[-\- ----------------------» Biggest & the best «---------------------- -/-]
Functionless art is simply tolerated vandalism
....... ......... ..... ... ....... .....
.....::::::... ::::: :::: ...:::: .... .... :::::::. ......
::::· ::::::::: .:::::· :::: ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: ::::::
:::: ::::::::: :::::. :::: ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: ::Mo!:
.: :::::.:::::·::: ·:::::::......:::·:::.:::::·:::: :::·:::.::::::· :.
· Arclite presents you another unbeatable ascii production by ·
- ----------------------------------------------------------- -
.M·o·g·u·e·!. ______ ______ _____ _____ . .________ _ _
- ------------- - \ \/ / ___ \ ____/_ ___|_ :\ ____////
Das verrottete stueck \ \ / / \/ / \___ \ \\ | ___/_.
der Arclite jungs _ _ _\ \/ / / / _/ / / | /_ |
////_____/ /_______/________/ /_ |_______|
- ----------------------------dZG\ /-----------------\________|---------- -
... Entitled :.
_ ______________ __ /
ø - Biggest & the best -
__ ___ / ___ __
\\/ /____ ______ ______ ______ / ________ ____\ \//
\ /_ \ _ \ _ \ _/__ ___ _ _____ ___\_ /__\ __ /
\ / /(_)_\ / _\ / / _\ // \\) _/ \ _ _/_\_ \ / \ /
/______\ /___ /___ /________\ \ | /____\__\ / /______\
/___\ /____\ /____\ /_____/____| /___/____\
____. __ ___
______|_ |______ \\/ /____ ___ _ _____
\_ / | __/____ \ __/___. / \\) _/
| / : \ _/__ \ \ \ _|__\ \ | -Mo!/aL-
|____\ ___|____\ _\ /_ /______\ _\ /_____/____|
«- --/_______\------------/_______\-------------------------- -»
- I.n.t.r.o - \ ____________ __
\\ \//
_______ \ /
-Mo!/aL- _ ___\_ __/_____ ___\___ «- ---ø------------------------- -»
_(_)_\ / \ _/ _ / /
\ /___/____\ | / /_ / .Some kind of a preface.
/___\ /____|___\____\ /
«-\- -------------------------------\·--ø-------------------------------- -»
And here we go for another one, i don't wanna talk to much right
now but i'd like to tell you something about my opinion and the
ascii scene. i went crazy while watching stuff released the last
time by rippers like the Aerosol posse (blue and nemesis) who
are nonstop ripping exocet styles and talking about ascii
business but even don't know anything about it, the old story
Or take a look at this ripped crap by a guy called gibson or
something else
gbn-pst.txt P 12821 08-04-97 __
_____ \_)_____ ___\__ ____ _ ______
__\ __/____.__ /_\ \/ _ ____\_ /
\ \ / | (_ / \ \ \ \ / /
/______\___|_____\_____/_____/\ /___\
--- -[gbN!]--------------------\/-----
| |
| 2 lOGO "pROSPECT" |
| |
| rEQUESTED bY: * tRYAc * |
1st - who is that dump to spread a file over the boards
including 2 plain ripped ascii's ?
2nd - Your mighty ascii maker present today ? Hahahahahaha
..... sure!
The frist 3 chars are taken from crusaders current style and
the last 3 chars are taken from my previous style, damn the
flood of Ripping-wannabe-newcommers wont end.
Now to something totaly different, just a few words about this
collection, it include logos and file descriptions for the
groups of today. Well, most of them are just releasing aminet
crap, but who cares about that.
That means i didn't include ascii groups cause i think all
wellknown and worst groups where already included in my last
collection called toylike people make me boylike.
I hope you'll enjoy this smart collection i did in a period of
2 weekends and feel free to mail me at mogue@labyrint.rhein.de
for some smalltalk or ascii requesting.
/ Chris!
«- -( End of introduction )-------------------------------------------- -/-»
\ ___________ __
\\ \//
______. \· / ___ ______ __
\\ _|____ .__\_ /___ __ _/ \ \\/ The list of
\ \ /__|_ \ / / / / \ \ included groups
/____/____\ / /_ / / / ___/_____/
«- -----/___\____\ --- /________\_____\-------------------( Mo!/aL )-- -»
\ _ /
\ o1. Royal o2. Abuse
o3. Hellfire o4. Lightforce o5. Shelter
o6. Birdhouse projects o7. Tristar & Red sector o8. Nerve axis
o9. Desaster 1o. 5th Dynasty 11. Decision
12. Mystic 13. Lsd 14. Crux & Bad karma
15. X!Trek 16. Dual crew & Shining 17. Data devision
18. Digital corruption 19. Broken 2o. Saints
21. Strictly ultimate 22. Mono 23. Wanted team
24. Panzerknacker 25. Drifters 26. Looker house
27. Sunflex inc. 28. Black sista 29. Crude
3o. Intellect 31. Gods 32. Purple turtle
33. Impulse 34. Jormas 35. Nuance
36. Darkage 37. Intense 38. Outlaws
39. Skintrade 4o. Delight
«- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -/-»
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .o1 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Royal | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ ___________ __ _ _________________ __ /
\\ \// \//
\ / -Mo!/aL- ø
.____\___ ___/____ ._________ ·Royal· presents /
____|_ / \ /_____ __|_ __/_____
_\ / /_ \ / / _ \ /____ /
/_____\______\ /_____ /______\_____\ / /_
- ---·--ø----(______\------------/__________\----------------- -»
\ __/____ ·Royal!·
.__\___ __\ /.______ --------
__|_ / \ \ /_|_ _/____
_\ / /_ _\ ___\ _ \ /__
/___\____\ /____\/____\___\ / /_
\/ Royal presents today:
German & french docs to Codename fotzie
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .o2 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Abuse. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
/ø \ |_______ -Mo!/aL-
» Abuse serves « // \ __ /_ _____ _______________.
