¡ ¡
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
this is the beginning of the twelfth ascii-collection from [c-real!] onani,ett gäng orunkade småpojkar som lägger ner all sin tid på att vara 'roliga', enligt cp-åke & rödluvan. Sveriges elitare, jag hoppas att ni nukar alla onanireleasar.man vet aldrig när lamerungarna släpper en hd-formator/c-real/pioneer design
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
-÷> to all sysops: if you have either the file 'p^d-real.txt' or
e^d-re10.txt', then please remove them from your system·they're
fakes, and no [c-real!]-releases. <÷-
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
$$$P" .ze$$$$$$P**$$$$$*******$be. "*$$
$$" e$$$$$$" "$ 3$$c "$
$$ 3$$$$$$L .z$*mc......d$$* .$ STOP IT NOW CHIRAC!!..
$$. *$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....$$$$""""...d$$
$$$$eu..""""""""3$$$$$$$$$$$$$c. "*$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$" d$$**$$F""*$L "*b. ^3$$ NO NUKES!!!
$$$$$$$$$$$$E '*$" d$$c *$$r .z$$$
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
this collection is dedicaded to the happiest and cutest girl
in swedish dance-music; kajsa mellgren
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
·___p ·
___ //\__\___I \ ___
\_// \/__/\__\___O \\_/
/\ / d \/__/\__\___N \ /\
/ T E \/__/\__\___E T \
· | S \/__/\__\___E | ·
/ \ I \/__/\__\___R / \
/ \ G \/__/\__\ / \
_/ \_ n \/__// \_
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
(c) pioneer design (am) 1995
parts from this collection may not be used without
the [cRL]-tag
also note that all text is written by the author, and do
note that this production does not contain any illegal rip-offs.
all similatity to other productions are coincidental.
the collection was printed and developed in
hököpinge - sweden
by [c-real!]/pioneer design
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
' you better lock you door now,
when he's inside and realizes
that we won't be selling anything
today he'll take a knife and show
how very sharp it is '
/ big money
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
!:· ··· · ·· ·:|
__________ ___________l__________________l_
\_ _ ¬\ \_ _ __ _ ______ __ ¬|
___¦__ / Y____/_________ / Y____/ Y____/ __| ¬\ !___ _ ____
¦:. : ·// | ¬\ ____ // ¬\ ___/ ¬\ \__ \\ Y ¬\·. ·.:¦
|. . // ! \\ \___\ // | \\ Y \\ | \\ \\ .|
! \____________/ \___\ \_____| /________/___| /_______/ !
|· . ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯l____/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯l____/ :¯¯¯¯¯¯ ·|
!:. : . .. . ¯¯¯¯ : ¯¯¯¯ . .. .:!
. !·.. . .. . ..:|
________ ____________
(________) /_______
.____ · ___ _ ___ ___ .___
.......... .---. |----'l(___)( \_)(__/_(__/_| .............
: | |________ _______ _____ ·::::
: __l___l_ _____/_ ______\_____/_____\ _¬\____. ·::
: / ______/ ---' ¬Y _____/_ ¬¦ ____Y__.\ \ ¦ :
::. _/ \' T xCz |------- ¬\_ | \____ | \ \ | :
::::..\________l_________l__________/ |____T |__\ \ |......:
`-----' `---' \__|
____ ______ ___ ______ ___ ______ _/__ ____
/____) ) (___)__ / (___)__ ) ) / /
/ \/ \__ \/
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
___ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _______ _____ ___
Ç Ç ¬T Ç... ¬Ç... T Ç...¬T Ç... ¬Ç... ¬Ç... ¬Ç ¬T
_| _| |_`-----|: | |: | `-----|: ¡ |: | |
Ç.| Ç.| | T_____|: |___|: |___ _____|: | |: | |
|:| | | | Ç... | Ç | Ç Ç... | | | ¡ | |
|:l_| `--. ':|: :| ! :| ! :|: :| ! :| | :|
| l__ | .:| ..:| ..:| ..:| ..:| ..:| | .:|
_______ _______ ____ ____ _______ _______
Ç... ¬Ç... ¬Ç...¬T Ç...¬T Ç... ¬Ç..._ ¬T
|: 7 |: ¡ |: | |: | |: ! |: |
|: | |: | |: |___|: |___|: _ _ |: 7 |
| | | | | Ç | Ç | ¡ | | |
| j :| ! :| ! :| ! :| | :| | :|
| ..:| ..:| ..:| ..:| |..:| |..:|
___ ____ _______ ___ ___ _________ ____ ____ ..........
Ç Ç ¬T Ç... ¬Ç...Ç ¬Ç... ¬Ç... Ç ¬T: .. :
_| _| |_|: ¡ |: | |: |: | |: :::: :
Ç.| Ç | | |: | |: | |: __ __ |: ! |: :::: :
|:l_| | | | | | | |_/ ..\_| |: :: :
|: | `--. ':| ! :| :| \_ _/ | ¡ :|: .. :
| l__ |..:| ..:| ..:| : : | | ..:|: :: :
`---^----^---^-------^-------' : . `----^----':........:
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
..million dollar mouth..
usually i'm a guy of calmness,but after having recieved two
faked c-real productions in one week,i started to get a little
annoyed.who the fuck are you to drag my name in the dirt?
i know who you are,but i can't figure out why you had to
release them, but since some of you who wrote them probably
are reading this with great interest,suck on this!
i don't care how good you are in making ascii,i don't care
how well respected you are among other scene-members.i don't
care if you think my ascii sucks,who are you to jugde!i write
ascii my way,and if anyone got a problem with that,fuck them!
nobody forces you to download my collections just to hate them!
if your plan was to get me out of scene,well sorry for you!
your lameness and stupidity won't affect me.i'm not trying to
make friends,just asking you to stop this lameness from continuing.
i had an interesting conversation with t^/ds! the other day.
our discussion was about why traders never argue as much as we
ascii-writers.we couldn't come up with a conclusion·maybe you
can help us out.
signed: c-real/pioneer design
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
. . . .
