@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ o.__.::..::..:::..::..:::..::.::..::.__.o
oO humble entry to asc2 lovers o.o
.o o.
O. >> shark is spelled with sEA << oO
. mrZoogs wax still rulez - dont slip! o
movie time!
::::: :::::
:::; ............. curtain aside >>> ::::
::; :::
::. ::
:::: ______________________________________________________________________ .:::
:::: ::::
__ .
/\__\__ /_/\ /\_ _:::_/\____ N·U·K·L·E·U·S
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: Y
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. ::::::::::: .
.:: : ::::::::: a seducetro
.: .:: ::::::::::: :::::·:::: ::::: :::::
. .::::: ::::::::::: for :::::::::: ::::::::.::
:::: :::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::: ::: :::: ::
: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: : :
. ::::::::::: ::::::::::: VERSUS :: :: :: . .
::::::::::: ::_:::::::: :: :: :: :: .
:::::_::::: ::::::::::: :: :: :: :: .
::::::::::: ::::::::::: :: :: :: .
::::::::::: :::::::::: iss ::::::::::: :
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cOMMING uP......
in a cinema-pool near you and to your convience service...........
V.O.T.E.B.A.S.T.A.R.D.S | |::::::::::::::::::::
| o01111¹ |::::::::::::::::::::
b.Y | 001 |::::::::::::::::::::
| oo 11001o |::::::::::::::::::::
N U K L E U S | 10 1 010 |::::::::::::::::::::
| 01 0 110 |::::::::::::::::::::
| 10 o1 1 o001 |::::::::::::::::::::
.cREDITs. | 01 .o1 1 0111 |::::::::::::::::::::
code............Menthos | 0011o 1110 |::::::::::::::::::::
music..........Sleipner | 1o 10 |::::::::::::::::::::
graphics......Browallia |____________________|::::::::::::::::::::
.....There are 13 categories..::::::::::::::::::::::
BEST BEST :.....take.
. Amiga newcomer/Comeback . Coder : :.....
. Demo . Graphician :this.
. Intro . Musician :......
. 4k (or less) . Asciian/Ansi artist :step
. Music disc . Demo party (2022-2024) : :....
. Amiga Group . Scene site(web)/ Portal / BBS : :
: :
and for fun: : ....:
. Most important Amiga events (1985-2024) : :
: you fill in what you can. 10 points to what you like most. :
: Voting by ascii sheet (in this pack), or wwwwww.nukleus.nu/vs :
:................................................................ :
: :
: :
: :
: :
...hOW.. mANY .kINGS.. aRE .lEFT... ? ...........:..:
.........::::::::........::::::::........::::::::......... :
:: : : :: :
:: : : :: :
:: : :.......::.......:
::.......: ::
__ __ ::
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\ \\ \ / // / _____) \ ____) \ \____ \_ ::
\ \\ X // / \ \ / \ \_ / / \_ ::
\ \X X/ / /¯¯\ \ ¯\ ______/____/_________/ ::
¯¯ ¯ ¯¯ \:::::::|::|::|:::::|::::|:::::::::/brw ::
V·E·R·S·U·S ::
by NLS and VOID ::
yOU aRE nOT tHE oN1y 0Ne!
, ::
/ \ ::
\:/ :.
:::: ::: ::: ;. . :: :::: ::: ::::: :::: ::: : ::
: : : : : : ::: : :: : : : : : : : : : ::
:::: : : : : ::: : :: :·· ::: ····. :::: ::: :::::
: : : : : : ::: ::: :::: : :: ::::: : : : :: :::
: :'
from idea 2003 :: two decades
to iss1 2004 :: ten issues!
to now! 2024 ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: :: :
.nOW itS. VoTE·VoTE
.gO..and. VoTE·VoTE
:::::::::: VoTE·VoTE VoTE·VoTE
:::::::::: VoTE·VoTE VoTE·VoTE
v ?! - for who? for me? no! for the ones you like? i
e s
r ?! - give me a reason not to vote? we cant. sorry.
s c
u ?! - how to vote? ascii-sheet, papper-sheet,see BBSs or web o
s m
?! - can I surf? test altavista! w w w . n u k l e u s . n u / v s m
i i
s ?! - what is this colly called? Look in the water below! n
s g
?! - have you forgot the ascii scene?
