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| |
| // .. a moment in time, a moment of money .. |
| / |
| |
| an echo of some long forgotten jungle beat reverberates around the |
| insides of your skull as you stumble down the dimly light hallway |
| to your destination. tripping, you spill your drink on a pair of |
_| lesbians drowning each other with their tongues. you attempt to |_
\\_ apologize but somewhere halfway through your words you notice _//
| they're too far gone on the E and each other to have even noticed |
| the event. you drop your glass to the floor and listen as it |
| shatters on the cold tile. the dark liquor splashes across the |
| floor and over your well pressed suit pants. you gaze at the |
| women in wonder of their passion, and silently ponder the idea of |
| offering them your company for the evening, if you live. business |
| first, you smirk. returning your mind to the destination you shake |
| off the cold sweat which has now taken hold of your previously |
| flawless hair. the door looms before you suddenly, growing larger |
| than reality permits under the influence of the eight grams of |
| psilocybin enriched mushrooms you ingested somewhere between |
| bedrooms. your gaze falls to the brass door handle and with a start |
| you see a distorted image of yourself reflected back from it's |
| smooth surface. it looks nothing like you feel. a pantomime of |
| happiness across your face. you have tried to destroy it under the |
| weight of narcotics, but for some reason it refuses to die no matter |
| how grand the binge may be. you extend your hand out to grasp the |
| handle and obscure this latest vision which has taken your mind from |
| the business at hand. you open the door and slowly step inside. |
| tonight, you make some money. |
| |
| you can tell by the look on their faces they've been waiting for |
| some time. you pull back the cuff of your italian suit jacket and |
| gaze down at your wrist to check the time. |
| |
| " you're late motherfucker. " |
| |
| the air has suddenly become very still, the hallucinogenic effects |
| rushing out of your mind and giving you a very sudden and clear |
| picture of the dangerous position you have been thrust in to by |
| opening that bathroom door. the tension is growing in their faces |
| with every second you hold off your reply. clear lines of anger |
| slowly creep up the man's face, focusing their rage on his brow |
| which is now turning a bright red. the woman blinks for what might |
| be the first time in minutes as you fight off the internal fears |
| which are crying out for you to reach down and feel the reassuring |
| cold steel which sits tucked neatly into your belt, under your |
| jacket, just inches from your right hand. |
| |
| but no, for all the shitty deals gone bad in the past two weeks, |
| this must go right. with out taking your gaze from the buyers you |
| reach back and turn the deadbolt on the door. |
| |
| " got stuck in traffic. have you see what it's like out there |
| tonight? " you say with your best fuck-me grin. |
| |
| " did you get it all? " the man asks with a look that warns of the |
| possible consequences of your failure to obtain his much desired |
| drug. |
| |
| " we're on. it wasn't easy, but i got the quantity you wanted. " |
| |
| it is at about this point you take your first real look at the |
| woman standing beside your nameless client. ever so slowly she is |
| drawing a cigarette from a pack of benson & hedges. she reminds you |
| at once of your first love, unattainable. a soft white halo |
| surrounds her and your realize the hallucinogens are kicking in |
| again, your adrenaline rush subsiding. |
| |
| " let's see it. " the client says, crashing back into your |
| reality. |
| |
| you allow the small bag which was slung over your left shoulder to |
| fall to the floor and in a fluid motion kick the bag over to the |
| buyer's feet. the woman seems to be more interested in her cigarette |
| than sending over the bag at her feet which you hope contains the |
| 45k. |
| |
| the buyer kneels and unzips the bag, pulling out a kilo of heroin |
| wrapped in plastic. assured he'll find the quality to be of the |
| levels you promised you return your attention to the woman. she has |
| drawn a Zippo from somewhere and is slowly flicking it open. as she |
| brings the flame to her cigarette you notice how the flame reflects |
| against the polished silver of a 9mm sitting just inches from her |
| hands, in a shoulder holster inside her jacket. |
| |
| the buyer looks up at you and smiles, and you realize this simple |
| deal has become even more simple. it's a burn. |
| |
| you drop to your knees pulling your Glock from your belt, firing |
| off ten rounds before you can even think of the complications that |
| may arise from this action. |
| |
| you wish you could close your eyes to the scene of blood bursting |
| from your clients, but you brain sucks up every splatter, every |
| rupture, every impact, with crystalline detail. |
| |
| returning to your feet you make your way across the bathroom, |
_| trying not to slip in the large pools of accumulating blood, and |
\\_ pick up your bag and the buyer's steel case. you slide the case on |_
| to the sink counter and snap it open. inside, is your 45k, in _//
| circulated 100s, just as you asked. |
| |
| " well, at least i made a little money for a change, " you |
| · say aloud to the person reflected back at you in the mirror, |
| . unsure just who he might be anymore... |
| . |
| : / |
| : ©1997, Hiro Protagonist // |
|_ : _|
//___ : _______________________________________________________________)
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( s ) T A R R I N G _ _____ ::: _
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| | | |__| | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | ) | | |--' | ) | | | | |--| |__| | | | | | |__| | |
_| `--' `--' `--' ` ' `--' _| `--'
\ wH0 \ :::
. . ::
( h ) I R O ( p ) R O T A G O N I S T :::
· :::
. :::
_ ____ . .:::
(_ : __ _ .:::
: ::::
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: ·
: ·
: .
: /\
___ : ________________________________ _ _ _____/\___
._\\ : )_.
| : |
| : welcome to another ascii collection, this one is my 17th \\ |
| · to date and puts me over 1.6 mb of ascii released in the \ |
| · colly format. for the past year or so i've tried to make |
| . my collections a little more than just a bunch of logos |
| thrown together, each collection having it's own feeling |
| and atmosphere to itself. well, it was with this general idea that i |
_| sat down and devised a little short story to introduce this col. |_
\\_ _//
| many of the newcomers to the pc-ascii scene, and prolly all the ami |
| peeps, won't remember the large ibm literature scene of years gone |
| past. the lit scene was once quite thriving on the ibm platform, |
| with a lot different groups releasing collective packs and producing |
| literature-scene magazines. the bright point in the lit scene for me |
| was during later '94 and early '95 - revolt and reality were both |
| still releasing on a regular basis, psychosis magazine was keeping |
| everyone informed, and there was actually a little bit of respect |
_| for lit developing in the ansi scene. |_
\\_ _//
| the literature scene almost died entirely during the end of '95 but |
| thanks to some real talented and hardworking writers things took a |
| turn for the better. today the lit scene is still a little |
| quiet but groups like Codine are keeping it going. much love · |
| to them and all the literary people out there.. who says it's . |
| not art? . |
| \ : |
| \\ ibm peeps: use afs.com in 8O×5O mode for best emulation! : |
|_ : _|
(_______________________________________________________________ : ___\\
· :
. :
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: ..................................................... : .. .
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:::· ·
::: ( o ) F ·
::: .