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
|/\/ || o¹ acid attack ²8 nile city || |
/ /\ || o² amiga ²9 oneway || |
\/ \ || o³ anaztazia ³o peezee || |
|\/ /\/\|| o4 angel eye ³¹ pleasure || |
| \/ / /||. o5 ascii ³² randy ||. |
|| \/ /\||| o6 blue zone ³³ rave ||| |
|| \/ \\|| o7 cereal killer ³4 save our souls ||| |
|| \ \/\| o8 citydump ³5 sega ||| |
|| \/\/\ o9 copley woods ³6 s.!.d ||| |
| || ¹o cp åke suxx ³7 skyline || |
| || ¹¹ devine stylers ³8 snes || |
| || ¹² discustin ³9 s.o.s || |
| || ¹³ entombed 4o stimpy || |
| ||. ¹4 eternity 4¹ stimpy ||. |
|| ||| ¹5 file_id 4² swedish ae dev. ||| |
|| ||| ¹6 giants 4³ the sign ||| |
|| ||| ¹7 greets 44 t.h.g ||| |
|| ||| ¹8 happy join 45 thunderlight ||| |
| || ¹9 happy join 46 thunderlight || |
| || ²o holiday inn 47 tomatjuice vol. 3 || |
| || ²¹ honcho 48 trivial || |
| || ²² honcho's heaven 49 turbulence || |
| ||. ²³ intruder 5o under siege ||. |
|| ||| ²4 lies unlimited 5¹ vision ||| |
|| ||| ²5 look twice 5² whale ||| |
|| ||| ²6 migrän 5³ xcluziwe ||| |
|| ||| ²7 neo 54 x-rated ||| |
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] acid attack [lines:] ¹¹ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] amon [logo:] o¹ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
: : : :
_______ :___:...:...:
\____ |______ .__\__ | : :
| __ \_ /_: ¦ __ |..:...:
| | | |___| | | | : :
| | | | | |..:...:
`------^-------|----|-------'[cRL] :
_____ __.___ __.___ _____ ___ :\..:__.:
(__ ( (____ (____ (__ ( (____: \/\___:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] amiga [lines:] o8 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] stimpy [logo:] o² \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
____ ____ ___ ____ ____
/__\ \/__\ \/_\ \/__\ \/__\ \ \
....\. __\ \ \ \ \_____\ ____\ __\..\.\.
: : \___ \ \ \ \/____\ \__ \ \__: :
:....:\__\ \_\ \_\ \_______\ \:....:
: : \____\/\___\/\_____\/ : \__: :
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] anaztazia [lines:] ¹5 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] bea\/is [logo:] o³ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\
/\// \// \/\
_____ /\// \ /\ // \
_\ ·:/__ /\// \ /\/ \/\ /
_______ _______ ______ _______\ __/_//_\__/\/_______ \/____ _______
Ç ____·:Ç ·:Ç ____·:\ ·:\ ¦·:Ç ____·:\ ·:/ ·:\ ____·:T
| \ | ___ | \ |\ |\/ | | \ |\ \:. / \ |
| \___ | Ç | \___ | \__ | | | \___ | \__ |\____/| \___ |
|: ç: |: ¦: |: ç: |: _____!: ! |: ç: |: _____!: ·:|: ç: |
|:. ¦:. |:. |:. |:. ¦:/\|:. /\. |:. |:. |:. /:. |:. ¦:. |
`---^---^---^---^--/\/ \/\--/\/ \-----^---^---^------/^------^--[cRL]^
/\/ \ // \/ \ //
/ \ //\/\ //\ //\/
\ //\/ \/ \/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] angel eye [lines:] ¹¹ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] none! [logo:] o4 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
_______ ___\ /\_____ /\_____ ___
T::·___ T::· \ /::\____/::\____T::·T___
.......|...._/ | \ \/| \__ | \___| ! \
: ... :.::| \ .::| ::| \::| .::|
: : :---^---\---^-------^-----\-^-------^
: : : _/\____ ___|___ /\_____...........
: : T/::\___T::·| /::\____T .... :
:..........: / \__| _!_ | \___| : :
| .::| /.::\ | \::| : :
`-------^¯^---^¯^-----\-:[cRL] : :
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] ascii [lines:] ¹o /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] stimpy [logo:] o5 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ..........
\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/___/\ :
\\ _____\\ _____\\ \_______\_______\/....:
:\ ___/\_____ \\ \---\/______\/______/\ :
: \___\ \___ \____ \___ \ __\/ :
:::::::::: :::::::::: : :
:::::::::: :::::::::: : :
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] blue zone (advert) [lines:] ²³ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] kidnix [logo:] o6 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\ /\
/ \/ \/\ /\/ \
\\ /\\ / \/\/ \\ /
____ _____ \/ \/\\ / \\ /\/
Ç.. T Ç ·:T ..:::::::.. \/\\ /\/
_|:___|___| |____ ____ ________·:· .:·______ \/_______ _________
\: ·:| Ç Ç ·:Ç ___ ·:T ·:..:· . ·:Ç ·:Ç ___ ·:T
\____ | | ! | \______| .:··:. ¦ | _____ | \_____|
|:. .:|:. .:|:. /\ .:|:. .:|·::::|-. ! .:|:. ¦ .:|:. .:|
`--------^-----^/\/ \/\-^---------' ···::.-----^----^----^---[cRL]-'
/\/ \\ / \/\ ···.
