_ ]_ _/ .
-/ \_¡_\ /_¡_/ \-
km! `-[ ]-' .k0
_| __/\ ___ l_
\\\\\\_ _ \/ _ _///////
- it's hard to believe, -
- but aliens have problems with their heads too -
- and i know what i'm talking about ! -
. a . s . c . i . i .
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
__(__ /_ _\ __)_ _( __/_ _( _ /_ _\ __)_ _( __/_ _( /_ _( __/__
.a(id \ _/ Y --' Y_____ Y ____Y --' Y ' Y__ __Y_____ /------
------/---|___|_______|_______|____| |_______|_______| |___| |_______\ k0re.
kempy's -----------------------------------------------------------------/.
abhorrance | acid | azzaro | darkus | dipswitch | fitzroy | grimlock
hiro protagonist | krs | luk | mortimer tee | mute | native | passenger
revi | stezotehic | simon king | sundance | thung | x-ball
xcluzive | yaneq | zito | and | rest | ...
zito's ------------------------------------------------------------------/.
acid | azzaro | black dragon | crusader | darkus | dipswitch | folar
kempy | native | neurodancer | stezothehic | x-ball | xcluziwe | yaneq
and | the | rest | who | deserves | it | ...
. .
) _[ee ]_ ___
HEY! WhErE'S ¯\ .\ \/ /. _/. \_
\/ T ¼ T \ _/ `---' \_
-- [ tHe ROAD To ] ------------- l ' l - | - /___________\ ---------------
;---; l _/ | \_
LeIPzIG, bTw? | . | `) \ T / km!k0
hUh, hUh?!? | |
Y Y <<< "oFF wORLD" fAN =]
| |
¯ ¯
also remixed, from dust to reality - our personal ascii history
____ ____ ______ ____ _____________ _____
| /___ ____\ /_) ___/___) _/__ _ ____)__ __ (____\ (_
| __ (_) \/ _______ _/ (_ \/ \/____ \ |
)_\/ ______ __ (_/ ___ ________ \ |___ _|
/_____| )__| )______| )________( )__\ )___\
n° acronym size name made by date
- -----!--------------!------!------------------------!----------!-------- -
k-0-1 | kem-gde.txt | 66K | god doesn't exist | kempy | 31.08.97
k-0-2 : kem-hbt.txt : 116K : hipnotized by tv : kempy : 03.10.97
k-0-3 | kem-ann.txt | 99K | annihilination | kempy | 26.12.97
z-0-1 : ztc-tog.ans : 092K : the touch of god : zito : 07.10.98
z-0-2 | ztc-pl1.txt | 067K | pipi-logic #1 | zito | 12.02.99
k-0-4 : k0-forgt.txt : 90K : forgotten in space : kempy : 18.02.99
k-0-5 | k0-pajac.txt | 87K | strajk pajacow | kempy | 22.02.99
z-0-3 : ztc-cls.txt : 078K : city lights : zito : 01.03.99
k-0-6 | sea+k0re.txt | 400K | klubbhead 89 | km!+az0+ | 18.04.99
: : : : zbr+a(id :
z-0-5 | owo-eil.txt | 151K | error in line`99 | zito | 25.04.99
k-0-7 : k0-invte.txt : 054K : invite : kempy : 01.05.99
z-0-4 | owo-er!.txt | 033K | emergency room | zito | 23.05.99
k-0-8 : k0-nucle.txt : 105K : nuclear radiator : kempy : 29.05.99
k-0-9 | k0-narko.txt | 080K | narkotyki | kempy | 10.07.99
z-0-6 : owo-vis.txt : 042K : visitors : zito : 22.07.99
k-1-0 | k0-phant.txt | 115K | phantasma | kempy | 04.08.99
k-1-1 : k0-hples.txt : 085K : hopeless : kempy : 01.10.99
z-0-7 | lot-ltwb.txt | 033K | leave the world behind | zito | 22.10.99
z-0-8 : lot-fast.txt : 010K : did it faaaaaster! : zito : 04.12.99
k-1-2 | k0-kmleo.txt | 210K | kameleo magikk | kempy | 15.12.99
k-1-3 : k0-ninja.txt : 110K : ancient art of ninja : :
| | | training | kempy | 30.01.2K
k-1-4 : k0-!sea!.txt : 105K : sexy evil art : kempy : 02.02.2K
k+z-1 | lot-k0_e.txt | 066K | efectin | z!o+km! | 19.04.2K
- -----!--------------!------!------------------------!----------!-------- -
------- | | [ total : 23 collections ] | | --------------------------
____. _
_____| ||_| _
__\ |____| |_|
| |
| _____ |
___ / _/ |
_\ \ / / / |
\ \/ / / | . , ,
\ / /___ | V | ) N A K K E ) !
\ /_/_\ /_.
__ \ _ \/ _|
___\ \ \__/.______\.
/ / /_ . |
\ /_/ \ /\ | _____ | ___ ___ ____
_ ___\_ _ /_/ _\ ___ | \_, '-.__ / / / / ______ __\ \
/// _/ /// / \\ \ _, ___ /___/ _/__ __/ _/__ \ __/ \ \\ _/_
///_________//___/,______\\___\-/ \\ \_\ \_ __ >--/_/ \_ \
. /_____\\__ \ \\_ \ \ /____ / / /
| . \_____\_\ \_____\_\ \//______/
for ultimate swap... | | -FFF-
_ __|_ __|
and more... |_| _ | |_____\ and more... and more... and more...
and more... and more... and more... and more... and more...
zito »------------------------------« pf 100522 - 04005 leipzig - germany
kempy »-----------------------« kopernika 13/14 - 34100 wadowice - poland
or drop your ascii requests at kempy666@kki.net.pl or veezya@poczta.wp.pl
and more?!
· ,¼¼¼,
layoutlayoutlayoutlayout : ¼"¯"¼
| -[`+¦+']-
-e -f -e -c -t -i -n ! | ¬{` '}¬
| `xXx'
k0rek0rek0rek0rek0rek0re _|_ `-' _
winter manipulation -[c] ¯:¯ -2.000!
Because everything has to end
is this collection dedicated to
- Anja -
Thanks for loving me!
Yours Marc...
km! : ...and in a background we can see a lighting candles...
we're listening to romantic music...
sweet soft red sun is going to hide behind horizon line...
etc. etc. ..eh =]
»·» ladies and gentlemen, move your arses and call this mysterious «·«
.---._____ .---/______,----------. _.__ __._
._ _l /-l / l .... l_ _: / \ :_
:_\\_ _____/ _ _ _ |||| _/ \:// T H E S E C T \\:/
|_ ' _|_| | 7________| |· ·|
`--------' `--------`-----' : :
.____,-----.----------.-----/ .---._____
node_0: +48-91-48794393 _l ,_____| .... l T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| /-._ _.
node_1: -------- telnet \______ _ |||| _ | _ _____/ _//_:
node_2: -------- telnet |_ ' _| 7________|__ |_ ' _|
`--------'`-----' `--------'`--------'
[ tech info: usr·33kb / 2400-33600 bps . based on a1240t/603/240mhz/5gb ]
main_control¦ MADBART'APPENDIX . immortal 24h/d supporters¦ UFOK + PREFIX
call now! to get hot polish demoscene stuff and more... call now!
+++[ bUT eVERY hUMAN bORNS aND dIES lONELY... ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++[eof]