- ------------ - / \ \ \ / \ \ _|____
_ / /_________\ \ \ \ _\ / _
«-\- -------------(//___________\-------/___________/______/___________\\)-»
__ ____. _ ___ __
__\_ \ |____ / /_______ Abuse!
\ _ \ / / / _/__ presents
/___/__\ \ /______\ \ _\ /
Completre guide and informations to
Codename fotzie [(c) '97 - PP Development]
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .o3 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Hellfire | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
-Mo!/aL- /_
. - Hellfire released today: - _ __________ /
_____| //
| |_______ _______ ___________ ._____ ·ø
| | __ /____ \ /___ _____ \ __/____|_ \ ______ /
| _| \ / _/__\ / / /__\ _/__\ / / _/___ /
|____\_____\ _\ /________\ / /_____\ /____\_____\ _\ //
«- -|----/_________\-------/________\----/____\---------/_________\--»
.___ _____ Mo! _______ ._____
____| __|__.\ /_____\ _/__|_ /___.
\ | \ _|_\ / \ /_\ _/_\ / /_ _|__
\ | \ _\ /____\ / /__\ /__\___\ _\ /
-/__|_ /______\---/_____\-/__\------/_____\-
+45 trainer for Codename fotzie
[includes birdhouse projects condomefix]
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .o4 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Lightforce. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
_______ _______. _______| __|______
\ /___ __\ _|_\ __ | \ _/
_\ / /__\/_\ \ \ / | \ | - Lightforce -
(//________\ /____/___/_____|____/_____| _ /
«- --/____\--------------------------------------------------//-- -»
__ _________ / ·/
\\/ // ø
____\_____ / _______ _____. -Mo!/aL- /
\ _/ /.____\ / _|___ /
\ _/ _/_|_ \ \_. _\ / _ /
/_____\ _\ / /______|________\\) /
«- --------·- /____\_____\--------------------/-- -»
__ _______ /
·Lightforce· ___. \\/ // Mo!/aL
_____ _ ___|__ |_ ____\_____ ·/_____
\ /_(_/ _ / | \_ _/ _/_\ / ___.
\ / / / / / | | / _/__\_ \ \_ _|_
/___\_\__ /___: |__\__\ \ / /___/ _\ /
«-------/___\---|___|----» \/__\___\ \____\
Codename fotzie was only a demoversion Haha!
this is the full release with all plug-in's
«-( Lucas )----------------------( o5/45 )-»
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .o5 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Shelter | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ __ ______________ _ - Shelter · Perfection of desire -
\ -Mo!/aL- ._____ _______ ._____
_____________| _|_____. \ /_ _________ ___. ____|_ \
\ \ | \ _|__\ / \ _/ _|__\ / /_
_\ \ | \ _\ /________\ | _\ /____\_____\
«-\- ---/______/_____|_____/_________\-------/_____|_________\----------- -»
-Mo!/aL- ____ .Shelter!.
______ __| __|___ _____|_ ______
\ / | \ _/_____\ _/___ _\_ /
_\ \ | \ _\ \ /_\ | _/_\ / /_
/____/___|___/_____\ / /___| _\ /__\___\
Shelter releases: Codename fotzie! [1/7]
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .o6 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Birdhouse. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
\ ___________ __
_____. \\ \//
\ |_____ .______ .____ /
\ /_ ___|_ / ____ ______| | /
\ \ _(_)_\ / /_ \ | | ___ ____ ___ ______.
/______\ /___\____\ \ \ | | \ \ \/ \ _|__
/____\ /_______/____|____| \ \ \ \ _\ /_
__ _________ · /_______/_____/_______\
\\/ // \/
___ .__\_ / -Mo!/aL-
_/ \ __|_ \ /______ ___________ _______
/ / \ / /_ _/_\ __ /__. \ \ /
/ ___/___\____\ _\ \\ / _|__\ \_. \ \ Birdhouse
\____\ \ /______\ _\ /______|_________/ Projects!
«- --\/-------/________\----------------------------- -/-»
__ ___ .__ __ _ ____
/ /_ __\_ \ __ __| _|_ / / //_ _/_
/ /_\ / /_ \ _|/ / / / /_\ /
Mo! / / / /__\__\ \ \\_\ / \___\ \___\
«- -- \___\__\ «---/___/_|_\_/---/___/-----.
Birdhouse projects presents you! |
------------------------------------ |
The condomefix for Codename fotzie |
[Shelter version - unpack to disk one] |
«- --'
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .o7 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Trsi | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
________ _______ _____________ / · .______ - --- -
\ _/ _ / _ \ _// __|_ / Tristar &
\ | / /_(_)_\ \ |/ _\ / /_ Red sector inc.