1 4
0 !! NO! proof: u
_/ \_
. ___ __ _\ /_ __ ___ .
. / / / \__\ /__/ \ \ \ .
: /\ ___/ / / \___/ \ \ \___ /\ :
_ __ __ /. / \ /_/ ______________ \_\ / \ .\ __ __ _
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_) _ \_______ / / / \_/ \
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\ _____ / __/___ _/ __/ ___/
\_________/ \_____/ \_______/ \_______/ \______/bHe
_ __ . _ __ ___ ___ __ _ . __ _
\_ | . ___/ A M I G A A S C I I \___ . | _/
\| \ / /__________________________\ \ / |/
|_/ \ __/ \_ / \_|
: \/ \/ :
. .
well if that isnt serious then I dunno anymore :
: :::::
..: we follow ascii so go with the melody or go with the .:: : :
::: : :
f .: ::
L o W.. who knows what will happen after issue 10? we have ::
categories for everyone, including best aSCIIAn/aNSIAn
tHAT should be enough reason to support your scenE !
__ __ __
/\ \ |||___\
nls //\\ \|||\..\\ //\ NOW
/ \\\\ |||\... /// \_/
/ //\\\\ |||\... /// Spread the wordS And dO yOUR dUTY
// ///\\\\|||\... \\ //\
/// //// \\|||\... \\// \\ (do you start to figure out
/// /// \ ||\ ... \/ // why the upcommin seduce-tro
/// // \||\\ ... / //
//// / ||\\\____/| // is called VOTEBASTARDS ???)
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |\\| | | /
\\|___| |/brw
final QA
?! - can i submit an article? yES! gOSSIP pOEM rEPORT
y o u r perspective
everythin g o e s !
j u s t B f a s t!
SoooooooooooooN ....
curtain back
no applause (this is nothing - seriously!)
.............................. V E R S U S .....................................
:::::: / / / / \ :::::
_______ \ \\ iss \ / \ \ / _____
::::::::. / / \\ // \ / \\ .::::::
::::::::: / / \\// / / \ ::::::::
::::::::: \\ //\\ \\ \ ::::::::
:::::::: / / / / // \\ / / / ::::::::
::::::: \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / :::::::
:::::: / / \ / / / / / / / / \ ::::::
::::: \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ / :::::
::::: / / / / / \ / / \ :::::
:::: \\ / \ / / ::::
::: \ \ / bAH! \ / :::
=== / \ \ / \\ ===
::: \ / O .:::
:::: \\ \ /\--: its lAME to leave cinema before .::::
::::: \ \\ /\ | aftertexts! nO sTRESS man! ::::::
:::::: ----------------------------------------------------------- :::::::
::::::---------------------------------------------------- sCHHHH! we :::::::
:::::-------------------------------------------------- are still ---::::::
___________________________________________________\O/O/____watching ____
^ ^
afterTEXTS a.k.a fINEpRINTs :::::::::::
A note about the graphics.............................................::::::...
All made pixel by pixel. No AI, motive is my own with no known :::::: :
inspiration source, or pure coincidencal..............................::::::..:
Title: "How many kings are left?" (16 col, 320x256, OCS).......:::::::
Tools used are Brilliance 2.0 (Amiga) and graphx2 (PC). GX2 ::::::
is because convenient because of mobility, for example by ::::::
pixling on a delayed train down to a compo C= . ::::::
The first version of this picture was called "Speedpaint 2h", .....::::::
(GERP 2024, ranked 11). Here I used graphx2 and transparent ::::::
function, a simple tool where you sketch over the area, the ::::::
pixels become darker, like if you press harder on your pen. ....::::::.....
