» sloop john b - we're better than you ©1998 sperm whale/ twilight·dkb «
____ _____ /_
_____ _____ ___/_ _/___ _\_ ______/_ / _____
/_ /_ /_ /__/ _ \ /___(__)_\__ \/ / /_ /_ __
\/ __/ \/ / / / / / / / / / __/ \/ __/ /\
/ / / / / /_ / / / / / / \_ / / /
\_______\_________/ _\______/___/\___ /___/ /_______/ t!
\ \ /____\ \ \ \ /_____\ /_____/\ \
\ \ \ \ \ \
Nicko . Phobi/\ . Spe®m Whale . Weapon-X
'' no extra modesty - no extra arrogance ''
__ ___________________|_
_____ /_ _____ (_// ___ _______|
/ /_ __/_ \ _____ ._/ _____ _\ / ____ /|
\____ \/ ._/ //_/_ \|__/_ \/ \ / ø\/ :
. / //. |_____/ ._/ // ._/ _/ \/ \\_.
|_________|____\ / |_____/¯\_|___ \_.__||_______|
\__________./__|\_____| |
..___ __|_. ___\ _ _____| _____
/__|| \/ _|__ / -ø\\ / /| __/_ \
/ø- || / ._/ \ / \\/ /-:// ._/ /
._// /\__/ |___ \/. /\ \ / \_.|_____/¯\_
|____//_________|\___.__| /_ \ \_.___.__|_________/
| |________\____| |
. |
| ______|
Sperm Whale - Finnish bigmouth number one
presents a piece called
______ __ _ _
_ __\\ _______________________________
_____\ /_____
____\ s l o o p j o h n b /____
________, | _____ ________________________________|_____________
|_____|______|_| | ______ | | / | / | / /
_____ / / | \ \| | / / | / / | / /
|_____|_/_____/|_____|__\_____\_____|_/_____/|_____|_/_____/| |_/_____/
| _____ |_____|
| _______________________| |__________________|______
___|__ | _ | / | / | / /
/ / | | | / / | / / | / /__ _
/_____/__|_____|_____|_/_____/|_____| /_____/|_____| /_____///
|_____ .____ _____|
/_____ |___/ _____\
bHm /_____________________________\ ___ _ /\T
_ _ __ _____\\
Including additional /\ r t from (in order of appearance)
taxi . nup . behemoth . crusader . drakar
Not much to say this time, eh.
Remorse is nothing. The group has one talented artist, Hiro Protagonist
and anyone who thinks it's cool to be an ascii(amiga-based)-artist in
a group like Remorse is a fool. How can you take seriously someone who
releases his stuff in a zipped file with ten other low-talented freaks?
You can't.
Sorry if I pissed someone off with my DCC-send script.ini -shit.
I had a trojan in my Mirc - thanks to Whorezon for pointing that out.
Sperm Whale/ Twilight·Dkb 06.02.98
S A Y what you say, but katharsis!ascii is not D E A D
______ ----------------*
\ /_____________ |____ _____
/ / /_ _/ /___ | /__\__ \
/ / / / / _\__ \| / __
_/ _/_/ / / / /| / _// /_/
\___/\ /___/ /_______/ |/ \____/
\__/ ---------------*
KTS!ASCII - from poland! - KTS!ASCII
presents a new colly by dr. hustla!
Check out this masterpiece w/ filename KTS-DRHU.TXT
___ ________________________________________________
._) \/ (_.
| Alien Technology requested by Behemoth ¦
| Amigold requested by Mad Jack |
| c Amistorage requested by Mad Jack c |
| Areas requested by Woodoo |
| Art requests requested by Thorax |
· o BBS adverts requested by Thorax o |
| Behemoth requested by Behemoth |
| Behemoth #2 requested by nobody |
| n Cloudkill requested by nobody n |
| Da Passive! diz requested by Abuser |
| Download requested by Letharic |
| t Filadelfia requested by nobody t :
| Form requested by Letharic |
| Internet requested by Thorax |
| e Kone requested by Bad Sector e |
| Monoline requested by Blue Nova |
| News requested by Letharic |
| n Rap requested by Woodoo n |
| Shoplifting requested by Thorax |
| Social Damage requested by Abuser |
| t Subzoo requested by Tribe t |
¦ Suomiscene requested by Thorax |
| Support requested by Mad Jack ·
| s Upload requested by Letharic s |
| Weed and alcohol requested by Thorax |
|_ Woodoo requested by Woodoo · _|
Just A Girl She Said
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: alien technology
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
________ _______
___ | | _/ ____/
_____________) \| | _______|__ _/ sw.^tl ___________________
\ __. | |/ / | ________|_ ._ /
\ \ | | : / | / / |/ /
\_ \| . _ /¦ _. |/ _. / _/
_____/_____________| \\\|_______\|______________\|____\_________\_____
._) . |____ | . . (_.
