_|_ 2F | _____._|___ _|_
)____,)___|___(|||)____|) ))____,
| .----'
Sperm Whale / Twilight · 1993-1998
_________ ____________
__) \\ (__
| ¬|
| |
| Was macht ein Mann |
| was macht ein Mann |
der zwischen Mensch und Tier
|nicht unterscheiden kann|
| was |
| |
Er wird zu seiner Tochter gehen
sie ist schön und jung an Jahren
und dann wird er wie ein Hund
mit eigen Flesch und Blut sich paaren
| |
| Was tust du |
|_ Was fühlst du _|
_|/ Was bist du \|_
\: doch nur ein ·/
| Tier |
| |
| Was macht die Frau |
| was macht die Frau |
die zwischen Tier und Mann
|nicht unterscheiden kann|
| |
Sie taucht die Feber in sein Blut
schreibt sich selber ein Brief
entseelte Zeiten an die Kindheit
als der Vater bei ihr schlief
| |
_| Was tust du |_
\|_ was fühlst du _|/
¡/ was bist du \¦
| doch nur ein Tier |
| |
| Tier / Rammstein |
| |
| ·
_____ ___________| __________ _____ _____
/ _/_\_ _ _________\_ _ \/ \_ \/ _/
_/ __ _/ \_____/ _ \_/ \ _/ _/ \/ \_ __________
\----\ \_____\- \ \____/=====\ `----/____=` |
\___/ =\---' psk \____/ -
| /| \ _
| ____/ |___________ _____________ _________\/
|_ _l / | / /_________\_ \_ /__/ _ \_
\_ _ | / / _/ _ _/ _/ \ \____/
`---\ ______/ \____\----\ =\______=\---'
\__/ =/_______= :
| ¡
Sperm Whale - The only newbie who's been on the scene since 1993
. .
| |
|_ · _|
A member of the bigdick-family
______: ___ ___ ______
______./ | ______ (___) _______ (___)___________ / |____ ______:
./ |_ || (.____ _/ /______\ _ \_ | ./ |_
| _/ /\ | \ / \ \ \ _ | _/
|______|______/\ ____|______\______________\_____ \___| |______|
<- ----------------\/-Mo!\aL- ----------------------|_______\--|______|-
Twilight - Sorry, but arrogance just isn't our thing
Gives you a collection called
wPx ______________ ___________ _____________ _____________
\ \_/ \_/ _ \ \ \
_ / / / _/ / // _ .
/ /______________/\____________/\_____________\ \_________\ \ \
`------------- - -
Tier das Tier, des Tiers, die Tiere eläin
Featuring logos from following artists
2Fast/ Jediarts . Mogue/ Arclite . Nup/ Pro Arts . Poskgubbe/ Kts!A
Trivial/ Low Profile . Weapon-X/ Twilight
__) \\ (__ P r e f a c e
| · |
|/ Why do I keep saying things that piss off people?
| Maybe because I believe I'm right.
A very short and impulsive collection this time. Hope you still can get
something out of it. And to change the subject, I've again heard something
that I find pretty funny; this time 2Fast had called Phobia a ripper after
P's newest collection 'Audax Powder'. Hey Jens, you know what I think is the
worst part in your bullshit? It's the sad truth that you wouldn't be acting
the way you do if I wouldn't have had the balls to say the obvious about
your pc-collection. Sorry if I made a dent to your ego, but you just have to
. live with it. Everyone with something to say, mail me.
| 01.01.1998 - Sperm Whale/ Twilight·Dkb·Aurinko - sw.@cyber.fipnet.fi
| .
|_ _|
la la la la la la la la
Mr. Grieves / Pixies
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ A A L T O _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
__) (__
| |
| ___ sw.^tl ____ ________________ |
_____|____) \________) \______| __ /______|_____
\ ___ ¬ ___ | | |/ _ __ |
\ \ | · \ | _ _ |\_____\ \ · |
\_ \| \_ \| | | | \_ \| |
/__________|/___________| |_____| /______¡____|
| |_____| |
| |
|_ _|
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ A A L T O D I Z _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
_ _
\ _ _ | _ | | _ /
\_ \ \_ \ _ \\_ _ / _/
._/_____|/_____| |___|_____\_.
| sw.^tl___| |
| |
|_ _ _ _|
· ·
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ A B H O _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
__) (__
| |
___ ___ _____ sw.^tl | |
__________) \_/ _(________|_ (________________|_______ |
\ ___ | \___ / ___ ___ / |
\ \ | _ _ / _ | / _ | / / |_
\_ \| | |/ _/| |/ _/| |/ _/ _|/
/__________|__________\ |___|\______\ |__________\ \:
| |
| |
|_ _|
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ A U D A X _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
___ · ___
__________) \_ ______\_________)_ \_ ___
\ ___ |___)_ \\ ___/ _|________| \_
\ \ | _ / \ \ _ \ ___ _|______ ______ sw.^tl
\_ \| | / _/\_ \| _ \ | \_ \| | __________.