_ ::: _____ _ ( r ) E M O R S E 1 9 8 1
_ __\ :::
_ ______ :· ______ _ _ __ ____. _ _______. _ ______ ______ _ ______ _
._\\\_ \ _/ __ ///._\\\ \/ |_\\\ _ |_\\\_ \ _\ __///._/ __ ///.
| / _/ \__/ | \/ | / | / _/ \_____ | \__/ |
| \ \_ |______\ | / | \ \_ / | |
|_____\____/__________| /______|__________| \____/_________|__________|
_ __ · |tGø
::: /_:_ |
::: | __|_
::: _|____________\ :
::: necromancer · whodini · hiro protagonist · omicron
::: acid jack · erupt · megga hertz · some other fucks ·
::: .
:::. . ____ _
:::. _ __ : _)
:::: :
·::::.. . :
: ····················································· : ·· ·
· :
· :
. :
( a ) N D :
( q ) U A D - P :
_________ _____ _____ ____________ :
. _/ __ :____/ _ ________\ | __\_ _ \_ :
. \____l/ :__ / /__\_ \_ ___\ |/_/_/ _______/ :
: /_____: \_____/ _ /=\-----' \_____\- /= ·
: \___\---/ ·
: hiro protagonist · mithrandir · windrider
: some other people you don't know
: ·
: .
: .
. .. : ..................................................... :
: · ··::::.
: ::::
: ·:::
· ·:::
· :::
. ( a ) N D :::
( k ) A T H A R S I S ! A S C I I _ _____ ::: _
::: /__ _
___ :::
______ _________\.... ___________ ______ \ _______
_____/ /_\_ \__ __: :_______\_ \_ _ \=\_ _/_____\_\_ _/_____
| _/ __/ _ // -\: _ _/ _ _/ \ _/ _/ __ _/ _/ __ /
_|__\ /\__\---/=-----:..:\__\__\---\===/ \---\ \___\---\ / /// /
\__/ \___/ \__/ . \__/
tinyz · sparr · poskgubbe · hiro protagonist · redd :::
motion man · k-spiff · shock-g · sliver · cyber kid :::
· :::
. :::
_ ____ . .:::
(_ : __ _ .:::
: ::::
: . ..::::·
· ·· : ····················································· :
: ·
: ·
: .
: /\
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| : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | >>> > \\ |
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| · < <<< | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | wH0 |
| . | | | | | | | | |--| | | | | | | |
| `--' `--' ' `--' ` ' `--' `--' `--' |
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_| ( c ) O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N |_
\\_ _//
| i have been a hard person to contact the past while, my apollogies |
| to everyone who was trying to reach me. if you would like to reach |
| me for whatever reason the best way is still to call modemland. if |
| you can't afford the long distance to canada or whatever, email is |
| the second best choice. and lastly, a message can always be passed |
| to me through anyone in remorse or quad-p... .. . . . |
| |
_| modemland (remorse/katharsis!ascii/quad-p world hq) +1-3o6-652-4359 |_
\\_ _//
| >> email: hiro@ricochet.qpt.com << |
| |
| as a side note, modemland will be upgrading it's speed |
| soon, hopefully by the time you read this, to atleast · |
| 28.8k to help you lower your long distance bill to . |
| out here in the middlanowhere. telnet is planned . |
| \ after my relocation to vancouver, bc, which should : |
| \\ be sometime during the summer of '97. honest. ;) : |
|_ : _|
(_______________________________________________________________ : ___\\
/\ :
___/\_______ _ __ .__ __ __ __ _ _____ : ___
._( (__| | ' |--' |--' |-- `--. : //_.
| . | | | | | | | | | | >>> > : |
| // < <<< | | | | | | | | | | | : |
| / | | | | | | | | | | | · |
| | | | | | | | | | | | wH0 · |
| | | | | | | | | | | | . |
| `--' ` `--' `--' `--' `--' |
| |
_| ( g ) R E E T I N G S |_
\\_ _//
| acid jack bad spirit bitstream blue boheme caine |
| computer man crane cybergod cyberkid cypher hex |
| dark trooper dino endless nameless enigmatic erupt evilive |
| ewheat exile fahrenheit fatal fisherking folar foodslut |
| fungus gravedancer g0at haji hash hosee justin hale |
| lord nitrogen luke skywalker maestro martz megga hertz |
| messiah miasma mithrandir mogue mr. self destruct |
| mutant leader necromancer nemesis nighty nilse omicron |
_| paine posk rad man ranx rapido red demon revert sargon |_
\\_ shock-g spidy spinsane spirit of illusion square pusher _//
| squish suicidal snowman tango terminator2 tinyz u-man |
| vouck whodini windrider wise-k |
| xcluziwe zerohour 2fast |
| . |
| . #ascii #food #remorse #vcompo |
| . |
| : all the other jagoffs i forgot / |
| : ( don't take it personally if i forgot you ) // |
|_ : _|
//___ : _______________________________________________________________)
: special greet to o7^qdp for letting me mess
: a little with his money logo...
: /\
___ : _______ _ __ .__ __ __ _ _____/\___
._\\ : | ' | ' |--' __| ' |-- `--. )_.
| : | | | | | | | | | | | | >>> > |
| : | | | | | | | | | | | | \\ |
| · | | | | | | | | | | | | \ |
| · < <<< | | | | | | | | | | | | wH0 |
| . | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| `--' ` `--' `--' ' `--' `--' |
| |
_| ( g ) U E S T C R E D I T S |_
\\_ _//
| money graphic original art by brute! |
| hiro protagonist logo by whodini of remorse 1981 |
| remorse logo by tango of twisted |
| quad-p logo by posk of katharsis!ascii |
| katharsis logo by posk of katharsis!ascii |
| contacts logo by whodini of remorse 1981 |
| greets logo by whodini of remorse 1981 |
| credits logo by whodini of remorse 1981 |
| money logo by crane of his own bad self |
| money logo by necromancer of remorse 1981 |
| money logo by tinyz of katharsis!ascii |
| the artist logo by whodini of remorse 1981 |
| music logo by whodini of remorse 1981 |
| remorse logo by vouck of looker house |
| file_id.diz by vouck of looker house |
_| the future logo by vouck of looker house |_
\\_ money logo by o7 (grey) of quad-p _//
| explosion graphic by xcluziwe of save our souls |
| remorse logo by cybergod of epsilon design |
| |
| · |
| without these talented people the collection you see . |
| today would not have been possible. my thanks to all . |
| \ of them for allowing me to create within a community : |
| \\ of talent such as their's. 'spect due to y'all. : |
|_ : _|
(_______________________________________________________________ : ___\\
/\ __ :
\\/ :
/\ :
_ ____/\ ____________________ ____ :
__ \/ //_. ·
\// | ·
________ | .
______ _______ __________ ____\ |__________ |_____
| \/ /.\ _ | \ | _ / /_____
| \ / | / | \ \ | / /| \ |
cr|______\/_______|__________|_____\______|_________|____/_\ |
| /________|
· _ _ |
: \ / | /\
· | ( m ) O N E Y : t H E M E N U : ·
: __ | ___ _ _ ___ . ___ /\ _____ :
__¡_( : __ /\ )_¡__
\ | . \\/ /\ | /
: | | :
· | [ o1. poskgubbe ..a gift for posk/katharsis ] | ·
. | [ o2. cyberkid ..a gift for cyberkid/katharsis ] | .
