\\ | //
| | ########### |
_ ___ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ######### |
__) |_____ _____| (___) |_____ __) |_____ ### |
| _____/___\ | | | /__ _| /__ # |
//___| !| ! |____\\__ | ! |___\|! |
| _ ___ | _ ___ . ___ _ ____: ·
| __) |_____pOimp_)_/_______| (___) _/____
| ·
| _| /_____\ | __| _| /__
| //___| ! | !\___\\ !|__\\_| ! |
| serving the underground . . #### . |
| ascii scene - ascii search - | | ########### | |
| news - reviews - interviews - | impure hq | ########### | |
| ascii forums - 169 +/- groups - | woezine hq | ########### | |
| tutorials - ascii@thuglife.org | retro hq | ########### | |
+----------------------------------| | ########### |--------+
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g //_____________|_____________\\O4/15/O6
t h u g l i f e . o r g
a n d
__ _| |____________
\\_\ \_ | |_ __
____ ___ | ____ | ____ _/ /_//____ ____
_)__/___) \ ____ | ____| (___) |_____ | ____|_ (___) _/____
____\_ |_ \/ /___\ __ |_ | /___\ | _| _| /__
\\_ | _/ | |_ |/ _/ | |_ | \_ | |_
°| | | | _/ | | | _/ | | | _//
| |___/|\____| | |__/|\___ | |__/|\_| |°
---\\__|-------pO!|_____/|\______| . |______/|\______|------|______//---
. | .
__ __ _| | | I M P U R E ! ?
\\_\ \_\ \_ | |_ __ __
|___________| _/ /_/ /_//
p r e s e n t a n e w c o l l y b y
______ _____ ____ ______ ___ _ __ __
_____\ \\____))__/ _______ /______))_/ ______ // _____ /_//__)
_/ / /_____ __\ __/____ _______| /___\\ //_
| /_____/ \____/ \\ \_\ /| | / _)___
_| _| _ / / \_ | \ | | \_
\_ \______\ \_________| |_______|_____|________ _//
|_______| ___ |_______\ __ ___ |_____| _______ ______ __ / |
/___) pOgue /__\\_/ /_______))____//_///_______|ab!
c a l l e d
_ ____ _ ____ _ ____ ____ _ ___
_) |____ ___) _/____ ___) _ |____ _____|_ (___) _|_____
_| __ /___ _| /__ | /_ | _| _____ /__
\\_ \| _| | \\_ | |_ | \\_ | / |_
+--------| | \\_ | | | _// | | | / _//
| //_____| |__| _|___| | |___\\__|/ |-----+
| 8((-: |__________\\-|_______\\---|______\\______|pO!imp-|_______\\ |
| _ ____ _ ____ _____ _ _ ____ ____ _ |
| __) |_____ ___) _ |____ __\ (_____ ___) _/____ _ _____|_ (__ |
| _| _| /__ | /_ _____/__ _| /___ | |_ |
| \\_ | \\_ | |_ | _| | _| | _// |
+-----| | | | _// | \\_ | \\_ | |----+
//____| _|___| |_____| |___| _| |___\\
· [ E I G H T Y E A R S L A T E R ] ·
+-------------------------------------------------- - -- -
| eight years since the beginning of iMPURE, ten years since
| the beginning of wOE. Marking the time with this colly called
| simply eight years later...