/____|___\____\ /_____/____/ /___\____\ - --------- -
/____\ _/ ________________
-Mo!/aL- \_______________) /
______. ______ _______ /
.___\ _|__ ______ ___________.\ / _/ /______
___|_ \ _\ / \ \ _|_\ \_. | _/ _ /
\ / /_______\ \ \ _\ \ _\ /_____|____| _\ / /_
«- --/___\____\------/_______/----/_____/_______\------------/___\____\-- -»
· ø
________ Mo! ______ _
Tristar & \_ /_____ / /_(_)_
Red sector inc. | _/_\_ \\ \ /_
|___\ / /_____/____\\)
+34 trainer for Codenam fotzie
only runable with Birdhouse condomefix
____. ___ _ ___ _. ___ ___ ___( Mo! )____.
\ |_ _ \(_)/ / |_\_ _\_ \\ |
\ _/ / /___\ \ _/ _ \ / /_ Trsi brings |
/__|__\__\ /___/__|__\_/_\__\ - ------- - |
Y |
.____ __________ |
_____ __ _| / ___ ___ ___ \_. __/__ |
_\_ / _/_ / / / _/_ / |_ _\_ //_|
\ / / _\ / / / _\ \ _\ / \ _/ \ / /_._
/_\______\___\ /___/____\______|\ /_\___:/
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .o8 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Nerve axis. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
\ _____________ __
\\ \//
\ /
\ __ ___________ _ ._______ ____\___ /
\\/ ____|_ __/____. ___\_ / ________
\ _\ / \ _|_ _\ / /_ \ _/___
\ -Mo!/aL- /____/_____\ _\ /____\_____\ \ _\ /_
/_________\ /_________\
________ _____ ____ __ «----\ -ø---- -»
____\_ __/__ / / _ / \\/ / \/
\ _ \ / /_(_)_\ \ ·Ner\/e axis·
/_____\___\ \_____\ /______/
«- ---/_____\----/___\--------------- -»
.____ Mo! __\_ / .____ ____ _____
__|_ /__.__\_ \ ____/_ |_ _\_/ / \ /
\ / / _|\ / /_\ _/_ _ \ \ /____\ \
/_/__\ _\ /__\___\ \ _\ /__\__\ \__\ /___/
The whole story about Tango/Style
and his gay friends in style and nerve axis!
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .o9 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Desaster | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
-Mo!/aL- .
________ _______. ___________:_ ._____
\ \ _|___ ___\ __ ._____ / _/____. ____|_ \
\ \ \ _\ // \\/__|_ _\ \ | _|__\ / /_
/________/_________\ \ _ /______/_____| _\ /____\_____\
«- --/______/_____\____\-----------:_________\---- -»
No profile - no godgiven style - Desaster : ·
. ......................ø
- Desaster - .
_____ _____. _______|_ ._____
\ \ _|_ ___ .__ / _/__. __|_ /
\ \ \ _\ / /_|_ _\ \ | _|_\ / /_
/_____/_____\ \ _ /____/___| _\ /__\___\
Mo!/aL «-/___/__\__\-------|_____\--- -»
Art!Order v6.66 - XIM & TIM version
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .1o .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | 5th dynasty. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
_____. _ ______________ /
/ _|_____ ____. //
_\____ __ /__|_ |______ ·/
\ / \ / _/ | / - 5th dynasty present you today - ø
_\ \ \ | : / /
/________/____|____|____\ _______ /\ /
_______ ___\ / .______/ \ ______ /
\ \ \ /_ _|_ / __________\__ /___
-Mo!/aL- \ \ \ ____\ / / \ _/ / /
/_______/____\ /___/____\ _\ \ |___ /
«-\- --------------------------- - /_____/____| /____\-»
__ __. -Mo!/aL-
\\/ _|_____ .___ __
_\_____ __ /_| \//
\ / \ / / 5th Dybasty presents
_\ \ \ / / - -------------- -
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .11 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Decision | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ __ _______________ _
\ - Decision serves you: -
\ \ __ __________ -Mo!/aL-
\ ________ _______. _ \\/ / .________
\\ \ _|___ ______ _(_)__ _____ \_ ____|_ /
\ \ \ _\ /_ / / /_(_)__ _\ / /
/_________/_________\ \_ ____\ \ / /____/______\
«- -------------------/______/----/______/_____\ --ø--------------- -»
_____ ______ Mo! _ - Decision - ______
\ \ _/_____(_)_ ___ _ ___ __\_ /
\ \ \ _\ \ / / /(_)_ \ / /_
/_____/_____\ \_ _\ \ / //_/___\\)
«- -----------/___/-/____/___\___/------- -»
MACTcp v6.66 update - lottsa changes
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .12 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Mystic. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
_ _____________________ /
-Mo!/aL- . //
________ _______ | ________ ·ø
\ / ___\ __/_________|_ _ \ / /
\ \ \ \ \ _/(_)_\ \_. ·· Mystic presents ·· /
/____\/___\ ___\ \ | /_______|
«- ----------/____)/_____/_____|_____\---------------------------------- -»
_____ __ __________ .m·y·s·t·i·C.
\ \/ /___ ________ _______
\ / Mo!/aL / /_\__ _/_\ /
/____\/_________ / / _|(_)\ \_
<---------------/____\ \__\ /_____/-->
/_____/ /_____\
Bigben o6o fixed!