| [ o3. redd ..a gift for redd/katharsis (MIA) ] |
| [ o4. whodini ..a gift for whodini/remorse ] |
| [ o5. necromancer ..a gift for necromancer/remorse ] |
| [ o6. omicron ..a gift for omicron/remorse ] |
| [ o7. acid jack ..a gift for acid jack/remorse ] |
| [ o8. megga hertz ..a gift for megga hertz/remorse ] |
| [ o9. justin hale ..a gift for justin hale/remorse ] |
| [ 1o. spirit of illusion ..a gift for soi/remorse ] |
| [ 11. terminator2 ..a gift for terminator2/remorse ] |
| [ 12. erupt ..a gift for erupt/remorse ] |
| [ 13. tango ..a gift for tango/serial ] |
| [ 14. cybergod ..a gift for cybergod/serial ] |
| [ 15. cain ..a gift for cain/noname ] |
| [ 16. ranx ..a gift for ranx/jedi arts ] |
| [ 17. shock-g ..a gift for shock-g/jedi arts ] |
| [ 18. wise-k ..a gift for wise-k/jedi arts ] |
| [ 19. xcluziwe ..a gift for xcluziwe/save^our^souls ] |
| [ 2o. katharsis ..a gift for all katharsis members ] |
| [ 21. remorse ..a gift for all remorse members ] |
| [ 22. serial ..a gift for all serial members ] |
| [ 23. noname ..a gift for all noname members ] |
| [ 24. odelay ..a gift for all odelay members ] |
| [ 25. jedi arts ..a gift for all jedi arts members ] |
| [ 26. save our souls ..a gift for all sos members ] |
| [ 27. twisted ..a gift for all twisted members ] |
| [ 28. arclite ..a gift for all arclite members ] |
| [ 29. mo`soul ..a gift for all mo`soul members ] |
| [ 3o. ascii gazette ..a gift for xcluziwe/save^our^souls ] |
| [ 31. vouck ..requested by vouck/looker^house ] |
| [ 32. looker house ..requested by vouck/looker^house ] |
| [ 33. music ..requested by whodini/remorse ] |
| [ 34. black opium ..requested by evilive/ganja ] |
| [ 35. ganja ..requested by evilive/ganja ] |
| [ 36. tragus ..requested by nilse/food ] |
| [ 37. news ..requested by dark trooper/food ] |
| [ 38. reverse menu ..requested by dark trooper/food ] |
| [ 39. liquid swords ..requested by crane/groupless ] |
| [ 4o. crane ..requested by crane/groupless ] |
| [ 41. adel ..requested by crane/groupless ] |
| [ 42. underground delirium ..requested by djnad/rns^pd^tbh ] |
| [ 43. last callers ..requested by squish/serial ] |
| [ 44. black sun menu ..requested by squish/serial ] |
| [ 45. midnight hours ..requested by compuman/serial ] |
| [ 46. blank ..requested by compuman/serial ] |
| [ 47. reverance ..requested by vector/i forget ] |
| [ 48. vector ..requested by vector/i forget ] |
| [ 49. the story ..requested by nitrogen/remorse ] |
| [ 5o. nitrogen ..requested by nitrogen/remorse ] |
| [ 51. abraxas ..requested by megga hertz/remorse ] |
| [ 52. dead on time ..requested by nighty/food ] |
| [ 53. nighty ..requested by nighty/food ] |
| [ 54. shark ..requested by shark/motiv8 ] |
| [ 55. goodbye ..requested by shark/motiv8 ] |
| [ 56. files ..requested by shark/motiv8 ] |
| [ 57. harlem ..a gift for cyberkid/katharsis ] |
| [ 58. dark trooper ..a gift for dark trooper/food ] |
| [ 59. reverse ..requested by dark trooper/food ] |
| [ 6o. low profile ..a gift for all low profile members ] |
_ | __ _ _ __ | _
\_|__ /\ __|_/
! (_______ /\ __________________________________________________________) !
: /\ :
. /\ .
L O G O # o 1
______ _____ ____ .____ ______ .__ _____
._( _ /___( _ )_. _( __/__. __| /__( ____/_. __| )_._\__ )_
| | _/ | |_\___ |_( | _/_. \_ |_( | | /_ /_.
| ____)| | |_ | |_ _ | | |_ | |_ ( |_
_| | l__________/_________/___| l__________/_________/ _______/
\\_____l l_____/ ._\__ )_
. | /_ /_. ©hP!
: | ( |_
: ( p o s k g u b b e ) l__ ____/
: \ ._\ __/_
: \\ | ____)_.
..:...................................................... | | |_
: l__________//
L O G O # o 2
_____ .__ _____ _____ ______ ::::: ::::: ____/\___
._( ___/__.____| )_._\__ )_ ._\ __/_ .\ _ )_ ::::.::::· )_.
| | _| | | /_ /_| ____)_| _ _/_. ::::...... ©hP! :
_| | \______ _| / | | | | | :: ::::· ____ _____
\__________l ____\__________l_________l___| |_ : ::: .(___/_.__\___ )_.
_ __ \_____l l______/ : ::: | | | |
(____________ \/ _____ _ .......:: ::·_| | | |_
\/ ::::::::: ·· \_______l__________/
\/ ( c ) Y B E R K I D
L O G O # o 3
____ ___ m.i.a. ___ ___
_ .__\_ )_ ._( _/_ .____\_ )_.____\_ )_. _
_( | _ _/_| ___)__| | | | | )_
._\ | | | | _| | _| | | /_.
| l___| l________\_________\__________l |
::: | :: l______/ :: | :::
|_ ©hP! ·· r e d d / k t s ·· _|
(__________ \/ ___________________________________)
L O G O # o 4
............... ...............
: : : :
____. : _____ : _ ___________ _____ ____ ____ _
.__ \ |___ ._( _ )_. _____ ____ .__\__ )_.(___/_. __
__._| )_._\ | /_| | |__\___ )_.(___/_| | | | ·/\_\
._( | | | _ | | |_ | | | | | l_ .:\/_/
| | | l____| l__________/ | | l____| l_______/ ·.+·.
l____________/ l_____/ _ __ \__________l_______/ _ l_____/ _________·__ _
. . . .
©hP! : : : :
:.............: :.............:
L O G O # o 5
: : ( n ) E C R O M A N C E R
_____ _____ _____ ______ _____ __ __
.__\__ )_._\ __/_ ._( ___/__.\ _ )_ ._( _ )_._(_ V _)_._______ _
| | | ____)_| | | _ _/_| | | \_/
| | | | | | | | | | | |
l____| l_________l_________l___| l_________l____| :_______ _
l_____/ . . l______/ l_____/ ©hP!