| - pOGUE (1996-2OO6)
+----------------------------------- - - -
\\ |
| |
$$$"~. .~"$$s --->>
$$$s | | s$$$
::::::: .sS$"~"$Ss. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
$$$. | | .$$$ o1.[asciience] xeronxs |
| ~$$$SSS$$$~ o2.[aerosol] nerv 13.[xero] xeronxs |
| | | o3.[gasm] dopie 14.[teamFT] grim f. |
| 8 | | o4.[defcon] dopie |
| y a | | o5.[hellbeard] hellbeard |
| e | | o6.[grim] grim fandango //\ |
| r | | o7.[lab rats complex] upn14 --/oO\-- |
| l t s | | o8.[esport syndicate] eddie \-_// |
| a | | o9.[faf] eddie |
| e | | 1o.[liquid heaven] grim fandango |
| r | | 11.[nerv] nerv |
| :. | | 12.[meep] meep .: |
t i m e h a s g o n e b y
8yearslater ( oO ) asciience
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
_ ____ _ ___ _ ____ ___
_____) _ |______) _|_______) _/_____\\__|______
\\__ | _ _____ _ \ _ |_____// _/\_
\ | | | / \ | | | | -\oO/-
\\___| /\___|/ /\__| / | |
+--------------- |____// |_____// |_____// | | -------------+
_ ____ _ ____ _ ___| | |____
+------------------ _) _/______) |_______) _/___|____) _/___ ------+
___| _| /_ | _ \ _ _| /_____
\\__ | _ | | | | | __//
\__| /\___| /\__| /\__| /
|______//pO!i|____// |_____// . |______//
. . |
| | |
| | |
\\___| |
8yearslater ( oO ) aerosol
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
____ | ____ ____ | ___
______| _ (____) _/______ ______|_ (___) |_______
__\ | _| _| /___\ | _| __ /__
___ _| | \\_ | _| | \\_ |/ _| ___
\__\ \\_ | | | \\_ | | | \\_ \__\
.------ | | | | | | | | | -----.
| |__/|\__| | |__/|\__| |
| \\________| | |________/|\________| pO/imp|________// |
| ___| ___ ___. _ |
| _ __) _|_______ __) |_______ __) |_______ _oO_ |
| _oO_ ___ _| ______ /__ __ /__ _| /__ || |
| || \__\ \\_ | / _| |/ _| | _| ___ |
| | / \\_ | \\_ | \\_ \__\ |
`--------------- | | / | | | | | ----------'
\\__|/ |\__| |\__| |
|________// |________// |________//
. .
| a e r o s o l _ 2 o o 6 |
8yearslater ( oO ) gasm
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
.. _____________________
:: \\ //
:: | /
_ ___ :: _ ____ _ ___ _ ___
____) |_______) _ |______) _|______) \ _______
\\__ _ _ | _ _____ _ \/ __//
---------- / \| \ | \ | / \ | \ ---------
---------- \____| /\___| /\___|/ /\___| / ---------
\\_______// |____// |_____//pO!i|____//
.. . /
:: | /
:: | /
:: | /
:: //_______//
8yearslater ( oO ) defcon
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
____ _ ____ ___ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____
_______| (___) _/_________| (___) _/______) |_____) |_________
\\__ |_ _ _| /__ _ \ _ __ _ | __//
_| \| / | |_ ____/ | | |/ | | \_
pO!\ |___/\__| / |___/\__| /\__| /\__| /
+== \\_____|==..===|_____/\_____|=======|_____//===|_____//===|_____// ==+
8yearslater ( oO ) hellbeard
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
_ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___
___ _______ ______) |_______)_/___ ____) |______) |_______
\\__\ \\______\ \\___ | _ _| /__ _| _ _| ___//
+--------------------- \ _ | | _ | | | | --------+
| \\____| /\_| /\___| /\___| / |
|___// |______// |___//pO!i|___// |
| _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ____ _ ___ _ |
| ______) |_________)_/___ ____) _|________|_ (________| (_____ |
| \\___ |_ _ _| /___ | _ | _ _| ___// |
+------ \ |/ | | | /_ | / \| / -------+
\\____| /\_| /\___| / |__/\ |____//
|_____// |______// |___/\______| \\_____|
8yearslater ( oO ) grim fandango
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
:: ___
:: \\ |
_ ___ :: ____ _| | ____
____) |_________|_ (__| |_) \ ______
\\__ _ _ | __ __ \/ __//
/ \| \ | /| |/ | \
+------- \____| / |__//| \\_____| / -------+
\\_______/\______| | | pO!|___//
.. | |
grim fandango
:: :::::::: |__// :::::::::::::::::::
8yearslater ( oO ) lab rats complex
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
_ ___ _ ____ _ ____
.. _____) |________) _ |_____) |________
:: \\__ _| /__ | _ _| __//
+------------- :: ------ / | _ | \ |/ \
| ::
\\____| /\___| /\___| / -------+
:: |_____// |____// |_____// |
| ____ __ ____ ____ _ _ ___ |
| _______|_ (____) _ |_____\ (________) _|_______
| \\__ | _ | _ ______/ _____ ___// |
/ | \ | \ | _ | / \
.sS$ |
+-- \ |___/\___| /\__| /\___|/ / ---------- .$$$' ---+
\\_____| :: |____// |_____//pO!i|____// $Ss. .$$$'
_ ____ _ ____ _ ___ ____ __ ___ `$$.$$$'
____) _|______) |______) \ ________|_ (____) |_______) _/___
\\__ \ _ __ _ \/ _ | _ _| _ _| /_____
/ | \ |/ \ | \ | \ | \ | __//
\\____| /\___| /\____| \ |___/\___| /\__| /
|____// .|____// |_____/\____| |____//.ss|______//
:: .$$$' `$$$.
