· Taste of Childhood part 2·
_ __/\\/\__________ ·· __________/\//\__ _
.\\\ \/ /__||__\ \/ ///.
_|_\ /||\ /_|_
§ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ |
| Welcome to the year of 1998 with |
| !
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ AT FIRST I MUST WARN YOU ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾ because of new EU-directives about ¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾ manipulating somebodys mind makes me to ¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾ I GUARANTEE THAT I WILL DO MY BEST WITH THIS ¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾½½½½½½½½¾¾¾ PRODUCTION TO TAKE OVER YOUR WEAK MIND AND ¾¾¾½½½½½½½½¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾ USE IT FOR MY TWISTED AND EVIL PURPOSES. ¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾½½¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ OH YES, IT WILL HURT ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
: |
| Grrroovy People of |
| : ______
_ __/_____ | ___________ _ __/_____ ______ | / /
/ /_ ____!_\ /_____/ / / /_ ________|____\ \
/ ___/_\ \ / / / / ___/__/ ___ / \ \
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¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¡¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯:¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
| |
| Are Back To Introduce Their Prodigal Son |
| . |
_ _ _______:______|_____.__________ ________ ______ __¡______ _ _
\\\\\___ ___ _| | __ / ___ / __ \__\____ /////
/ |/ \ | |/ / . \____/ . |/ \ _____/__.
/ |_____\ :___\ |___ |__\ ·__\ |
/______| \____| \_____| \____| \_____\ \_______|
: |
| Who Comes Back With His Trilogy Called |
_:_____|__ _ _ __|_____:_
: | / __\||/__ \ | :
: ·///_ /\ _________\ || /_________ /\ _\\\· :
: ¯ ¯ \//\/ ·· \//\/ ¯ ¯ :
________:_ _____ _________ :
\ / ______./ _/______.______/_ _ / ___:__
\ _/__\___ l_____ | / /___/_ ______ __( __/_
/_______\ __ / /________| _/_______/ ./ _ \. ___/
______:_ ____ ____. :
/ /____ _\ /_____________\ |___ _______ : ____.
/ ___/_ /__/_ \/ / / __\ _| /___/_ _ \._________:____\ |
/_________/ _ /____/ /__________\ _ /_______| _ \. __\ _|
: :
: :
: _ __/\\/\__________ ·· __________/\//\__ _ :
: .\\\ \/ /__||__\ \/ ///. :
_:_____|_\ /||\ /_|_____:_
: | ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ | :
_________|_ _|_________
\ |/ ASCII FORMAT RATED Taste of Childhood I: \| /
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾\ · ____ ____ ____ ____ · /¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / _/____./ _/____./ _/____./ _/____. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾> <==><===/ __ | __ | __ | __ |====><==> <¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
_________ tR!\_________|_________|_________|_________|-T! _________
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾/ · · \¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
/________|\ + 6666 ÷ EXTRA EViL ÷ 6666 + /|________\
|¯ ¯|
| WILL Taste of Childhood II BE 66666? |
_:_____|__ _ _ __|_____:_
: | / __\||/__ \ | :
: ·///_ /\ _________\ || /_________ /\ _\\\· :
: ¯ ¯ \//\/ ·· \//\/ ¯ ¯ :
: :
: :
: :
______: ____ _ __ __ _ ____ :______
_\ ____//___//_\\_)----·i-N-T-R-o-D-U-C-T-i-o-N!·----(_//_\\___\\____ /_
| \ / ¡
: |¯ Finally this one is out. Been working with this sucker since ¯| |
| | I released the last one in November '97. If you don't remember : |
| | from the part one where does the name Taste of Childhood come, | |
| | I can remind you that it is a name of a song by my band. | |
| | | :
| | This is pretty weird for me. I already started planning a new | |
| : release and this one wasn't even ready. Anyway, someday there | |
| | should be out an ansi-animation colly by me. When it is out, | :