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .13 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Lsd | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ __ ______________________________ _
-Mo!/aL- \\/
__ ____ \ .LSD proudly presents.
\\/ /____ ____\ __________ _. - -------------- -
._\ / // \\ \\|
|//__________\ \ \ \
«- -------------/_______/__________/------------------------------------ -»
_______ -Mo!/aL- .___ __
.LSD!. \\ /__ ______ _______| \//
provides \ / \ \ /
you with /__________\ \ / /
Complete Condome fotzie release [HD & AGA]
Trsi version still corrupt - Try this one
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .14 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Crux & bad karma. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
\ __ _______________ _
\\/ -Mo!/aL-
\ _______ _______ _ ____ ____
\ .Crux & Bad karma. \ / _\_ / \ \\ \ ____
- ------------ - \ \_ / /_\ \ \\ \/ /
\ /_____/__\____\/_______/____/ /_
_____. «- -----------------------\____\-- -»
\ |_____ ________ ____ ________ ________
\ / ____\ \ ____ / /__\_ / ____\ / ________
\ \ /__\_ \ \ \ \ / /_ _ /__\_ \ \ ___\_ /
/______\ _ /_______/ /___\____\ ___\___\ / /____\/___\ _ /
/____\___\ «- ---------------------/___\____\--------/____\___\- -»
______. -Mo!/aL-
_____\__ |_____ _____ Crux! &
\ / /__ / / Bad karma
\ \_ \ / / /_
«--/______/______\___\_____\--( o1/o6/66 )-»
Story of Condome fotzie by PP Development!
different to guide and informations
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .15 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .X!trek | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
__ _____ -Mo!/aL- _______.
. X!Trek . _____\// / _________ .____\ _|___ _____
- ------ - \ \/ /_ \ _/__|_ \ _\ /_____ / /
_\ \_____\ \ | / /_________\ / /_
«- -------------/_____/---------/_____|____\_____\--------/____\_____\--- -»
___ X!Treck '97 _____. -Mo!/aL-
___ / / _______ __\ _|__ ___
\ / /_ _ \ _/ \ _\ /___ / /
_\ \___\ \) \ | / /______\ / /_
«- -/___\-------/___|__\___\-----/__\___\--»
Codename fotzie is a fake - read all about
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .16 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Dual crew & shining. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
-Mo!/aL- ____
_______ ___ _____ ________ _______ _______ | | __ __
\ \ \ /__\_ __/___ \ / ____\ _/__| || \//
._\ \ \ \ _\ _ \ /__ \ \__\_ \ _\ /_ /\ /
|//_______/_____ /____\___\ / /_ /_____/ / /_______\____/\ __\
/______\ \___\____\ \/
____ ___ __ _______
.Dual crew. ___________| |_ ___\_ \// _ ___\_ __/____
and .Shining. \ | _(_)_\ / /_(_)_\ / \ _/____
_\ \ : \ /___/____\ /___/____\ \ /_.
«-\- -----------------/_____/____|__ /___\--------/____\--------/___/____\\|
__ ___ _______ Mo!/aL
Dual crew & \\/ \ /_______
Shining! presents ._\ \ \ \\ //)
|//_______/______\ \¯
«---( o1/o6/66 )-------------------/_____/-»
Condomefix fixed for MC060 (Birdhouse Suxx)
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .17 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Data devision | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ _________ _
\ · .Data devision. · ________ ________ ________
\ - --------------- - \ \ __\_ __/_____ _\_ /
\ ___________ __ ._\ \ \ _ \ _/ _ /
\\ \// |//_______/____\___\ |_____\___\
_______ _______\· ___/_ _ _____ ________ /____|
\ \ _/_\_ _ \ \_(_)_/ \ ___\_ /
\ \ \ _\ /_ _(_)_\ \ / \\\ / /_. -Mo!/aL-
/_______/________\ \ /_____/___\_______/___/_____\\|
«- -----------·-/___\------------------------------------------- -»
\ ø
.____\ ___________ -Mo!/aL-
____| / \\ /__ __ ___ ._____
\ __/__.\ DATA _ ø/ \\/__/ \__|_ /
\ \\ _|_\_ _\/_\ \ / \\ / /
/____\ _\ /_ \ /____/__\_____/_/___\
«------/______\\ /__\---------------------»
\/ Codename fotzie v1.2
NOTE: Includes only upgraded main archives
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .18 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Digital corruption. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
\ __ ____________ _
\\/ _______ _ ________ -Mo!/aL- ______
\ .Digital \ \_(_)_/ _ __ / ________ ____\ /__
\ corruption. \ \ \ / / \ / \ _/_\_ \ / /_
\ ________ __ /______/___\___ /_____\ | _ /______\
\\ \// /____\ /____|____\___\
____\__ / _____ ___ ________ ___________ _______
\ / /____ ___\_ \ ____ ____/ \ _/_\ _/_\_ /
\ \_. _/_\_ \ / /_ / / / \ | \ \ _\ / /
/______| \ / /___\____\ / / ___/____|____\_____/___/____\
«----\//____\____\-----/________\_____\-------------- -»
____ .Digital corruption.
___/_ \ _____ _ ______ ____ _____
\ / //_/_ /___ __/ \ _/_/_ \_\_ /
\ \__/ // // / / / \ | / // / /
/___/ / /_\__\ / / __/__|___\__/__/__\
This is the 101% version of Codename fotzie
you don't need any fix or update
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .19 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Broken | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
_ _________________ __ ·
-Mo!/aL- \ _________ __ \//
______. \\ \// - B.r.o.k.e.n - ø
\ |______ ____\___ / ________ /
\ /__\_ / / ___\__ _/___ _____ __ ·/
\ / / / /_ _/__ / / _\ /_____\_ \/// /
/________\____\_____\ _\ / /_________\ / /·
«- -------------· /____\_____\--------/____/______\------------- -»
_____________ /
_____. \ // ·Broken presents·
\ |___ _\___ Mo! ·/ _____.