/\/ \\ /\/\\ / \ ¡ _____ ¡ ___
/ \\ /\/ \/\\ / |______) | (_____) (___)___
\\ /\/ \/ _____ _____ ______ ___
/\/welcome to¦ (___ (_____) ) ) (___)___
/ \
\\ / /\ -@- +46 4o 469286 -@-
\/\ /\/ \/\ -@- +46 4o local! -@-
/ \/ \\ / \/\ -@- +46 4o soooon -@-
\\ /\\ /\/\\ / \ -@- 486dx-33·4mb ram·nuff space -@-
\/ \/ \/\\ / -@- pc·amiga·console·ascii·system/x -@-
\/ -@- hosted by: kidnix·[c-real!]·semle -@-
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] cereal killer [lines:] ¹² /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] cereal killer / pioneer desi.[logo:] o7 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
_/\____ /\______________/\_____ _______:___ .... :
.........T/::\ /::\____\::·_ /::\____T::·_ T::·T___ : :
: . / ____| \___| _/| \___|__/ \__| ! \ : :
: : | :\:| .::| 7.::| \::| |.::| .::| : :
: : `:-----\^-------^---^--:^-----\-^---^---:-------^ :
: :... :___|_________ ___ :___ ________:_______ :
:.........T::·! /::· \::·T___T::·T___T::·____\::·_ / :
| _/\_____/ ! \ ! \ /____|\ _/|.......:
| ¡.::| .::| .::|\ .::|\/ .:: | 7.::|
/ /\ _____
/___/__\------------------------------------------+---------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] citydump | [lines:] ¹³ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] xtc / rYL | [logo:] o8 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
: __:::::::_____ :::::::: ___::::::::_ _:__ :___ :____ :
: /___/\::/_____/\::/¯¯¯/\__/___/\::/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\ :
:..\. \/__\ ____\/__\¯¯¯\/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \/__\ \ \:
::::\\ \/____\. \. \ .\ __ .\. \ \. \ \. \__ \ \
:::::\\ \---\. \\__ __\____/ \\ \___ \\\ \ \\__ _ \\ ___\/
::::::\____ \\____\/....\ \___ \\_______\\ ___\\ \_\ \___\/
: :::::\___\/ ::::::::\/ \____\::: \___\/::\__\/\__\/[cRL]
: ::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :
: :::::::: ::::::::
: :::::::: ::::::::
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] copley woods [lines:] ²¹ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] kaneda [logo:] o9 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\/ \\/\
/ \\ / \\
.............. \ /\/\ /\
: _______:_______ _______ ____ _______ ___\/__ \/ \\
:....Ç.. Ç.. . Ç.. Ç.. T Ç.. Ç.. T T \ /
: |:\_____|: ¦ |: ¦ |: |__|: ____|: | | \/
:....| \ :| : :| · :| Ç :| ___:| ! :|
: | .:| .:| .:| !.:| .:| .:|
: ____ __:_ ____ _______ _______ _______ ________
:....Ç.. Ç.. Ç.. Ç.. . Ç.. . Ç.. Ç.. ____/
: |: _:|: _:|: :|: : |: : |: 7 |: ¡
:....`-Ç `- Ç `- .-| ¦ :| ¦ :| | :ǯ¯¯¯ :|
: | .:| .:| | · .:| .:| j .:| .:|
:.......!....:----' `-------^-------^-------^-------'[cRL]
: :............................. /\// \
:............: : : /\// \ /
:.............:..............: // \ /\/
\ /\/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\-----------------------+------------------+---------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] cp-åke suxx | remember me | [lines:] ¹¹ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] cp-åke | you fuckin lamer | [logo:] ¹o \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
........._/\_____________ ___ ___ ____/\_____
: T/::\ \:::__ / __\_/__T::·T /::\____T
: / __\__|\ \ / - T::___ | ! _/| \___|
: | :\:| ::\_/ | ____::| ¡.::| \::|
: : `---:--\^---^ ^---^---^---|---^-----\-^[cRL]
: : : ____________|___ ___|___ ___|___................
: :.... : \::· /::·| T::·! T::·! T............. :
:...........: |\ __/| ! |-- --| | : :
| \__.::| .::| ¡.::| ¡.::| : :
`-------^-------^---|---^---:---^ :
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] devine stylers [lines:] ¹² /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] trivial [logo:] ¹¹ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
............. .::·::.
: ..... :_______ /\_____ ___|___ _____ ___\ /\____.::· ·::.
: : T::·__ /::\____T::·| /::· \::· \ /::\__·::. ·::.
: : | ___/ | \___| | \_____/ \ \/| \___·::. .::·
: | .::| \::\ _!.::/ .::| \ .::| \::| ·::.::·
________________ ___ ___ ___ /\______________________......
\::· /::· T::·T T::·T___/::\____\::·_ /::· / .. :
|\ __/| ___ | _!_ | ! \ \___|\ _/|\ __/| : :
| \__.::| /.::\ | /.::\ | .::| \::| 7.::| \__.::| : :
:-------^¯^---^¯:¯:---^¯^-------^-----\-^---^---^-------^ : :
:.................: :................:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] discustin [lines:] o9 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] activate [logo:] ¹² \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
................ .................
: .. : : .... :
:___________/\_:_______/\_____ ___|__\_________/\_____:_____ ___\ :/:
..T::·___ /::· \::· /::\ T::·| \ /::\ /::· \::· \ / :
: | ____/ \_____/\ __/| \___| _!_ |\ ___/| ___ \_____/ \ \/| :
: | .::| .::| \__.::| \::| .::| \__.::| /.::\ | .::| \ .::| :
: `-------^---:-:-------^-----\-^-------^-------^¯^---^¯^-----^---\---^ :
: ...: : : \[cRL]
:...............: :..............................:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] entombed [lines:] o9 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] kerosene [logo:] ¹³ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
: :
______ ______ ____: :
_\ /_ _\ / _\ /_...:
_______ ______\: __/_ _______ ___ __\: /¡__ _______ __\_ / :
T: ___ T: \/ ¦ T.. . T.. Y \/ | T: ___ T: | \/ :
|: \____|:_____:|: ! :|: ¦ :|:_ _:|: --' :|: \.......`-- :|....:
| .:| | .:|: .:|: · .:|: \_/.:|: .:| : : .:: :
`-------^---^---^-------^-------^---^---^-------^---: :-----:[cRL]
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] eternity [lines:] o9 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] woober [logo:] ¹4 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
: :____/\_ _______ _/\____ _______ __\ /\____ _______ __\ /_
:..T::·/__\T::· T/::\___T::·_ T::·\ //:\· \::· T::·\/ T
: !...____\ ___ / _\__| | \ \/ \__\__/ ___ | ! |
:..: : .::|\/.::\/| :\:| 7.::| \.::| .::| /.::\ | /.::\_|
: :..:----^¯\---^¯^------\^---^---^----\--^-----^¯^---^¯ ¯^---^.[cRL]
:..: : : :
: :..: :..:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] file_id.diz [lines:] ¹¹ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] c-real [logo:] ¹5 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
| -÷> (c) pioneer design (am) 1995 <÷- |
| asciicollection no:12 from [c-real!] |
| " million dollar mouth! " |
| 54 new requests |
| -÷> (c) pioneer design (am) 1995 <÷- |
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] giant [lines:] ¹6 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] rooster [logo:] ¹6 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\ /\
/\// \// \// \
/\//_\__/\ /\ /
/\//_\\ /__\/ \/
_________ ________ _________ _____//_\/ ·::/
Ç ·::/ ·::\ ·::Ç ·::\ __/ T
| _______/ \ | |\/ |·::|
/\ | \ ·::\__________/______ | ¯¯7¯¯ | | |
/ \/\ | \ | ·::| \ | | | | |
// \/\ | \__ | | \ | | | | |
\/\ // \/\ |: |: |: \___ |: |: |: |
\/\ // \/\. |:. |:. | |:. |:. |:. |
\/\ // \/\--/\-^--------^---------`----^----`---------'[cRL]
\/\ // \// \
\/\ /\ /
\/ \/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] greets [lines:] ¹6 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] the kestrel [logo:] ¹7 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\
/\ / \\ / \\
/\ / \\/ \/ \/\
/ \\/ \ /\ / \\
/ \____/\_ /__\__/_ __\/\___ ________ ________ ________
\ T:·_____:T:· :T:· :T:· :T:· :T:· ____T
\ | \ | ¯7¯ _| _____| _____| |___ \ :|
\/| \__ .| .| .| _____| _____| _ _.:|:· \ .|
| .:| .:| .:| .:|\/\ .:|¯| .:/\| .:|
`--------`---^----`----\---'/ \\----' `---/ \\--------'[cRL]
\ / \/\ /\/ \
\/\ / \\ / \\ /
\ / \/ \ /
\/\ /\ /\/
\ / \ /
\/ \/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] happy join [lines:] ¹¹ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] stimpy [logo:] ¹8 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
/___/\__/___/\ /___/\__/___/\__/___/\____
............. \ \/__\. \ \_\ \/__\ \/__\ \/___/\
: : \. \ \\ \/__\ \. \. \ \ \
: :...\\ \\ \___\. ____\\ ____\\ \ \ \
\\ \ \ ____/ \\ \_ \\ \_ \_____ \ \ :
\___\ \___\ \\ ____\ ___\_______\/ :
\___\/ \___\___\/ \___\/ ........:
____ ____ ____ ____ :
/___/\__/___/\__/___/\______/___/\ :
\ \/__\ \/__\ \/___/__\ \ \ :
\____ \ \ \_______\ \ \ \ :
: /_/ \ \ \/______\ \ \:
: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
: \___\ \___\ \_______\ \____\/[cRL]
:...........\___\/ \___\/ \__\/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] happy join [lines:] ¹¹ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] stimpy [logo:] ¹9 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
___|___ _______ _______ _______ ___ ___
.........T::·! T::· T::·____T::·____T::·T T
: ..... | | /¯¯¯\ | \ | \ | _!_ |
: : | ¡.::|/ ¡::\| \.::| \.::| /.::\ |....