: : _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
_ _________________.__\__ )_.__\__ )_._( ___/__._\ __/_ .\ _ )_
| | | | | | ____)_| _ _/_.
_ | | | | | | | | |
_ _________________.____| l____| l_________l_________l___| l_
. . l_____/ l_____/ l______/
L O G O # o 6
omicron@remorse.1981.com : :
_____ __ __ ____ _____ ______ : _____ _____ ©hP! :
__ ._( _ )_._(_ V _)_.(___/_._( ___/__.\ _ )_ ._( _ )_.__\__ )_. :
_( | | | \_/ | | | | _ _/_| | | | | ...:
\ _ l_________l____| l______l_________l___| l_________l____| |_
\//_______________ l_____/ _________________ l______/ _____ _ l_____/
L O G O # o 7
_____ _____ ____ _____ /\
.__\__ )_._( ___/__.(___/_.__\___ )_. _____ /\ _______________
| | | | | | | | /\ )_. .____
| _ | | | _| | | ____ _____ _____ : __| //
l____| l_________l_____\__________l \\___).__\__ )_._( ___/__._( | _/_.
__ l_____/ .____| | | | | | _ |
._( | | | _ | | | | |
: | _____l____| l_________l____| |_
: [ acid jack of remorse 1981 ] l____/ l_____/ . l_____/
:_ ©hP! _:
L O G O # o 8
__ __ _______ ______ ______ _____
._(_ V _)_._\ ____/ ._( ____/_._( ____/_.__\__ )_.
| \_/ | ___)__| \_ | \_ | | | Megga.hertZ!
| | | | | | | | | _ |
l____| l_________l_________l_________l____| |_
_ l_____/ __ __ l_____//-----)______:_
._\ __. \/ _______ ______ \/ _______ ____ |
| ._( |__ ._\ ____/ .\ _ )_ _( _ /_.__\__ )_ |
| ©hP! | | )_| ___)__| _ _/_.____| | ___/_. |
| | _ | | | | | | _| | | |_
|__(--- l____| l_________l___| |_ _ l___\__________l _____//
l_____/ l______/
L O G O # o 9
/\ /\
____ .__ ____ _/\__. _/\_ _____
\___). __| )_. _( __/__._( |_ __/_.__\__ )_.
.____| |_( | |_\_ | _/ | | | ©hP!
_ _____ | | | |_ |_ | |_ | |
|_ ____l__________/_________/______l_______/___| |_
(____/ ___. ____ __. __ ______ l_____//
__ .( |__ .___\_ )_._( | \/ ._\ _/
\/ | | )_| | | |____|_ _)___ __________ _
| _ | _ | | _/ _))
l____| |____| l_________l_________l __
l_____/ l_____/ \/
L O G O # 1 o
____ ______ _/\_ ______ _/\_ ___. sPIRIT oF iLLUSION!
_( __/__._( _ /__\_ /_.\ _ )_ ._\_ /_._\ |__
._\___ | | _/ (/ | _ _/_| (/ | ___/__. _____ ________
_| | | ____) / | | | / | | | ._( _ )_._( ______/
\__________l | | ____| l_ ______ |_ | | | ____)
\_____l l______l l______/_____l . \_____/ | | | |
©hP! : l_________l_____l
- -- ------ --- -----------------+-- - -
_/\_ _____. _____. .__ ____ : _/\_ _____ _____
._\_ /_._( |_( | __| )_. _( __/__._\_ /_._( _ )_.__\__ )_.
| (/ | | |_( | |_\___ | (/ | | | | |
| / | |_ l_ | |_ | | / | | | | |
_| _________/_______/________ /_________ __________l____| |_
\________ _ / _ ________ _ l_____/
. .
" if you could handle my phunk i wouldn't . be laughing so hard "
__ ____ _____ _/\_ /\
\// _( __/__._( _ )_._\_ /_. /\ _ _______:_
©hP! ._\___ | | | (/ | |
___ _| | | | | / |_ [ sPIRIT oF iLLUSION! ] _l
_ ___\\___\__________l_________l_______/____________________________\\
L O G O # 1 1
/\ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾.
__/\___ _¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ______:_
._\\ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
.___ ______ ____ _ _ __ ____ ____ ¾¾¾ ___. ____ ¾ ____ |
_| )_.\ ___/.\ _ )_ ._( Y )_.(_/_._\__ )_._\__ )_._( |_\ _ )_.\ _ )_ |
\\\_ | __)_| _ _/_| \_/ | | | | | | _/ | | _ _/_.
| | | | | | | | | | | _ | | | | | |
l_____l______l__| l___| l____l___| l___| |_____l_______l__| l_
l_____/ l____/ . l____/ l____/ l_____///
| ¾ .¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ .
·· t2 oF rEMORSE/aCID ·· |__ ©hP! ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |_ _
(_______ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾_¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ___/\ _/_/
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ /\\)
L O G O # 1 2
_:________/\ _________\/___________________ /\ ____:_
| \/ \/ /\ |
| _______ ______ \/ .__ ______ _/\__. |
| ._\ ____/ .\ _ )_ __| )_._( _ /_( |_ |_
| | ___)__| _ _/_._( | | | __ _ _/ _//
: :::| | | : | : | : ____) | |
| l_____________| _ ___________ _ | |_______l |
| l______/ \_____l |
|_ ©hP! /\ \ 'rupty _|
(_________/\____________/\ _____________________)
/\ \/
L O G O # 1 3
_ __:___________________
¦ //_.
¦ _______ _____ ¦ _____ ______ _____
__ _( _ /_.__\__ )_.__\__ )_._( ____/_._( _ )_.
\\__\____| : | : | : \_ : | | ©hP!
. | : _ : | : | : | |_ __
¦ l____:____| :____| :_________:__________/__//
¦ /\ · l_____/ l_____/ ·
¦_/\_ t A N G O .
(_________________¦__ _
L O G O # 1 4
._\ /_.
¦ ¦ C.Y.B.E.R.G.O.D
___ __: ¦ ____ ____ ____
._( _/______\ |__ .__\_ )_ ._\ _/_ .__\_ )_
| | (_ | )_| /_ /_| ___)__| _ _/_. /\
| | /____ : / : / : | |
l___ ___/ | _____ ______ ____| |_ /\ ········ ··
/_____l l_____/ /_____l /_____l l______/ /\
. . ___ _/\__ ___
©hP! ¦ ¦ ._( _/____._( _ )_.____\_ )_.
¦ ¦ | \_ | | | | |
¦_ _¦ ·· ········ | | : | : | |
/____________\ l_____ ___________ _____l
/_____l l_____\
L O G O # 1 5
. ............... .
. ._. ._____. ._______________. : ._______________. ._____. ._. .
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ____ _____ ¦ __ _____ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ._( _/_____.____\_ )_._(_//__.____\_ )_. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ | | : | : : | | ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
<< ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ | | : _ : : | | ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ >>
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ | | : | : : | | ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ l___________:_____| :_______:_____| |_ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . l______/©hP! l______/ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ cain/nOn . . . . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦_¦ ¦_____¦ ¦_______________¦ : ¦_______________¦ ¦_____¦ ¦_¦ ¦
. .......:....... .