| | nobody can tell, *BUT* it will be released someday. I don't | |
: | care when. | |
| : | |
| | Where are all my Twisted bros? rELiEf had some mail server : |
| | brobs and haven't seen Dartie for a long time in irc. Get back | |
| | here buddies! | |
| : | |
| | That's for first words. Now, go check the rest of this prod. | |
: | | |
| |_ -tHrEAzo sOmMarStUga _| :
| /___ ____ ___ _ _ ___ ____ ___\ |
: :
:::::: ::::::
:::::: ::::::
:::::: Taste of Childhood part 2 - a Twisted production ::::::
:::::: ::::::
_ __ _______________________ . __________________________
¼ ¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼«·|NCLUDED oNES·»¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼
___¼¼___ _
:::::: mind jive aerosol mjolnir ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼
:::::: chromance & soxius basement undrg. ¼¼ ¼¼
::··:: onslaugh wallstreet evidence ¼¼_¼¼
:::::: no aminet amiga sc ¼¼¼¼¼
:::::: looker house damones hosee
_____ jormas kosmos lightforce ::::::
¼¼¼¼¼ news zillion hours ::::::
¼¼ ¼¼ ::··::
_ ___¼¼_¼¼ punk, lion, carnifex, gdm, wrec, karlos, soxius ::::::
¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ _dizz_, abhorrence, exile, lucas, twain, crs7 ::::::
¼¼_______________________ ________________________ __ _
¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼«· rEQUESTERS! ·»¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼ ¼
...... ......
:::::: ::::::
:::::: Taste of Childhood part 2 - a Twisted production ::::::
:::::: ::::::
:::::: ::::::
:::::: ::::::
: _ __/\\/\__________ ·· __________/\//\__ _ :
: \\\ \/ /__||__\ \/ /// :
_:_______\ /||\ /_______:_
: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ :
i g n o r a n c e is like a gun in hand
reach out for the p r o m i s e d land
your history books are full of l i e s
media-blitz gonna dry your eyes
your eighteen you wanna be a m a n
your grandaddy's in the ku-klux klan
taking two steps forward and four steps back
i wanna to the white house and paint it black!
_:________ _ _ ________:_
: / __\||/__ \ :
///_ /\ _________\ || /_________ /\ _\\\
¯ ¯ \//\/ ·· \//\/ ¯ ¯
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Mindjive
_ __ _ _________________/(__ _
______ _________ _______ ______. /
\ \/ / ____ _______/ / \ | /
\ \/ /__\ /_\_ // /_____\ | /
«---/____/--------\ \/ /_____\-----\ __\ _|-----/--- -- -
/_________\ ____ /___________\ /
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| _\ \__\ /_\_ / / ___/__
- --· m i N D J i V E ·--|____________\ \/ /_________/ /----»
¯ tR!/________\ / /___________/-T!
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Aerosol
....................... ... .. . . . ......
:::::: ::::::
:::::: [A][E][R][o][S][o][L] ::::::
_______.:: ____ ______ ______ ::::_________
____\____ l___( __/____/ \.________ / _/______. ::::\ /
\ _ / ___/__ _/____| __ \._____ |_______/_ /__
«-\__________\ /___\---|___________|---/________| __ \._____/-»
tR!. /_________/ |___________|-T!
:::... ......
:::::: «{ nEMESiS ·µ· kARLoS ·µ· bLUE }» ::::::
:::::: «{ hASH ·µ· iBANEZ }» ::::::
:::::: ::::::
:::::: . . . .. ... .................::::::
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Mjolnir
___ ___ _________________
.__\__)______ __ _ \ /_.
| _:\ |
______ ____!__ ___ |¯ _______ | ______
\ \/ / _\__)__________ __!_________/ / ___:___/ \.
\ \/ /__\ / __ \. / // /__\ /__ _/____|
<=/____/------\ _\ \__________| /_____\-----\ \/ /___\=======>
tR!|__________\ /_________/ /________\-T!
¡ : ¡
| | |
| [ ·M·J·O·L·N·I·R· ] |
| _|_ |
l__ \| _ __ ____________|
/___________________\ (__\
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Chromance & Onslaught
_ _ _ _
.___\\\\--------------( cHROMANCE )---------------////___.