: : `---|---^---^---^---^¯¯¯^---^¯¯¯ ¯^---^¯... :
: :________ ___¡___ _____ ___\ / : :
:............:\::· T::·| /::· \::· \ / : :
|\____ | | \_____/ \ \/| : :
| .::| |.::| .::| \ .::| :
`-------^---!---^-----^---\---^[cRL] :
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] holiday inn [lines:] ¹³ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] wingnut [logo:] ²o \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
|.. ! ·:|.. ·:|..·:|..·:|.. ·:|.. 7 ·:|.______·:|.. | ·:|
|: |: ---- |: |: |: |: | |:\__ |: ! |
| ¡ .:| .:| .:| .:| j .:| .:| .:| .:|
.::... ¦[cRL]
.·::::· .... !
··::·::· .:···::::. :
·::· .:::· ·:::· ·.....
··: .::::· .::···::::.
:::·· .::·· ·:::·
:::· .:::·
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] honcho [lines:] ¹5 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] honcho [logo:] ²¹ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\
/\// \// \
/\// \ /\ /\
_____ _____ // \ /\/ \// \
_____Ç... T_______\... \______ _________ ____ ___\ /\/_____ \ /
Ç... |: Ç... . \__ \ Ç... Ç... T.. \/.. T/\/
|: | |: ¦ |.. \ |: \_____|: !: |: ¦ // \
|/\ :| | :|: \ :|: \ :| . | | :\ /
/ \.:| ..:| ..:|: \ ..:| ..:| .:| :| · ..:/\/
\ //--^-----`--/\-----^--/\-\---^---------^----| ..:|----/\--// \
\/\ /\/ \/\ /\/ \ // `----'[cRL] \/\ /
/ \/\ /\/ \ // \/ \ //\/ \ // \/
\ // \/ \ //\/\ //\ //\/ \/\ /
\/\ //\ //\/ \/ \/ \/
\/ \/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] honcho's heaven [lines:] ¹9 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] honcho [logo:] ²² \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\ /\
/\// \// \// \/\
/\// \ /\__/\ // \/\_____ .
// \__/\/Ç... T/\__// \... \______ _________ ____ ____ _________ ..:·
\ Ç... |: Ç... \ /\__ \ Ç... Ç... T.. T .. T::··
\/|: |: |: ¦\/ |.. \ |: \_____|: !: |: ¦ |:.
| | | :|: \ :|: \ :| . | | :|:::.
| .:| | ..:|: \ ..:| ..:| .:| | · ..:|.::·
`-----¦ ¦---------^-----\---^---------^----¦ .|---------::·
_____¦ :________________________ _________| :l_________·
Ç... | Ç... Ç... Ç... T Ç... ..:\ \ T
|: ! :|: _____|:___T____|: ¦ |: _____|\_ \ |
|: :|: _____|:\__ :|: ! :|: _____|: :|
| .:| :| ..:| T ..:\: ..:/\ ..:|: \/\.:|
`-----| ..:|---------^----^----^\_____--// \/\-----^--/\// \-'
`-----'[cRL] \ // \/\ /\// \ /
\/\ // \// \ /\/
\/\ /\ /\/
\/ \/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] intruder [lines:] ¹5 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] intruder [logo:] ²³ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\
/\// \// \/\
// \ /\ // \ ______
\ .-----\/\ / __\ /__ .----. .·
\|.. | _\/___\:·· / .----|.. | :: .---------.
|: |_\ .. \/ __/--| |.. |: | ::---------|.. |
|: .|--\\ | |.. |---------|: | | :: :|: | .|
| .:|.. \ .| ¦: |.. .|: | | .· ::.--- .:| .| .:|
`-----': \\ .:| ! |: | .:| |:: | ::\_____| .:|----'
.-----. .:\---| .| |----| :| | :: .:|/\--/\
|.. .|------\ | .:| :| | .:| `-.::---/\/ \\/ \\
|: .:| `--------' .:| `---------' :::·/\/ \\ /\ /
`-----' `-----'[cRL] .:: ..:::·/ \\ /\/ \/
··:::··· \ /\/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] lies unlimited [lines:] ¹³ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] trivial [logo:] ²4 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
............. ___ _____ /\________:_____. :
: .... : T::·T___/::· \::\____\::· /: :.................
: : : | ! \_____/ \___|\ __/| .......... :
: : : | .::| .::| \::| \__.::| : :
:...........: `-------^-----^-----\-^--:----^[cRL] : :
___|___ ___\___ ___ _____ _______ _____:_______ /\_____ ______:_:
T::·| T::· \ T::·T___/::· \::· ___/::· \::· /::\____T::· __ /:
| _!_ | \ \ | ! \_____/¯¯\/ \_____/ ___ | \___| ___/ |:
| .::| \ .::| .::| .::| \.::| .::| /.::\ | \::| .::|:
: : :
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] look twice [lines:] ¹² /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] wincent [logo:] ²5 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
: .... :___ ___¡___ ___¡___ ___¡____
: : :::·T___T::·| T::·| T::·! /
: : : ! \ | | | | _/|
: : .::| |.::| |.::| ¡.::|...........