L O G O # 1 6
/\ :_________
/\ _________| /
______ /\ _____ ___\_ | _/ .
___ .\ _ )_ .__\__ )_.__\__ )_. | (_)_ ·:·.
._( | _ _/_| | | | | | / (_)_ +::.
| | | | _ | | |__ _ __/__ (_)_ :+·
| l___| l____| l____| |_ | \ (_) ·
| \ l______/ l_____/ l_____/ | \ o ©hP!
|_ \\ / | \_ .
/______ [ rANX/jEDI^aRTS! ] _ _/ |__________/
L O G O # 1 7
____. . .:::.. . .____
___ \ |__ _____ ·:··___· __| / ©hP! ___
_( _/___._\ | )_._( _ )_._( _/____._( | _/_. ._( _/____.
._\___ | _ | | | | | _ | _ | \_ |
· | | | | | | | | | | | (_) | | | ·
: | | |____| |_ | |_ | |____| |_ _| | | :
· : |__________/ |_____/_________/_________/ |_____/ \__________| : ·
: : : :
: ····· · ( s ) H O C K - G o F j E D I ^ a R T S ! · ····· :
:... . . ...:
L O G O # 1 8
.___ _ ____ _______ .____
__._| /_._(/__. _( __/__._\ ____/ __| /
._( | | |. |_\___ |. ___)___ _ ___( | _/_.
|. | | |: |. | |: | _ .|
|: | | |: |: | |: | | :| ©hP!
|: | | |: |: | |: | | :|
_ __ _|· ______l_____l_________l___________ _ _____| ·|_ __ _
\\_\__\______l l_____/__/_//
Sarariman on the subway listen
For Wise K like nuclear fission
L O G O # 1 9
____. /\
\ |___ ___ _. /\ ._ ___ _ .__ _____
\ | /._( _/__._( | /\ _| )_._\_ )_ ._(/_. _._| /_._\ __/
._\ | /_| | | |___._( | | __/_| |_( | | | __)__. ©hP!
| _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
__ _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ __
._\ \____| l_______l_______l_______l_______l____l_________l________/ /_.
: |____/ :
: \/ :
:---------------------[ xCLUZIWE oF sAVE oUR sOULS! ]--------\/------------:
L O G O # 2 o
. .
- --:----------------:-- - /\
.____ : ___ ____ ____. ___ ____ /\ ___ __/_ ___
__| /____\_ )_.\ )_\_ |__ .___\_ )_._\_ )_ _( _/__._(_/_. _( _/__.
._( | _/_. | | · _/ | )_| | | _ _/_._\___ | |_\___ |
| _ | _ | | _ | _ | | | | |_ _| | |
l____| l____| |______l___| l____| l__| l_________/___\_________l
l_____/ l_____ _ l_____/ l_____ l______/ .
\/ . (__ _ : ©hP!
- --:----------------:-- -
· ·
.___ .____ _____. ___ _ kATHARSIS!aSCII __.
| __| /._) |_( _/____. |
._( | _/_| _/____ | |
| _ | | | | |
l____| l______l____ | _|
©hP! l_____/ /_____l ______________\
L O G O # 2 1
_ ___ _________ : /\
(______:_____________/\__________ __ _
_____ ___ __ __ _____ _____ /\ ___ ___
._\ _ )_ ._\ _)__ ._(_ V _)_._( _ )_._\ _ )_ _( _/___._\ _)__
| _ _/_| ___/__| \_/ | | | _ _/___\___ | ___/__.
| | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | |
<< | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | >>
|___| |_________|____| |_________|___| |_________|_________|
|______/ |_____/ . |______/
: ©hP!
( r ) E M O R S E ! ·
____ __ __ ____ ___
.__\_ )_ ._(_ V _)_.__\_ )_ _( _/___.
| _ _/_| \_/ | _ _/_._\___ |
| | | | | | | | |
_| | | | | | | | |_
_\ ___| |____| |___| |_________ /_
_ _) l______/ l_____/ l______/ (_ _
: : : :
: : : :
: :_ _: :
:_ /_____________________________ __\ _:
(______________________________( ©hP! )___)
L O G O # 2 2
[ s e r i a l ] _ ________ _)|
. ___ ____ _____ _/_ _____ _____:_ |
_( _/___._\ _/___ ._\ _ )_ ._(/__.__\ _ )_._( | ·
. _:_\___ | ____/_| _ _/_| | _ | | :::: :
. | | | | | | | | | | | .
_:_ _| | | | | | | | | | |_ | ©hP!
|_ \__________|_________|___| |_____|____| |________/ _|
/________________________ _|______/ ______ _|_____/ ________\
: :
. .
____ ______ _____. SERIAL! _ ____.
_( __/__.\ _ )_ ._( | |
._\___ | _ _/_| | |
| | |_ | | |_ __ _ |
l__________/__| l________/__/_///_______|
L O G O # 2 3
_____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ _____
__(___ )_._( _ )_._(___ )_._( _ )_._(_ V _)_._( ____)__
__((_ | | | | | | _ | \_/ | _) _))__
_ __\\ | : | : | : | : | : | //__ _
_ __ .____| ______________| ____| ____| _________. __ _
((___! l_____)©hP! l_____) l_____) l_____) !___))
.:. .:.
: : : :
. ..:.:.. . NoName - RIP '97 - NoName . ..:.:.. .
: :
. .
L O G O # 2 4
_____ _____ _______ __. \/ _____ ____:__
._( _ )_.__\___ )_._\ ____/ ._( | \/ .__\__ )_.\ | )_.
| | | | | ___)__| |-\/-| | |_\___ |
| | | | | | | | | _ | | |
: ::: | | | | | | | | | | | | | ::: :
|_ | |_ | |_ | |_ | |_ | |_ | |
_ __ /________ /________ /________ /________ /___| /________|
(_ |______ ©hP! ____ _
//_______________ _ [ ODELAY! ]
___ ___/\ ______ __. ____ ___:__
._( _ )_._\___ )._\_ /._( |_\__ ).\_ | /_
| | | | | /__/-| |_ _ |_(__ |
|_______|_______|_______|_____/_____| ___|
. \____) .
| |
| |
| |
|_ _ __ _____ ©hP! _|
//________(( ((______________________\\
L O G O # 2 5
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((-------[ JEDI ARTS ]-------))
L O G O # 2 6
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sAVE oUR _( _/____( _ )____| )__( | _( _/___.
: sOULS! ._\___ | | |__\___ | ©hP!
| << | | | | | |
|___________ _ |_________________________________/_________|
___ _____ __ ___ __ _
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L O G O # 2 7
____: .__ _\_ ____ ____: _______ _____
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\_ ._( | | | |_\___ | _/ ___)__| | |
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| ! | | ! ! | ! ! | ! | |
_l______.___________.______._________.______._________._________l_ ©hP!
