- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Validated On Dream Land Bbs At 21:31:o9 On 11/o5/98 With 4ooo/o6o Power
_____ _________ ________ _ ______ _ ___ ___
_ ______|__ _(___)___ /__) __ \____\\\___ _\____))) _\/_ (__ ___ _ _
\\\\ ___/// _ _/ /__ |/ /_ ___/// __ _\/
\| \\\ / /___/// \| \////
____________________\ /________________________________/ __ _
| \ / /_____ __ _/ ////
|_ Dream Land _____.\/÷f!_ ______ _______ _____
(_______________)_ __|_____\\\___ _\_____)____ \______|__ _(___ ___ __ _
\\\ ___/// / ___/// // // ////
__ __ \| / \|
.\\\\ \_____________________________/___________________ ___ __ _
No Nup / SysPw - Ask Some Freaks For Number(s) - Slt /X & /F Coding Bbs
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Slt!CheckPoint [TXT] v1.o - ©1998 Shallow/Shelter
____ ______ ______ ______ _______ _ ___ ________________________ __
___.| //_ //_ //_ /__\ //
\ || /___/ _/ / _/ / \ _/
/___\/ ________\______\____________\
|___| ____ __ __ _______ ___ _____ _____|_ __:.__ _______ _____
/ _// || \\_ //___)\ _//_ _// || \\ \\ _/___
/ / \\ _/ / /__ | | || /| /__ /
_______ _\\________||___\_________________|____|____\/_____/¯| _______\
M E R R Y C H R i S T M A S !!
__,-' '
_/ ¯¯"^*, .'
\____ "·,'
:,,¯¯~~^^, l ho ho look what
l`Oo^ -;^¾' santa got for you!
,¸(_),,, -'¾¾¾,
,x¾¾¾¾x,, `¾;
,-¾¾¾¾¾¾^¯ --,,
/ `¾¾¾¾; "^,
VtR( `¾¾¾l _, )
`¾¾¾, ( /
^¾¾l ·
:_ _ ___ _ ___:___ _ ____ _______________________:
_|((_)) _______\_ /______ \|
\|/ _____\_ __/ / //_ /____ · sPEED DEVIL · |
\ ______\_ __/__/ ____/ / // __/_: __ ____ |
: _____\_ /__/ _____\ |______/ __/ |_\// /___ o
___\ _/ /____/______\ . \_______ \/ //___)_ ___: T
\ /__ ___| _______ : _______ \______/ // | :
/_________\ \___ ( ø ) ___/ /_______ |_ |
\__ \ __:__ / __/ /______//_ ___|
/__ \\o|+// _\
_/ \_
Merry x-mas everyone, santa is here with a little x-mas present for all
ya freaks out there. I hope you enjoy it! Hope to see most of you at
TP7, and that we all will have a great time down in Denmark.
- Speed Devil / Pro Arts'97
.________________ .
[15/12/97] | //| _______.
_____ |____ /____ /__. ___\ _ ____\ _|_______| _____ /
__/_ \__/_ \/ -ø\ |/ \\|__/_ \ /|/ /_
/ / / / _/ \\ / ø\/ / _/\.__/ ø\___ \
/ /___./ /_ \_. \ / /\ \\ /_ \_|_/ : / /.
\_____| |_____|\_____|______/./ / _\ \._|\_____|_______|_________|
:___ |__./________| |_______|
__.| |
_ _______________
---[ iNDEX ]------|// |---------------------------------------
._____/ |
| ø
| amiga trade :
| aerosouls |
| carnifex |
| dead on time |
| ingridients |
| lsd |
| nighty |
| oxygene |
| polyester |
| rockforce |
| sadistic execu |
| -tion |
| sweet shop |
_________ _ _____
| ////_____|
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for CARNiFEX
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says AMiGA TRADE
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
_____ ____
.__\ \_.__ ___ __..___:___ ___ _____ __\ \_.__ _ ______________________.