:............:-------^---!---^---!---^---|---^: .... :
_______ __ _ __ _____ _/\____ _/\__:_ : :
T::· T::T T /::· \/::\ T/::\___T : :
...| ___ | | | \_____/ _\__/ \__| : :
: .| /.::\ \ | !::/ .::| :\:| .::| : :
: :.¯^---^¯ \_!_--/^-----:------\^-------^[cRL]: :
:........................: :.........:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] migrän [lines:] o7 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] migrän [logo:] ²6 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
: ____::::::::::_________:::::::::: __ ___\ /
: T::· ¯¯¯T::·¯¯T::·____\::·¯¯¯¯/_\/_\/_T::· \ /
: |¯\ /¯¯\_____/ \___ |\ ¯ /T::· ___| \ \/|
:::::| \/.::| .::| .::| 7.::|¯¯¯T.::| \ .::|
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] neo [lines:] ¹² /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] randy [logo:] ²7 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
_____________ /
___________\ ... / __________/___
\ .--------\: /--------T... T
\_| .... \\ /.____ |: _____ |
| : \\ /.:\ |: / |
| : |\\ .:/: \______| / :|
| .:| \.:/ .:| / ..:|
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] nile city [lines:] ¹² /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] d-fekt [logo:] ²8 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
___\ /____ ___ __/\___: ... :
T::· \ /::· \::·T___T:/:_\__T : :
| \ \/\_____/ ! \/ _\_| : :
.............. | \ .::| .::| .::| .::\| : :
: ..... : `---\---^-----:-------^-------\ : :
: : : ___/___ _____:_______ ___¡___:.......:
: : : T::/ /::· \::· T::·| T:
: : : | \____\_____/ ___ | _!_ |:
: : | \.::| .::| /.::\ | /.::\ |:
: : `----\--^-----:¯^---^¯ ¯^-!-^¯[cRL]
:............: :................:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] oneway [lines:] ¹o /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] wotan [logo:] ²9 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
.---------.----------.----------.:·------. .:____ ___ ___
| ǯ¯¯¯¯¯¬Ç¯¯¯¯|¯¯¬Ç¯¯¯¯¯::· |::· ¬Ç..¬Ç ¬T
| |:··¡ |: | |: ::| :. ::: ¡ |: ! |
| |: | |: ¡| |: ---::| :::. ::: |: |
|-------| | | |! | ·::::-·::::·¯¯7¯¯ |____ |
| | ! :| | :| ¯¯¯¯:::· ·::· | :| :|
| | ..:| | ..:| ..:| | |..:| ..:|
| `-------^---^----^-------' |---^---^-------'[cRL]
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] peezee [lines:] ¹o /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] stimpy [logo:] ³o \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
\. \/__\ \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/__\. \/___/\
.\\ ___ \. ___\\ ___\\ \\ ___\\ ___\/\
: \ \____\\ ___/\\ ___/\\ \---\ ___/\\ ___/\ \
:..\____ \ \_____ \_____ \__.......____ \_____ \ \
:::::::\__\/::::\___\/ \___\/: :/::\___\/ \___\/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] pleasure [lines:] ¹o /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] can't remember!! [logo:] ³¹ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
: ...... :
: : : .............
: : __________ :_______ _______:___________:____________/\_____
: : T::·___ /:·T___T:/\:___T::· :::· /::·: \::·_ /::\____T...
: : | \ / ! \/ \___|/¯¯¯¯¯\: ___/| _:_ |\_ _/| \___| :
: : | .::\/| .::| \::/ |.:::\___.::| :.::| 7.::| .::| :
: : ^----^ ^-------:-----\/^---^---:-------^---:---^---^---^-------^[cRL]
:..................: :...........: : :....... :
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] randy [lines:] ¹³ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] randy [logo:] ³² \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
| _____|___ _________ _____ ___ _________ ____ ____
| Ç... _ Ç... _ Ç... Ç...Ç... Ç... Ç... T
+---|: |: |: |: |: 7 |: |: |
| |: 7¯¯|: |: |: |: | |: |: |
| | ¯¯7 | Ç | | | | | | |
+---| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | :| | :| | :| | :|______/ :|
| | | :| | :| | :| j :Ç :|
+---------+..:| | ..:| | ..:| ..:| ..:|
| |---^----^----^---^-----^---------^---------^[cRL]
| |
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] rave [lines:] o7 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] xtc [logo:] ³³ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
.....: _________/\_____ ___:___ __/\___
: \::·_ /::\ T::·: T:/:_\__T
: | _/| __Y___| : |/ __\_|
: | 7.::|/ !.::\ :.::/ .::\|
: `---^---:---^---^\__:--/^-------\[cRL]
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] save our souls [lines:] ²4 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] xcluziwe [logo:] ³4 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
| Please note: This style is ripped from 'pls-prt2.txt'. |
_______| Author is 'cZAR'. This logo was made with permission |_______
| from the original artist. 'cZAR' appears when written |
| on 'pLEASURE'-label.. |
.· _______
.:· ______ _____: __/ _ \_
.::· :_\____ \_/ ·:|____| _/ ·:/
::· | ___/ ·:| | | \______/__
·::.:::| | | : | ·:/
·· ·::: | | /|_| __ /
.::· | |________/ | |____/
..:::·|_________| : :
. ..:::·· : : _¡ |_
.· .::··· ·... :____ _/ __ | \
·.:· ..·::. _____| ·:\ | | \:
.:::·· ·::. ·:| \| |____|__|
:::· ·:: : \_ | |
::::. .:::_|__________/ |
·:::::::· | | [cRL&cZAR]
! ·
.::::. : : :
::· .·_ _______ ___:___ : | _______
·::.. __ ·:\ / | ·:\ | |___ :__/ ____/__
. ·::. | \ | \| | ·:\|________ ·:\
.· .::: : \_ : \_ : \_ \_
:: ..:::· _________|__/_____|___/__________/___|_________/
·::::·· | | |
| Please note: This style is ripped from 'pls-prt2.txt'. |
_______| Author is 'cZAR'. This logo was made with permission |_______
| from the original artist. 'cZAR' appears when written |
| on 'pLEASURE'-label.. |
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] sega [lines:] o8 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] xtc [logo:] ³5 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
____ ____ ____ ____
:::\. \/__\. \/__\ \/__\ \/___/\[cRL]
::::\\ \__ \\ \___\. ____\_______\ \
: \_____ \ \/__\\ \__ \ ____ \ \
:.....\____ \____ \____ \___\ \ \
::::::::: \___\/::\___\/ \___\/::\___\/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] s.!.d [lines:] ¹5 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] kerosene [logo:] ³6 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\ /\
/\/ \/ \/ \/\
.---------. / \ //\ //\ // \
|... | \ //\/ \/--\/\ //
|: ----|---.------\/ |... \/
.-----|---\ ! |... | |: |
|... ! \ |: .-|-----|--- |
|: \ :|: |... ¦ .|
| ...:| |: ! :|
`--/\--------/\-----' | ...:|
/ \/\ /\/ \ | ...`---------------'
\ // \/ \ // `---------'[cRL
\/\ //\ //\/ .---------.