. /__________|_________\ /__________|\_ \| / _ | |
_|/ /_________ /|____| |
\|_ )_______/ |
|/ |_
| _|/
| \:
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ B A S E S _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
___ ___ ____ _______ ____
_/ _(________________) \__/ (________/_ ___/ _/ (__________
| \___ _ ___ ||_______ / _/ ______|_______ /
| _ / \ \ | |______ / / | / /_____ / /__
sw.| |/ _/\_ \| _ |/ __ |/ __ |/ _/_\/_
^tl|__________\ /__________|____________\|___________\|____________\ /\/
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ D A R K F L A S H _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
___ ___
__________)_ \_________) \____________________ _________
\ ___/ _ ___ | __ |/ /
\ \ _ | \ | | |/ / _/
.__________\_ \| |\_ \| _ / /_ _ \___________.
| /__________| /__________| \________| |\_______| |
_| |_____| |____| sw.^tl |_
\| _______ |/
| _____|___ | ___ ____ ______ |
|_ _/ ___/ _|________) \__/ (________|_ (___________ _|
|/ | _/ \ ___ ||_______ / ___ / \|
| | | _ \ | |______ / _ | / / |
|________| _ |\_ \| _ |/ _/| |/ _/__________|
|______| | /__________|____________\ |____|\______\
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ D E S I R E _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
_______________\ _________________
__) \\ (__
| · |
| |
___ ___|__ ____ | _______
_________)_ \_/ ___/ _/ (__________ _______|___/_ ___/
\ ___/ | _/ ______|_______ /_____/ __ / _/ _______
\ \ _ _ | / /_____ / _ | |/ | / /
\_ \| | |/ __ |/ _| _ / /_ |/ _/
/_________|__________\|____________\|______| \_______|__________\
sw.| |_____| |^tl
| |
| Desire BBS-Software v1.6 |
|_ _|
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ G L U E G A R D E N _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
_______ ______
______________| | ________/_ ___/
\ ___ | |____)_ / _/ _______
\ \ | _ _ / / | / /
\_ \| | | / __ |/ _/
/_______ |_____|__________\|__________\
_) |
\____| ___ sw.^tl · ___ ______
_______________________) \_____________/______)_ \_/ ___/ _______________
\ ___ \ ___ | __ // ___/ | _/ _____|_ ___ /
\ \ | _ \ | _ |/ / \ _ _ | / / | / /
\_ \| |\_ \| | / /\_ \| | |/ __ |/ _/
/_______ | /__________| \_______|/__________|__________\|___|\_____\
_) | |____| :
\____| ·
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ H A C I E N D _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
_____ · ___ ___ _______
| (_______\_________) \_/ _( sw.^tl ________/ ___/ ________________
| ___ \\ ___ | \ ________| | _/ _____|_ ___ /
| | / \ \ | _ \| _ _ | / / | / /
| |/ _/\_ \| | _| | |/ __ |/ _/_
|___|\______\ /__________|___________\|______|___________\| __|\ )_ \_
| \ · ___/ |
|_ \ \ _ |
|/ \_ \| |
|______________________________________________________________ /__________|
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ L E A F L E T _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
_ _ ________________________________________ _ _
__)\\\ ///(__
| |
_______ _|_____ sw.^tl ___ ________/__ _______ ___|__________
| |/ ___/ __________) \_/ ___// |/ ___/ | __ /
| | _/ ____\_ ___ | _/ · | _/ _____|_ |/ _/
| _ | / \ | _ | | | / / |\____\
| | |/ _/\_ \| | _ _ |/ __ |
|_____|___________\ /__________|_____|_____|___________\|____|
| |
|_ _ L e a f l e t i s s u e o n e _ _|
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ L E T H A R I C _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
_______ _______ ___________ · ___
| |/ ___/ _| | (_______\_________) \_
| | _/ ____\__ | ___ \\ ___ |
.__________ | _ | / / _ | / \ \ | | __________.
