zANEr has pumped up 3 collys (44 kB) and commented 16 collys.
Wonderful release by goto80 making the ascii colors come alive on our screens, let the scrolling begin! <3
mindblowing with the depth of ansi colors and style in this fine dS! debut release by goto80! ++\/++
next level of amiga ascii !!! dS! 2021 -- much respect & love.
this is - just make love <3 <3 <3 <3 trivial / divine stylers
amazing collection, and don't forget to listen to the excellent mixes ;)
excellent ascii collection (nice to stumble on it as random colly of the day)
r.i.p. rN! <3 we will never forget this style!
Live Ascii sessions rule! Big Up mate. I was still asleep while this was going on...
Greetings to all people at dATAsTORM and the rest of the ascii scene ;)
The best ascii compo ever...
classic logo collection, love the style. just not much actual colly design structure, but I can stare at the logos regardless of that ;)