| \____| \_._/ _||_ /| \_._/ __/___ \____| \_ |
| / _ | \ / \| | \ / _ | |
| / ._/ _| \/ \ l_ / / ._/ _| - A M I G A - |
| \___| ____\|____|| \_ |/________\___| ____\ |
| |_/ |_____/ | ___|_/ +sD+ |
| | | .______\ \_.__ .____ ____ |
| _| |_ |_ \\____| \_ l_ \_ _/ _) |
| - T R A D E - \. ./_ _/ / _ _|___ / \/ _/___. |
| |_ | / __/ ._/ // / \ | |
|____________________ _ /____| _\ \_\___| _______________/\__________|_|
\_____| |_/
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for HASH
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says AEROSOULS
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
\ \_. _____ _____ ._______
__ \_____| // _) |__ \_ _____:________ _ ___________________
/ _ /¯ _/___ /\_ / // _:_ \.
/ ._/ / / _/ / __/_. /:\_ | - WANKERS PARADISE -
_\___| ____\________ /_ \________|_____:_________| ____________________
|__/ /________\ +sD+ :
_________. ___ /_ \_ _________.
_ _________________ _\ _|____________ / / \ _____\ _| ___
\ \ _ _ \. / _/ \\ \
-MAKEmeCUMinTHEwoods-_/ / _/_\_ | /_\ / \ // /
_ __________________/_____ /_______________| _____ /____\ /_____ / _____
\/ w^S \_________| \/
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for CARNiFEX
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says CARNiFEX
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
__________ ___ ._______ .__ ____ ___ ____ ____
_/ _ /_/ \_ |_ / l_ \_ _/ _)_/ _)\ \/ /
/ //____// \ \ ___ _/ /___ / \/ / .// _/__\ /+sD+
\_ / /_\ \\ / __/¯ // / \ / | \ \
/____________//______\ _\ \_\__// / \ _____| ___________/\____\
[===========================\____|==/_____\ \===========================]
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for NiGHTY
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says DEAD ON TiME
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
·=) D E A D O N T i M E (=·
_____ ____ \ \_.__ _____ ____________ .___
\\_ \_ / _) \____| \_ \_ \_ \.o.___ / l_ \_
______ / \_. _/.___ /_ _ _|___ / \_. \ø`\ / __/_ / \
\ // | \_| / ._/ // | \_\\ \ \ / \_.
/______________|_______\____| _______________| \· /____// |
|__/ \ / /_________|
. Y +sD+
+ ·
__. _:_ .____ ___
_/ |_ ._/ : \_. ___.| \_ _/ _)
..__.._/ ./____|__ : __|/ _||_ \_. _/._____..__..
_ ._/|| || |_\ : _\:/_ : \ / | \_| || ||\_. _
.o)||__||__||____________._\ : /_.____\/_______| ________||__||__||(o.
¯ |___:___| ¯
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for PHOBiA
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says iNGRiDiENTS
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
.___ _:
.____ ______ .__ ___ ______ ______ .____|__ / |____________________________.
| \ l_ \_ _/ __/_____ l_ | / | |
| _/ \ ___ / \| /_ _/__ _/ ·/ | \ |
| / \ \ / \_. / \ / __/ / I N G R / D | E N T S · |
| / /___// _|_______/____\ \_| T | |
_/________\ / | +sD+ \____| | |
. /__________| .____ . Z ____ .___ ._____. |
| l_ \_| T _/ _) l_ \_ _| |_ |
| _____ / \ |/ _/___ / \ \. ___./__.