\ / / ø _\__ _|__ ._____
\ \ / / /_ _/_ / /_\ /__|_ /
/____\__\___\ _\ / /______\ / /_.
- ------------· /___\____\-----/_/___\\|-»
Devious tools to Codename fotzie (v1.0)
«---------------------------------------- -
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .2o .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Saints. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
_______________ _
\\ -Mo!/aL-
\· _____ __ _________ ________
\ . SaintS . / \\/__\_ / _ _____\_ ._ /__ _____ __
\ - ------ - _\ \ _ /_(_)_\ / _| / / \\/
/______/_____\____\ /____/__\_ _\ \
«- ---\-------------------------------------/_____\--------|____ /______/--»
______ .______ ._____ ______
\ /_|_ / __|_ __/__\ /
_\ \ _ _/___\ / \ _\ \ Saints
/____/___\_\ /__/___\ |____/ presents
<-- Mo!-/___\------/___|-------------/->
Screenshots to Codename fotzie (PP Devel.)
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .21 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Strictly ultimate | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ __ __________ _
\ _______________ __ _________ _______
\ Strictly \ _/______\//\____\__ _/_____ \ /____
ultimate _\ \ _|_\_ \// \ / |/ /___\ / /
\ /______/____\ / /____\ \_ __| / /____ /
/____\_____\ /_____/ /__________\ (_____\
_____ ____ _________ __ .________
/ / __ /___ \ _//\\/ ___ __ ____|_ __/______ ___.
/ / \ / /__\ |/ \\ \/ \ _ \ _/ _|___ -Mo!/aL-
\________\ / /_____/____\ \ /_____\____\ | _\ /_
«- --/________\---------/_____\/_____\--------/_____|_________\---- -»
__ ____ Mo! _________
\\/ /______\ ___ _/ Strictly ultimate
_\ \/ / \ / | denerved today:
/______/ / /___|
«-------\_________\--------( o1/o6/66 )----»
Codename fotzie - Walkthrough [German]
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .22 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Mono. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
__ ________ / \ ________ __
-Mo!/aL- \\/ // \\ \//
.Mono provides you. _______ __ __\ __ / _____\____ /
- --------------------- - \ \/ \ / _/___(_ / /
\ \ /_ _\ / / /
/______\/______\ /_____/_______\ /
«- --------------------------------------------\//---------------\\/----- -»
/ \
__ ________ ________ __ /
-Mo!/aL- \\/ / \ \//
_____ __ \ __ /___\____ / Mono
\ \/ \ / _/_(_ / / presents
\ \ /_ _\ / / / - --------
«--/____\/____\ /___/_____\ -ø-------- -/-»
\/ \/
All modules of Codename fotzie
«-\- --------------------------------------»
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .23 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Wanted team | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
____ . .______
______ | | ._______ ______|_ ____| / _ _________ __ /
\ || _|_|_ / .___\ __ _/___.\ / \//
\ /\ \ _ /___|_ \ / | _|_\ / / /
/__ /\___/____\___\ / /____| _\ /______\ -Mo!/aL- ø
<- --\/--------------/___/_____\---|_______\-> . ._______ /
| ______|_ ___. ___|_ /____ ____
\ _/ _|_\ _ / / /
.: The wanted team is back with :. \ | _\ /____\___\ / /
<- ---------------------------------------/____|________\-----/_____\/____\->
Mo!/aL _____ - Wanted team -
_____ | _/_____ _______ ________ __
\ || __\_ /___\__ _/___\ \\/
__\ /\ \ _ _/_\_ / | _/_\ \ \
\//_ /\_/___\_\ / /___| _\ /_______/
Codename fotzie 100% final version [POL]
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .24 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Panzerknacker. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
________ .________ -Mo!/aL- _______. _ _____ __ /
_/ __/_|_ / ._______ __\ _|___ ._____ _. \//
/ / \ _ _/__|_ / \ _\ /____|_ \\| .Panzer ø
/ ___/_____\___\ / / /_________\ / /_ knacker /
\_____\ /___/_____\______\ /____\_____\ /
_____ .________ _____ ._____ /·
_____ / / ._______ _|_ __/_____ ___ / / ____. ____|_ //
._\ / /____|_ / _ \ / / /_ _|__\ / ·/_
|//____\_____\ / /_____\____\ \_ __\_____\ _\ /____\_____\
«- ------/___/_____\----------/______/---------/_________\---- -»
Panzerknacker ________ Mo!/aL _____
brings you: _/ __/___ ____/ /
/ / \ \ / / _.
/ ___/ /___\_____\\|
«-( o1/o6/66 )-\_____\--\______\-----------»
Help text on how to install Codename fotzie!