_______|_ _____ _____. _______|_
\ /____ __/ \._____ ___ _______\___ l_ _____\_ /______
\ __/_ /__/_ _/___| __ \. \/ /_ __ /_\_ / __/_ _ /
/______/ _ /___\ |________| \/ /_______/ / /_______/ /__/_
/____/___/tR! /____/____/ /___/____\-T! /_______/
| :
| Welcome to GANGSTA's PARADiSE, the ruling FTP-site |
: of the very best around... cHROMANCE & oNSLAUGHT! |
| |
| MAINTAINED BY LiON/cHROMANCE - [lion@xxx.xxx.xx]. |
| Warez supplied by: Mr.Wax/Chromance, Jaydee/Chromance, |
| Fungus/Carcass, Digahole/Onslaught :
_____! __________ _______ _____. _________________ |_______
./ __ \._\_ / _/__/. /___\___ l----/ / __ / /__\_ /
|________| / /____ | /_ __ / / /______ / _ / _/
/___/___\ /_____|_____/________/_______\ `-----\___/___/_____\
|___ ___;
////---------------( oNSLAUGHT )----------------\\\\
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Soxius
. .. ..........
_ __._____________::_________________ _ __ ___
¦ /_.
______ | ____._____ ____ ______ |
./ _/______. | ._\ | /__\ /___ ______/_ _/___!__.
|______ |______:_|_ /__ \/ /----\ /____ |
<========/________| __ / | /_______\ \ /===/________|===>
tR!/___________\----l_____\ /___________\-T! :
¡ |
|___ «[ s·O·X·i·U·S ]» |
/ _;__ _
/___ _ _________________________________\
.......::................... .. . .
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Basement Underground
____ ________________________________________
.__\ /__.
.____ | _____ ________ | _________
| /_|____ _____./ _/____.__________ ____/ _ / :___\_ /
|_ /__ /__\___ l____ | _ / \/ /_ /___/__\_ / _/
====/________\ __ /=/_______| /___/_ \/ /_______/ / /______\====>
| /________/ /________/___/____/ /____/___\
| ______ ________ |
___ ___|____\_ / ____./ _ / ______ |
/ \) / / /____\ | /___/__\ \. · bASEMENT|uNDERGROUND! ·
/_________/___/___\ __\ _|________/ _/____| |
| tR!/________\ /____\-T! rING +358-X-XXXXXX rING
: __________ ______ |_____ ____.
| / __ /_\ \._____________ _________\_ /______\ |
| \______ / _/____| _ / (/ / / / __\ _|
| |
| |
!___ Staff : crs7/xxx^xxx · xxxxxx/xxx^xxx ___;
/_________________________________ __ _ ____\
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Wallstreet
__________________________ __ _ _________
._) ____ ___________________ ____ (_.
| (____)(___________________)(____) |
_______ | ________ |
\ /------, _____\. / ______ ___ _________________________
/_ /\ _/__\___ l_ /__ / <__<<____________________ )_.
/___/\____\ __ /_____/ /__ . /_ o|
_____. tR!/__________/ /________/ |) wALLsTREET (| | | _|
\ | . __________ __________ |____\
|: |__ | _____ \ / ______ _______\_ _ /________
|__ /____ ./ _/___/_. _/__/ \. _ / /___/_ /
(__________>|_____ |_____\ _/____| /___/________/ _/
. /_______| /______\ /_________/-T! ./________\
| ____ ___________________ ____ |
|_ (____)(___________________)(____) _;
)______ _ __ ___________________________(
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Evidence
______ ____ ____ ______
.\ ___))__/----------------------------\__((___ /.
___ __|__!__ _____. ___ ______| | ___
__( _/_\ /----,____ \ |_( _/_ ______/ /__|____( _/_
\ __/_\. / /_\ /________\ | __/_\. // / / __/__.
/ |_______/ \/ / __\ _| |____\-----\ __/ |
=/_________| |===/_________\________\_________|========/________\________|=
tR!: | ¡ |-T!
| | | :
| | When conclusions aren't enough... Evidence | |
| : : |
|_ |___ ___ ___ ___| _|
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: No Aminet +ansi
» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «»
________/ /____________ tHiS iS 100% aMiNET fREE bOARD!
\ // / __ / aLL aMiNET sHiT wiLL bE nUKED!!