.$$$' `$$$.
:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .$$$' :::: `$$$
:: $$$' `~'
8yearslater ( oO ) esport syndicate
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
| //
| |
_ ____ _ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ _ ____ _
__) _/____ __) _|___________| (___) |__________|_ (___\ (____
_| _| /__ _____ _ _____ __ _ | _ ____/__
+- \ | _ | / |_ |/ / |/ |_ | / | |_
| \\__| /\___|/ / |__/\____| / |__/\___| / -+
|_____/ pO! |_____/\______| | | |_____/\______| iMP! |______// |
|_ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ___ ____ _ ___ ___ _ _ ___
|__) _|_____) |_____) |________| (__) _/______) _|_____\ (______)_/___ |
_| _____ _ _ _ | _ |_ _ \ _ | _ _____/ _| /__|
\ | / \ \| \ | | \| / | | | | | _ | |_
\\___|/ /\__| /\__| / |__/\__| /\___| /\_| /\_| /
| |____/\_______/ |___/\____| | | |___/ |___/ |___/ |______//
| | | e s p o r t s y n d i c a t e |
+-------- - - \\_| - - --------+
8yearslater ( oO ) faf
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
. ___________________ .
: | _ | pO/imp :
: ___ oO_ ____ |___ :
: ____| (_______| (_______| (____________
___________\ ___ _ ___ ________//
\\_________ ____// | | ____// .
| |__/_ |__// |__/ :
: \\_____| . \______| \______|
: :. | . .: :
:............ | ...f...a...f... | ..........:
8yearslater ( oO ) liquid heaven
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
\\___| ____
_ ____ | |___ _ ____ \\___| ____ _
_____) |__|___) |________) |___| |___| (_____
\\___ _| _ __ | _ |_ ___//
+-------- \ | | |\ \/ | | \| /
\\___| /\___| /\____ / |_ _// -----------+
| |_____/\_________// ... |_____/\______| |
. . .........:::::.... . .
| _ ____ _ _|__ | :::_:____::::_:____| | _ ____ _ ____ |
____) |________) _/_|______) _ |_____) |___|____) _/______) |________
\\__ | _ _| /__ | _ | _ _| /__ | __//
\ _ | | _ | | | | | _ | |
| \\____| /\__| /\___| /\__ | /\__| /\___| /
| |____// |______// .. |____// . |______// |______//pO!i|____//
| . . ...::::.......:::. . . .
+----------------- | | :::::::::::::::::: | | ---------------------+
|___( :::::::::::::::::: | |
:::::::::::::::::: )___|
8yearslater ( oO ) nerv
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
- -|- -
_ ____ | _ ____ ____ _ ____
___) |________) _/_________|_ (___) |________
\\__ | _ _| /__ | _ | __//
========= / - \ | _ | \ | \ =========
\\____| /\__|
/ |___/\__ | /
|____// |_____/\______| pO!|______//
| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
8yearslater ( oO ) meep
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
\\ | ___
| | \\ |
_ ____ | | _ ____ _ ____ | | ____ _
___) \ |_______) _/________) _/______|___| (____
\\__ \/ _ _| / _ _| / _ _ __//
.. / | \ | \ | \ |/ \
:: \\_____| /\__| /\__| / |___//
|____// |______//pO!|______/\______|
:: . . . .