\/ \/ |: ...:|
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] skyline [lines:] o8 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] recall [logo:] ³7 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
.................. .........................
: ..... : : :
: : ____________¡____/__ ___ _/\ : _____ ___\ /\_____ :
: : \::· /::·| /::·T T/::\__:/::· \::· \ /::\____T:
: : |\ \__/| ! _/| _!_ / !\ \_____/ \ \/| \___|:
: | \__.::| ¡.::| /.::\/| :\:| .::| \ .::| .::|:
: `-------^---|---^¯^---^¯^------\^-----^---\---^-------^[cRL]
:................: :.......................:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] snes [lines:] o8 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] xtc [logo:] ³8 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
:::::::: __/___/\__/___/\__/___/\__/___/\::: :
::::::::/__\ \/__\ .\/__\ \/__\ \ \::......:
: :\ \__.\ \_ \\ \___\ \__.\ \::::::::
:......::\_____ \\ __ \\ \/__\_____ \\ \:::::::
:::::::: \ ___\ \___\ \___\ ___\/ :
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] s.o.s [lines:] ¹8 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] xcluziwe [logo:] ³9 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
| | _____
| ---------+-----. /
| | ....| / /\ /\
.------+-----\ :|--------/-------. /\// \// \
| | \ :| / ..../\// \ /\ /
|: \ | / // \ /\/ \/
|: \ | ----/---|- \ /\/
|:.... .:| / | \/------------.
`------------/\-------------' / | | |
/ \\/\ |: / | --------+-----.
\ / \\/\ /\.... / .:| | ....|
\/\ / \\/ \\---/-------.-------+-----\ :|
\/\ /\ / / [cRL] | | \ :|
\/ \/ / |: \ |
/ |: |
_____________/ |:.... .:|
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] stimpy [lines:] o7 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] stimpy [logo:] 4o \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
_______________ _____ _______ _______ ___ ___
T::· /::· /::· \::· T::·___ T::·T T
......\ ___/| ___ \_____/¯\ ___| \ | _!_ |
: |\___.::| /.::\ | .::| \/.::| \.::| /.::\ |
: `-:-----^¯^:--^¯^---:-^---\-:-^----^¯¯ ¯^---^¯[cRL]
:.......: : : :
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] stimpy [lines:] o9 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] stimpy [logo:] 4¹ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
\. \/__\ \/__\ \/_\. \/__\ \/__\ \/___/\
\\ \___\__ ___\______\\ \ \. \ \ \ \
\____ \. \/___/_____\\\ \ \ \\ ____ \____ \ \
\ \ \\ \. \\\ \ \\ \. \ \
:\ ____\_______\\_____\_\ \ \ \___\\ ___\/
::\___\/:: :::::::::\___\/\___\/::\___\/[cRL]
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] swedish ae dev. [lines:] ²4 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] kerosene [logo:] 4² \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\
/\/ \/ \
/\/ \\ /\\ /
.------. / \\ /\/ \/ .·
| ·:|--. \\ /\/ _________ :: ______: .------.
.-| |·:|----¦\/ ___¦ ·:| :: | ·:¦ | ·:|--.----|----.
| | | | ·:|__¦ ·:| ___ | :: | |-| |·:| | ·:|
|:`--- | |·:| |.\ | .· ::. |:`--- | ¦ |
|: |. | !: |: \______|:: :: |:.. .:|. ! |
|:.. .:|: |: |:.. | :::: .:|-----------|: |
`-----------|:.. .:|---------' .::::·-----' [cRL]|:.. ¡ .:|
/\----------' .:: ..:::· /\---|----'
/\/ \\ ··:::::··· /\/ \\
/\/ \\ / ______________ ____________ / \\ /
/ \\ /\/ (_____________(____ (____________)___\ /\/
\ /\/ .------. /\/
/\/ | ·:| .-----|------./\/ \\
/ \\ .-----|: |---------| |: ·:/ \\ /
\ / |. |: | ___ ·:| ¦: \ /\/
\/\ |: |:. | \ |. !:. /\/
/ \\ |: `-- | \_____|: : /.------.
\ / |:.. .:|---------|: / |:.. ·:|
\/ `------------' |:... / `------'
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] the sign [lines:] ¹5 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] [c-real!] [logo:] 4³ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
:::::: _____________________________________ ......
: : \_____ _____/ | _/ _________/ ::::::
:....: / \ \ ____/___ ::::::
:::::: \_______/_____|______/_________ / : :
:::::: _\/___:....:
: __:________.------.___________ ______\ ::::::
:..\ _______/ / _______\___ \ ::::::
:::/\____ \ \ \______ / | \__ : :
::/____________/ |\____________/ |_____:....:
: : | | `------'[cRL]::::::
:....:..... `------' .....::::::
:::::: : :::::: :
::::::....: ::::::....:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] t.h.g (file_id) [lines:] ¹¹ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] woober [logo:] 44 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
| .--¦ ¦--¦ | |
| | . .----: !----.-------. |
| `--÷ ¦ !_ ¦ |__ ¦_ ! |
| | ÷-- /\_\ · /\_\ _ ¦ |
| `-----\/_/------\/_/[crl] |
|presents `-------' |
| |
| |
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] thunderlight [lines:] ²9 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] cereal killer [logo:] 45 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
_______ ___|___ ___|___:___\ /______ /\______:_______/\_
T::· T::·| T::·| T::· \ /::·___ /::\____\::·_ /::\T___
| ___ | ! | _!_ | \ \/| ____/ | \___|: _/| \ \
| /.::\ | ¡.::| .::| \ .::| .::| \::|: 7.::| \::|
: . : \_______/
: : : | |
: : : | .::|
: : : +-------|
: .....: : |::·____|
:........................: | \___ |
| .::|
.................................................|::·! |..