_____ ________ _______ ___________
______\ \/ / ____ _______/ /_______\_ /
___\____ /__ \/ /__\ /_\_ // / _ / _/
<========/ __ /__/-------\ \/ /_____\-----\ /___/________\====
tR!/___________/ /_________\ /__________/-T!
» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «» nO aMiNET «
[0;33;44m» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«»[40m
________[33m/ [36m/[37m____________ tHiS iS [33m100% [37maMiNET fREE bOARD!
[33m\ /[36m/ / [37m__ [36m/ [37maLL aMiNET sHiT wiLL bE nUKED!!
[37m_____ ________ _______ ___________
______[33m\ [36m\[33m/ [36m/ [37m____ _______[33m/ [36m/[37m_______[33m\[37m_ [36m/
[37m___[33m\[34m____ [36m/[37m__ [36m\[33m/ [36m/[37m__[33m\ [36m/[37m_[33m\[37m_ [33m/[36m/ / [37m_ [36m/ [34m_[36m/
[33m<[36m========[33m/ [37m__ [36m/[34m__[36m/[34m-------[36m\ [33m\[36m/ /[34m_____[36m\[34m-----[36m\ [33m/[34m___[36m/[34m________[36m\====
[37mtR![33m/[34m___________[36m/ [33m/[34m_________[36m\ [33m/[34m__________[36m/[37m-T!
[33;44m» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«» [31mnO aMiNET [33m«»[40m
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Amiga
.________ ___ .
| //___)____¦_
-§- | /_____/ |/
| | |
| | × a M i G A × |
|____ ________ | ______|_
______\ \/ / ____ ____!___________\____ /__
___\____ /__ \/ /__\ /_/_ __ / __ /
<======/ __ /__/-------\ \/ /_______ /____________/=======>
/___________/ /_________\ `-------\ ¡
¦ | |
| : --------------- |
| | aMINET WiLL BE |
_|_ | 100% SURE nUKED |
° | --------------- |
| _;
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: sC!
______ _________
./ _/_______.__( /
|________ | /
_______ __ / / | ____/__. __ _______
| ._\__((__\---- --tR!/___________|____________|-T!-------/__))__/_. |
|_| ¡_|
| : lAADiDAADi wHQ · sPiNALtAP sFHQ · SPiNNER sFHQ | |
: | fEATURiNG: aSCII · aSCII · aSCII · aSCII · aSCII · aSCII : |
| | +358-5-XXXXXX iS tHE wAY oF tHA wALK | :
| : | |
| !_____ __ __ _____| :
:___/__((__\--------- - -- ----·(sC!)·-------------- - ---/__))__\___|
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Looker House
.----------- ---/-»
| /_
| + l o Ok E R + |
____:____ __!_________ _____ ____ _______
\ /_________/_ __ \.____/ /__( __/_ ___\ \.
/ /. __ \.__________| ./ / ___/_/. _/____|
=/________|____________|=====tR!/____| \ |____\=========>
¡ ¦ |_______\_________| ____
| ____. _|___ ._______ ______ __( __/_
| / _|/ /.___________| /___/_ _/_____/. ___/___.
: / \_ | __ \. / /_____ | |
| <====/______/______|____________|_________/-T!=/_______|__________|=
| :
· + h O U S E! + |
|_ :
/ |
«-/---- - ---------'
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Damones
_ -§-
_ __)\______ _ _______________________ __|_
\ |/__ _
\ |
____. \ _____ _______ : ___ _____
_______\ | __\__\_ \/ /________ |_______( _/_./ _/_____.
\ __\ _|__\___ /_ \/ / __ \._____/ / __/|_._____ |
=/_________\ __ /__/------\__________| // / |===/_____|==
tR!/__________/ \_____\-----\_________|-T!
\ |
\ · d A M o N E S · |
\ |
\ :
\ .