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .25 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Drifters | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
- D.r.i.f.t.e.r.s - | \ ______ _
________ ._______ __ ______ | -Mo!/aL- ._______ \\
\ \ ___|_ / _ \\/ _/___|_ ___. ____|_ /___\ _
_\ \ \ / /__(_)_\ _/ _/ _|__\ / // \\)
(// ______/____\_____\ /_____\ | _\ /____\_____\ \
«-/-------------------/_____\-----/_____|_________\--------/______/--- -»
______ ____ _______ . Mo! ____
\ \_\_ \ _\ _/_|_ __ __\_ \ ____
\ \ \ / /_(_)\ _/ _/ _/_\ / // /
/_____/_\___\ /__| | _\ /__\___\ \
Southern palace got Troopic ascii world hq
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .26 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Looker house. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
\ _________ __
\ __ \\ ______ \//
\\/ \ / / ________. ·
________ \ \ / ø __\ __ _|____ .________ /_
\ /__\_ \ / /___ / \ / _\ /_____|_ / _ _________ __ /
\ / /_ \ / / /__ ________\ / /_ \//
/__________\ \ /_____\______\ /_____\______\ ø
\ / \/ __________ __ /
\/ ______ \ \// -Mo!/aL-
| |___\____ / ______ ________ /
.Looker house. | | / /_____ ___\ \ _/____
| : / / / _\ \ _\ /_
|______|______\ / / /_______/___________\
«- --------------------------·- /\___________\------------ -»
o1/o6/66 ______ Mo! ______ _
«- ----------- \ /___ --» _____ _\_ \\)
Lokker house \ / /____ / / / /_
presents you /_______\ / /____\____\
«- ---------------------/___\____\---- -»
Codename fotzie (+78 trained & HD) 1oo%
*Note* this is the russian version only
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .27 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Sunflex inc. | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
.S·u·n·f·l·e·x i·n·c. \ __________ _______. _____
__________ _____ .____\\__ __/__ \ _|_ _____ / /
Mo!/aL \ \ \ ___|_ \ / _/ /__\ _\ \ / /_
_\ \ \ \ / /____\ / /_________\ \_____\
«- ------/______/_________/___/______\----/________\-------/_____\------- -»
Sunflex inc. _________ _____. Mo! ____
_____ ___ ._\ __ __/__\ _|____ / /
\ \ \ _|_ \ / _/ /_\ _\ \ / /_
_\ \ \ \ / /__\ / /_____\ \____\
«-/___/_____/_/___\--/_______\---/____\-- -»
Codename fotzie suxx - und Mo! frißt scheiße
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .28 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Black sista. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
_ ________________________ /
- The black sista is back - //
_____. ·ø
\ |_____ ._______ ____ _____________ /
\ __ /__ ___|_ __/___ ___ / / _____ _ \ _/.___ __ /
\ \ \ / /_\ _ \ / / /_ \ \_(_)_\ \ |_|_ \//
/_____\ / /____\___\ \_.__\____\ _\ \ /_____/____| _ /
\ |___ ______ Mo! ___ _________
\ __/__ _\_ __/__ _/ /___ \ _/____
\ \\ /_\ _\ / / // //\\ \ |_ /
/___\ / /__\_\ \_\___\ \ /___/__| _ /
«- --/____\----/___/---/___/___\---/__\_\-»
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .29 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Crude | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
_ ____________ __ /
.______ -Mo!/aL- .________ ø
\ __ ____ ___|_ \ ___ _____ ______| _ /____. .Crude!. /
\\/ / / /_ \ \ \ / _|____ /
\ \_.___\______\ \ \ / \ _\ /_
«-/_______|----------/___________/_________ /___________\-------------- -/-»
_________ .______
______\ /_ ___ ____| _ / Mo!/aL
\ / / /_ \ \ \ ø _____
\ \_._\____\ \ \ / \ _\ /
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .3o .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Intellect. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
_ ______________
. - Intellect brings today - ·ø
-Mo!/aL- | /
_ _______|_ _______ _______. ________ /
__(_)__ .____\ _/____. \ /___ ____ \ _|_ ____\__ _/
\ /__|_ \ | _|__\ / /_ /__\ _\ \ / |
/_____\ / /_____| _\ /________\ / /_________\ \_ __|_
«- -----/___/_____\--» _|________\ «- --\________\--------/_____/---|--- -»
_ Mo! _____. _____ _____. _____.
_(_)_ __\ __ |_ _.\ /__ ___\ _|__\__ |_
\ /_\_ \ / _/ _|_\ / /_ /_\ _\ \ / _/
/___\ / /__| _\ /_____\ / /_____\ \__|
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .31 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Gods | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ __________ __
\\ \//
_________. \· / -Mo!/aL- ·the Gods presents·
\ _|___\_ ____/______ _________
_\ \ /_ \ \\ /
(//______/______\ \ \ \\ \
«- ----------·-- /__________/_______//)---------------------- -»
\\/ ¯
._ __
__ __. -Mo!/aL- _____| \//
the Gods \\/ _|___ ______\ /__ __
are back \ \ /_ \ \ / \\/
to present /___/____\ / /______\ \
<- ------------------/______/------/_____/->
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .32 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Purple turtle. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
\ __ _______ _ ____ ____ _____ __ ._____ ____ _______
\\/ _/ \ \ \\/ _|_ \ _/ \ /___ _____.