:: | | | |
:::::::::: | | ::::::::::::::::::::: | | :::::::::::>>
| | | |
| | | |
|__// | |
8yearslater ( oO ) xero
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
- -+- -
| .sS$ _ ___ ____ _ ____
.. | .$$$'_____) _/___________|_ (___) |_______
:: | $Ss. .$$$'\\__ _| /_____ | __// __ __//
:: +-----`$$.$$$'----/ | __// | \ |/ \-----+
\\___| \ |___/\___| /
:: | .$$$' `$$$. |_______/\______| pO!iMP |____// |
:::::::: .$$$' :: `$$$. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>> |
| .$$$' `$$$ |
| $$$' `~' |
.`~ |
| |
8yearslater ( oO ) team-ft
- -----------\o /----------------------------------------------------- - - -
____ _ :: _ ____ _ ____ _ ____
____\ (________) _/________) _ |_____) \ _____
\\__ _______/ _| /__ | _ \/ /___
/ | _ | _ | \ | __//
\\___| \___| \____| \_____| \
.. ____ _ ____ _
<<:::::::::::::::::::: ::
____| (___\ (_______
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___\ _ _______/__
\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\ \\___ ___/ | ___//
/ |__/\___| \
:: +-----\\______|-------|_______//--+
respect to those who deserve
___ _ ___ _ _ ___
______|_ (___)_/______ __) |______ _________________________
__\ | | _| /__ _| /__ |
| ! |__\\| ! |___| ! |
r e l e a s e s
| . . | |
| po-weed.txt | OO5k | w e e d | 28/O8/1999 |
| po-souls.txt | O39k | g a t h e r e d s o u l s | 24/O7/2OOO |
| po-cotu.txt | O7Ok | c h i l d of the universe | 27/O1/2OO1 |
| po-unila.txt | O67k | u n i v e r s a l language | 27/O2/2OO1 |
| po-ocean.txt | O67k | o c e a n | 27/O3/2OO1 |
| po-aplan.txt | O7Ok | a s c i i p l a n e t | 19/O4/2OO1 |
| imp-psyc.txt | 12Ok | p s y c h e d e l i c | 24/O5/2OO1 |
| po-cloe.txt | O37k | c l o u d s o f e | O1/O9/2OO1 |
| imp-atgb.txt | O5Ok | a s t i m e g o e s b y | 23/12/2OO1 |
| po-ignos.txt | O4Ok | i g n o s i a | 1O/O8/2OO3 |
| po-prfct.txt | O45k | p e r f e c t o | 2O/O9/2OO3 |
| imp-xxx.txt | O43k | t h e u l t i m a t e . . | O2/11/2OO3 |
| imp-8yl.txt | O26k | 8 y e a r s l a t e r | 15/O4/2OO6 |
| | | | |
____ ____ ____
_)__/___\ \ _________| (__
\_ |_ \\/ _// _____|__
+--- | _// | | |/ _//
| | | |____\\ pO! |____\\---+
| |____\\_____| |______| |
| -+- eight years later -+- |
| Tribute to life, the scene and the |
| people in it. |
| |
\\ | //
| | ########### |
_ ___ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ######### |
__) |_____ _____| (___) |_____ __) |_____ ### |
| _____/___\ | | | /__ _| /__ # |
//___| !| ! |____\\__ | ! |___\|! |
| _ ___ | _ ___ . ___ _ ____: ·
| __) |_____pOimp_)_/_______| (___) _/____
| ·
| _| /_____\ | __| _| /__
| //___| ! | !\___\\ !|__\\_| ! |
| serving the underground . . #### . |
| ascii scene - ascii search - | | ########### | |
| news - reviews - interviews - | impure hq | ########### | |
| ascii forums - 169 +/- groups - | woezine hq | ########### | |
| tutorials - ascii@thuglife.org | retro hq | ########### | |
+----------------------------------| | ########### |--------+
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g //_____________|_____________\\O4/15/O6