| \ // / / / // \_| \ | _|
|___________________________/___________/| _\________// |___\ : \
_|____\_ /_________| _/ /
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for LSD CREW
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says LSD
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
.½½ ¾¾¾¾ ½½½ ·°¯ ¯°·
¾¾¾ .½½½½¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾
.¾¾¼¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ½¾½½. ¼¼¼ ½½½¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾
¾¾ ¾¾¾ ½¾½½½ ¼¼¼ ½½½½. ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾
¾¾ ¾¾¾ ½¾½½½ ¼¼¼ ½½½½½ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾
¾¾ ¾¾¾ ½¾½½½ ¼¼¼ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾
¾¾ ¾¾¾ ½¾½½½ ½½½½½½½½¼ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾
¾¾ ¾¾¾ ½¾½½½ ½½½½½ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾
¾¾ ¾¾¾ ½¾½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾
°¾¾¾¾ ¾ °½½½¾¾¾¾¢ ½½½½½½½½° °¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¢
¾½½½° °¾¾ °¾¾¾¾
+sD+ °½½½
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for NiGHTY
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says NiGHTY
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
._____ /_
.___ .____ _____ _:.____. __. ____.| ,/
l_ \_| \_._/ ___/______/ || .ø| _/ |_ \ || //
_____ / \ .| /_ / || '|_/ ./_____/ || /
\ \ / :\_. || / /. || .¦| |_\ /_/_. |.__\\
./_____// _|___|\________// ||____|______________\ |__|
/ ,| /______| +sD+ .__.
/ .o|: |__|
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for ZEUS
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says OXYGENE
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
.____ _____\____ _ / /____ _ _____ _______ ____ ___ .___ ____ ____ ______.
| _/ __ \ \ / / / /\ / _)____ _/ _) l_ \_ _/ _)) |
| / / \ \ / /_/ _\_ /_ \/ _/_____ / \/ _/_____ |
| / / / / \________\ \ / / _/ // / _/ / |
|_\_________/ / \___\ _/_______\ ______/\__________// /\__________/___|
_/___/ _/______\ +sD+
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for POLYESTER
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says POLYESTER
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
.___ _________ /___ __ ____ ___.| .ø/________________________________
| _/ . / \_ / \ || // |
._/ | / \ \ / |\ .;/ |
| _______/ /_\ \_ /_._.T .____\ |
|____\ \___________/ ____| |__| |
. .__. |
| |__| |
| _____ __________ _____. _____ ._____ |
| _/ _) \ _// |_/ _) |_ \_.
| ._/ _/._____\ \ _/ _/.___ _/ |
| +sD+| \_| ._/ / / \_| / ____|
|_____________________ |_____________|_______/ / ___________\ \__
/_______\_ \______\
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for BLiZZARD
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says ROCKFORCE
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
____ .________:_ _________ /__ / /__________________________________ _
l_ / : \_/ _ // / //
_ __ _/ / _\ \ \\___/ /_ /
\ / __/ /:\_ \__ \ / \_ - R O C K F O R C E -
/___\ \_.___:____ /__________\ \
\____| : \/ +sD+ \_____\
__ __________ ._____ ___________ __ ___
\ \\_ / _ \_ l_ / _ // \\__)
/ /___/ \ \ __ _/ \ \\___//__ _/___
_/ _/ /_\ \ / __/ \_ \ \_ \ \_
_ ___________________/_______\ ____________\ \_ /__________\__________\\
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for CARNiFEX
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says SADiSTiC EXECUTiON
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
: |____|
__|______. .___ .____._________. ____. _________
\ _|______ l_ \_| |\ _|/ |_ _/ _ /
\ \ \_ _____ / \ | \ \ _// //___/_.
._/ / \\ // / |_/ / / \ / |
|_______/ /\_____\ ________/|____|_______/ / \__________|
| /____/ \ .____ /______\ \\ +sD+
| |____| /________\
| _____
_|__\ \ ____ _____ _________ ____ ___ ____. _:___ .___
_/ _)\ \ / /_/ _) _/ _ /_/ / __/ |_ _/ : \_ l_ \_
/ _/__\ \ // _/_/_ //___//. / \ _// :\ _\ __ / \
/ / / / \ / \ / / | /_\ / / \ /: \ // /
\____.__ /___/ \ \ _______\__________|______ /_ / \ _:___/__// /
| _\___\ /______\ \ : /______\
| /_______\
/______________________ _
,-¯ ¯-.