| | | |/ __ | |/ _/\_ \| | |
| |_____|___________\|_____|___|\______\ /__________| |
_| ________ ___ |_
\|_ ____________|__ |/ _( _|/
|/ | __ / | \ ________ \|
|____________________ | |/ / _ \| | ____________________|
|____\ _____| _|
\_______| |__________\ sw.^tl
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ P H O B I A _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
_____ ___ ___
sw.^tl | (______________________/ _(__________ __________) \_
____________|_ ___ _ ___ | \___ /____\ ___ |
_/ __ / | / \ \ | _ _ / _ _ \ | |
| |/ __ |/ _/\_ \| | |/ _/| |\_ \| |
| |_______\|___|\______\ /__________|__________\ |______| /__________|
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ S C _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
________ sw.^tl _/ _(
_/ (________________|__ \ __________________
|___________ / \| |
___________ / . |
_ ____ | |/ _| _| ____ _
.__)\\__( |_________________________\|_________________________\ )__//(__.
| |
| S o u t h C e n t r a l |
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ S H A N K _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
____________ ___________
__) // (__
| |
____ _____ ___ sw.^tl | |
_/ (________|_ (_________________) \_________|_________ _________ |
|_______ / ___ _ ___ | ___ |/ / |
_______ / _ | / \ \ | | | / · _/ |
| |/ _/| |/ _/\_ \| | |/ _/ _ \_ _|
|____________\ |___|\______\ /__________|___|\______\|____|\_______| \|
| |
| |
| s h a n k! |
|_ _|
| _|______________________________________.
|_ _ T I E R \¦_ |
|\_)\_________________________________:/ S O S D I Z _ _|
· _|__________________________________/(_/|
· ·
__) (__
____ sw.| |^tl ____
_/ (____|_____ _____|____) \_
|_______ / \ _______|
_______ / / \ \ _______
| |/ _/ \_ \| |
|____________\ /____________|
._ _ _ | | _ _ _.
|\_)\\\ |_ S . O . S _| ///(_/|
| )___________( |
| |
| |
|_ _ _ _|
· ·
And the quote of year 1997
<denude> jep, warepoika on tosipoika. asciipoika on pelle, isolla p:llä
New Finnish PC-warescene - Puberty is in control.
.______ .________ ._______ .____ __________ _____
©nUP!/wL!___l_ /___l_ /__l_ / ___l_ \_\__ _____/_/ _/_
/ _/___// / _/ / /_/ / /_/ \/ \-\__ \
_ _ _ _/ \_ ¬\_ /_ \_ /____/ \_ /____/ \_ \_ / \_
\\\\_____. / \_____/___________/___________/_______/_________/
`-----/- -----|
· ·
I greet these people, because I respect them as ascii-artists, forgetting
their egos and the (little) time they might have been on the scene.
Chrombacher·Coco Pops·Cybergod·Danzig·Data·Desert·Desoto·Dhm·Drakar·Elvis
Exocet·Fatal·Folar·Gdm·Godhead·Gozz·Gravedancer·Green Eyed Monster
Grimlock·H2o·Hausfrau·Hijack·Hiro Protagonist·Homicide·Karma·Manta
Mark Ryder·Maz·Metalbasher·Mogue·Mortimer Twang·Nicko·Nike·Nup·Phase
Phobia·Poskgubbe·Punk·Ramon·Ranx·Rapid·Rasta·Red Demon·Redskin·Reflex
Relief·Scarface·Shank·Shapechanger·Shock G·Skin·Sliver·Speed Devil
And these people, because I consider them as my friends in some form.
Abhorrence·Apollo·Blue Nova·Distance·Folar·Grindy·Hash·Horizon·Nicko
______________/_____________ __________
__) // \/ (__
| · _ |
_________ ___|___ _ ._______/ \ ____ .____. | ________
_ _\ /_ /_____/ \| / \/ _/_____ | _|_|___\ /_ _ _
\\ / /\ / \ /. \ \_ \| \_ / //
/_________\_____/\ / \_____| \__/______|____/ /________\
| t^\_/ \ /_________\lp! /______|
| /_________\ |
Nicko | » I've got no style · TL!-IGNS.TXT
| Marihuana · TL!-MRIA.TXT
| Northern sundown · TL!-NOSU.TXT
| In the search of the Noclist · TL!-NOCL.TXT
Phobia | » Audax powder · TL!-AUDA.TXT
Sperm Whale » Wave of mutilation · TL!-WOM.TXT
There goes my gun · TL!-TGMG.TXT
| With holy fingers · TL!-WHF.TXT
| Tier · TL!-TIER.TXT
Weapon-X | » Hostility · TL!-PUFF.TXT
| Casper the fuckin' friendly ghost · TL!-CASP.TXT
| Fishbone · TL!-FB!!.TXT
Total of four (4) ascii-artists and twelve (12) ascii-collections.
| |
| Happy new year 1998 from all of us! |
|_ _|