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Hosee
____. _____ ______ ____ ____
/ _|/ /.___________/ _/______.__( __/_ __( __/_
_____ / \_ | __ \.______ | ___/_/. ___/__. _____
\ _)=/______/ |____________|=/ / | | |=(_ /
| _\ tR!/_______|-T! /__________|__________|_________| /_ :
: | | |
| : + bEHEMOTH · cYBERGOD · eXiLE · fATAL · rED dEMON + : |
: | hOSEE <= #aSCII, iRCNET iS tHE pLACE => hOSEE | :
| ¯/ ______ _______________________________________________ ______ \¯ |
" one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Jormas
____ ______ ______ ____
.__\___))_____\--- ----------/_____((___/__.
___ | |
_\__)_!________ _______ _______:______
._____\ / __ \._\ \.___ __________\____ /_ _/______.
| _\ \__________| _/____| \/ / __ /______ |
<==|___________\=======/_____\====\ \/ /__________/==/ / |==>
: /____/-------\ ¡ /__________|
tR!| |-T!
| |
: ·» j O R M A S «· |
| :
|______ _______ _______ ______|
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Kosmos
______ ______ ______ ________ ______
____/ /_________/ _/___\_. \/ /________/ _/_____.
/ _/ / __ \.______ | \/ / __ \.______ |
<==/___\ \__________|=/ / |___/-------\__________|=/ / |==>
\_______\ tR!/_________|-T! /_________|
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Lightforce
___ __ __ _
._\__)_\ ·
| :
.___|____ «=( L·I·G·H·T·F·O·R·C·E )=» :
| / ____ ____. _____ ________ :
| /__\ /____________/_ _|/ /. /_ :
tR!|_ /__ \/ / __ / \_ | _/ :
======/______7_______\_______ /____/______|_______\=====> :
| _____ /______\ ___:
| ____( _/___________ _______ __________( __/_
| \ ___/ __ \.__\ \._\ / ___/__.
|tR!/ \____________| _/____| ____/__ |-T!
| :
|__ F A S T E R T H A N L I G H T! :
/ :
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: News
____ ______
________( __/_ _____/__ _/______.
________/ / ___/_.------/ /_____ |
tR!\ // / | /\ / / / |-T!
______ « tAste oF cHildHood - pArt II »
__ \ /____/_ _______ ___ _____ _________
_/ /__ _/ / / \_ _/ ___/__/ /_ _/ _/ ______ \_ _.
.__ / _/___/ / / /\/\___ / _/___/ _/___/ / //_|
|_//___ / /______________/ \__ / /___ / /___ / /___ / /
\____/ /____\ \____/ \____/ \____/ \_.__/ 2F
lOgo: Zillion Hours
__ __ _ _
._\_)_\ «· ziLLiON hOURS ·» ·
| ____ ._________ :
________|__\ /________|_ / ____ ___________ ________:
_____\__ / \/ / / /___\ /_/_ __ \.____/ /:
\ ______/_________\ /_________/ \/ /___________| // / :
|____. _____ ________ ______ :
/ _|/ /._________________ _________\ \. _/____:__.
/ \_ | __ \. \) / _/____|_____ |
| :
/ :
_ __/\\/\__________ ·· ______|¦__/\//\__ _
.\\\ \/ /__||__\ |¦ \/ ///.
_|_\ /||\ |¦ /_|_
. | |¦ |
: _ __:_____ ______ |¦ |
_¦________ // | |¦ |
\| /______/ : |¦ :
| .____ _____. |¦___. ._____
......| | | ____\__ l_ ______ | | _| _/___
::....| ___| |____\ __/ (__\ _/________| |___\ ___(__
|(____ ____________ /________ \____ _____ ________\
| /____\ ____ .__ /_______\ / / __\ /____\ /___\
_|____. (____)|-- /______\ |¦ _
____| ___|_ __. _\___l_ ._____ |¦.____. |______.
_\ \ (_____\ |____/ (__| / __|¦|__ l_ ..·.. |_
/________ __\ . (____ __\ /______\ ___\ (_ :: :: |/
| /___\_______| __\ /____::::___ _________ __\ ··.·· /
| l___\ | :::: /____\ |¦ /___\ /|
[ t a s t e o f | :::: |¦ ... .____.|__
c h i l d h o o d | :::: __|¦__ :::: :...___|__ l_ \_.