: ....................... | ¡ | :
: : | |.::| :
: : +---|---+ :
: |::· | :
:................................................| ___ |.:
| /.::\_|
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] thunderlight [lines:] ²³ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] cereal killer [logo:] 46 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
_\ /
\ __/-|---. .·
|\ |. |. | .---¦---. :· ¦-------.
|: |: |: |---|: |. |-------. :: |: .|
|: |: |: |. |: |: .|: ___ | :: .-------|: | .:|
|: | | |: | ! :|: | | .···:.| ___ .| |---'
/\ ! :| ! .| .:| .| .|:: ::..\ .:| :|
// \/\ .:| :|-------| .:| .:| :::: \____| .:|
\ // \/\| /\. .:| `---|---| .:::· .:|---'
\/\ // \// \---'[cRL] .:: ..:::·|-------'
\/\ /\ / ··:::::···
\/ \/----.:. ·:. _____
|: |:. .::: .---. __\ /_
|: |·::::· |: | \_ __/¡/\
|: |-----. .···:. |---|. | / \\/\
| |: .|:: .:: | |: | \ / \\/\
| :| .:|:· ::: ! .|: | |\/\ / \\
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| .:| .·:::::·| .:| ! :| \/
`-----' .:: .: `---|---| .:|
···:::· `-------'
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] tomatjuice vol 3 [lines:] ¹4 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] -migrän&blockman- [logo:] 47 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
_____________________________ ____________________________
\_____ _____/ __ \_ \_/ _/ ___ \_____ _____/
_/ \__\__________/ | \____|____/__/ \_
________ ________ ___________ _________
.____________) (_________) ________|________ (___________ (_________)__
\______________/ (______________) (________________
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] trivial [lines:] o8 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] trivial [logo:] 48 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
.................. : .......... :
: ...... ______:_________/\___ ___ ___ _____ :______ ___ : :
: : T::· \::·_ /::· \::·T /::· \::· T::·T___ : :
: : | ___ |\ _/\_____/ | \_____/ /¯¡¯\ | ! \ :
: : | /.::\ | 7.::| .::\ _!.::/ .::|/ |::\| .::| :
: ¯^---^:^---^---^-----^\/ \__/^-----^---:---^-------^[cRL] :
:................: :..................:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] turbulence [lines:] ¹o /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] the kestrel [logo:] 49 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\
_____ ______ /\/ \\/ \\/\
_\ ·:/_.............._\ ·:/ .-----/ \\ /\ / \\/\
:\ __/_ ___¦_: _____\ __ |__ ___:__| ·:|__/\/_ \/\ / \\____ ______
: \/ ¦ T |·:T.. ·:\/ ¦·:T |·:| | __·:T¯¯¯\/\ / ·:T __·:T
: | l :| ! .|: |___| _j | ! .| .| \___| .\/ \---| \___|
:.|:. .:|:. .:| .:7.|.......!:. .:| :|:. .:|:.¯7.:|:. .:|:. .:|
: `------^------^----' : :------|:. .:|------^---^--^------^-[cRL]'
: : : : : `-----'
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] under siege [lines:] ¹¹ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] mode [logo:] 5o \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
___|___ __\ /_______ /\______________
T::·| T::·\ /T::·___ /::\____\::·_ /
............| | | \ \/ | ____/ | \___|\ _/|
: ... | !.::| \ .::| .::| \::| 7.::!........
: : :-------^---\---^-------^-----\-^---^--: .. :
:...........:______________/\______________ /\_____: : :
\::· /::· \:\:____\::·____/::\____: : :
|\ ___/\_____/ \ ___|\ \__ | \___: : :
| \__.::| .::| \ ::| .::| \::: :
:-------^-----^----\--:-------^-----\-: :
: : : [cRL]:........:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] vision [lines:] o6 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] rooster [logo:] 5¹ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
. .........................
__________ .::·_________ : : : : : : :
_______ _______\________/..:::·\________/___:___:___:___:___:___: :
\ T ·:/ ·::::../ ·:\ ____ ·:/ _____ ·:\..:
\____________/\________/·:::::·________/__________/|______|______\ :
.::::· : : : : : : :
:::::[cRL] :...:...:.......:...:...:
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] whale [lines:] o8 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] acid kid [logo:] 5² \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
_____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ___________ _____ _____ _____
Ç... Ç... Ç... Ç... Ç... Ç... Ç... T Ç... Ç... T
|: |: |: |: |: |: _ |: |_____|: |: ..:|
| | __| | ! | ___ | Ç... | `-----|
`--Ç ` Ç ` T--| | | | |: | _______|
| | | ¡ | | | | Ç... |
| ..:¡ ..:| | ..:| ..:| ..:| ..:| ..:|..:|: ..:|
`-----^-----' `-----^------^-----^-----^-----------^---^-------'cRL
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] xcluziwe [lines:] ¹³ /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] xcluziwe [logo:] 5³ \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
/\ /\ /\
/\/ \\/ \\/ \\/\
/\/ \\ /\ /\ / \\/\
/\/ \\ /\/ \/ \/\ / \\/\
/ \\__/\/_ ________ _\/\_ / \\/\_ ____________ ________ _ __ ________
\ / ! ·:Ç ·:Ç T\ / \\/\·:\ ·:/ \ ·:Ç:Ç·:Ç ___ ·:T
/\/__ ___| \____| Ç \/\ / \\/\\___ \____/ | ¦ | \_____|
/ \\. ¡ |:. \ |:. ! | \/\ / \\/\ ___| |:. ! ! |:. |
\ /---^---^--------^--------^----\/\ / \\/\--^----^/\------^--------'
\/ \/\ / \\/\ /\/ \\[cRL]
\/\ / \\/ \\ /
\/\ /\ /\/
\/ \/
/ /\ _____
/___/__\----------------------------------------------------------/\ /\
\ /\ /[name:] x-rated [lines:] o7 /__\_/__\
\/__\/ [requested by:] xtc [logo:] 54 \ / /
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
....... ..............................................
..: ___:___ :_________/\_____ _______ _/\____ ________ :
: T::·: T :\::·_ /::\ T::· T/::\___T::·___ / :
: |---:---| -- :| _/| _\___| ___ / _\__| ____/ | :
:.. | :.::| :..:| 7.::| |.::| /.::\/| :\:| .::| :
: `---:---^ : `---^---^---^---^¯^---^¯^------\^-------^[cRL]
:.....: : \...........:
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
__ __
_\/_ _\/_
\/\/-- greetings --\/\/
(random order!)
scroud·pomac·wozzy·hellhound/intens·miracle·acid kid/whale
cereal killer/pioneer design·activate·trivial/devine stylers
rayban/pioneer design·recall/inhumans·norad·czar/pleasure·blockman
xtc/warberger·polaris/trsi·booth/ultimo imperio·conda·blue lightning
xcluziwe/save our souls·kidnix·stoopid·topflight·wotan·intruder/tension
and to all you other who have ordered ascii from me..
