[SOF]..ne7.presents.a.little.bit.of.ascii.4.xmas.-.-.-.-..who needs winter...?
______ summer summer... _____
_____\____ ___ ___ ________ ____ _______ _____\_ \________ ________________
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ __ \ __ \ ___\____\ \ \ __
_______ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _____\_ ___\_ \ \ \ \ \ __
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
___________\ _____\ \__\___\ \__\___\________\_\_____\______\___\__\__\___\___
_ _______ _ ___ \___\ \___\ __________ summertime
\\______\\\\ \_____ \ ______ \___
\________\\\ ___ \ _\ \ ___\ \______
\_____\ \ time to sit back and... \___\________ __
______________________\ _______ _____ \ \ \
\ ________ __ __ _______ __ _____ _\ _____\ __ ________ _____\ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \__/ \ \___\
\ \__________\______\___\_____\_____\ _____\ ______\___\___________\ \
_____\ unwind \__
) ) ) ) ) Here it is ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( ( the groove ( ( ( ( (
__) __) __) __) __) slightly __) __) __) __) __)
( ( ( ( ( transformed ( ( ( ( (
) ) ) ) ) just a bit of a ) ) ) ) )
(___(___(__ (_______ break from the norm (___(___(__ (_______
) ) ) ) just a little __ ) ) ) )
(_ ( ( ( ( somethin' to break ( ( ( ( (
(_ ) _) _) _) _) the monotony ____) _) _) _) _)
___) __ ( ( ( ( of all that... ( _ ( ( ( (
__) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
( (_____
_______ _______ _________ ____| /______ _________ ________________
\ |_____( (_\ /_\ | __/) /_( /_ /) /_
\_ | _/ __ \_ __ | |_ \_ _ \_ __ _/ __ \ __ _/
| | | |/ | |/ __| |/ | |____/| |/ | |/ __/ |/ _|_
| _ | |_ | |__ \ | | |/ \| | | |__ | |_/ |
/____| \___|/ /____|/ \___ _\_ _\ __|___|/ \ |/ _
|_____\ /______\ /______\ /____\ /______//________) /______\_____/
hardcore dance
___________|\ ...that has gotten to be, /
\ a little bit out of control \ _____/|_____________
___________ /____|\ it's cool to dance \| /
|/ \ but what about the groove /|_______\ ______________
__________________ / that soothes that moves... / \|
|/ \ ________________________
______________ <3 \|
\__ __ /_________ _______ ______<3__ __________ ___________________
/ /____/__ __ /----/ // __ / _ / / / ________/
/ / / \/ / / / / / \/ / / / / ______/ /____/__
/_____/ /______/__/ /___/______/___/___/ /________/__________/
/_________/ /_____/ /______/romance
<3 .
give me a soft subtle mix <3
. and if ain't broke then
+ don't try to fix it *
. and think of the summers
. of the past adjust .
* + the base and let the... * +
. +
____________ _____ ____________ _____ ____________ ____________ .
\ __ \ \_____\ __ \_____\ \ \ __ \
\ \/ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ _ \ \ \/____/_ + *
\ \ \ \ \ \_____\ \ \ \ \ \
\_____\ \___________\_____\ \_____\____\_______\____________\
/__________\ .
a l p i n e b l a s t ! + __ .
* . __________ ______ + __________ _________ ______ . _\/_
__ \ __ \\ \____\ __ \\ \\ \____ \\//
_\/_ \ \/___\_ \ \ \_\ \ ______\\_ \ \/ *
\\// \ \ __ \ \ \ \ \_______ \ \
. \/ \ \__\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ____\
__ __ \___________\_________\_____\____\__________\_____\ __
\/ \/ __ _\/_
__ pop in my CD and let _\/_ \\//
__ _\/_ me run a rhyme * \\// \/
. _\/_ + \\// and put your car on cruise __ \/ __
\\// \/ and lay back cause this is \/ _\/_
\/ __ * summertime \\// __
__ \/ __ summer summer summertime, __ \/ * \/
\/ \/ time to sit back and unwind! \/
. _\________ _\________ _\________ _\________ _\________ _\_____
|\\ | |\\ | |\\ | |\\ | |\\ | |\\ |
---\_ |--\_ | |--\_ |--\_ | |--\_ | |--\_ |--------
| ____|__| |____|__| _|__| | |__| | |__| |_____
| "|| | "|| "|| | "|| | "|| | "|
| :|| | .|| .|| | || | :|| | .|
_|_____ || | :|| _ || | :|| | .|| | :|
| |__ .||__ | || | :||__ | ||__ | ||__ | .|
| | | | : .|| | | | : .| | : .| | : |
--| : _/--| . _/| | _/--| . _/--| . _/--| . _/---
|_____._\ __| |_____\ _||_____| | |____\\__| |____\\__| |____\\__|
\\ \\ |____| \ \ \school
. . :
+ + ______ _____ ____ . + __/\__ ...is out and it's
. ___ _______( (__________)__ \ .. / a sort of a buzz
- (______ . ___ _ ____ ) ----- .---/_--_\ back then I didn't
--- - _______) ) - ( -- _____) --- \/really know what it was
/\ (_______ _____________ -(_____ ______ - but now I see what I
__/ \____ + (______) have of this
/ --------------________ ____ _____ - - the way that people
|| / . (_______ --- --- ----- - ______ + respond to summer...