| p a r t 2 ] | ..::::.....____\ _ /_ :::: :::: ___\ (_ . |
| | :::: ::::\ | (_:::: ::::______ __\ \|
__| b y t H r E A z | .:::: :::::______ __\::: :::: /___\ \
.__/ t W i S T E d | ::::: ::::: /___\ :::: :::: .... -rLF |\
| | ::::: |¦ :::: :::: :::::. ______|¯
| _| ... |¦ :.: ·
| _ ________/ · ::: |¦___________
`-----------\)----\\ .. ·¦ ¡
: :: ¦ |
| ¦ :
____¦_ _ _ _________ _ __ __ _ ____¦____ _ _ _|____
._\ | -¦- | /_.
| · wHo dId wHat.. ______. ª · |
______:____ ____ \ | __________ |
\ / ___________( __/_ ______\ | ____\ /______!
\ ___/__\ \. ___/__ _\ _|_\ /___ _/ _/____.
\_______/ _/____| /_________\ \/ /_____\______ |
| |
< <<<<<<<<<<<< Main fuck-up made by tHrEAz of Twisted >>>>>>>>>>>> >
| |
¦ Other stuff produced by: |
| Karma/Arclite · Elvis/Style · 2Fast/Jedi Arts |
| Relief/Twisted · Stylewars · Mark Ryder :
|__ . . __|
/___|_ _ _ _________ _ __ __ _ _________ _ _ _|___\
| |
| |
| |
Taste of Childhood part 2 - a Twisted production
| :
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ CONTACTING ME! ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ Requesting, friendship, modeles & ascii swap ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ feedback .. Feel free to use one of these: ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ threaz@kauhajoki.fi ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ #ascii · #amielite ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ in fin: sADiSTik eXEkUTiON · bERMUDA tRiANGLE ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
: |
Taste of Childhood part 2 - a Twisted production
| |
| |
_.__|__ _ _ __|__._
: | / __\||/__ \ | :
.............: ·///_ /\ _________\ || /_________ /\ _\\\· :.............
: ¯ ¯ \//\/ ·· \//\/ ¯ ¯ :
: :
: · WORD · :
: Ok, now something about me, b'coz i feel that people could know me much :
: better. My main thing in the scene is asciing in rows of Groove People :
: Productions better know as Twisted (-T). Another thing is operating a :
: board named Sadistik Exukution with my great mate Carnifex/Damones. Lotsa :
: things to the board will happen in the future. You will hear about the :
: updates later, but i can tell you that if everything goes smoothly the :
: news will be pretty major, hopefully. Also module collecting is my :
: "passion" i guess i could say. At the moment my list contains 3800 tunes :
: but the list keeps getting bigger a week by a week. Collecting C=64 demos, :
: diskmaggies and games is also hip in my category of hip-things. I have one :
: CD full of games and demos and at the moment i'm collecting stuff for a :
: new one. Swapping is also nice, but i do it on friendship bases, not for :
: new stuff, b'coz using modem/net is way much faster. Of'coz i swap to :
: boost up my module & ascii collections, but using other methods is much :
: easier, but of'coz not so nice and personal. Attending parties is cool :
: but there is one little problem. I usually have to travel alone, b'coz :
: there aren't sceneppl in my hometown and all my scenemates live elsewhere. :
: Anyway parties usually pays back the travelling 'coz meeting all the mates :
: and new ppl. Boozing and doing all the crazystuff for a whole weekend :
: really is worth of travelling. Anyway, i'm moving elsewhere in the end of :
: summer so that isn't going to be a problem for a long time. It is possible :
: that i move to Helsinki (the capital of Finland) soon, if i get a job :
: there. We'll see. Collecting Atari ST demos is also something i do. Atari :
: ST was my first computer and i got in in the year of 1987. I learned some :
: 68000 assembler and painting some ugly gfx with it, but i never released :
: anything. My friend Malibu also had ST and i have known him since 87's, :
: but he isn't such a partyanimal as i am. Anyway, we attented Juhla 3.14 :
: and Assembly 96 together, but those are only parties he has been with me. :
: Ok, maybe i aren't a "partyanimal", b'coz i haven't attented much parties :
: lately, but i am a real partyanimal if i am compared to Malibu, heh. :
: I will keep doing scenestuff and at the moment i have no reason to stop. :
: Also ascii scene will get my piece of activity, but sometimes it just :
: feels so damn frustrating, b'coz not much worth_to_watch collections :
: released anymore and lotsa ppl has quit drawing. :
: :
: -tHrEAz / -T! aka Jani :
:.......... ..........:
: _ __/\\/\__________ ·· __________/\//\__ _ :
: \\\ \/ /__||__\ \/ /// :
_:_____._\ /||\ /_._____:_
: | ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ | :
| |
| |
__________¡_ _______ ____ ____ _____________:__
/ __ /__\ \._( __/_ ____( __/_ \ / _/________.