(if your are not included, it's probably your fault)
also greetings to all supportes of pioneer design; to all whose of you
who order ascii and supports our systems
__ __
_\/_ _\/_
\/\/-- theese groups deserves a greet.--\/\/
ultimo imperio·inhumans·whale·divine stylers·save our souls
__ __
_\/_ _\/_
\/\/-- messages -\/\/
cp-åke/onani... grow up you fuckin' lamer
rödluvan/onani... why don't you just quit
dj gizmo/royal... get real....
tommy/offspring... hm i hoped you where innocent,
i was so wrong...
trivial/royal... do hope you didn't have 'nything
2 do with it
xtc/warberger... thanks for much my friend..
topflight... i owe you bigtime...
laserman... same as above m8..
randy/neo/mayday... good|luck in the future mate..
manta... c u at the zone mate!. g'luck with the ansii
newt.. thanks for your .txt about onani,
you have my full support!
__ __
_\/_ _\/_
\/\/-- to all your ascii-writers --\/\/
please create something good out of these requests
pioneer design (big logo), pioneer design (file_id)
the sign (big logo), c-real (big logo) tension (big logo)
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
__ __
_\/_ _\/_
\/\/-- complete index over collections from [c-real!] --\/\/
-- when independent --
-> re-asco¹.txt -> ²²856 -> o7th of july -> real mystory
-> re-asco².txt -> ³4¹³8 -> ¹²th of july -> real pleasure
-> re-asco³.txt -> 44556 -> ²²nd of july -> is this really real
-> re-asco4.txt -> ²³57o -> ²4th of july -> real personalities
-- when in pleasure --
-> re-asco5.txt -> ³¹884 -> ³¹st of july -> plainful memories vol ¹
-> pls-dott.txt -> ³8454 -> o³rd of aug. -> dotties place
-> pls-hof!.txt -> 4²444 -> ¹¹th of aug. -> hall of fame
-- when in pioneer design --
-> p^d-sis!.txt -> 45ooo -> ²³rd of aug. -> surviving in scene
-> p^d-kmw!.txt -> ³o9oo -> ³¹st of aug. -> keeping my word
-> p^d-jlal.txt -> 7oooo -> ¹oth of sept -> just like a legend
-> p^d-atsc.txt -> 47¹³4 -> ¹oth of sept -> and the story continues
-> p^d-mdm!.txt -> 888²o -> o9th of oct. -> million dollar mouth
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
__ __
_\/_ _\/_
\/\/-- releasefacts --\/\/
original filename:)
million dollar mouth
original length:)
888²o bytes
o9th of october ¹995
first release on:)
blue zone
music support:)
'ode to my family' ororo
'angel eye' kajsa mellgren
'funk that feeling' dj vidde
'paninero -95' pet shop boys
'give my life' army of lovers
'you better hold on' dj vidde
'million dollar mouth' big money
'shout up (and sleep with me)' sin with sebastian
food support:)
hamburgers from mcdonalds drive-inn
located in malmoe/sweden·kiss to the oakleaf;
"i'm forever your sny---ng"
drink support:)
pepsi crystal
cola tab
martini bianco
other swedish personalities worth a greet:)
statikk·denniz pop·johanna westman·vasa
big·robert gustavsson·amatiello/lundin·pat reintz
alexander bard·roland nilsson·nana hedin·e-type·ebba blitz
dr alban·melodie mc·rune formare·peter thelenius·martin dahlin
wincent·victoria bernadotte·ulf malmros·per erik eklund
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
__ __
_\/_ _\/_
\/\/-- all text written by --\/\/
[c-real!] / pioneer design
except for
c-real logo made by:)
and pioneer design-logo made by:)
skull by:)
unknown artist
also thanks to 'czar/pleasure' for letting me
use his style from 'pls-prt2.txt for the
'save our souls'-logo
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
__ __
_\/_ _\/_
\/\/-- contact [c-real!] --\/\/
easiest way to contact me is to call 'blue zone'. you can
also leave me a mess on another pioneer design-system.
citydump·illusion·thunderlight·no impulse
[you find the numbers]
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
__ __
_\/_ _\/_
\/\/-- interview with [c-real!] --\/\/
Q: [c-real!], this is your twelfth ascii-collection in only 3 mouth.
How does it feel?
A: Well, actually it feels great. Kinda tired on typing, but I'll
Q: Don't you think that you release too many collies in per month?
A: I've thought about it, and well, i admit that it's quite a few,
but is was almost a month since the last one so..
Q: But isn't it a fact that many have complains about it?
A: Yes it's true, but that is not my problem. When I have enough
to fill a colly, then I release it. It's as simple as that.
Q: What do you think about the ascii-scene today?
A: It's easy to compare it with the amiga-scene at the moment; some
highlights but mostly crap.
Q: How about the competition? There are quite a few writers out there.
A: As you say, there are too many writers right now, but I don't think
that it will last for so long. It's all a question of quality; if
you make good logos, then it's easy to continue, if not you're gone.
Q: You sound very self-secure...
A: Ain't I? He, well let's put it this way; I'm certantly not the best
one around, but...
Q: Who is that then? The best writer at the moment?
A: Well, everybody has their own opinion...
Q: And yours are?
A: It's different from day to day..
Q: But if I ask you to choose three good writers who are active
right now, and do not include yourself!
A: Ok, well, I guess it would be ¹) punk!/united artz
²) acid kid/whale
³) xcluziwe/save our souls
Q: All those artists are memers of quite famous groups. How about
your own group 'Pioneer Design' ?
A: What about it? Well, one thing is sure, it hasn't turned out the
way I hoped it would. Many of the well-established writers are
already too tightend up to leave or join another, so the
existence of p^d is quite in-secure.
Q: So, what about the future then?
A: Well, we just have to see. I'm not sure I want to do ascii for
the rest of my life, but my plan is to continue release
collies, but only one per month. Then I have to decide if I shall
continue with p^d, it all depends on if I manage to engage some
good artists.
Q: For last; now when you are know writer in almost the whole world
and can spead a message and people in different countries can read;
is there anything you would like to say?
A: Yes, a demand to the French government; stop all nuclear-test in
The Pacific! You claim it's so save, why don't blow the bomb in Paris?
Q: Ok [c-real!], that's it for now. See you again next month!
A: You sure will....
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+
this is the end of the twelfth ascii-collection from [c-real!]
+-(c)-pioneer-design-(am)-1995----[p^d, do yourself a favour!]--crl/p^d--+