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L O G O # 2 8
______ ______ ______ _____. _/_ _____. _______
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| _ | _ _/_| | | | | _/ __) | ©hP!
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L O G O # 2 9
. .
. .
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. [ m O ' s O ] .
L O G O # 3 o
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.__\ _ )_. _( _/___._( _/____._(/___._(/___. :::::::::::::·:
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| | | | |_ | |_ |_ |_ ::::::::::: :
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___ _____ ___ ____ _____. _____. ____
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_ __\ /__ _ ( bEGIN sPIRITUAL bREAK! )
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L O G O # 3 1
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| | | | | | | | | | | ::: :
l_ | _l | | | | | | | |
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L O G O # 3 2
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._( |_( _ )_._( _ )_._( | _/_._\ ___/__.\ _ )_ ::.. __
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l_________/________l_________l____| l_________l___| |_ :..... .
. l_____/ l______//____________.
| _\____. |
| Looker \ |__ _____ .__ ___ ______ ©hP! |
| House! ._\ | )_._( _ )_. __| )_. _( _/___._\ ___/__. |
| | _ | | |_( | |_\___ | __) | |
|_____ | | | | | | | | | | |_ |
//______ l____| l_________l_________l_________l__________//____|
" do you think they ment hooker house? "
A NEW CoLLEC ._____ IoN FRoM
_____. __| / LooKER
._( |_( | _/_. HoUSE!
| | _ |______
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l________/ l______ _ _/_.
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L O G O # 3 3
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|____| |_________|_________|______|_________|
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| :: ::::::
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···· ( expand this area as needed )
: ::|: ______ _
L O G O # 3 4
_____ _____. _____ ___ .____/_
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| /_ /_| | _ | | |_( | _/_. :::::: : :
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:: ·bLACK·oPIUM· l_________| | | |_________|____| |_
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L O G O # 3 5
___ ____ ____ _\_ ____
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l_____ |____| l____| l_ _____l____| |_ :::
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\\/ ....:::
·gANJA!· ::
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___/_ _____ ____ _\_ _____
.( _/_____._\ _ /_.__\_ /_. ._\)._\ _ /_.
| \_ | _ | | |-----| | _ |
| | _| | | | | | _| | |
|____ \____| |___| |_ ___\____| |
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:: : (___)
©hP! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /___\
L O G O # 3 6
| . . . . |
tHE aRE a mILLION sTORIES | : : : : | ©hP!
/\ iN tHE nAKED cITY.. .______|___. . ._|_________.
/\ | . . . . | : | . . . . . |
__/\__.______ _____ ___ | : : : .__ . | ___ : : : |
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| | | | | | |_ _
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L O G O # 3 7
____ ______ .__ ___
____ ____\_ )_._( ____/ __._| )_. _( _/____ ____________________________
(___((_ | | ___)__._( | | |_\___ _))___________________________)
| | | |/ | | | | \| |
©hP! | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | _| [ ·N·E·W·S·!· ]
|____| |_________|___________|________\
_ ______ |_____/ ___________ _
L O G O # 3 8
. . . . .. __ ________. ______/\_____________ _
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__ | | | _ | | | | | _| __
.\\ |___| ________\ /|____________| __________________\ //.
| |______/ _ __\_ //____ _ |______/ __ |
| ©hP! /___/ \\/ mAIN mENU! |
| |
| [$] Global Mail Stats [D] Download Files [J] Join Conference |
| [E] Enter Message [U] Upload Files [L] List Users |
| [R] Read Message [Z] Zippy File Scan [B] Bulletins |
| [C] Comment To SysOps [V] View Text File [O] Operator Page |
| [CF] Select Conferences [N] New Files Scan [S] User Stats |
| [MS] New Mail Scan [F] File List [T] Todays Callers |
| [WHO] Who's Online [FR] Reverse File List [?] This Menu |
| [OLM] Node Message [FS] Global File Stats [W] Edit Setup |
| [WALL] RVS Wall [G] Goodbye [X] Xpert Mode |
|_ _ _ _|
(·«»·\\ ·rEVERSE bBS · cODED bY xENION · dESIGN bY hIRO pROTAGONIST· //·«»·)
L O G O # 3 9
.......... .
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_____. _/_ ::: :__ _/_ _\___
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| | _|\ _ )_._( | | | | |
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l________/_____(____ |_________|_____\__________l
| |_ ...
· ©hP! l_____/ :::
___/_ :__ _____ ______ ___ ___/_
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._\___ |_( | | | | | _ _/_| | |_\___ |
| | |_ | | |_ | _| | _| | _| | |
l__________/___________/_______\____| \_________\__________l
... l______/
::: Liquid Swords!
. ......:
L O G O # 4 o
.... .
: ___ ______ ____ ______ ____
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L O G O # 4 1
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| | : | : ___)___| |
| _ | | : | ©hP!
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L O G O # 4 2
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L O G O # 4 3
. .................... ©hP!
__. ___ ___ __. ___/_ ___ __. __. _____ ____ ::: ___
._( |_\_ )_. _( _/_._( |_ ._( _/__._\_ )_._( |_( |_\ __/.\ _ )_·:·_( _/_.
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|_____/_| |_______|____| |_______|__| |_____/____/_____|__| |_______|
|____/ ... |____/ l_____/
:::................ . LAST 15 CALLERS!
L O G O # 4 4
_____ _____. _____ ___/_ __| / ( b ) L A C K ( s ) U N
._\ _ )_ ._( |__\ _ )_._( _/____._( | _/_.
| /_ /_| | _ | | | _ | \/
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... l_____/ l_____/ :
::: :
::: ....:
::: ( place menu commands here ) ::
::: ::
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: \// _( _/___. __| )_.___\_ )_.
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[ sYSOP: /\ sQUISH! ] //_______ _ l_____/
L O G O # 4 5
___ ___ _/_ ___ ____ _/_ ___ _/\__.
._\_ V _/_._(/___.____\_ )_.___\_ )_._(/___._( _/____._( |_
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\\/ (----------- | | | | | | | | | | | :
|____| |_________|_________|___| |_________|
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L O G O # 4 6
· b · l · a · n · k · ! · _ _________ .______ __
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| | | | |_ | | | | | | |
| |______ |_______ _ /____| |_____| |_____| |_ ©hP! |
: __ /________ _ \\/ |______/ |______/ |______/ :
. \// .
L O G O # 4 7
____ ______ ___. ______ ____ ___ ___ ___ ______
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_|____| ___|_____ | ______|______| ____| ___| ___|_______|____|
: l_____/ _ __ /__|__\ .... l_____/ l___/ l____/ __
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©hP! ::::
__ · ........:::: [ r ] E V E R A N C E !
\// . :....
. ::
L O G O # 4 8
__ _ _______
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::: | | )_| ___)__| | | _/ | | _ ___/_. ©hP!
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/________|_________|_________|________|_________|___| |_ __
_ __ ... |__________/__//
//_________ _ :::
[ v ] E C T O R ! :::....... .
L O G O # 4 9
_\____: ..........\/........