| alientechnology |_ __( _| .|___.______.|.______. . alientechnology |
|__________________| /\ .\ || /| /\ ||| /\ |\ |___________________|
· |_/ \_| \_|| / | / \_|||_/ \_| \_| ·
\ _| |
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: amigold
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
__________) \_
\ __. _|_______ _____ _________
\ \ | \ \/ \_/ |
\_ \| . \/ . | a m i g o l d
.__/__________|\_ \______|_________¦____________________________________.
|\ /_______| : _______ ___¬|
| · ___________________________|_ _|________)_ \|
| \ __. | _ / \ ___/ |
| ·NO UPLOADS HERE· \ \ | . / . . \ . |
|_ _ \_ \| | / _/| |\_ \| |
!\_)\_____________________________/_______ |__________\ |_____| /__________|
_) |
\____| sw.^tl
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: amistorage
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
__________) \_ sw.^tl ________
._____________ \ __. | _______ _______| | _____________.
|_ _ (_ \ \ | |/ \/ | | _) _ _|
|/// \_ \| . \/ . | \\\|
| /__________|_ \_______|______| |
_|_ _______ /________| ___ ______|
_/ (______|__ |_____________________ ________) \_____________/ ___/|
|______ / _/ _ / ._ \/ __. __. | _/ _|____
_____. / | / |/ /\ \ | \ \ | . | / /
| |/ _. . / _. / /. \_ \| |\_ \| | |/ _/
|__________\|_____|________\|___\_______| /_________| /______ |_________\
| : _ _) | |
| \\\____| |
|_ · _|
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: areas
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
_______________/__________________ ___________________
__) // \/ (__
| · ¬|
| ___ _______ ___ ____ |
_____|____) \_ __________/_ ___/ __________) \__/ (____|_____
\ __. |/ ._ / _/ ____\_ ___ ||_______ /
\ \ | . |/ // | / \ | |_____. / /
\_ \| | / ·/. |/ _/\_ \| . |/ _/
__ _____/__________|___\_______|__________\ /__________|____________\_____ __
\/ ¬| sw.^tl \/
| |
|_ _|
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: art requests
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
____ ·
_____________) \_ ________________/__________________
\ __. |/ ._ // .__ /
\ \ | | |/ / | / /
_________\_ \| . / /. |/ _/__________
__) sw./______________|____\___________| |\________\^tl (__
| |_____| |
| ._ _ _ _ . _ |
|_ _ |_) _( ___._) ._( (____|_ _(____ _ _|
|\_)\ ______________|\ .\ .\ |\ |\ .. /| / . /______________ /(_/|
\/ \_| \_| \_| \_| \_||_/ |_/ |_/ \/
· _
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: bbs adverts
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
____ ____ _____
_/ _(___________/_ _(____________/ (_____________
| \___ / \___ //_______ /
| . / · . / ·/_____. / /
________| |/ _. |/ _/ |/ _/___________
__) sw.|______________\|______________\|________________\^tl (__
| |
| . _ ._ . _ |
|_ _ ___.___|. (__( |_) |_ _(____ _ _|
|\_)\ ________________\ |\ || /\ .|\ .| / . /________________ /(_/|
\/ \_| \_||_/ \_| \_||_/ |_/ \/
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: behemoth
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
_______ _____
___ _/ ___/ | (___________
_/ _(________|_ _/ _____|_ .__ /______ _
| \___ / | / / | / / ___///
| . / . |/ _. |/ _. _/ _______ _____________________.
| |/ _/|___________\|___|\______\| | / / |
|__________\ | |/ _/ |
._ _ |___________\ _____ |
|/// _________ ____ sw.^tl | (_________|_
| \ \/ \_________________________|__ .__ |/
| b e h e m o t h \ \/ . .__ | ._ / | / ¦
| \_ \_____| | / . |/ / |/ _/:
|_____________________. /_______| | |/ _/| |\___//___|\______\ .
|/ |__________\ |_____| / \|
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: behemoth #2
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
._) (_.