\ / / \ \ \ / // / \ / /_ _|___
\ -Mo!/aL- / ____/_________/____\_____\ ____/________\ _\ /_
\ \_____\ \_____\ /_________\
_________ ____ ____ _________ _______.
\ _/ / /.____\ _/_____ \ _|___ The purple turtle!
\ | / __/_|_ \ |/ /__\ _\ /_ · is back with ·
/_____|_______\ / /_____| / /_________\
«- --------/____\_____\---/__________\----------------------------- -/-»
_________ __________
Purple \ \ _/_____ Mo!/aL
turtlE \ / \ |/ /____
/ _____/______/ / /_
«- -----/_____\- Brings -/___________\--- -»
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .33 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Impulse | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ __ _______________ _
\\/ . I · m · p · u · l · s · e .
\ _ ___
\ _ _____ ____ ____ _______ -Mo!/aL- /
\ _(_)_________ _/ \ \ \ /___ ___ _______. ø
_\\ \ / / / \ \ \ / // \ _|___ /
/______\ \ / ____/_________/______ _\ \ _\ //
«-\- -----------/_____\/___\______\---------------------/______/_________\-»
Impulse! __ __ __ _____
/\_______ _/ \ \ \ /__ _ _____.
ø \\ / / / \ \ \ / // \ _|__
/____\ \ / ___/_____/_____\ \ _\ /_
«- -/___\/_\____\-Mo! ------> /____/______\
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .34 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Jormas. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
__ _________ / - da Jormas presents you today -
\\/ //
-Mo!/aL- ____\___ / _______ __ ______\ __
____\ / / ______\ _ \/ _______\ \\/
_\ \ / _/__\_ / \ _ ____\_ _\ \
/__________\\ _\ / /______\/___\ _ /_______/
«- -----------------·- /_____\______\---------/______\_____\------------- -»
__ _________ /
Mo! \\/ // -da Jormas presents-
__\___ / _______ ______
__\ / /__\ / _____\ /
_\ \ / _/ _ \ \ __\_ _\ \
/______\\ _\ / /___\/_\ _ /____/
<-----------·- /___\___\-----/___\___\----->
All modules of Codename fotzie in 1oo% gaba
All work done by Ekfksaamnvnbeiwjd
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .35 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Nuance | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ __ _______________ _
\ /\
._______ ____ ____/ \ ._______ _______.
·Nuance brings· ____|_ / / / \\____|_ __/_\__ _|___
_\ / / / / _\ / \ / _\ /_
\ /____/_____\_________\ /____/_____\ \_.______\
«- --------------( Mo!/aL )-/ \-------/______|-------- -»
Mo! ._____ __ __//\ ._____ _____.
__|_ / / /ø \__|_ __/_\_ _|__
_\ / / / // _\ / \ / _\ /_
/__/___\_____\ /__/___\ \_ ____\
«-( Nuance )-/_________\---/____/------- -»
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .36 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Darkage. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
_ __________ __ /
· Darkage presents you: · \//
_________ _________ _____ Mo!/aL _______ /
\ \ ___\_ /_____ _____ / / _____\ _//_ ________
\ \ \ _ __/_\_ \ / /____\_ \ \ \ _/___
/________/_____\__\ / /____\_____\ _ /____/_____\ _\ /_
«- ------------/____\_____\---------/_____\____\---- -» /_________\
______ _______ Mo! ___ _________
\ \_\_ _/__ __/ /____\ __/___
\ \ \ _ _\_ \ / /_\_ _\ / \ _/__
/_____/__\_\ / /_\___\ _ /___ /\ _\ /
<- Darkage -/_\___\----/__\__\(___\/_____\->
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .37 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Intense | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
\ __ _____________ _
\\/ - I.n.t.e.n.s.e -
· ._______ ._______
\ _ ____|_ __/______ ___. ____|_ __/___ __ ___.
_(_)_\ / \ _/ _|___\ / \ \\/ _|___ -Mo!/aL-
\ /____/_____\ | _\ /____/_____\ \ _\ /_
«- -\----/___\----------/_____|_________\--------/______/_________\----/- -»
Mo!/aL ______ ______
_ __\_ __/____ __ __\_ __/_ __ __
_(_)_\ / \ _/ _/ _\ / \ \\/ _/__
\ /__/___\ | _\ /__/___\ \ _\ /
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .38 .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Outlaws. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
_ ________________________ ·
__ _________ / //
\\/ // ·the Outlaws present· ø
\ ·/ .________ ______ / __
\ ___ /____ _________ ____ ____|_ __/____ | //___ _)/
-Mo!/aL- \ \ / \ \ _/ /__\ _ \ || / \\/
\ \ \ \ | / /_____\__ _\ /\ _\ \
«- -----·- /_________/_____|_________\--------/____ /\___ /______/--- -»
\/ \/
\ _______ __
\\ \// -Mo!/aL- .______ _____
\· __ ___ _________ __|_ ___/_ | __/___
\ \ \ \ _ /_\ _\ || \ /
\ \ \ \ | / /___\_\ /\ _\ \
\ /_____/___|______\ /_ /\__/____/
«- -\/--(The outlaws brings)--\/--- -»
Codename fotzie [DD Door] v1.3425ß
Great clone of the porno-puzzle for DD
«- -------------------------------------- -»
._ ________ _ ___. __.