_______ \ |___ ________/_ ::... \/ :
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::: ::.
.....::· ____ ..::::...... _____ ____ _\____:
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......:· | | ...::: :::::::::.... | | | | \__ |
::· _ __ ___ _| | . ::: ::::::::: . | | | | | |
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::. : ::: ::::::::: : |______/____/ :
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L O G O # 5 o
. ......
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/\ :::......
____ _/_ __/\_.______ _____ ___/_ _______ :: ____
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| | .| | | | .| | | | | |/ | | .|
| | .| | | | .| | | | | | | | .|
| | :| | | | :| | | | | | | | :|
| | :| | | | :| | | | | | | | :|
|____| ·|______|_______|___| ·|_________|_________|_________|____| ·|_
.. |_____/ _ ____ |______/ _____________ _ |_____/
......::::: " he's a nobel gas, that's why I call him lord.. " - hIRO
©hP! :....
. .....::
L O G O # 5 1
/\ _. _________________ _
_____ _____ ______ /\ _____ _( |_ ___ _____ __ ____ ___ _
.__\__ )_._\__ )_ .\ _ )_ .__\__ )_._\_ | )_ .__\__ )_. _( __/__.
|. | |. /_ /_| _ _/_|. | |. _ _/_|. | |_\___ .|
|: _ |: ( |_ | .|: _ |: | |: _ | | :|_
l____| l__________/__| :l____| l____| l____| l__________/
_ _____ l_____/ __________ l______/ _ l_____/ l_____/ l_____/©hP!
_ ___________________ _____________ _
/\ ( a ) B R A X A S
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L O G O # 5 2
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_ _| | | | | | | | | :::::::::::::
._\\ \__________|_________|____| |_________| _ __ : ____________
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| ©hP! ._( _ )_.__\__ )_. _______ _/_ ___ ___ : _______ |
| | | | | | _( _ /_._(/___._\_ V _/_._\ ____/ |
| < <<< | | | | | \____| | | \_/ | ___)__. |
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_|__ ......: : _____ __/\_ :: --)__ _____) :
: (_________________________ ::: : \ :: /
::: : _ _/ :: \_ _
:::..............: \\_\ : ::::: o3 /_//
plenty of room for /__ __\
board info down here (___ o6 ___) fEAR
/______\ tHA cLOCK!
L O G O # 5 3
/\ ____.
____ _/_ ___ ___:___ _/\__.\ |__
:___\_ )___(/_____( _/______\ | /___( |_\ | )_:
| | _ _ \_ _ _ _ _ \__ | ©hP!
| | | | | | | | | | |
:::::: | | | | | | | | | | | ::::::
: |____| |______|______ |____| |_______| _____| :
:... |_____/ : /____| l_____/ |____/ ...:
......: : :......
:::.......... ..........:::
. ...: wERD uP, nIGHTY iS hERE tO cHAT! :... .
L O G O # 5 4
_\____. .____/_
_____ \ |__ ______ _____ __| /
...... _( ___/_._\ | )_._\___ )_._\__ )_ ._( | _/_. ......
:: . : ._\___ | _ | _ | _ _/_| _ | : . ::
:: : ::: | | | | | | | | | | | ::: : ::
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: |_____ |____| |____| |___| |____| |_ : ©hP!
::::: |_____/ |_____/ |_____/ |______/ |_____/ :::::
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:........ ::. . . .:: ........:
. ......:::: : [ ·sHARK·oF·mOTIV8· ] : ::::...... .
· _ __ __ _ ·
· //___ _ _ ___\\ ·
L O G O # 5 5
___/_ _____ _____ ___ ____ _\____: _______
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_ | | | | | | | | | / | \__ | | | _
_\\ |_________|_________|_________|_________|_________| _____|_________| //_
| |_____\ |
| [Thanks for calling! If you have some extra cash why not call our friends?] |
| ModemLand +1-306-652-4359 o1 None Hiro P. Remorse World HQ! |
| * expand as needed * |
|_ _|
L O G O # 5 6
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......::: ._( ____/__(/___._( |_\ __/_ _( __/__. :::......
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. .
::: ( F ) I L E ( D ) I R E C T O R I E S ©hP! :::
· ::: ::: ·
: ::: ::: :
:: ::: ::: ..file this space as needed.. ::: ::: ::
··· : : ···
··· : : ···
.......: :........
:............. .............:
. ..:: ::.. .
L O G O # 5 7
_\____. ·
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|____| |____| |___| |________//___ |____| |_
l_____/ l_____/ l______/ /_____l l_____/
nothing to eat, and nothing to drink.
_ ___ nothing for a man to do but sit around and think. ___ _
//_ _\\
L O G O # 5 8
... .
_ ______________ .____ _______________ _ ___
___ ____ ____ __| / _\ /_
.____\_ )_____\_ )____\_ )_ ._( | _/_. :::: _\\ · //_
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| | | _ | | | | ____) | | | | ©hP!
|___________| |_________|_________| | |_________|___| |_
... |______/ \_____| _ _________ |______/___ _
:.... ( d ) A R K ( t ) R O O P E R
. .....::
L O G O # 5 9
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L O G O # 6 o
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: |________/________|____________/_/ yOU gO?
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_ _| | |___| |_________|_____| |______|________/________| ©hP!
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|______/______| _| | l__| |_______|--.
.---------------\\____| |_____/ .... |
| LOW PROFILE .....:::: |
| PRESENTS: ::..... |
| . ........: ©hP! |
| |
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· .
. artwork not necessarily presented in :
. :
: the same order in which it was drawn :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: ___ _____ :
___ / _/_ ___ _ _\___ \ ___________ _ _____ :
_ _ _ _\_ \/ / _/_\_ \ \_________ __/______ /______ ______ ___
_/ \ / _ /_____ \ \ _ _ _ / / _//_____//__/
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+tZ*/_____ _____ / \_`-money- - _____/_ \_______//____\ .
\_ _ __________/ _ _________/______/ :
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: .
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._\\ : |-- |--. |--' | | | ' |-- ' `--. |-- )_.
| : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \\ |
| · < << | | | | | | < | | | | | | | | | | wH0 \ |
| · | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| . | | | | | | |--| | | | | | | | | >> > |
| `--' ' `--' ` ' ` `--' ' `--' `--' |
| |
_| ( a ) R T I S T P R O F I L E |_
\\_ _//
| alias: hiro protagonist real name: devin birthdate: o6.13.74 |
| country: canada occupation: student religion: buddhist |
| race: human sex: male orientation: heterosexual |
| career plan: to work in the computer graphics field |
| |
| virtues: posseses a lust for life, true to to his friends |
| vices: tobbaco, guiness, chivas, diet pepsi, pasta, women, pot |
_| favorite artists: tinyz, whodini, cyberkid, red demon, sk¡n, poize |_
\\_ hobbies: smoking, toking, hallucinigenics, driving my friend's del _//
| sol vtec *real* fast, long coffee talks, reading, forgetting i'm |
| not supposed to have emotions, pondering the signifigance of my |
| own existance, searching for a real love and understanding · |
| myers-briggs personality type: extroverted, naturalist, . |
| feelings, perception (enfp) . |
| \ : |
| \\ quote: " poeta nascitur, non fit " : |
|_ : _|
(_______________________________________________________________ : ___\\
/\ :
___/\______ _ ._ _ __ __ _ _____________ : ___
._( | Y | | | `--. ' | ' : //_.