\__/ \ (_______________________) .
__ ____\_ + _____ . + __________
\ / /____ _______________/ /______ __________/ /_________
/ / / ______ / __/ / /--/ ____ / _____// ____/__
/ / / / / _ / / / _ / / / / /___/ /________ /________ /
/ / / / /__/ / / \_/ / / / /______/ _/ / / /
/___/____/_/ /_/_________/___/-----/__________/__________/ __/ /
/________/madness . /__________/
* * __/\__
. + __/\__ . \ / * __/\__
/\ \ / /_ _\ /\ \ / . *
_____/ \ /_ _\ the weather is hot \/ / \ /_ _\
\ \_____ * \/ and girls are ____/ \____\/ /\ .
\ / /\ dressing less \ /___/ \___
. \ / __/ \___ and checking out __/\__\ / \ /
\ / \ / the bitfellas to \ / \ / \ /
/ \ . \ / tell 'em who's... /_ _\ / \ / \
+ / \ / \ \/ / \ /__ __\
/_____ _ \ /___ __\ * /____ __\ \ /
________\ __/ \/ /\ . /\ _\ __ /______ \/
\ \ /______ _________/ \_______________/ \_______\ \ / /
_\ /| \___ __/\__ /__ ___ /_\_\/ __/_____
| | |__ \ _|______/_|_ \_________/_|____ _______/___
| | _/\__ / \/| / / | /
| | \ _| _/ | _/ _/ | /
|__ | \/ __\ _ | __\____________ __\__ | __\
/_ | _\ /_ | _\ /_ _/ _\ /_ | _\
|______ | _____| |_____ | _____| |______ ___| |______ | ____|
\ !/ \ !/ \ / \ !/best
\/ \/ \/ \/
::: ::::::::::::::::::::
::: riding around ::: :::
::: in your jeep ::: :::
::: ::::::::::: or your benzos ::::: ::: ::::::::::::::::
::: ::: ::: or in your Nissan :::
::: ::: ::: sitting on... :::
::::: ::: ::::::: ::: ::::::::::::
::: __________________________ ::: :::
__________________\ \ _________ :::
_______\ \\ \\ \ ________
____ \\ ________ _______\\_______ ______ _ _______\\________\\______ \__
\ \__\\\ \\ _ \\\ _ \ \ \ \\_____ \\\ \\ ___\_ \
\ \ \ \\ \ \\ _ _\_\ ___\_\ \ \\ ____\_\ \ \\_____ \ \
\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \
\ \_______\\_______\\___\___\\_______\\__\____\\_______\\_______\\_______\
\_________ \\ \\_________
\_________\\ \\ \lorenzo's
::: \_________________________\\ \
::: ::: \________________\
::: ... ...
::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::
::: ... back in Philly ::: :::
::: ::: we be out in the park, :::::::::::::::::::::::
::: ::: a place called the ...
:::::::: plateau is where... :::
______ ::::::::::::
______ ____ ______ ______ ___ _____ __\_ _/ _____
_\ /_ __ / /__\ _/____| _/ _|_ \ _ /_\ _| |__| _/
\ __/ |/ /__/ ! \ | | | | | | | | | | e v e r y
_ | ___/ | / ___/ ___/___ | | | | | | |___ |______ __ ____
///| | \\ | / ! _\__\ \\ ! _|_ ! _|_ ! _|_ ! __| ! | // // /
//_|_ ! _\\ //______\ /____\\___\ /____\ /___\ /___\\______|____//_//___/
/______\ \/
b o d y
. O .
o goes guys out hunting and . o
. o girls doing likewise .
O . honking at the honey O
O o in front of you with the... . o .