: ::::::
The other pictures in this intro are 3+1 colors, 320x256....:... ::::::
:::: ::::::
Nice to see so many good talent graphicians out there!......::::......
: wHY iS turn-0ff btn of remoteCTRL ::
: n0T oN bUTTOM? mORE cONVINIENT 'n .:versus:. ::
: cLOSER tO yOUR uMBILICAL wHEN yA :::::::::: ::::.
: wATCH fAVORITE STREAM fROM sOFA.. ::1:2:3::: ::
: couch? ouch! _____ :::::::::: ::.
: the real party is outside vS sofa sceners? ::4:5:6::: ::
: \____/ . . :::::::::: ::
: .:;.. ::7:8:9::: ::
: .: .:.: : . :::::::::: ::
: · :. _ ::.: :::tEN:::: ::
:........ . . __ /\ |_) .:::::::. :::::::::: .: ::
: :: / / \ | .::. ::| (|) |: .::::::
: · · ¯¯ : :::::::::: ·::
aND nOW: cow-jONEs iNDEx. After 20 years reporting scene, following .
:::::::: you, your thoughts, fellows, aMIGAns, nerds and your girls |:
:::::::: and slops and flops. We have opinions and trends and the |:
:::::::: saga of important fragments of the Amiga scene. mILKSHAKe! |:
:::::::: How does that flavour taste you? Add a sTRAW and find out! |:
__ : : . |:
' \\ . . . ::
shARK-cHANNEL tV \\ : . .::
\\..::.:. .:
______________(\___________________________________ .:\\:::: :. :
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| | : | | ::::::: ::::: : H:
| | eS : . | .. | :::::::::::: : U:
| | tV : : | .. | :::::::::::: :X:
| |....: C= ---> : | .. | ::::: ::::: :
| | :: | | .....:...... F:
| | :: | .. | .... ... . L:
| | tRE ::: :: DS | :: | ::::: :::: . U:
| | ::: :: :: | | ::::::::: .X:
| | :::: :: . :: | | ...... ::
| | ::: :: / \:: | | ::: .:. a:
| | ::: ::: ::: /\ | :::: .::: . B:
| | / ::: \/ \ NEWS-SPLASH: | :::::: . R:
| | \/ \ ATARI doing nose-dip (aGAIN) . A:
| | \ totally whiped out ::: :::
| | \ and off the screen :::::. k:
| ·--------------------------------- \ ------------· ::: :::. A:
|____________________________________ \ __________ ... D:
\ L E G A C Y ::::::. A:
\ . .... . b:
.. . : : : . R:
;;::.: . hang - : : : ! .A:
; .. ;;:,;, . : :..: ::
, . ,::,;, ,
\_o . , :,:;;;; :::
_/\_ .; ;. ::.:.:;.; . .; .; :::
/ | , ..:::.:::..::::::::::::..:::...::::. :::
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¬º¯ hang10 vs hang-loose dUDES!
9ft no less! .: : :.
\o/ :: : ::
""""" \
""""" """ Amigaaaaaa .shArK__ _
. /_ hELP ME!!! ___ -- -
. \/reetings to all doing ascii
a'yea, still reading? All Nukleus members, we celebrate 30 years :
this year (1994-2024). Old and current members lets get in touch :
: Universe is probably big
: Nukleus - thats whats inside!
ok. out of sharks...charks...chars! godammit! .::
this is the end. finito. fin. ..:::::::::::::
colly by bROWALLIA / nUKLEUS.
>> shark is spelled with sEA >>
kudos to bHe for great logo
This was dropped 04.05.2024
w h y was it dropped-
you may ask yourself? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::
its day before day before X-mas baby:
Its a Versus 10 teaser-colly :::::
before the seduce-tro :::::
before the vS iss #10 :::: :::::
:::: :::::
stay tuned :::::
was it the :::::
END or ??? :::::
Final cliff-hanger (or watch titlepic in Versus #1 for same effect)
...::...::..:::..:::... o>..___,:...::..::..:::...::..:::...
. "
O :