_|_)_\ (_ ________ _: ______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___.
| .38 /_(_| ___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_
| . \ / _/ / / | / | / | _| /
._ __ .Skintrade | / /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\
|_) /_______ _ __ _._ /____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- -
: (_ _______\ (_| ·%] The taste of taboo [%·
_ ___________________ __ /
·Skintrade denerved today for your pleasure· /
_____ __ ____ .______ ________ -Mo!/aL- /
\ \\/__ / / _ ___|_ __/_____ ____ ___\_ __/____ ______ /
_\ \ / /_(_)_\ / \ _/_\_ \ _ \ \ _/__
/_____/___\____\ /___/____\ | / /____\___\ \ \ _\ /_
«-\- ---------------/___\--------/____|___\____\-------/_______/_______\--»
_____ ___ Mo!._____ Skintrade! '97
\ /__/ / __|_ __/_______/\_____ _____.
_\ \ / /___\ / \ _ / \ \ _|__
/___/_\___\ /_/___\ | / /_ __\ \ \ _\ /
«- -------\/------/__|_\__(-» /_____/_____\
___. __. _ ________ _.
______ ______ ____| | ___ / |_ ___. :_ ________ _) /_(_|_
___\_ /_\_ /_/ __|_ |(___) _/ _|_ |_)_\ .4o .
\ / _/ / / | / | / | _| / . |
/ /___/__\_____\______\__|___\____|______\ | Delight. __ _.
/____\÷e÷ - ---------------------------- - _._ __ _ _______\ (_|
·%] The taste of taboo [%· |_) /_______ _) :
_\ .
\ __ __________ _ - D·e·l·i·g·h·t - | -Mo!/aL-
\\/ |_____
\ _______ ________. _______: _|_______
\ _______ _______. \ /___ _ \ _|___\ | \_ /
\\ \ _|__\ / /__(_)_\ \ _\ |_ | /
\ \ \ _\ /________\ /_____/___ /_______/____|_____\
«- ---/________/_________\-------/_____\----------------·|·------------ -/-»
- D·e·l·i·g·h·t - __. -Mo!/aL-
_____ _______ / |_________
_____ ______\ /__ _ \ _ // | \ _/
\ \ _/_\ / /_(_)_\ / / : \ |
\ \ \ _\ /_____\ /__ /_____| /____|
/_____/______\ «- -\\/-/___\-----|___|----»
Codename fotzie +12 trained [Shelter ver.]
...... :..:
: :.... ..... ...... ....... ...... ......
: .. : .. : .:.. : .:.. : .:. : .:.. : .: ·
.: : .: .: : .: : .: .: .·..... .: : /_
: : : : .: : .: : .: : : : : _ ________ __ /
:........ :... :....... :........ :........ :........ :.....: \//
Ascii work, concept & idea \ Mogue! of Arclite /
First mogue! logo \ Danzig of Arclite /
Second mogue! logo \ Stylez of Contra! /
Divider & description \ Exocet of Arclite
Audio entertainment by
- ---------------- -
Soul searching sun \ Life of agony
Awake \ Crematory
Good god [By Korn] \ Remixes by Rammstein, Such a surge & OOMPH, FAB
Runnerboy, Biggest & best \ Clawfinger
Call our headquarters
- --------------- -
Death row [Shadower] 8 nodes - Arclite world headquarter
Straight Hate [Deskline & Mogue!] 1o nodes - Arclite euro! headquarter
Exocet - Karma - Danzig - Mogue! - U-Man - H2o! - Mark ryder
/ (· The real gods of ascii-art entertainment ·)
/ ...... ......
/ ....:. .:.... ...... : :.... ...... ...... ......
/ : .: :. : .:. : .. : .:. : .:.. : .:
ø -Mo!/aL- .: : : .: .: .: : .: .: .·..... .: :
/ : : : : .: : : : .: : : : :
//\ :.....:....: :....... :........ :....... :........ :.....:
/_¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ :....:
| |
| Finally you've reached |
| the end of another |
| Mogue! \ Arclite |
| production in 1997 |
_ __________ _ ___ : ______ _______ ____ : ______ __________ _
\\\______ (_._)\/ \__) _ \__) _ /._) /___._) ___/ _) ______///
\___ /| \/ | \ | _/__/_| / | _/___.\ ___/
/ / |__/ sYz __ \ __ \ __ / __ \ | \ \
\/ /______| \______| \______| \______| \______| \/
: :
|- ---------------------- -|
| |
| ___ _ ______|_
______| ___________| | __ / |______
_\__ |_\_ / _|__ |_|__\/ _/ __|_
/ . | / / | / | // | _| /
\_______|__\ \_______\_____\\____|_______\
- ------÷e÷\____/----------------------- -
- Biggest & the best
Ascii's for the groups of today!
- --» Mogue! «------------» 14/o9/97 «-- -
: :
|- ---------------------- -|
| See you elsewhere! |
: :
___ _ ______|_
______ ___________| | __ / |______
_\__ |_\_ / _|__ |_|__\/ _/ __|_
/ . | / / | / | // | _| /
\_______|__\ \_______\_____\\____|_______\
- ------÷e÷\____/----------------------- -
- Biggest & the best
Ascii's for the groups of today!
- --» Mogue! «------------» 14/o9/97 «-- -
[-\- ----------------------» Biggest & the best «---------------------- -/-]