. . o
____ __ ___ ___ _________
o / / (__)_______ / /__/ _/_ / _____/________________
/ /__/ / _____/_ _ / ___/ / ____/_ / / ___ / ____/_ light
. / / / / /___ __/ / / /____ / / // / /____/_____ / eyes
/______/__/_____ /__/__/_______/ /_______/__/ /_______/______/ ----
/___/ /________/
. .
she turns around to see + :::::
. . + . what you beeping at `:::'
::::: it's like the summers . :
`:::' . a natural...
: . . + . .
. . + ::::: :::::
::::: `:::' . `:::' +
. `:::' : :
__________ : ______ ________ ________
| ____ |______________ ____________| |____| |_____________| |
| |/| | ___|___ \| ___ | ___ |____| _____|____| ____ | |____|
| | | | \|___/| \| | |/| | \______ | | |/| | | |
|____|___| __|___| ~|______| | __|____|_______| |___|____|______|
|___| |_____| |_____| |____| afrodisiac
+ . .
+ . . :::::
. + ::::: `:::'
`:::' . . . . :
. . : + ::::: +
::::: `:::' .
`:::' . :
: . .
. :::::
+ . + . `:::' .
o .
and with a pen and pad
. o I compose this rhyme o .
to hit you and get you...
o . o
________ o
| | e q u i p p e d _______
_| _____|______ ____ _____ _____ ______ \ _/
------------| |_\ / __| |___\ /_\ /_\ /__\__ |----------------
____________| | _ | | |__| ___| ___| ____/___/ |________________
------------| ___|_ \| | | | | |/ | |/ | / | | |----------------
|_ | \ | | | | / | / | _/__ |_| |
-------------|_ _|____\ |_ _| | /___| /___|_ _|__/ _|----------------
/____\ | |/___\/__| | | | /___\ /____\
|___| |___| |___| /\
|||| / \
|||| /_ _\
/\ /\ ||| /\ ||
/ \ / \ for the summer time | / \ ||
/ \ /_ _\ summer summer summertime, / \ ||
/ \ || time to sit back and unwind / \ ||
/__ __\ || it's late in the day and /__ __\ ||
|||| || I ain't been on the court yet |||| ||
|||| || hustle to the mall |||| ||
|||| || to get me a... ||| |||| ||
|||| || |||| |||| ||
|||| _____ | |||| |||| ______
________ / /_____________________ ______ || ________ _________ / /
/ ___//_ / / _ / __ /_/ _/_ / ___//_ ____/_/ _/_
/______ / / / / / __/_ ___/_/______ / /____/_ ___/
/ _/ /__/ /________/____/ \/_ / / _/ /_______\/ /
/_________/ /____/ /_____\/________/_________/ /_____/ .
. |||| __/\__
+ * yeah I got on sneaks ||| . . \ / .
__/\__ . + but I need a new pair || * /_ _\
\ / cause basketball courts || \/ .
/_ _\ in the summer got... ||| .
\/ . * _||||_ + __/\__
. ________ \ / . \ /
__________( ____ _) ________ \ / ____ + /_ _\
+ . / ___________(____) | | \/________ /___________\/___
_____________/ / _______/_ |________ |____/ ____/___ ______________
____________ / / / | -__/ | /_______ / /
/ /_______ /|____| | \ | _/ / /
__ /_______ /____/ _ /______| \_______| / /
\/ /________/ /_______\ / /_________/ / ____
/_____________/ \ /
__ __\/__
_\/_ __ there the temperature's about 88 \ /
\ / \/ hop in the water plug \ /
___\/___ just for.. \/
\ / ____
\ / _________________ _________ _________ \ /
\ / \_ _ _/ \_ |________ ________| _/ _\/_
\/ | | | | | _/ \_ | | \ /
| | | | | | | | | \/
| | | | | | | | | o
| | | | | | | | | l
__ | | | | | | | | | d -> t
__\/__ | | | | | | | __| | i
\ / __ | | | | | | | \ | | m
\ / \/ | | | | | | | \| | e
\/ /_______________\ /_______________\ /_______\_______\ s
\ _/\_ _/\_ _ _ _/\_ ____ _/\ ________/
\_______ | | | | | | | | | / | _\_______ |
| | | | | | | | | |_/ |_\_ _/ |
| | | | | | | | | |\______/ | | |
| | | | | | | | | / | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |_____| | | | | | | |
/_______\/_______\/______| |______\/______________\/______________\
. . . \n/
take a break to ya crib ___ ((o))
. \n/ change your clothes once more ) ( /u\ . )n(
)n( (_O_) cause you're invited to a ( O ) | ( O )
(_O_) /U\ . bbq that's starting at 4 . )_( \|/ )u(
. )u( | sitting with your friends | |
| \|/ cause y'all... . | . \|/
\|/ . \|/