| < <<< | | | | | | | | | | : |
| // | | | | | | | | | >>> > : |
| / | | | | | | | | | · |
| __ | | | | | | | | | wH0 · |
| \\/ | | | | | | | | | . |
| ' `--' `--' ' `--' |
| |
_| ( m ) U S I C S U P P O R T |_
\\_ _//
| beastie boys bjork big audio dynamite chemical brothers |
| depeche mode die krupps dj bizz·e erasure eurythmics |
| frontline assembly front242 information society intermix |
| jamiroquai john lennon klf kmfdm kraftwerk leonard cohen |
| lords of acid method man ministry neil young nine inch nails |
| nitzer ebb new order pet shop boys pj harvey prodigy |
| r.e.m. sara craig shadowy men on a shadowy planet skinny puppy |
| the smiths violent femmes white zombie wu-tang clan |
| and many others.. |
| __ |
| \/ |
| >> CONTEST! << \/ |
| |
| tell me the name of the song that the following lyric is from |
| and win * TEN * asciis of your choosing by myself. email is |
| the only contact allowed. hint: the group/artist is |
| __ listed above and the song is from the '8Os.. \/ |
_| \// \/ |_
\\_ \/ _//
| sometimes i feel like i can't even sing |
| i'm very scared for this world, i'm very scared for me |
| eviscerating your memory |
| here's a scene, you're in the backseat laying down. |
| the windows wrap around to the sound of the travel and the engine. |
| all you hear is time stand still in travel and feel such peace |
| and absolute stillness 'til, that doesn't end but slowly drifts, / |
| in to sleep // |
|_ _|
. .
: :
_ ____________________________ _:_:_ _________________________________ _
\ \ \\: :// / /
_______ ____ ___________ __ ____ __ _______ ___ ____
______/ /(_ _/_ __\ ._ ._ \\(__\ __\\(____/ /(__/__ __ _(_ _/_ __
\ / / / \\(_ |/ |/ / / / / /___ \\(_ / \\(_
\ /______/ _/ / / / / / / /______/ |/ / _/ /
\______\_____ /__/ / /_______/______\ _____|_______/___ /
/_______/ /____/ / /_______/
.vK/_____/ r e m o r s e
/___________________________//: :\\________________________________\
. .
[· 1 9 9 6 R E L E A S E S ·]
title of ascii collection filename date artist(s)
muh first colly r-mfc.txt 1o/28 erupt
jagoff r-jagoff.txt 11/13 meggahertz
satanic verses r-sv.txt 11/26 miasma & blindman
another colly r-ano.txt 12/o2 erupt
shogun assassin/nostalgia r-omisan.txt 12/o3 omicron
where do we go from here? r-wdwgfh.txt 12/o3 whodini
asshole r-ass.txt 12/o4 necromancer
hepcats r-hep.txt 12/14 haji
visions r-vi.txt 12/23 miasma
eurotrash r-eurot.txt 12/28 trip
[· 1 9 9 7 R E L E A S E S ·]
title of ascii collection filename date artist(s)
stoan kold killas r-omiskk.txt o1/o2 omicron
terra cotta r-terra.txt o1/o7 necromancer
i'm the one r-the1.txt o1/11 whodini
the day after r-mhztda.txt o1/16 meggahertz
the debut r-debut.txt o1/21 revert
tryptical r-trypt.txt o1/22 justin hale
in the mouth of madness r-itmom.txt o1/29 hiro protagonist
no soul r-nosoul.txt o2/o2 erupt
do not breathe r-dnb.txt o2/o9 bad spirit
the kingpin r-mhztkp.txt o2/11 megga hertz
to serve man r-tsm.txt o2/25 hiro protagonist
hellraiser 2: chernobyl r-h2c.txt o3/12 whodini
the future r-future.txt o4/1o hiro protagonist
(remorse & kts joint production ) & cyberkid
the last don r-mhzltd.txt o4/17 megga hertz
the 11th hour r-11hour.txt o4/25 nitrogen
in the city r-itc.txt o4/25 whodini
money r-money.txt o5/o6 hiro protagonist
·· all remorse releases may be downloaded from any
headquarters board or by dcc from g0at on efnet ··
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _____ ___ _____ __ __ __ _____ ___ ___
_\ /( _/__ _ _\\(_ _\\(__\ /( _/__( _/__
__/ _/ /_/ / / / / ___/ _ /_/ /
___\ _____/ /_/ /_____/___\ __/___/_____/
| .vK/___/ - r E M O R S E - |
| |
| Hiro Protagonist's Latest Collection |
| Entitled 'Money'. It's All Good. |
| Released: o5-o6-97 _____|_
| _________________________________\ |
-|--\ originally 134,OOO bytes long
.:::::. .
::::::::: :
:: `:::::: ·
coming soon.. : ::::: ..the future, part II.
. ::::: .
.::::: .. :
_ ::::: .::::: :
\ ____ _ ____________:::::.::::::::__ _ _____ ·
___(_ _/_ ______ __ :::::::::' :::: _(_ _/______ __
__\ / \\(_ :::::::::' .:::: / / \\(___
\ \ / / :::::::' ::::: / _/ /
\_____ /_::::::_____::::::/____ /
_ ________ /___________/ :::::: .:::::: .vK/_______________/_
/ :::::: :::::::: /
. ::::::: ::::::::
: :::::::: `:::::'
: ::::::::: ( subtitled: millenium )
· `::::::'
_______ __ _ _ _ _ ______ ______
\ (________) -(_______ (________) ( ' (------'
. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
· ... another apocolyptic vision ...
__ .________/_
_\_____\/_____________ ________ ________ _ ____| /
_\_________\ \/ / ___ \_\____ \_\ ____/_ | /
\ \/ / \/ \_ \| \\ ______)_ | //
\ \_/ / / | \_ |/ \_ ¯ __/ ·
. \\ |______/\_____ //_ _| /_____ \\_ \ .
: \______| \_____/ /\ |_____/-oh7-\______/______\ :
: /\ :
...... . /\ . ......
: . ( m ) o n e y y e n o ( m ) . :
:..: :..:
..why can't you see - cash rules everything around me..
..::::::. ..:::::::::..
.::::.·· ··:··· ·::..·······..
..:··· ·: · .· ·:.
.::·· .:···..
.::· .· ··.
:::. . ::
·:::· . .: ::
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·. :·:::....·
. : :· ·····
. . :. :· · .
:. ·.. : .:.· ...·
......: ·.: : :.·::· .
·: : :· :. .... .·
...:·· . : ·····
. ... .··::::::. . ··.
: ..... ···.....
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