\________ / _/____| ___/_\. ___/_/. _/______ |
<===| \_____\===\ | |_______\===| / |=>
| | tR!/___________|__________|-T! | ._|
| | | |
| | cARNIFEX . rELiEf . dARTAGNAN . iLLUSioN | |
: | tRo0PER . kURE4kANCER. mJoLNiR . hOTWiRE | :
.....| | aBHORRENCE . sAL-oNE .pUNk . j0YKiLLER : |.....
::...| | _diZZ_ . mSW . gAZE .s0XiUS . mALiBU . gDM | |...::
| | pHoBiA . rADAVi. hASH . tANGO . cRuSADER | |
| | vOuCK . pYkSY. tRiViAL . h0RiZoN . eXiLE | |
| _ zORRO . rUPLEX . wiSE-k. fOLAR . r0OSTER | |
: | rAMiREZ . sTRAUSS . diSPEPTiC . dAERoN | |
| |____ ____| |
|__. | /)----------------------------------(\ : .__:
|_____|__ __|_____|
: /___\--------------------------------/___\ |
| you know how it goes: if you |
| weren't included, do something about it! |
| |
......|. .|......
: . . :
: -T-TOCH2.TXT :
: :
: _ __/\\/\__________ ·· __________/\//\__ _ :
: \\\ \/ /__||__\ \/ /// :
_:_______\ /||\ /_______:_
: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ :
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__/ \ /\ \___ \__/ \ \ \____\
¦/____\ \_______\ ( \/____\_______\ ¦
+------\____\----\________\---- -- - - --+
¦ ¦
¦ tASTE oF cHiLDHOOD-pART II by tHrEAz/-T! ¦
¦ whole night ascii show ¦
¦ ¦
_:________ _ _ ________:_
: / __\||/__ \ :
: ///_ /\ _________\ || /_________ /\ _\\\ :
: ¯ ¯ \//\/ ·· \//\/ ¯ ¯ :
: :
: -T-TOCH2.TXT :
:.....º. .º.....:
| |
| |
| Coming Down Wit a Murder |
| ____ |
_____:___ _____/ /\ ___________ _________:_
÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷/\ __ /÷÷÷÷\ / /÷÷÷\ _____/ \÷÷÷÷\ ______ \÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷
/ \ \ ¯T / / /\ _/_____ /\ \ / ____/\ \\ \
\ \ \___\/ / / \\ // / \___\/ \\_ ¯T \ \
\ \ \ / __ /\ \ / /\ \ / / /\ _\\ \
\ \___\/___/___/ \___\/___/ \___\/___/___/ \_______\
mR!\ / /\ \ \ / /\ \ / /\ \ \ / /m'S
: :
| Bibi, Mighty Bro's of Twisted will return! |
|__ _ _ __|
| / __\||/__ \ |
·///_ /\ _________\ || /_________ /\ _\\\·
¯ ¯ \//\/ ·· \//\/ ¯ ¯
· Taste of Childhood part 2·