______________________ ____ ____ _____ ___ ____ ___________________________
| | \| |____| \| |____| /| | |
__ | ___ | _ | _ | | | | | __/_| |____| ___ |
|/___| |/___| | | | | | | | |_____ | |/ | |/___|
\ \ | \ | | | | | | | \| | | | \
____\_____\________\_|___|__\____|___|\ |____|________|________|__________
( )
) /\ r e m i n i s c e ) (
( /__\ about the days growing up ( )
) and the first person you ) (
/\ ( )
/__\ /\ (
__/\__ /__\ /\
____________ \ / /__\
| |____________/_ _\_ _________________ __________________
| | / \/ | ___________/_\ ___________/__
| | / | _\ |
| | / | | |
| | / |______________ |______________ |
| /| | _/ | _/ |k
| ______/ | | | | | |i
| | \| | | | | |s
_____________________________ ____________________________
__/ \_
_______/ and as I think back \___________
/________ makes me wonder how ____________\
__/ the smell from a grill \__
/______ could spark up _______\
____________________________/ /______________________________
__________________________/ _/_ _____________ _______________________
/ / / ____/ ___/_/ __ / /___/ _____/____/ __ /
/ / / / /____ / / / / / / / /_ / / / /
. n o s t a l g i a
: .
| + .
- --+-- - . . +
| |
: all the kids playing out front . \|/
. little boys messin round --*--
+ with the girls... /|\ .
+ . |
+ . +
___________ ___ ______________ ____ ____ _____ ___ ________
/\ __ \ \__\ __ \ \ \____\ \ \ \ .
/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ _\ \ \ \ ____\_
\ \____\ \ \ \_\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \__ _\
\ \______\\_________\____\___\\______\ \____\___\_____\________\ +
\ / ___//_ / / // _____/_/ /___/___ / /
\_/____\ \ _____/___ /___//__\ \___/_\ \/________/_______
/\ __\ \ ___ \ \/\ \ \___ \ \_____\ ___ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ______\
\ \ \__\ \ \__\ \ \_\ \ \__\ \ \ \ \__\ \
\ \____________\ ________\_________\____________\____________\__________\
\/__________ ______ ____/___ _____ ____________/_ _____ ____/__________/
__________ ______\ \ ___ __\ \___ __________\ \______ _______
/ /\ __\ \ \ /\ \ ___\ \ _____\ __ \ \
/ / \ \ /\ \ \ \ \ \ /__\ \ /\ \ \ \ \
/ \ \ \__\ \ \__\ \ \_\ \ \_____\ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \____________\_________\_________\__________\____\ \___\ \
\ \ / / / / / / / / /
\ \/____________/_________/_________/__________/____/\/___/ /
\ /
\____ p l a y i n g d o u b l e d u t c h ______________/
\ \
__________________\ \__________________
while the DJ's spinning a tune
as the old folks dance /\
/\ at your family reunion / \
/ \ then six o'clock rolls around / \ ::::::::::
::::::: / \ you just finished / \ ::
:: / \ wiping your car down /__ __\ ::
:: /__ __\ it's time to... | |
| | | | ::::::::::::
::::::::::::|____| |____| :: .. ::
:: .. :: ______ ____ :: :: ::
:: :: :: / /_________ ____ ___(____)_ ______ ________ :: ::
:: :: :: / |__/_\_ -__/\_ | \_ _/ _____/_\ -___/ :: ::
:::::: :: / | | | | | | |______ | | \ :::::::
::/ | | | | | | | | | \
:: .. :: so you head to the ::
:: :: :: summertime hangout ::::::::::
:: ::::::: it looks like a car show ::
everybody come ::
::::::::::::::::::::::: lookin real fine... :::::::::::::::::
:: .. :: ::
:: :: :: ::
::::::____________ __ _ __________ __________ :: ______
_) (___)(__)\ _) (_ _) (_ ______| |
_______\_ | _ \ | | \| / | | |_________
--------| ______| | || | || ______/__| | (---------
| || | || | || || | |
--------| ____|| ______|| ______||_______ || _ |--------
--------| | | | \ | | | / || | |--------
\ \ /______| \\__ | _|/_ _|| | |
:::::: \ ____( /________\ )________( )_________( |_____|_____|
:: :: \( f r e s h :::::::
:: :: \ :: :: :: ::
:: :: * :: ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::
.. from the barber shop ..