____ ______ sw.^tl · | |
_/ _(____________|__ (______________/____|__ ______________ |
| \___ / ._ // \/ _ / |
| . / / |/ / \/ // |
| |/ b _. / h _. / m / ·bEHEMOTH 1998!· |
|________________\|____\___________\|______./ _/ |
|____________\ |
| |
Logo: Sloop John B for Sperm Whale |_ _|
)_____________________ /\_____(
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: cloudkill
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
_________________ _____________
__) \/ (__
| |
___ ______ sw.^tl | · ___ |
_/ _( | _|__________|__ ______\_________)_ \_ |
| \ ._______| \ __. |___)_ \\ ___/ | |
| \| | . \ | . / \ \ . | |
| _. |\_ \| | / _/\_ \| | |
|___________\|____| /__________|_________\ /__________| |
__________| |
_____ _________ | | |_ |
| |/ /____| | |/ |
| _/ | | | _|
| . \| . . | \|
| |\_____________|____|____| |
|___| | |
| |
|_ · _|
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: da passive! diz
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
. sw. _ _ _
___|___. .______.(____(____._) ._( |
\ |\ | | /\ | . / . /|\ |\ .|
\_| \_| |_/ \_| |_/ |_/ | \_| \_||
| · :
| |
| |
|_ _ _ _|
· ·
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: download
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
| |
| |
| |
___ | |
____________)_ \___| |____ sw.^tl _ ______________
\ ___/ _ _ _|__________\/_____ _/ ._ /
\ \ . \ \ \ \/ \| |/ /
._\_ \| \_ \ . /\ . / _/______________
| /____________|/________ _|\_ /\______|___\_______\ (_.
| __ /________) \_ /_______/ |
| \ · __. | |
| \ \ | | |
| \_ \| | |
| /_________ _| |
| ____________)_ \_ |
| \ ___/ | |
|_ \ \ . | ·|
:/_____________\_ \| |______ /\____________________________________//|
· /____________| \/ /
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: filadelfia
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
________ _ _______ ___ F I L A D E L F I A ·
_/ ____/// | __|_______) \__ _______________________________//_________
| _/_____| \ ¦ __. |// / (_.
| | | : \ | | ¬|
| . . |_ \| | |
| |______| |/__________| filadelfia.tky.hut.fi // +358-9-4682431 |
|_____| |_____| |
|sw.^tl ___ ______ _______ ________ ___ |
|_________)_ \_/ ___/ | ¬/ ____/ __________) \_ since 1993 |
| ___/ | _/ _____|_ _ . _/___\ __. | |
|\ \ . . | / /// | | \ \ | | +o obligator/dcs |
| \_ · \| | |/ _. | . ._ \| | _|
|__//_________|__________\| | |______|/__________|__________________\:
/ |_____|_____| : ·
[ no nup ] the number one internet bbs of the scene [ no nup ]
integrated bbs with support ftp- and http- sites
10mbps static amiga ethernet and 57600bps x2 usr v.everything
more than 600mb of demoscene stuff for free leech
[ www.dc-s.com ] dual crew shining - we are the net [ www.dc-s.com]
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: form
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
._) (_.
| |
___________ | · |
_/ _____/__|__________/__________________ |
| _/ |_ // ._ /_______|_ __________
| | |/ / |/ / \/ \_
| . / _. / / \/ |
| |______._______\|______\_____________ \___________|
|_______| | /_______.___|
sw.^tl |
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|_ _|
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: internet
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
______ _
_____ _____________/___________/ ___/// _______________
_)____)_/ ._ // ._ _/ _____|_ ._ /
sw. | | |/ · |/ _. | / / |/ / ^tl
_______| _ / _. |\_____\| |/ _. / /.________
._) |______|___\_______\| |_____ |__________\|___\________| (_.
| ________|_____ ___/ _______________ |
| _/ ._ / _/ _____|_ ._ / |
| | |/ / | / / |/ _/ |
|__________________| / _. |/ _. |\_____\____________________|
|___\_______\|__________\| |
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: kone
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
._) (_.
| sw.^tl _______ |
_____| ______________/______________ ____________________/_ ___/ |
| |/ // _ \_/ ._ / _/ ______|_____
| ·/ \ | |/ / | / /
| . _/\_ \ . / _. |/ _/
|____|\___________\ /_______________|_____\_____________\|_____________.__\
| |
| |
|_ _|
)____/\ ________________________________________________ /\____(
\/ \/
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: monoline
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
._) (_.
| · |_____ _____
| _ ________/_________________|__ | _________/_ __/
_____|___ ___ /// _ //._ / _ / |_____/ ._ /_/ ______
\ \/ \_/ / / |/ / / / | | |/ / | / /
\ \/ . / _. / _. / _. . . / _. |/ _/
\_ \____|_______\|__\_____\|________\| |____|__\_____\|________\
/_.____| |____|
| | sw.^tl
|_ m o n o l i n e _|
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: news
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
./ ___/ ______
.________________|__ _/ sw.^tl · ./ (_____________
| ._ / | ____________/_________ _______ |_________ /
| |/ / |/ \/ \_______. / /
| / _. | _/ /\ . |/ _/
| ____\_________\|________________\_ /\________|________________\_
._) /__________/ (_.