_/ _\ _______________________
_(_ _ _)\\ ( \
(___________ \ \ _) Now let's check the )
_/__ --- __\_/ (_) ( next gift.. (
(/(_o) --(o_)\) \____ __________________)
( (___) ) _._ _ \/
_\.~¯ _:_ ¯~./__ \_]// _/
·~¯ / /¯ _ ¯\ \ ¯~(_o)/
/ _·__/¯`---'¯\__·_ (o___) it is for ???
( ) ( (o___)
/ ,( ) ) \ (o___)\ and says SWEET SHOP
/ / ) ( \ / |\\ \
/ / ( ( ( / ·\/
/ / ) ( .· \ another fine x-mas present
_· _ _( ( ) · _ ·. delivered by the Pro Arts
_(¯)(¯)(¯)_______( /__ / . \ \_ santa!
)( _| ( / `- \
| \ _)
| ~-.___ _.--'
| sTZ! ~~~¯
| /
. | /_.
|___ | S W E E T |
\ ____ :| \_. | _/|
/ \\__)__/|| |_ ___: _ ___ / |
\ \ || / \\__) / \\__) _/ |_
. _/ _/ || / _/__/_ _/___\ _/
_||____/_____ /\ \_ \ \_ \ _/ \
\/| /_______ /______/______//_
\ ___ | ___\____|__ __________ .
/ \\__)___.| \ , _ _ o.// _ / |
\ \ || \_`\ /'_/ / / |
._/ // || \\\ / _______/ |
|_____/ ||______\ / ___\ Z
/_______| +sD+ Y . T
: |__ S H O P |
/ |
| \______.
---[ CREDiTS ]------------------------| |---------------------
|main ascii: |
| |
|speed devil |
| |
| |
|nup: |
| :
|pro arts /
|speed devil Z
|and some design|
| |
| |
|crusader: |
| |
|merry christmas|
|speed devil |
| |
| |
|stezotehic: |
| |
|#2 santa claus |
|file id diz |
| |
| |
|venturus: |
| |
|#1 santa claus |
| |
| |
|___ -thanks! |
/ |
---[ CONTACT ]------------------------_¦___ /____ ----------------
_____ / __/_ \ ____ __/_ \ _____.
/ /_/ / //_/_ \/ / /__/_ |
\___ \ /____/ / / /___/¬\_ / ø
. / /.___| // /___/¯\__.______// :
|_________| ¦ \__________/ | \_________|
ø ________|_______
mortenrm@online.no _____: __\_ : /__ _____
__/_ | __/_ \ /ø- |/ /
/ / |/ / / // / /--/
/ / / /___/¯\_ ._/ / / \_.
\_________\__________/ |______\__________|
¦___ \ _._/
__ | \ |
greetings and respects to everyone who deserve it!
see you at the party 1997
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _______ ______ ____
: \ _ \\__ \/ \ :
-------|---/ /___/ / / \---|-------
A | /____//____\___\______/ | A
r P | ______ ______ ______ ___| P r
t r |/ _ \\__ \\ \__/ / r t
s o _/ / / / __/ \ o s
! \___/ /___\___\_____/_______/ !
: :
A little xmas gift from Speed Devil/Pro Art@END_FILE_ID.DIZ
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Validated On Dream Land Bbs At 21:31:o9 On 11/o5/98 With 4ooo/o6o Power
_____ _________ ________ _ ______ _ ___ ___
_ ______|__ _(___)___ /__) __ \____\\\___ _\____))) _\/_ (__ ___ _ _
\\\\ ___/// _ _/ /__ |/ /_ ___/// __ _\/
\| \\\ / /___/// \| \////
____________________\ /________________________________/ __ _
| \ / /_____ __ _/ ////
|_ Dream Land _____.\/÷f!_ ______ _______ _____
(_______________)_ __|_____\\\___ _\_____)____ \______|__ _(___ ___ __ _
\\\ ___/// / ___/// // // ////
__ __ \| / \|
.\\\\ \_____________________________/___________________ ___ __ _
No Nup / SysPw - Ask Some Freaks For Number(s) - Slt /X & /F Coding Bbs
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Slt!CheckPoint [TXT] v1.o - ©1998 Shallow/Shelter