:: /\ or fly from the beauty salon ::
:: ___/ \___ every moment frontin and maxin * :::::: :: :::
::::::: \ | | / chillin in the car they :: :: ::
\ | | / spent all day waxing :: ::::::
/`----'\ ::
/__ __\ * leanin to the side __/\__ ::::::::::::::
\ / but you can't \ || /
\/ spead through... /_`'_\ *
* \/
__________ ______ _____ ___________
___ __ _____ _ ____ _ ________ _ \ /____/ /___/ / /
/ ______/__ / / / / /
___ ____ _______ ________ _ __ / / __/ / / / /
________ two
---- -- ------ ---- / /_________________ __________________
/ / /_____/ /_____/ ____ / ____/_
- ---------- --- / /___/ / / / / /_____/_______ /
/_____/ /____/_____/__________/_________/_________/miles
_______________________________/ /
-- / ________ / _ / /
__ / / / / / /
an ______ _____
_ _ _________________ _ ___ _ / /____________________/ /________
/ / / / / / __ /
/ / / / / / /___/__
-- ------ - --- - -- ----- / / / / / / / / /
/_____/_____/_________/_________/____/ /
. /\ hour /______/
/ \
+ ____/ \____ /\ +
\ / so everybody sees you ___/ \___
\ /\/\ / there's an air of love \ | | / .
+ \ / and of... \ | | /
/ \ /`----'\
_ / `------' \ _ /__ __\ .
| |/ \ (_) \ /
. | |____ ______ ______ ______ _ ______ ______ _______\/______
| | | ||_| | || | | || | | || || | | || | | || | |_|| | |_|
| | | | ____| || | | || | | || || | | || |__|_||_|_____|_|_____ .
| | | || | | || | | || | | || || | | || | ______ | |___ | |
|_| |_||_|__|_|| |__|_|| |__|_||_||_| |_||_|__|_||_|__|_||_|__|_|
|_| |_|
. . . __/\__
+ __/\__ + \ || /
\ || / . /_ _\
/_ _\ and __/\__ \/
\/ __/\__ this \ || / .
+ \ || / . is... /_ _\ +
. /_ _\ \/
______________ ___\/____ ______________________ ________________________
_\_ _/_ | |__\_ _/_ | /
| \ | || _____ || /
| \\ || \ | ||_________ /
| \ || _\\|___________|_ ___/ __/
| \ || | | / /
| \\ || | | /___ __/
| | \__ __||___ ___| / / 's
|________| /_____________\ /_____________________\ /___________/
n e w d e f i n i t i o n
-----------------------------------------------------------------[ s u m m e r
* ____ + ______ +
. ______ _____(____)___________| _|______________________ + *
. | |---| | | | | ____|__ -___|_ -___|_
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | .
+ |______|______|____|___|_______|_________|_______|____|_____| *
* ______ _____ _______ __________ _________ ___________________ _________
_\ | /__\ . /_| . /_\ . /_\ . /_\ ____/_\ ____/_
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| ! | ! | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | _____\_____ \_____ |
.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | _|_ | _|_ ! _|_ ! _|_ ! _|
|____!___!___|____!____|________\ /___!___\ /_______\ /_______\ /_______\
. . + .
. +
m a d n e s s ]---------------------------------------------------------------
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// end part
Merry Xmas from Ne7 to all my pals in the scene!!! I hope you all have a great
time! I thought i'd do a little cute collection for xmas this year (i'm also
working on a rather large collection for feb/march next year too :) and i had
this crazy idea to just use all the words to summertime by jazzy jeff and the
fresh prince instead of requests to come up with ideas for little pieces hehe
don't worry the next collection is full of requests and logos again as well as
loads of other rubbish *grin*. Don't forget to visit http://www.bitfellas.org
for groovy scene fun! Thanks and hope to see you all at the next party for a
large amount of beer!!!
ne7/napalm^rebels^scoopex^triad on the 24th dec 2008 /////////////////////////
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ: _____ _____ _____
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
( (___(__( (___(___( (___(__
_) /() ____ ()_____ (_
\ ! / ___________ ___/
/_____| _ ___ ___/___ (!ne7
) \/) ) \/ ) ) ) ) )
(____(_( (___(_( (___(_(
of napalm rebels scoopex and triad
= p r e s e n t s =
s u m m e r t i m e
:a small ascii collection for xmas:
- greets to the usual suspects -