| |
| N E W S |
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¦ ¦
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|_ _|
· ·
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: rap
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
._) (_.
sw. | | ^tl
| · ____
_______________________|_/__________________) \_________________________
| ._ // __. | ._ /
| |/ /\ \ | . |/ /
| / /. \_ \| | / _/
|_____\_________________| /_____________________| \_______________\
. r a p |
|_ _|
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: shoplifting
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
_____ _____ ·
_/ (_______|__ (___________ /_________________________
|________ / ___ // _ / __ /
______. / / | / / / / |/ /
________| |/ _. |/ _. / _. / _/
._) |____________\|___|\______\|___________\| \_______\____________
| _______ ________ _ |____| (_.
| | | _/ ____///__________ _____________/___________ |
| | |______| _/ __ /______/ ._ // ___ ¬| |
| | | | | |/ _. | |/ ·/ \ | | |
|_ | . . . |\______\| . / _/\_ \| | _|
:/____| |______| | | |______|____\______\ /_______ |___\:
· |_____| |_____|____| sw.^tl _) | ·
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: social damage
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
sloop john b / :| \
._) (_.
_|___ sw.^tl · ____ · ___ ___|___
_/ (__________/_____________/ _( _____\___________) \| |
|________ // _ | \ __________| \ __. | |
______. / / \ . \| | \ \ | . |
| |/ _/\_ \ | _. ._ \| | |
|__.__________\ /________.___|______________\|__ ____|/___________|__.__|
|_ ___|___.___.______.___._( _|
)_________________\ |\ |\ | /\ |\ |\ .__________________(
\_| \_| \_| / \_| \_| \_|
/ _|
_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
___\ _//_ //_ //_ // |.____
\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: subzoo
________|___________\_________\/ \_
. ___:|_____/ _____ ______ ____.________
: :_ \ |._____ | // \\ |\__ /___
·cDr· _ |_ _\|/_ _ _/ || .o || |_ /___/ /
(_))/__________ _\\\\___ /\ ____\\ ____/\________/__________\
/ )/¦:\( |____|
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_____ __T____ ______ ______ __:
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\ /__ /____/ /___/ _/ / || / logo: support
________|___________\_________\/ \_
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sloop john b / :| \
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________|___________\_________\/ \_
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sloop john b / :| \
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________|___________\_________\/ \_
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sloop john b / :| \
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Not So Manic Now
_______ _________ _________ _________ | |________
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`-------' \_______| -Dr! |______|
My friends, you know who you are.
Special greetings to the members of Phunk:
I don't like your art nor the name of your group too much, but still
you're a bunch of talented guys. A bit of imagination and a lot of drawing
and you will be there. There's never too much good young blood on the scene.
Respects to these artists:
Cenobite·Chrombacher·Coco Pops·Cybergod·Danzig·Data·Desert·Desoto·Dhm
Green Eyed Monster·Grimlock·H2o·Hausfrau·Hijack·Hiro Protagonist·Homicide·Karma
Manta·Mark Ryder·Maz·Metalbasher·Mogue·Mortimer Twang·Nicko·Nike·Nup·Phase
Phobia·Poskgubbe·Punk·Ramon·Ranx·Rapid·Rasta·Red Demon·Redskin·Reflex
Relief·Scarface·Shank·Shapechanger·Shock G·Skin·Sliver·Speed Devil
_ __ ____________________ _________ _________ ___ ______
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xls_teak.txt · The erste ascii kasa (as Sin Fame)
sin_keoa.txt · Krapulaan ei ole apua (as Sin Fame)
sin_0w6n.txt · 0h warea kuudella nodella (as Sin Fame)
sns_thw!.txt · Thow (as Sin Fame, with Weapon-X)
sns_euro.txt · Eurochild (as Sin Fame)
sw_itd.txt · Introducing the devil
tl!-wom.txt · Wave of mutilation
tl!-tgmg.txt · There goes my gun
tl!-whf.txt · With holy fingers
tl!-tier.txt · Tier
tl!-sjb.txt · Sloop John B
Most of the release-dates are a mystery to me, but since I started
doing ascii in 1994, I've only released eleven collections in soon
four years. Quality over quanity ;)
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|_ sperm whale/twilight·dkb 1998 _|
· ·
» sloop john b - we're better than you ©1998 sperm whale/ twilight·dkb «